Battlegames Motherlode [BUNDLE] - Henry Hyde Limited | Wargame Vault (2024)

Battlegames magazine issue 1
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This PDF version is identical to the original printed version of issue 1 other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

Seven Years’ War 250th Anniversary Bill makes some suggestions about how we might commemorate the events of what was, in effect, the first 'world war'. Bill Protz, USA

Wargaming: how it all began The father of modern wargaming reminisces about the events and people involved in getting the hobby started. Don Featherstone, UKMarathon 490BC Guardian columnist and "Achtung Schweinehund!" author Harry Pearson gives us a classic encounter between ...

Battlegames magazine issue 10
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

Elements-based rules for Ancients: Bob Barnetson and the boys from Edmonton undertaking a major comparative review, including DBA, Armati, Vis Bellica, Warmaster Ancients and Command & Colors Ancients.

A river runs through it: I give a step-by-step photo-lesson in making simple but effective waterways for wargames.

Asquith's way: Stuart Asquith discusses creating 'wargames in a box' as a way into new periods...

Battlegames magazine issue 11
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

Bob Barnetson and Bruce McFarlane from Canada carry out another of their comparative reviews, this time of rules for gaming the American War of Independence. Patriots and Loyalists, Warfare in the Age of Reason, Shako, and British Grenadier, together with one boardgame conversion, Clash for a Continent, come under scrutiny.

Dillon Browne — he of Bloody Picnic fame — delivers part 1 of a two-parter on how to write wargames rules.

Paul B...

Battlegames magazine issue 12
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

The Don at 90. An homage to the man who has contributed perhaps more than any other to our wonderful hobby: Donald Featherstone, who turned 90 in March. His friend Chris Scott sent in a piece which I have added to, accompanied by a lovely photo from talented photographer Richard Ellis.

Now, here's something you might not have expected to see in Battlegames: Pulpaganza!, by well-know American gamer Buck Surdu, is a wonderfully-written account ...

Battlegames magazine issue 13
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

Bags of potential. New contributor Diane Sutherland brings a female perspective on the hobby. This long-suffering 'wargames widow' discusses the way we accumulate mountains of "Stuff' that most sane people would probably throw away.

Mike Siggins' Forward Observer column can't avoid dealing with the arrival of yet more 28mm plastics, but also looks at bases, the new Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang pulp range, washes and painting techniques, adhesives, Sharp Pra...

Battlegames magazine issue 14
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

Chocolate teapots: Diane Sutherland reveals the unusual things her husband John does with decorative china.

Figure piracy - scourge of the hobby? Bob Barnetson investigates the thorny subject of recasting miniatures.

I like your style: Barry Hilton gives us a masterclass in comparative painting techniques. No less than seven different methods are described in detail, and he goes on to demonstrate top tips for basing too!

Forward Observer: Siggo gets stuck...

Battlegames magazine issue 15
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

You've done what?!: Diane Sutherland watches in horror as husband Jon converts a favourite gaming board into an Indian village. Yes, really!

Tabletop tips: Phil Olley shows us how to create eye-catching water features for wargames.

Figure mutilation therapy: Barry Hilton continues the watery theme, demonstrating how he created wading figures for his stunning Battle of the Boyne demo game.

The joy of six: A real corker, th...

Battlegames magazine issue 16
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

A wargamer's Athens. Entertaining as ever, Diane Sutherland gives us a wonderful wargamers' travelogue, pinpointing all the wargames and modelling shops in the Greek capital!

Long Island, 27th August 1776. Well-known AWI rules writer 'Eclaireur' has written up the scenario and game I attended: I've packed the piece with pretty pictures and a monster map, all of which have been uploaded to the Battlegames website, which you can view for free.

Forward Observer: Siggo in g...

Battlegames magazine issue 17
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

"Have you seen my Neil Diamond CD?" is another witty offering from Diane Sutherland, this time with a recycling bent to create jungle scenery on old CDs.

Siggo, in a short Forward Observer piece this month, lauds the work of Peter Gilder, chats about the latest offerings at shows, and prompts me to make a promise about a plastics tutorial next issue (see me, Siggins!)

Wargamer and historian Chris Scott opens his account with a...

Battlegames magazine issue 18
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

Diane Sutherland gives us "Good for sci-fi", an exploration of the potty possibilities offered by bits of polystyrene that her husband Jon has hoarded in the shed for all this time. She even offers her own bottle tops and bits and bobs to adorn her loved one's work.

Siggo's Forward Observer is more fulsome this time round, with plenty to say about GW's War of the Ring, Partizan, paint pots and washes, current progress with his collection and almost nothing about pla...

Battlegames magazine issue 19
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

Diane Sutherland gives us "Twiggy", a step-by-step explanation of how to make trees from, err, trees, and other ingredients.

Siggo's Forward Observer is very upbeat, perhaps because he's fallen back in love with Gilderesque painting styles. He also discusses the perennial problem of mates changing their minds about what periods to play, enthuses about Eureka miniatures, recounts more workbench disasters and, naturally, finds some new paints to get excited about.

Tim H...

Battlegames magazine issue 2
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This PDF version is identical to the original printed version of issue 2 other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

Game day protocols: 30 suggestions for more satisfying wargames Bill Protz, USA

Asquith's Way: help for the compulsive figure buyer Stuart Asquith, UK

Campaign in a day: a complete system for providing a series of linked games Dan Mersey, UK

Sharpe's pride and prejudice: free, fun, Napoleonic skirmish rules and scenario Gary Mitchell, UKFirst in world wargaming: just why is WWII ga...

Battlegames magazine issue 20
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

With one of her husband Jonathan's photos featured on the front cover, Diane Sutherland gives us "A brush with Mr Kipling". More than simply a guide to bad poetry, this is an in-depth look at ingenious ways to turn interesting comestible packaging into fortifications suitable for your colonial adventures. You'll never look at a dolmades tin or ice cream tub in the same way again.

Mike Siggins has plenty of praise to give Keith Warren and his Real Time Wargames campaign rules ...

Battlegames magazine issue 21
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

Diane Sutherland explores the possibilities of "Blissful bocage". You'd be amazed at what can be done with rubberised horsehair and hamster bedding when it comes to recreating the scenery of Normandy and you can be sure that your WW2 games will look a lot more like the real thing if you follow her advice.

Mike Siggins begins by giving us some sage advice about brushes in "Forward observer", then delves into the worlds of Lego (yes, Lego!) and the opportunities for gaming o...

Battlegames magazine issue 22
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

Diane Sutherland screams "Oi! that's my apple corer!" as husband Jon gets a yearning for earthworks in his games. As usual, Diane takes control and shows you step-by-step how to look like a scenery-making pro.

Mike Siggins, at long last, comes to grips with those suprisingly controversial Black Powder rules in "Forward observer", casting a world-weary eye over the pros and cons of Priestleyesque gaming. And then, just to show that he's capable of just about anything, he'...

Battlegames magazine issue 23
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

Waiting in vine Diane Sutherland shows us how to make vintage vineyards.Forward Observer Siggo has plenty to discuss, including A Very British Civil War, tufty turf, a new regular shortlist of product highlights, and the joys of playtesting late 19th century European wargame rules.

The passing of Paddy Griffith John Drewienkiewicz and Richard Clarke provide moving obituaries for the much-loved historian and wargamer who died this summer.

Paddy's last hurrah P...

Battlegames magazine issue 24
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

Tiles of a wargames widow Yes, the pun is deliberate — Diane Sutherland describes the epic task of making dozens of terrain squares for her and husband Jon's new wargames holiday centre in Crete. Battle games forever Another sad loss this year was Terry Wise. His good friends Stuart Asquith and Steve Dungworth have written tributes to this much-loved doyen of the hobby, together with additional comments from Tim Beresford and Richard Baber.

Run on the bank or "A brid...

Battlegames magazine issue 3
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

Asquith's Way: blister packs — what about them? Stuart Asquith, UKSiege of Badajoz 1936: a challenging Spanish Civil War scenario Adam Williams, UK

Flames of War: Al Birch on the hunt for the 'perfect' WW2 gaming system Alistair Birch, UK

A project too far, part 2: Phil Olley convinces us it's possible to build an army in a month Phil Olley, UK

Larry Leadhead a wry smile with the cartoon boys Eric Hotz a...

Battlegames magazine issue 4
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

An excessive charge to Her Majesty. Guy Farrish looks at The Battle of the Yellow Ford 1598.

Asquith's way. Stuart Asquith reviews the periods he likes to play, and why.

Forward Observer. Mike Siggins has some interesting things to say about not having anything to say! (You'll understand when you see it...)

Modelling 10mm WW2 Paras. Dave Robotham (yes, he lately of WJ's Brush Strokes fame) creates some brilliant scenic...

Battlegames magazine issue 5
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

A return to the Sudan. Jim Purky (Der Alte Fritz) gets his hands on the Gilder collection of Sudan miniatures and plays in the Grand Manner.

Dave Robotham finishes Modelling 10mm WW2 Paras in his step-by-step guide.

From battle to battlegame. Ross Macfarlane explains how he translates a historical battle onto thetabletop.

One rule for one... Newcomer to the team Lee Swift outlines his helpful hints for writing your own...

Battlegames magazine issue 6
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

Experienced wargamer Adrian Hussey says "I'll put a hex on you!" A terrific article explaining how to use hexes for your tabletop miniatures battles.

Stuart Asquith changes hats and gives us the first in a series of Battles for Wargamers illustrated by John Parke. We start with Stow-on-the-Wold 1646.

A hedge too far! Adam Williams demonstrates a quick way to recreate the Normandy Bocage.

By popular demand, a competition...

Battlegames magazine issue 7
Regular price:$3.00
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

A brush with musketeers: Dave Robotham gives us a master-class in painting the new Musketeer Miniatures Great Northern War Swedish and Russian infantry.

Forward Observer: Mike Siggins casts an eye over the latest trends in the hobby.

Competition: win a collection of Osprey WWI titles.

The Wars of the Faltenian Succession: just a short one this time, showing a simple way to introduce personalities to your ...

Battlegames magazine issue 8
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

The master's brush: a tribute to Angus McBride. Penned by Angus Konstam, who collaborated with Angus Mcbride on a number of projects, and with some glorious illustrations by the master himself, courtesy of Osprey Publishing.

The wonders of the Internet: Greg Horne takes a look at Eureka's 100 Club scheme and their Arquebusiers de Grassin.

Forward Observer: Mike Siggins is in positive mood as he surveys the hobby.


Battlegames magazine issue 9
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The PDF version is identical to the original printed version other than minor alterations to update subscription information and indicate the new format. The file is 144dpi, sufficient to enable you to 'zoom in' on pictures and achieve a pleasing print-out at home.

The Empire strikes back: regular Battlegames contributor Dan Mersey and the Editor went to visit Games Workshop Headquarters in Nottingham this summer, and this is our in-depth and, perhaps, controversial report.

The Wars of the Faltenian Succession: the first of two sets of rules this issue, in this episode Henry Hyde gives you everything you need to fight your own 18th centur...

Battlegames Table Top Teasers Volume 1
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Charles Grant’s Table Top Teasers have become a regular feature in Battlegames since its inception in 2006, but they have a history which goes much farther back, to their first appearance in Battle for Wargamers in February 1978.

In this first special volume of Table Top Teasers, we celebrate that heritage by reproducing the very first Teaser ever, together with the first twelve of the Battlegames Teasers and, following a discussion of the use of historical battles as the basis for scenarios, a brand new Teaser based on the Peninsular War battle of Roliça.

In addition, there are contributions from well-known wargamers who have adapted and re-fought some of the Teasers themselves, delivering entertaining and ...

Battlegames Motherlode [BUNDLE] - Henry Hyde Limited | Wargame Vault (2024)


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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.