Inside Billionaire Ken Griffin's Planned 54-Story Miami Skyscraper (2024)


Real Estate

The Rich

The project is slated to break ground next year.

By Alex DeLuca

August 29, 2024

Inside Billionaire Ken Griffin's Planned 54-Story Miami Skyscraper (1)

Billionaire Ken Griffinwill erect a 54-story skyscraper in the heart of Miami to serve as the new headquarters for his financial empire, Citadel.Rendering by Foster + Partners

Inside Billionaire Ken Griffin's Planned 54-Story Miami Skyscraper (2)

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Miami's storied skyline is set to change shape once again, thanks to another planned mega-tower.

Local billionaire Ken Griffin has unveiled plans to erect a 54-story skyscraper in Brickell to serve as the new headquarters for his financial empire, Citadel. Griffin, a philanthropist and Republican megadonor who relocated his multinational hedge fund from Chicago to Miami in 2022, formallysubmitted plans this week to Miami-Dade County for the project at 1201 Brickell Bay Drive.

The glitzy tower, poised to soar 1,026 feet into the sky andcontain roughly 1.7 million square feet, will feature a 212-room hotel, a spa, a conference room, and an event space.

Renderings of the waterfront skyscraper highlight its floor-to-ceiling windows and pedestrian spaces along the Baywalk path.

click to enlarge

Renderings of the tower show the spacious pedestrian walkways planned for around the Baywalk path.

Rendering by Foster + Partners

Restaurants and stores are also reportedly planned for the tower, which is slated to break ground next year.

One of the world's richest men, the South Florida-bornGriffin founded Citadel LLC in 1990 and oversaw its growth into one of the world's largest hedge funds. Healso founded Citadel Securities, which has been called "the Amazon of financial markets."

Back in April 2022, Griffin paid Miami developer Tibor Hollo’s Florida East Coast Realty a historic $363 million for the 2.5-acre piece of land now slated to become the headquarters for Citadel.

Two months later, Griffin announced his plans to move the company's headquarters to Miami.

click to enlarge

The glitzy tower, poised to soar 1,026 feet into the sky and span roughly 1.7 million square feet, boasts floor-to-ceiling windows.

Rendering by Foster + Partners

click to enlarge

Restaurants and stores are also reportedly planned for the 54-story skyscraper.

Rendering by Foster + Partners

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The tower will be located at 1201 Brickell Bay Drive in Miami's Brickell neighborhood.

Rendering by Foster + Partners

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Inside Billionaire Ken Griffin's Planned 54-Story Miami Skyscraper (2024)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.