The Daily Journal from Flat River, Missouri (2024)

PAGE 2A DAILY JOURNAL ONLINEATWWW.DAILYJOURNALONLINE.COM WEEKEND, APRIL 25-26, 2015 NEWS REGIONAL ROUNDUP "This domain has been very contested for the past 20 years. There are more than 2,000 satellites in space. The Air Force tracks everyone of them with our Space Operations Center out at Vandenburg Air Force Base. But there's thousands and thousands of manmade space junk floating around that we have to track, that becomes a national security impact because we rely on satellites to detect threats to America." VanHerck said the Air Force currently has the brightest and most able airmen in its history, but he's noticed they have one serious shortcoming. "Really, our airmen are smart," he said.

"Absolutely the smartest we've ever seen. What our airmen all too often lack today is a toolkit for resilience. Resiliency means bouncing back from failure, being able to be constructively criticized and not have an emotional reaction to it and allow it to affect their leadership. "We need airmen who realize failure is part of growing as a leader. All too often we haven't allowed them to fail.

We tell them after the soccer game to the little guy who stood in the corner and played in the dust the whole game and runs back and asks, 'how did I we say, 'You did awesome' instead of, 'You did just as good as you prepared and that's not very VanHerck saved his greatest criticism for cuts in the nation's defense budget due to sequestration. Stating that he didn't want to get political, he said, "Both sides of the aisle need to get their act together. We need to decide as a nation what our priorities are." Kevin Jenkins is a reporter for the Daily Journal and can be reached at 573-518-3614 or kjenkinsdailyjournalonline. Union. Many of you in here, since you've been alive, the Soviet Union hasn't existed.

They don't exist today. We can say that Russia is the former Soviet Union, but not really. "Today we fight an ideology that knows no nation state. It doesn't wear a uniform and lives all over the planet, including caves in Afghanistan and other places. That's change, folks.

That's just in my career. I came in using typewriters and I'm not that old. "We used to worry about nation states, but now we worry about an individual who can take an iPhone to plant a virus that can take down the entire power grid of the East Coast. It's a challenge we have to be ready for. VanHerck said he didn't want to offend his "Navy brethren," but when told that the Earth is 70 percent covered by water, he tells them that 100 percent of the planet is covered by air and space.

"Travel in the air domain connects our global economy together," he said. "You know, $1.3 trillion of the U.S. economy and 10 million jobs are fostered by the air domain. Thirty-five percent of our global trade is fostered by the air domain. No surprises here to you.

This is a significant impact to our nation that we have to keep open and ready to go or else we have an economic impact which turns into a national security impact." VanHerck noted that the U.S. Air Force is "what drives space." "That cool little GPS you have in your car or on your iPhone thank the U.S. Air Force for that. That's what we do. That Global Positioning Satellite system that synchronizes time for all the ATMs in the world so you can go get that money out of that ATM.

Our banking industry. There's lots going on in space. AIR FORCE FROM PAGE 1A the Air Force's only B-2 wing including development and employment of the B-2's combat capability as part of the Air Force's Global Strike Task Force. In just a few months, however, the brigadier general will be taking on a new duty assignment when he becomes director of operations for Air Force Global Strike Command at Barksdale Air Force Base, located just outside Bossier City, Louisiana. In addition to the new assignment VanHerck will be receiving promotion to the rank of major general.

At Friday's speaker forum, VanHerck used a multimedia presentation to explain the U.S. Air Force's changing role in a changing world. "Why do we have an Air Force?" he asked the crowd. "Really, it's about taking care of air, space and cyberspace domains. What is cyberspace? We're still trying to get our arms around what cyberspace is.

Our country is trying to figure out the laws of cyberspace the policies of cyberspace. "These three domains will no doubt be the three most contested domains as we go forward. As you look at technology changing, the countries out there emerging. Not only countries, but non-state actors emerging, like ISIS. I'd like to see people become more aware of things like this and how they impact us every day." VanHerck said the country needs to reimagine how it will fight against a new kind of enemy.

"The world is changing," he said. "When I came into the U.S. Air Force we had more than 600,000 people. When I started out I trained to fight the Soviet WASHINGTON COUNTY License office contract to chamber The management contract for the Potosi License Office has been awarded to the PotosiWashington County Chamber of Commerce by the Missouri Department of Revenue. The contractor for the Potosi License Office has been the PotosiWashington County Chamber of Commerce since 2011.

The office will remain at 303 N. Missouri Suite C. The contract included an annual commitment that 2 percent of processing fees will be returned to the state. All local license offices are operated by an independent agent but each is overseen by the Missouri Department of Revenue. MADISON COUNTY Madison County joins youth alcohol enforcement crackdown The Madison County Sheriff's Department will be out in full force as part of the annual nationwide Youth Alcohol Enforcement "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" crackdown on drunk driving.

The crackdown, which will include high -visibility enforcement throughout Madison County, will run May 1-12. The effective nationwide drunk driving crackdown will include high-visibility enforcement as a part of a comprehensive campaign to curb drunk driving over the Youth Alcohol Enforcement. Madison County Sheriff Bobby Spain said its deputies will be aggressively looking for drunk drivers during the crackdown and will arrest anyone caught driving drunk. There were 191 people killed and 640 seriously injured in 2014 Missouri traffic crashes that involved at least one substance-impaired driver (alcohol andor drugs). STE.

GENEVIEVE Community access channels off-air until May 6 The Ste. Genevieve Community Access Television will be off-air for a short period later this month due to a renovation of the control room in city hall. Modern Communications of Fenton will be completing the job that consists of replacing electrical wiring, installing carpet and lighting. In addition to the replacements, a Tricaster system will be installed. Both channels 990 and 991 will be off-air from April 27 to May 6.

There will be a note to viewers on the screen during the off-period. FILE PHOTO Felina Hommelson, with her son, Wayd, gives blood during the annual North County PrimaryBonne Terre Chamber of Commerce blood drive in 2011. FRAUD FROM PAGE 1A end of our driveway with a beautiful red flag that we put up when we have something valuable going out," said Roberts. "Typically what is valued that we mail is a card or bill payment. We recommend paying bills online through a secured website, a secured website will have 'https' on the top by the web address.

If you do pay through the mail take extra precautions because when you put that red flag up, you are giving a criminal an opportunity where they don't even have to get out of their vehicle to steal your information." If criminals do get a bill with a check in it, they can duplicate that check with a computer program called 'Verse a They use a CD rom and check stock paper to put the stolen account and routing number on them. They will put a check number on them 50 higher and put themselves down as the payee and the victim down as the payer and they will take every nickel out of the victim's checking account until they start bouncing checks. "Another thing is credit card fraud and it's running rampant right now," said Roberts. "With a credit statement the thief will know what it is valued at and they can sell the credit card numbers on forums where they discuss different tactics. You have to watch for strange charges on your statements.

If you see a charge for a dollar and you know you didn't do it, report it. That's how they can tell if the card is still valid." Another way criminals can get There was a guy in his car sleeping with a tablet in his lap and he was getting the information from the skimmer as people used the ATM." In addition to ATM skimmers, they also use gas pump skimmers. The problem with those are that they can't be seen. They are attached inside the gas pump and no one is the wiser until it's too late. Internet fraud is another example and Roberts said that posting on social media that you are out of town or on vacation is another way criminals can commit fraud.

"They will send you a friend request and once they see that you are out of state, they will look at your friends list," said Roberts. "They will find an aunt or grandma, look up their phone number and call pretending to be you, telling them that they need money to get out of jail or worse." While they are conning a family member, they have already put a Craigslist ad out looking for someone who wants to work from home. The person hired will go to Western Union to pick up funds, keep a percentage of them and in turn wire the rest to another location. So not only is there one victim, there are two involved who are unaware they are being scammed. Roberts recommends that everyone be diligent when it comes to personal information and to always check credit reports for yourself and on your children for suspicious activity.

Renee Bronaugh is a reporter for the Daily Journal and can be reached at 573-518-3617 or this and had to have 16 blood transfusions. So this is just something that I feel really deeply about and we ask our community to come out and help us reach our goal." There is now an app you can download on your iPhone make your appointment that way or you can go online to do it and they always welcome walk-ins. To schedule an appointment online visit and enter the sponsor code BonneTerreES or call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-27677.) Bronaugh is a reporter for the Daily Journal and can be reached at 573-518-3617 or rbronaughdailyjourna BLOOD FROM PAGE 1A 50 units." The blood drive is being done in conjunction with North County Primary in Bonne Terre. The kindergarten through second grade class that brings in the most sponsors will get a pizza party. When donors come in to sign up for the blood drive they need to say the student or teacher they are donating for.

The winning class will get a pizza party whenever the MAP testing is over with. "We have watched it grow each year and it is very dear to my heart," saidPratte. "Two years ago my husband went through RENEE BRONAUGH, DAILY JOURNAL U.S. Secret Service Special Agent Doug Roberts shows what a skimmer looks like. It can steal a debit card number and pin when an ATM is used.

credit or debit card information is the use of skimmers. Just recently two skimmers were apprehended in St. Louis. They are plastic devices that fit over the front of an ATM and are attached by double-sided tape or epoxy. When someone slides their card in, the criminal gets a copy of the information off the card.

"It captures the card number and the pin number that is entered," said Roberts. "They are more common on a standalone ATM because they are not connected to the bank's surveillance. They can purchases online and are illegal to own. In one case a woman was using the ATM and the skimmer fell off in her hand, so she contacted the bank, who contacted the police and they contacted us. we are going to do anything we can," Sarah said.

"It is just a great organization." Michelle Breakfield was participating with her team, Cunningham Recreation. Breakfield, with her husband, Roger, her parents and nephews were painting the faces of some of the youngest participants. Breakfield served as a co-chair of the walk in the past and said the March of Dimes holds a special role in her life following the loss of her daughter, Molly Zie-gelmeyerin2009. "March of Dimes is something that is close to my heart," she said. Jason Loughary of B-104 introduced Chuck Reeves of Park Hills as the winner of the KFMOB104 auction for four St.

Louis Cardinal baseball tickets, plus a chance to go on the field of Busch Stadium, watch batting practice and visit the broadcast booth at the stadium. Local sponsors for the event include Daily Journal, B104.3, BJC Medical Group Medical Arts Clinic, Mineral Area Regional Medical Center, Handi-Craft, First State Community Bank and US Tool Group. Shawnna Robinson is the managing editor for the Farmington Press and can be reached at 573 -518-3628 or were walking with their daughter Declynn, 3. The family served as the Ambassador family for the walk in 2013. Declynn was at 31 weeks gestation on Oct.

9, 2011 and spent six weeks in Mercy's Emerson NICU. This year is special as well. The couple are expecting their second child, a girl, in October. "We have a good chance of premature birth again. We're hoping for the best but, if that does happen, we know we'll be in good hands," Danica said.

Eric and Lesli Krumm of Farmington are the parents of 1-year old Aidric and are this year's Ambassador Family for the walk. After Lesli began suffering from severe pre-eclampsia and HELLP Syndrome around her 21st week of pregnancy, doctors discovered Aidric was suffering from severe Inter Uterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) and there was no fluid left in the amniotic sac. Aidric was delivered by emergency C-section at 25 weeks on March 30, 2014, weighing 1 pound, 2 ounces and measuring 11 inches long. At the time of his birth, his parents were told his chances of survival were less than 50 percent. Lesli said Aidric was given a dose of surfactant to help him breathe a life-saving medicine developed by the March of Dimes and would later require additional doses.

They had close to 30 members for "Team A. O.K." participating in the walk. "We are happy to be here and our little man is happy to be here, too," said Erik. Top family teams for this year were Mom-a-thon in first place, Team Ryker in second place and Team A. O.K.

in third place. Also introduced to the participants was Brad and Sarah Lipp and their daughter, Raeleigh Ann. The family served as Ambassadors for the Ste. Genevieve March for Babies event. Ste.

Genevieve Memorial Hospital formed a corporate team and hosted a walk in the community on April 16 for a one-mile fun walk. Close to 100 participants took part in the event. The team was also named the top corporate team, followed by Ozarks Federal Savings and Loan in second place and Parkland Health Center in third place. "Anything we can do to get involved in the March of Dimes to help fund research so they can help prevent premature birth. BABIES FROM PAGE 1A for co-worker Jamie Davis Davis and her husband, Aaron, were at the walk with 5-month old Allee and Ella in their side -by-side twin stroller.

She explained the girls were diagnosed with twin-to-twin transfusion during her 16th week of pregnancy. Twin to twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a disease of the placenta (or afterbirth) that affects identical twin pregnancies, according to The shared placenta contains abnormal blood vessels, which connect the umbilical cords and circulations of the twins. The couple flew to a hospital in Colorado for laser surgery on the girls. At 18 weeks gestations, Davis' water broke and six weeks later, she was placed on hospital bedrest for 60 days.

The girls were delivered at 31 weeks gestation and spent five weeks in the NICU coming home right before Christmas. "Participating in the walk takes on a whole new meaning now," Davis said. Dustin and Danica Kopp of Farmington Guaranteed Delivery Carrier Routes If you do not receive your paper, please call customer service at (573) 431-1999 by 6 p.m. Monday-Friday, or by 10 a.m. Saturday morning and you will receive your paper.

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The Daily Journal from Flat River, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.