The Standard from London, Greater London, England (2024)

THE STANDARD, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1879. INDIA OFFICE. Kfch May. 1875. 'HE SECRETARY of STATK for INDIA in I REM EM I would add bcantifnl po.m ii uriate setting by Rolnvt Cnr.k 11 MUTUAL LOAN FUND AF uorate.1 by Act of Porllamont 18501 Kuden, London, and 38, Shi p-stnet, Brigl.i upon penoual neurit, bill of sale, deeds munta.

Billu promptly discounted. Form envelop. (3, ONEY. LONDON and" UAN and DlSOUTCoMPA, METROPOLITAN BOARD of of INSPECTORS. -Th Mctr.molitan Board of Works hereby Give Nntiro, that they inbeud to AI'Pi INT I OUR ADDITIONAL INSPECTORS, at.

a salary of P0I. jier annum each, and that they arc prepared to APPLICATIONS for the Appointment The duties of tha Inspect. wfU bo to Inspect and report, upon the condition of tne premise pon which noxious or offensive businesses are being carried on, In tho metroiolis, a well a alaughtcrlmuscis. d-iiries. and inilk store, with a view to the regulations affecting such place being enftroed to Inirncct and report as to the manufacture, storage, and conveyance of cxpluidvea tn tho metropolis, and to perform any other duties required by the Board.

No Candidate will be eligible for appointment irhosn age is under 30 years or above 5 years. Applications must be In tho liandvritin? of tho Candidates, nnd must state an, nualiricationa. picacitt and former occii Lions, and be "CtL.laX'appomLd rxwt be nreparod to give their whole tune to the duties Applications ore to bo addressed to the Clerk of the Board, at this ank-e, and they will not be received later than Four p.m. on Tuesday, the 20(1 iuatJiut. J.

S. WAKEFIELD, Clerk of the Board. Spring-gardens, S.W., May 1873. WANTS' BENEVO- a street Patronised by the The ANNTJAL MKKTIVQ St James, an Tuesday, Right Him. Lord EBCRY.

USE, Secretary. ANNE'S SOCIETY. szate, London. Supported ROYAL ASYI Stroathaoj-hSll. by voluntary iJotKriouuun.

wiwh.uu tciiancc. and Education the Children of those who have once Home. Clotbiiu. Malu liioveu in a superior mariou o. 'jijiuhi" i and the Royal Family.

The FRSTfV Ati will be celebrate od Monday, 2th May, 1578, at the Cann-m-etreet Iter, 5E BURT, Esq', J.P.. Sheriff of Loudon and Middlesex, 111 unsur. i STEWARDS. The Right Won. the Earl of Beotdve, M.P.

K. Blckertdti Evan. High Sheriff of Worcester, Sir Win. It. Clayton.

Bart. Sir F. Van Notten Pole, V.P. riir William O. Amlerson, K.C.B.

CoUiuel Sir A. Rose, Alderman. JTA. YouJ, CM C. Oolouel Sidney North.

M.P. PMip Twflls, Iwo A M.P., V.P. (Treoiuw). yf. Canliir Brooks, Ei M.P.

John Abliott, Esq. Geo. Nock. Eaq. Thos.

Baker, Eei. Henry Norman, Esq. Geo. St. M.

Bishop, E. Tlv Er. J.rIau Ro'iu Major EowmuL I Faimr- Palmur, ir.l M.A,, r.S.Al, Utut Colonel Britten.,u.t. W.

I'awrson. Esii- J. Perkins, CC. The Rev. J.

V. FoTah, SLA A.lwiral Pollen. Wmi. Ramsey, EJ. Ratcuff, Esq.

TbeR. W. paven, A- (Hono- rary The Rev. A Dalsarno Kohhuon, M.A. T.

W. Rosen. Esq. J. Ridley, Eaq.

John Saunders Esq. Captain T. Davies SeweU, linger. Ksq. Chas F.

Taylor, Esq, n. Thomber. Esq. Hy. VVeathertay.

Kxi-Hy. N. White, Esq. Bpenoer Wicks, Esq. Edmond Wilder.

Esq. Owsnbte s. w. Willis. Wm.

Wimble, Esq. i obtain1 at the Ofllce. off a debt of 1S0W. H. EVANS, Sec YLTJM, Mackcosic Park, TION will take place at the City Tuesday, the 8th Jul-.

1879, when T.aj OirlR, and Ten KED tSocwUnr. xid, and Blrcbin-lone. Iiy Browse. Esq. Huakmaster.

Eq-J Muwjrm Burt. Em. E. Ei. Eichard Clrandter, Esq.

Thos. Docnra, Esq. M. A Douiboy, Esq. Robert Field.

V.P. due. Fxuwnau. E. F.

rial ton. Esq. F. B. Garwrtt.

Enq. Hanson, E1n M.A., Cnpt M. WS Ktll T. O. Ker The Rer.

i Tiiai. Mai Abrn J. H. E. Moi Ticket, 117 NUt Oilier, 8 Esq.

a i. KIT Bunkera. Motors. Williwus. Oeaooi BRITISH ORPHAN AS! Rifiht Ruv.

the I kindly conuti-d to PKlitiilJE at th TIOK, Recitations and Dieuibuti'n Juno, at 2.43 precisely. Admission to ear); application should be Odlces. 2. Eudve-row, Cannuci-suc JM, Mackenzie Park, Bishop of St. ALBANS has uhsi'mmkr examin a- rizfcs, on Thnisday, the 2tth icr ilrt-i by tickeU, fur which MACKENZIE, Secretary.

LOMMJN ORPHAN ASYLUM, Watford (inatttuted at Clapton 1515, for the otaiuteuance. CJotbiw. nnd Kduratlon oi ratherless Children of eithur sex, and where tr rcsldeut. Orphans ro elifible beiweeu the ogos oi 7 and 11, bein; retained in th Aliun The NEXT BLKCTION ooeurs on thn 23d Juno next 40 Orphans (JS 2B Bovsl are to twi Elected. 6S0 Ornhaiis aru now in the AorJura.

4269 Orphans liavo l.n bf nr fited slim ibe formation of the. Charity. Tim Charity depends nuie tenths of its income oo voluntary aw. Ciinintnmons art. most eameftiy solicited.

Annual subecriptiou for one vote, 10s. 6d. for for one vote, Sl.trF. tor two votes, entitling No. 1, Hb the Fon KUfaUiaui O.

W. W1SBEY, Secretary. ANNE SOCIETY, of Uewards, Ac, Br). wiQ be hold at the Asylum, KnBR in the Cb.air. rcraards inn be forwarded to th, the i7U) of Miv.

1B7 j. R. H. EVANS, Swretary Office trect, E.C IIOYAL ASYLUM of St. ANNE'S SOCIETY'S SCHOOL, for tie Children of Parente who have once moved a antu-rlfw station of lilf.

irnhanii or l.t.n r. Ill III. pburill of ljondon and Middlesex, will Pvwaide at the FcstlTa), Ou the With May, 1879. at the City TermiuuB Hotel, Cannon-stroot, E.C Names nf st.naaida eriif.ii'nlh m. the Society' Otuce.

SUBSORll TION'S ailDONATlUNS are iroatiy NEEDED, and wUlb.jtbansf.fllyret-4.ived by Philip Twells, M.P Treasurer; Mci- Barclay and Baafcara. Lombard -seet, E.C.; or by Olh. Sfi. I nt.tret. ICC.

Ti. H. KVANH. BcCTeUry Ff Dmti twuestly aoliciUtd towards the payment oi a hoary debtor ibcw. .4 LKXANDKA ORPHANAGE, Honisey-risc.

JOnsoi lAmnch of thu Ornhan WortifiK School. -The Com mittvoe hare thu Honour of announcinjr tliat Uiu'r Royal fiighnesf ts the llncc and ol WALES, by h-r Royal Ptluetma Man- duch*eas ofTeck, wfll OPEN the NEW SCHOOL nil wi (imuU: uuuv -i luiiusutiiui'Mjai. Further portiooiA will bo fully announced inluo courasv MISSION MALL, Grw ham. Londoit. E.C Friends know that Uiousan- have been ooxt naif.t winter with Co 1, Krsad, Soup, UKGBNTLY NEKD ED for Sunday and general purposes of tbe Aliasion A it I hI Arthur-street, Golden jid t'vmnatldKKrs will be ptad to urt.l by this Mission durinc th 'lutiiing.

emm wvaim 5realtfuB to destilaite, for Kick KspviioBced visitoss constantly Lft-off clothing, htpital letters, and flowera for ik gladly re- I MI VKRSITY COLLEGE (or NORTH LONDON) IOSIlTAT. wer atiBet. W.O. SPI' CIAL APPEAL. ENLARGEMENT of Hfi'SPlTAL -The Oommltttw lurruw made uea and iihtimved ahranceint'i't for the aeci rumcxlaUon of tlic iril.

V. in a rawiltfon bv otuvldinK an inetxased number of beds, to mcbt a vnvnt which has been urgently felt for soma tune past. The Hospital will shortly able to receive Forty Additional Patients, acu thus diminish the amunoroi casus nave nao to bt ttirn. uviav frvim its doors from want of mom within the wards. The Comtniitee.

moat EARNESTLY APPEAL to ths Benevolent tiv IECUMAHY ASSIST A I Ct, to euaihlo thorn to maintain these KA'ditional a Annual Subscxiptions and Donations wfll be most thankfully re-oelaotl toward, tbe "Maintenance Fund" far the Additional Beds and towards tho General EjpcnsM ot, the Hospital by the following Bankw and othors Messrs, Coutts and k. boracd Jyindou and Westiuiuster BMik, Bioomsbtiry lirnpcb, 714. Mhrh Holborn Mmstk hciitaud Cs. I.

Cavendish ma: Meson, Smith. I 'ovne. and Smith. 1. Jxuntiood -street the Oily Banc Tottenham -court rood Branch: by every Jlmber oi ibe Men isuia, and at Uie Hospttai.

HEfrTOli HT NIXON. Secretary. TATIONAL TSi i.1 of the SKIN, 2231 Or UTION for DISEASES n-road, Kilif across, london. Jltrt 18K4. Physician.

Dr. PARI' MEAImiWS, 47, Vktorio-trt, 8.W. Free tu naoHtsitona; payment required from other Applicants. ETEK ROBINSON, OXFORD-STREET. SEASON of 18T9.

The depressed state of the Foreipn and British Markets has er.ubted ray Buyers to provide an unusually compiehouairc supply ot all ordinary and piece Goods 9t I rices untirocciiunttidly low. and my 8how r. arc fallv stockcl with Goou of the most nloct ana AhririjiiABLE. STYLE, as introduced first-hand by the Fans Mnd.Matr. MoT' BUeiWEfvS has ben READY-MONEY BUSn.

ESS since Its first entablkhment In Oxfonl street in and as ibis principle Las beti adhered to -ipto tiie prisoril time, no ditMcnlty hiu Kxtieriencd in placing trefore the public all the better classy uf goods in the Milk and Drapery Trade In ouch auundaut variekyand at ouch prioes as will corapora favourably with any stock in tho EinBdom. IfisuL JiV J. A LL GOODS are MARKED irrPlaiTi Fiirnrea, at rZLroinS VEIaia.a fllHE FApiION BOOK and PBlCBISTrwitti cation. re4' Md ai ta oest iMat. free oi appji- PEOaALTTIWTIOMirinart, ft Pieces Rich COpi RED SILKS, 2s.

Ud. and sTfaL n- yard. hmB PWfSht- under vaigavPatteruB freo HUNDRED PIECES BLACK SPLK 2.IldtoSs. 6U. per yard.

Fiire dye. Guarantee towns 8000 Piecen MERINO AShlMERES t. 1 Id. and 2a Sd. AH wool In Black ami all the New olonn.

Very wide. 80 ANGOLA COSTYIMEh, 38s. 6d- to i2s. Ed. each.

In Plain and Fancy Colour. AB wool. JfiCB I JETER 108, OXFORD- MARSHALL ftnd 8NELGROVB arc nov SHOWING the following LARGE PL'RCHASES of GooDS. Tbe whole hare boen manufactured this season, and an ot high -class ijiiality. 760 Piece All Wool Big at Is worth lod.

per yard. 214 PleLc Pure Viifoirne. 4tf inotoes wiue, at fa. io piaoe.H as w. 150 3t.

in macb nudor value, roagin from 1SL to worth to 301.. tl i i. in cXielleE mr-nolng at 4Sa. Gd. Pi variety of simitar (odi we ut 13.

being encap. tte. made the above malarial. oon ntod from SrL, and a great suitiblc tor Fetes, Garden Parties, Ac Lyons said Paris, comprising Coloured Gros A rrcont paCOOSuie Ir Grains at 6L, present value 6. Block Firureo Mtua anaj wipes at 3a.

worth 10. and a lot, at 6s. yalue brfn 13. I rluted Ixidlnn Corahs, ami many Ooatuntaeol UK LaWiSt raaiueai. Inspection repectf.Uly solicited.

Patterns of Material true pet post on application, N.B. The New Alpine Waterproofm. fHoato. dejene special attaution. MARSHALL and SNELGBOVB, Vere street.

Oxford street, and Henrietta-street, vf. NEV FRENCH SATTEENS -PLAIN vnd CHINTZ, a very briglil, soft, washing fabric for Ladles' biring Drofwei. Now Lmen Lawn. 3tL per yard Oalatcas, Oxiord t-hittiugs. and Cambric.

Patterns free. JOHN HOOPER, 52, Oxf-stteetW; TVTEW" SYSTEM. -GLOVES at WHOLESALE 1 PBlClCri. All Post Free. Per Half Do- Bssnple Fair.

Ladiea' l-Butten Eii Gleves tk bd. ML 1 JC w1 MDrahSu4e White, Black, and Light Kid The L. G. 1st i)uality Kid. 1 Button 7s.

6s. 0.1 3. CL to. 10s. 6d.

12 6d. 4d-1A 6d. 1 IC ka ML Beat as. 2L t. 15s.

6.L 1 Jf 17s. BiL Gcntlemcu'B Coloured Kid 10. Od. 1st QoaUty Kid Od. 9tm Od.

la Is. ML 0d. yd. Sd. 7a.

2r. P.O.O. to Josenb Iiaiumond. at CP U. When anreiT itted DeUlled list to wl ttnouot ot ii.


APPIN and WEBB'S CANTEEN CASES, fitted complete with FJooe and Outicry for Home and Foreign APPIN and WEBB'S SPECIAL PRIZES, 11 OUPS, GOBLETS. TA-NKARDS, Ac. In Hirer and Electro culver If APPIN and WEBBS ILL TEATED CA- in 1 jyj APPIN and (76. and 78i, Loudon, W. APPIN and WEBB, Qucsn London.

E.C TaflSSISOUOl It A SI SFRTNC WATER. AN CD ITS WONDEP.FTL C'TtRES. PROFESSION IN CABKS OP AS USED BY THE MEi jHIt jreno, OTHER DISEASES O'tHE HCMAN FRAME. E. HAKE I HON, Agent, 3, Cop tholi-kubd logs, Boat Pamphlet, containing testimonial, on cation' "JOTfGE, The HOROCRAPH now rtattjr.

1 Till new nTittng an.) printing bvst rumen enables copies of vnitiugs, ciioulass. plarik, to lie ihiilked ly himdrod and tl Ui a diaaper. and better manner than by i.rrtt ollusr jirooesa. -FuU parrionUrs Um NEWTON, WILBuN, and bW, High HoVuorti. and 144.

ChefH. TRANSFORA1I1D into OIL FAINTINVJK on (Janvas by a Now Patent Froccss- Sand Carte and a. UL in stamps or Cabinet jo and you wiii reocire the gaatw teaisafyinned Into ahighly.ttniitad painting on Muns. LOUIS. l'ortrivit Rnonift, 326, Eoftim-road.

N.W. tlEST HAVANA CIGARS at IMPORT PRICES, 9 Rgular Shipn.ent. Foreicn Tnbueoe, ljs. lb. Ssuoples seven for 1.

La Clot U1 Rein, 16 100. Regalias, 22s. 100. Fine old Principe, las. live, Is, U4 Suxriorto most cigars at two guineas.

Bonsou and Co. 80, Hi. Paoi Uours 11 to 5. rilRUE PRICKLY Root JL Onttlnps. 21s.

per 10C0. Prient time hest for planting. SUuiple by post F. and A. DICE HON and SONS, Upton Nnxsoric, Cbctor.

E5B I Spoclalite the hast plaiied and bead ordur. over 5 carnage nabl to any adri W. A. SWEARS and 3j Oh LATHS. OB.

1 in the tif. Country i'st, Iadoo, K. VI ORE CURES of THROAT md CHEST DI6- j- a UKAUUW Mr. snoni preventative Wdca, ttMjyare la. lid.

GENERAL DOMES LENT INSTITUTION. yUBLN. Royal Faintly, aud will he held at Willis's Rooms, May 20,1879, at Ttne o'cioctf President, ui the Chair. Mr. I URNISH THROUGHOUT gUBSTANTIAL ARTISTIC FURNITURE.

(Rf ETZMANN II AMPSTEAD.RO AD, EAR TOTTENHAM -COURT-ROAD. PURNISH THROUGHOUT. OETZMANN and A 67, 69, 71, 73, 77 and 79, Hampstead-road, ncaiTotienliaru-eourt-rua1 Cabinet Factory, Albion Works, Drummond-street Bed-inu Factory, Londm, N.W. -CARPETS, Furnlturo, Bedding. Drapery, Furnishing Irorunouccry, Papcr-hoagjngs, Pietiues, Brontes, Clocks, itc, every other reiuiio for Cntripletely Fiu-nisblng a House throughout.

Lnvrest Prices copslv tit with guunntccd ruality. OETIM ANN and Co. 11 TZMAN and Co.s BED-ROOM SUITES une or trie are est and best assort ecleut, irnrri, dailiiisili 8how Rooms 23 and Beddiug fitwd un for Uisnectloo. Be Wardrobe, Chest of Drawcn. WoAhstauc Towel Aha, Three Choir, and Pedestal complete.

Some new and elegant dosigi Ijirc snd haiMlioiiicly uen-atiMl Blank aud C.old, FTMIE SANDRINGHAM EASY-CHAIR, full-siite, npbcdiitri)d yery suit and comfortable, suitable for any room, rw2S. 'ady ditto, smaller size, also tbe Saudrinjbam Ooiicli, iijuiolslerod very soft and comfortable, price 2 guineas. Everyone about to furnish sihould see morvoli emetlenoe and economy, l'auked frns and dcspatclied same 'lav on receipt of order per post. OETZMANN and Co. IADIES NEEDLEWORK tastefully mounted in tho best manner and adapted to any articles of Furniture re-.

ulred this Deportment has long been unite a speciality with O. and and great attention i paid In the mounting so a to secure the most artistic ertects a abeet of illrjetratian pries ptist free, and special designs will oho be f. ar.i.-d f'u- ,11 proval. ilfWsn adapted to any special antes and Bttfla of neudlcwurlc-OETJkLANN and Co, A NG LO-TURKEY CARPETS MANN and Co. TOpriorCrrtv of wiitt bMerm.OETi- ftUVa lN and Ci lre thoaxcludvt- sale, nrc of British manil-I uoturc.

have all tbe style and apptnuauce tf r. il Tui kov Curtttt. at 01 wbi(d) will he deduct from prioe of carpst od tipr.n rt-Uuxi of pattern; or by sending 16.. throe pieeea, Iw luiticy. Anglo Persian, and Anghvlndlau.

will be sent mo term. rugs 10 match. long by 8iu. wide. A Large Stock of Real Turkey Carpet at Re-ducnd Pricf HT IC FURNISHING.

OETZMANN and intT.Mliiciiig a variety of elegant Persian aud Indlsn iri uun MATS, to meet U.e re.uinniont lor artistic moderate cost. Large Rug loscellent cupie of ruai ilan), from 10a. eaciL A vbotof luspoctitm a-jliclted. 1RETONNES. OETZMANN and Co.

An im-j cuense aortrevt of all the choicest deflign in this fuslibiaable nutorKl, in evury variety of ntjie and colouring, excellent imltotious of rare tapestrias, some being exact copis of the finest Gobelins, lkatiral. and lleirsii btaiHislry. varying Iron yd peTyonl; r-MiiKi at Is. usually -Id ut Is Cd. super ditto at U.

2id uua) prico2s. Palienn sent into tlie coruitry by lUting l.ind roiulred. MsB long by 44 inches 13s. 9d. Patterns 71, 73, 77 and 7 sir IONGERY DEPART- Tea and Coff ue Pots, Spoons, oteedi Best warranttd Table in 3s.

lid. upward. Dish Covers, th. Fait aud Con, various neat utcbtai Ironmoukery of every de-ushes, rails, Ac. Bronie Umbrella nniplete.

gxid(ylo, 3e. lid. RTISTIC CHINA, GLASS l. and invite au Jnarectiou of thel aCESTER POROKLAIN. Rujol Oiea Faitxavc, Seviwi Porcelain, toe New I and Chinese China, Nankin Brae an dt.coriU.fcd PaTAin-e.

Ftcaoh and Ungli ix. OETZMANN laryo display of ROYAL len ''blita, Ijoultcn Ware 'oeh Elevt China, Japv 1 hlte China, tbe tn una Cotta and Parian China, Dutch Feieuca, and Iridescent Gloss, end FiTeign Table and 'e lutest Parisian Designs and useful China, ninny at tlie ParfB Exhibition. timamcntal (1 in Clock, Brot: of which are Catalogue form 1JOSTAL bo inoonvriiler.e, rely upon a faithful cularB please ux page 287 in Catalogue, sent fin ETZMANN IE FURNISHERS, I T9, AM-OOURT ROAD RRET STATIC M. CATALOGUE ANTi GOWK DESCR1P ATKINSON and COMPANY, 198 to 212, West-inlrjBter Ivridge-road, London, Cubiunt Moken, Upholsterers, Carpet Warehousem*n, and Ceuoroi Draper. TK ON and COMPANY beg to Announce increase In their Trade hag ne.

eedlated Rxtoasiw AaiuULUia to their PrembMa. Theee altcratiuns ore nd ihey ore shoving, biryrmd tbelr wed selected jOenftrtoienU, Large JuanUty of FURNITURE, i i1' t'lpuonally Unr prlota, including iil on lOguineas each. 'oM and DINING-ROOM SUITES, in groat rarietj, Air, BRUSSELS CARPETS, new design and best quality, from 3. 6d. per yarvL Second .1 nali tj, from Ud 3a.

6d. per TAPESTRY CAIiPETS from 1. 4d. per yard. mHE 14 ROYAL AX MINSTER" CARPET.

"The Corpetof the Future," designed and manufocUmd by ATKINSON and in appearance and wear onus! to any foreign csrprt. at little more than the cost of bnrt Brussels. It approv al is man reited hy the increasing demand. The Trade supplied. SUMMER sco*k BOOK and MU -tbe Oalais-Do' pair.

Novelties cbean. CD RTAI NS. NOTTINGHAM and I LACE CURTAINS from 3a, 6d. per pair. froai2i.Sd.

per pair. A Speciality Trj, or Cunbination Curtain, from 17s. od. per French Gause and Indian Tissue Curtains, Tory A MANTTFACTURER'S STOCK of Fine Damask TABLE LINEN at. 20 per cent.

beiw present value. Toble Cloths, 2 yds, by from So. 3d. 2 yds. by 2iydA, 7a 6d.

Fi8' bv 3 10. 6d. larger sird Cloths tn proportion. Table Napkin, full sire Douhl. Damask, from 9.

lid. per dozen. A STOCK of AMERICAN COTTON SHEET- Xm INGS, Plain and Twilled, muoh uudcr pri 2 yards wide, Ir-un 91d. per yard. TOILET uUJLTS, in si sue and pattnuL from 4s.

Ud. esch A NOVELTY IN Till GOODS guilts, with (rttoted b'T'lt-rs and centres. inejngn, nm coioitns, tun slKo, rroui CATALOGUES. and Patterns froo. IiLUST 1 sum: ATKINSON and COMPANY, by appofntroent to the Lord CommlHidoners of the Admiralty too First Oommln-sloner of Works and Public MwHlA the Commissioner of tlie Metropolitan Police, Ac.

158 to 212, Wiatrainstor-bftdge road, Imdon. RUCE and Co. EARLY ENGLISH FURNI- Ti IRK I) RUCE and Co. ARTISTIC FURNITURE and DECORATIONS. RUCE and BED-ROOM SUITESin stock.

RUCE and BRASS and IRON BED. STEADS. RUCE and Co. -CARPETS and CURTAINS, RUCE just added a lanre SHOW-thej arc exhibiting Suius of Dining-in tho Early Lngiish style, at the RUCE Co. call special attention to their SIIOW-RtiOM, which they hare Just opened cly Ul, DIfiPLAY ol SEt'OSDHANO ITT'RK.

Thi stock conhkins a few very fine Mcboardo, tablet, and wardrobe which hare been um) re ilisfaed, an 1 ore naltc as smu! as also Chimney Glasses in ebon land and gilt ics, of the period of Louis XV. and XVI. Many eso nro very han.bvome, and will lie dispuscd tJ at miahty to be sold at I hoo carpL-t ore mad and upward, with an ruttc-rna DRUCE and Co. Estimates and Catalogues free. 6.

69, and 58, Raker Ureet aud 3 and 4, ins-street, 1 Ml WM. WALLACE and Co. FURNISHING OUIOK lllln free Every one about to furnish sbnuli With tbe st end house before giving Send card at once to Wm. Wallaox bj nishers, 151 snd 133, Curtain-road, B.C. PAN TOG A 1 1 1 i 1 0 te.l now ready, and post all ana compare our prices order.

Estimate Wliolfsiate Halisfi Fur stobliahed 1645. S' 3UPERIOR Lot of Walm DRAWING-ROOM )LD. a Bargaiu, comprising a handsome oauy oh airs and si chain upholstered marble top, three plate-Tin hie, tlic top iautlfu)Iy inlaid with mar-jlass in double oil gilt frame; Inlaid work table to match pretty comer balre two handsome oU pOinttog pair edit and steel render aud tire-irons with me frilt and uoi ble timenieco all 24 iruinea cost i CO, nine niontlis ago. On rwv ri)-wewn rursutuxe ki egant BltK-k and Gold DRAW- rrje SI5LD. for a third of th orlgtnel od and luxurion double-h'adod settco easy and ladles' ctiAln, and six veredin neb bine ettk, octagon centre turned sptudW at, lav.

larg chUuner uu In tranio surmounted by a galleri of rr caoinet with r.uts.1 corinOdon ftclnmns the Interior lined vritli vilrct, tripod ijatr-i. nd a pretty, aU of vt hiah tri. arid of very ortletio cbaraeter. Only nJ Fm-nisbing Waxo-lam road, Mouth Kctisington one minute te gtuhem? at R. bouse, DS.

97. from Uso above J7URN ITURE. BED-ROOM SUITES. A FEW still for In real walnut and American Wrch, muufc torcdexprossly for the Hotel du Mandrill, WlgmnretrtaverT are being sold at the extraordmary rednoed price of 19' uash (original cost nearly doublet, each suite comprising a with iorcw plate-glos: door, a fulI-SixecliHitof drnwui a double v.aeh-stand with very hstidsome Mlnton tile book, a duch*ears toilet tahre fitted with seven jewel drawots, a towel bene, aivdthre suprrlor chairs, Tiic above arc of ctouant and unique design and best, workmauahiu In ad'tition there on Several thousand pound worth ef hich-class general furniture and lied -room suits, iron and braes bedsteads nude to special designs for tbe above hotel, now being exhibited In a separate show-room of great magnitude, and marked tn piaiu pgnn-s at a greatly reduced late fn.ra the orhiiiial eeet. as.

oniair te th InuHrJty of the promoter to carry through Ibejx coatract, th whole of this beautiful ftnrnrton (adapted for all description of private housesi must be sold ngardloa of pric. On view at LfiWTN CRA W-COLR and bouse furnisher, 73to7fi. Ibromptoii road, S.W N.B. This important and genuine Sal can only be conlii.ui1 for a United period. Nearest station.

Sloaue-squore. IURNISH THROUGHOUT I On E. THOMAS and 6 IJTB.K SYSTEM. The eheappst and most aooomnnodatlng. a arm to any amount.

All gooihi marked in nialn rigure No extra ehargea. Thirty Sliow Rooms to select from. Kstd. Prioa Urt with ten us po-it Itee. 39 and 41, t'harlotte-strec-t, KatniK'Pf -place.

Oatetd Strsat. W. BURNISH on tbe NEW HIRE SYSTEM. i tn nt r. JL1 Over 30 Wholesale Hoiu.

to select from. THE OF.NERAL FURNISHING OoMFA RtNS ANY. h.n,.,.,.n-,-it Slnn.l The "New Hire Srsteru is duvtiaet from anything yet Jit tempted, IIcrasM, Apartmnrrt, Ac, can toe furnished throughout without fncnased yearly expenditure Tor Public Press dlreote the attenUan of luercbaut. trs-'w. and thus with fixed Incomes to these advantages.

Prospectus, with numarous Press opinions, rt tree. l-TEAL and SON'S BED-ROOM FURNITURE. 1 1 HEAL and SON have on Show tbe Largest Stock ux London nf EEDSTF.AD BEDDING, and BED ROOM FURNITl RE In ad iitlou to th ii general Htock tocT have 50 suite of Bed-room Far- teS fr" CODR'MtOAD, LONIJON, W. ALOGUE (UOth RdlUon), vi.ieod. Bwldlna.

anil Fumttiire. with nrioea, sau't ftoo hy post. 195, 197, 1 tl A M-COURT BOAD, LONDON. W. I ED-ROOM SUITES, Birch, Mabop.any, or Walnut .9 fO removed from a hotel, nevur beon used, rach consisting of wordrie with plate-glass dear, cbnt Of drawer, aiaihla-top duch*esse ilretislng table, ahaiied marbjw-top wliiiad, three ehitlrs aud towel rail lei guinea tbe lot o.t more than double.

DAVIS and Socnnd-hand Furniture Waiuhouaa. 256. 2b6. tSl. aud 2oe, Totteuhaui-courtToad.

W. (near Oxford-smet. CHAIRS. THIRTY DOZEN, removed from adyb-bi In condition ennal to new, stuff cd seat and beoks, in real leather, Spaidsh tnahogany frames, to ba SOLD, togntber or separate, at 21. pur clmir: originally cwt DAVIS and Sucondband Furnlturo Warehouses, 555, 2o6, 2a7, and SO, Toltonivam- COUNTRY BUYERS DAVIS and Compkto Hotel Fural tosn aiet Upholnterun, 265, Joe, t67.

nd Tot-ietduttt) -court road, near Oxford-street, forward all gO'id free to any part or the United Kingdom 46 extensive Show-room. Illustrated Catalogue by post in London. M.U Best, gflvswd plate, in rich wide i.t CI It. 3SIn ii. gilt rnaror, ataa.

long. 3 Sole table, rorntces, plateglass, ac. long. 3L )r pair racked tW Con- ate Hiae. rat, terns ire.



have at the nreMDt time a most wonderful lusnrhmnnt. nf Ww nnd Arta.tlo Piiniiture on Show. An Iltustratod (iatatiHtue, con-talnbjg the price of every article required In fumlshiug, post free. TlflAPLE and OoDRAwING-ROOM FURNI- 1TA TURK, thoLarjteiii Assortment iu Ixmdon. An endless varUttr blnct, from two to CO gulueoa.

many quite new in design a aisortraaut of Buhl iwinire, a weu as Ulacg anUOoia cn guineas a very extensive stock of rrnamcnu 503 Cbironny Oloseee, from iblcs, a well as Glraudule, from one to iiafrn, from I)1 FURNITURE. Complete Set. extending dining-tuble, conch, six moll Linvos, See Illustrated Catalogue, pagu 12, niautel-plcce with gloss over, in solid Inc) rii.virs, and I POSTAL ORDER DEPARTMENT. Messrs. MAPLE and Co.

beg rcspaottully to stato that this 1epari.menn is now onranraeu mat in tee.1 that they are fully prepare! to that can possibly be required In fur- execute nd supply any lushing at tne same price. Pattern tout and auutati so any otnrr oouaetn L5nghuuL of charge. EADS, In wood, iron, and licdding completo. The choice. Over 10,000 iron and from, from 12.

to 30 guiucaa ads, five guiuoas. Bedding of and all worroutod court road. T. I. Complete Set for serine, chest of drawers, a ash- 1 APLE and IT 1 and brass.

Cited with lur bedsteads ore lixed, In stock, bran bedstead now In stock te each Very itrong. useful brain every deacriptlmi manufactured pur. The Trade Supplied. -TO ED-ROOM PURN II M-W vnnts, u.clu'l and crocierv, in. ij.i.

"trated Ctlalocue. base 220. and 14s 147 Tottcnham-court-road ant 1 to IS, ToUenhaan-plaoa, rpiiREi PAIRS LACE CURTAINS, wide, s. JM. lerrnir elegant Fern hettP'-st uver o'crcd aaniple pair ou ilef Office.

YFHP1.R and CORN Eit, ciiuoreial-road, E. INOLEUM. i INOLEUM. The FLOC Beau ORIGINAL, Remarkable for Durability, ish, Warm and in appearance. JMNOLEUM.

INOLEUM. 1 INOLEUM. STAINES MAKE. Is Vastly Superior to the ordinary Oilcloth for nil purposes for wbl It Is uaoo. An Excellent Substitute, for Carpets wherever Imrd near aod no dust are desired.

STAIN EH MAKE. all first class id Kingdom, throuihout the wotI. "stain OTH 1 manufactured only. The Nam and ufocturen Stamped on JINOLEUM. vlAEE.

It Is impo ST A INK should ask for the being 1 1.. LINOLEUM. STAINES MAKE. WhnhnlnaudShlpahik-Oi to th I.INOLKtfM M. COMPANY iLm.itcd).

14 -addressed INOLEUM. STAINES MAKE. INOLEUM MU Decoration yet produced. nf, like Carved Wood. Injpermaablo to moisture.

D. HEMBRY snd Co. i i SL Newgate LINOLEUM (St nattcrn. oiEiudlnir tl bouse. AR'f '111.

en at toe Ware- 36, Strand. W.C. ItCLOTIL )t, E.G. AMPTULK W. nARRY IMPORTANT ptntion of lease, to ex- Pianos, Lots of sereral uiity that C.

(fiecoud ewiug- aniiUniums, Second-hand Good i jtut puivhoscd, wlU repay a visit. NJ hondi. WM. WAJN I tun-liutts, S.1 MNEY PIECES, in Marhle or Carved Wood. in the Cinque Cento, Louis XVL, "Queen Anne, Adam, and other styles.

HEXHAM and SONS. o2. Wlgmoro-street. JTOVES of Every respond with Jy Designed and trie aiHivc, men Modelled br ths BEN HAM wid SO; 1HINA TILE PANELS for FIREPLACES, alito Vy to correspond with tho above, from Special Private Designs. CF.NUAM and SONS.

SO, Wlgmoratreet. BOOKING APPARATUS and HEATING small establishment uore street. i(ription for Public BENHAM ENGINEERING and Pri BENHAM ROWN and GREEN'S KITCHEN RANUFS celebrated FBI MEDAL EANGKH conUuuo pre- inont over all others fo fuel, general couvemunce, heating baths, and the cure of smoky chlm RROWNandGREEN'S ar.j nortable. mnlru no br COOKING STOVES work, are easily managed, beat m.iukly. are very eoonouvioaL cure smoky chimneys, and have wonder nil cooking power.

A customer writes, "One souttle coals IohI thro day. Another, "Cooks for ten persons with 81b. of coal per dsy? IllusUated list frec-BROWN and GREEN iLlmited), 72, Itnhiipsgtue-EtTeet. London and Luton, Bcdfordsbire. ITrOSTER'S (Founded 1849).

CO-OPERATIVE Mr PRINCIPLES -Price for Wines and Spirii under Co-ope-latlve" Rate, wtth Free Delivery in atldltioo. T. FOSTER and Co. guarantee to please the palate or return the money. Terms Prc-paymnut or cosh on delivery.

Country orders of four doorn and upward carriage free to ail rail stations in England. Casos and bottle allowed for when returned aftcliargsd. FOSTER'S NOTED SPIRITS of ALL KINDS. Purvv Vintage Cognac Bramiln at moderate prices Its 52 dox. Old Bonded Irish and Scotch WhlskYn.

40.. do OldJac ica Rum. 30a, 38s. 40. doz.

Best Loodon Gin, direct also finest sweetened Old Tom, 2S. dox. 14 OXTER'S CHAMPAGNE, RODENAU," VINTAGK 187o. Onr own Special Brand. Bqneond to suit all palates.

4.. 56s. dox Also a tine qimlity at 32 pur-diasia at a rck4 sotrlfice to Frenab bolder. A tine dry Wine In Magnums, Sts per one dozen case. Sattmnr Wine, full of riiiarklr, 24.tiof.

Snorkling Hocks and Moselles, An. "ROSTER'S OLD PORTS nnd SHERRIES. JL Porte in Wood. Port, 41. doz.

Old bo 21.. 27 post. All letters, urdt 4, choanaidc, Londua iJa. Ha, 37.. 38 Invalid s.

to H. per do. Sherrieo. psl or guld. 42.

46 per dox. Price List free by remittances to FOSTER and 20. BOOSTER'S CHINA TEA. REDUCED 3d. Our celobrared best KUck China Tea i now 2.

per lb. (late s. purchased for cash with trained skill, and sold under c-oi wativo price UiB Working erne uses are minimised by the eiten-1vb sali, which now averages 60.000 package per month, FOSTER'S Celebrated CHINA TEA, 2s. per lb. JL1 In lib (lb.

bafts, and lb. sample packet. 201b. boxes, "j.rnnlete, 40s. A single chest, or two half rliLti.

of aluitit sriit: carriage frm to all rati station in Enusod, OrvIuuJ chilis penea, ttouer Poun, te all ptrt of the world at is. 6d. per lb. OXTER 3 famartasMA INDIAN TEA. 6d.

per lb. This remarkable blend or mixing of Indian Tea, more generally knotn rill lie found different from atiy yet pnerr.1, Uie clceUon def patch by rail or 1 ROSTERS 7 per lb. -In 1 .1 1 90s. Eltlie free by our own onvt not separately. Alsi Or Spirit, to all rail 1 over 60 garden.

To ensur. prompt oittniice should accompany each order. ton INDIAN TEA, 2a. Od, if 410. sample packets caddies Indbin Tea in quantity dellrereil snhirrba wttb Winn or Hplrits, but iagc jld, with" four dozens of Wlno aruvjaoa 40, Cneapsiflo.

POSTER'S TEAS undttr OO-OPERATI JL Jib. samples by invsl on receipt of stamps, Sd, for China, lid. Indian. feld under Co-operative" i.rics for cash, over the counter. At our City stores and Branch br post tree.

Country remittance 6boulrl include 2d. for booking. Money orden 011 Chief Offco, Ijondon, All letters and orden toT. FOSTElX and OA, 45. Cheapsida, 1 Hindoo.

TW. STAPLETON and Wine Irntrorters, No. 298, Bssjiat stieut, corner of Conduit-street, W. ICperney Chinpagne, finest quality and dry, 36 tot. 21.

half hot Cniae tie Bonxy delicate and dry. 42. boL, 24. half bol. Imperial pints dry creaming 33s, per dewen.

Ilscfnl size. i-uiT umrnvm wm iz. iw if. QC rxouuai tuvirry- igant, pure Urr per dozen V. 6a pv octavo lOi.

10 per quarter cask or tho fitor Brand Sherry, 24s. par dozen; 6s. pv 121 E. par quarter-cask. ManruvDIa- vsry delicate and dry-atironyly being free froiu aeidlty.

3C per dozen le! 10. iwr T. W. a and Co. haWisjijislii 1 1 1834 31 OLUB WV 114 RBGIMRNTAL MK83ES, and ICo of bet MAJKbTY'm SHIPS.

AoJ HEIUIN'S CHATEAU D'EVEOUE, a perfect DfnDtr TVine. almost unknown la England, combining the cleanliness of nock with tho Savour of high claim Eauterno. Prlco 90s. per dozen cash. Dollvcred to usy railway station in Engianit ftnle JsnjiortoT.

w. a HEKOS, 90, Queens-road. Bnysvator, Liadoo, W. Orden by letter must be acouitMUiAed bv remittance. liMNB OLD PORT, from the wood, only do 1 (bottles includoti).

Half-doxea for sample carriage Ire. AM wardst three dpi. an.1 upward on same tarms The CADIZ WINE CO MEAN Duke-sirect St Jamusa. London. P.O.a payable to WM.

PAAS, MMiawer reWtshed IM7. OLD HIGHLAND SCOTCH WHISKY to be had pore and gmairtb. two gallnoi and upwards, prion 13. per tallon; terms cash. Sample auart bottle will bo sent on roceipt of stamps value 3.

Address direct to ROMS BROS aod Leith. NEW FEATURE in the BEER TRADE, HE COOPER COMPANY'S JLAGON SYSTEM. fTVJ Meet want trbtoh ban long been felt the 1 CUOFKR OOMPA74Y have Introdnoed their PATENT R'l-OPFERtD IIALI'-GALLON YLAUONS. in which they on sip plying the ie ovl Mtirata of all tbe uuiat celebrated brewer, in prime cot.diUou. ready coosaiuptiua.

Any portion of the contents can be MdUy withunu from tlie flagoo, and tne ramaindor preserrwl irUgUt lor whllkt a groiu sating in cos: eflocted, and the swrnrlnenesspi cch beet is guaranteed by special labeL To be had of oil Wine Mwohante. Ijeeaaed snd Dcr.lrrs in Eer lu Londoo and sul.urb.wholle from tbe Cooper 24, IV-otuth U.ndrm. IS, Circulars, wttb prlees and full parUculars of the system. torwrded on application. Arrangtrinrnts are made to supply the Hogon to countiy nivrvlmuu and dealer In titer.

VtOTICR Sound MALT BEERS for Cold Weather. KRNRY LOVIBOND and SONS, Bnn, Fulhom. guo rant a fall bodied sunad Malt Beer, ha good condition, suitable lor the winter Maron, 24s. the IB gallons. 12s.

tbe nine gallon stt cash. Cannon Rrvweiy. Morth-eod, Fulham, RW. A CHEST of TEA for 2fia. Jt.

It costoin net snlgbt, of pure, Congou. uaan wssn etvsr nnusi 001 paiu oo at the beforr. llivlt-puund camples be post for Fifteen Stamp, tfuua nioaa ana ewga tw- tree nx oat. HAMS and BACON. Wo tvjiill continue to oupply ouroeiebntod Mtldund BREAKFAST BACON stetsTSfc ound by tbe sure (from 4Utb and choice llhnis (from IPlb.) ot 6d.

jw jmuu.l. rioest selected, hirhly rnewnmended. A sample Hrvtu or Plltohssnl, wioniteiD ami narMnc free, ordrn U. value eaxtuan d. Address the uanagor, Bacon Department, Suujage slnnulac- b-iry, ruiMiinf.

licr. rilHE ESSEX FLOUR and GRAIN Liverpoob A rood, London. supply tb BEST UOOD8 only. WHITliS fur pastry, Bs. Bd.

per j1b. Household, for bread, Ss. Wheat Meal, for brow bread, Ti. 4d. eoane Scotch Oatmeal, 3.

idjner stone; tine, 3. American Hondny, Barley, Matxe. and Buckwheat, per Iwshei, or t'Js. par sack Oati, 4 ptrr btudiel, 15. per sack Pe.

7 6d. per hash I Tick Beans, 8s. MMdllnst, 2. Ground Pollard, 1 Ed. Meat BisouiU.

iOt. jier cwt Split Pes, 3. per pwk; Lentil 1 lour, for invalids, in tin. Hb. six, la 71b 5.

141b. baps Bs. All other kinds of cralu and s.L Hcil prices for larger qnan-titl, P.O. Order and chenoe payable to G. Youaf.

ORWICK'S GOLD MEDALBAK INOPOWDER rrakes bread, pastry, iiuddiog. light and dig.tlhle. BeJd to 2d. (Vt, Is 2s. and 5s.

makjkM, bclionls, famtlle, nd hotel hmid trurehrise the is. Cd. Or S. Slzo, as Uion I a voiuldvrabl saving. PLATE.

(Umlted), Ni Thir GOLDSMITHS' ALLIAKCE No. and IE CnrnhllL nnnndu tha Rank Coffee Service. Walters and Tea Tray, and other articles requjlfd in furnishing. grU and post fjtt ua nrnUcatiiifi, TIL heroin Cite oU, toa the amuuut for whioh Sir BILLS o) NGE on Calcutta, Madras and nf England, on Wednesday, the the advertisem*nt issued from be received at the p. ta the term state fcf 23d August.

SH ritupeas 12,50.000 cos Zr.Of.Ll&O. of which on theOoverntoentof ARD BTAyfiOFE. vr. 'admiralty, iv 14, 1879. WE AT AV1 CONTI rTENDER3 will be recc until Two o'clock on SSL LtoJ- tot tbi- Supply of MEAT aod BREAD HojaJ Aaarmos, at Walmcr, for Nme Month, from the lit July Wna Ujemselvw to accept tbo lowest or nay r-werve to themselves the power of accepting any ok nd marked CONTRACT.

1 M' CONTRACTORS. the ERECTION of a STATION rd itr Qrford Haven, in the county of Suffolk, House, Six Collagen, Watch honac, and other tJvod at this Otttcc oo Tuesday, the 10th Juuc, rpeclflcnfcboi may be seen at this Office and at the laedStatiou, Orford Ilavan. Bills of Quantities to this OlUce. ljf.partm.uit, Admiralty. 2.

Spring-gardon-Lcodcn. S.W.. Uw 14, 1675 TO BU TOPERS fc buectoi oi voilu Lir.paj rateU in the fDRENTS. CITY of Miers of Hewers of the City of of the said 'iiy on Tuesday, the irelro o'clock precisely, to fteooire iS of the vahiablo I RKEHOLD HIONB of the Premises let on Yean unexpired, severally situate Si if "i'lf 'W- at 144 0 Ground-rent per Annum. 675 0 W50 0 1186 0 230 0 212 0 23-' 0 205 0 at Uiis OfGce, let for Freabold its the mar "Severed htt" lXSSt mufc Pior or by a dub 'wri (1 Mt "CUe Ocioi on me miu 'i mired derMt weSnimu, guildhall, AnriP angagi-ef ment itions of Kales, icijai Clerk.

PURJSUANI ORDETR the Htiih Cc Jgat, of cnnnli, iud (wj.o dfeV BawSfiSdiS5aS lcserirWoua th fuUfartic. til. and M3 SELfe? le beneA eaad Ordtj. Every creditor hoidii CbatBii? 's Prfduce tX "f6 9 Master ot tno tio is, ss3a3. 'fe'cd in ths i Miaautso fet! udicatm on the iiSbiJ -T MARSHALL, hief Clerk.

BAYLOR JAOUIfT lA. utli-stredt, Fiushuiry-s-iuare, RJOSHrJnvfA? ELL, Deceased. 5ureaant A "atnanr anil 23(1 CT- the Law of roiptriy rtsueu -urn Hs.A. ntjjn trirem named, on the Reidsiry of the l'robat ir nU; Justlce). are hereby re til ueauujus to ifte, tl UT "'Vtortford, ba thecoun uator to the nty Hertford, wid Notice Wl, Uforc tho Xib day of duns 1H proceed tn ttv "'n tbat tlie 1 ppw amoug of nhien iable for assets, or onv nu Mint the.

wiP atod this 12th JOHN D. TAYLOR, 8 EV. THOMrx77T he said Executors. Diseased. Pur- furthHT ii 3d Victtjns, chapter of I've party anu to CRKIHTORji and r.cijiat the I'JiUitc o( MebTon! MKvcWon in tie 1kj lh ainl on tJie ya, tha- 'J to wbov.

eff-ri- rtf adnaiBstkra- estys Resb-lry of ths Probs MrWsn Tw ''ntioctoJohn Georgs iJoUwa. of r', inTl "tV of Middlesex, lyrist. TT-at faw). npon or ara? of deblA ol.Vns. rBgned.

Hie iwlicSri, the said deceased to us. Pith? natrf administrator, on or beSl 4 lirtrlbut.r,i (luy administrator thr- lie 4S us the ot of the said decenrt mil and tliHreto. A nUi.tts. th tb iidnilnLtrator nhall tlion hW cSiMj or aav iioh nm "answerable or tor aisWlmted to any person of 01 Way, 1874 be 8b11 not Uien have had avtioo. Pated this lth 5So-THOS uzid nuuzvr.ii, r.

sold Administrator- THOMA ROBINSON. rl Can BwES Act of Parliament of the 22d and let, tto ftiither auiend the Law of Propcrt' aiid 'ttee is herebj Given, that ail CREDITOR any claims or demands npoii against toe OMAS ROBINSON, laieof No. 20. Blooms- lltV of (Wl. SPSS 91 hosr iTi the 15th of July.

i r'r Kh Ciw Proved Id the Principal Registry of her Jnoii the 7th day ofBeptember, 1378, by Hnsssu In iv reuct of aeecMeii. an i wis VVeuUr. Vv 0 sad man. aw. haris retmirrd to send in full S.

at in tti. to th UM ni- 3 'nornaii, CasndeB Town, Lood. -n. or to in I tf tor- Jn or hore (he 30th day of next. I ssWh Til c'cciuni win jiroece i ro jgi.nouwi uie asc 'Who i- hrit Robfnsom, deceased, amowr tho persons IKiiuKi anal' rd only to the craims of which the said miabift notice, and the said exemtrix not srl net (tin 'l hiw in it.

nih. .1.. ,1875. 'if dlM.nhullon. IHted th.

t.f rarllameot-street. tioil, the sold Exeeutrlx. Dca(ted. Purmiant 35. iniitu'rjl "An rly and to relirre Trustee." -j4! .1 1 vir.

inri T.rjii"iau (Mju Livi.T lUaVIDE BUT twainst the ErtaM rf THOMAS TOLLBR. fnrmerly tSjTJn, in the county of MtdifJusex, and lat of Hanipsteotl. In eenjity Rwrrlre, dereaaad, ihn did on the 20th day nf hksatZ "hose wpL with two codicils thereto, was pred in SajSISaal tri. of i1 ''s8try of the T'rol at' Division of ber Mii5esly Hlb iv "ft ii.iS!,,e the lEth day of April, 1DT9, by Churlce Oeorpe SSJS5 Holford, snd Henry Edward Orrbble. the executors lain4 tenby required to send particulars, In writSue.

of SjeajSre demands nfran or agoiost the estato of the said JNtKaw id U. at our office, No. 2 duur in the City ot London, oo or before the 12tb uS wbirb day the said eteenUtn r.nll prooeod to hi. on Mdl ma person or persons Iff' lriJ, wl ni, tnen nave nal nonoa. iaseu us gui CtJT Low KnhWdeMtrMt, ftjctcw'ionjnwns, 'clton for Co said Bxoontors.

Pursuant to an Act ia, chapter 35, Intl-nneitr ad to relieve t4U.TclaW7n. tbst all OREDITOHS and other RlTK nnrm r.r niralnst the Estate of toe "ih "lruiinri nf li oi Atumw- ivfs rd Martin Bird and ore hereby roquiro'i or demapdR, on or rsigned, sollcttors to it Uv said executon ue prooeed to dis jSKS'S tave hlSl or 'Ul01 Uiy ahall not' tlwu have hod tlii. it i utu: wd upoti-Avon. Solicitors to the said Exocutors. WILLtah, DlMSDATJC CHILD, Deceased.

Sjive u'ta Act trf hsMsssss id an.l Vleiirin, DAI lltt yvy of Oi RUItrlits hill Mrm SlTr of SS7- Wt ln.Ha merohaat, dec the ur3'' nd of whie eU 1 fc? the pT 1 or, on tbe 2Bth uibt's-hill Hrmse. Lowr Norwood. Uceiae on eelAle letteriior adtnini neau Tuin and itcnianfh-. to to rST1 of OoldTOlithP, Hall, Fot lT.AtnsL tm? tor administrator rehfii87? And Notice Ir herchy oho ilMninlatntor will pawec! to dlstribu tlic Hall. hinc, tn the on or before the Jlvm.

thai after dlutrOiiTt th Sa entitled thereto, havlnc regard only to di hot vthicii I aball then have had notice. qd SJP t. or demand he slinll not then have r. if, Golilsmtths" Hall. Fostcr-Iane, London, 10 tta sai Adminitrator.

iZH hU 23d To2 1)1 Statu WJUMH I rl ou the iiitb rtafihnil to the am Eddoues, 1 7. A' V. LrA tT i- "'ln Liourt, oi asm Ji'r Jvn, In the said ot.unw of Ha Jt tbe esoentor il wil. are senuested to oexm. in writluc the wuM.

ii sml iriJi us, the nudersined. on or before the 14th July "XkT''r. i-it-Mm -aid wiu ttittrituite sne assets oi OMeT regard OB I us of which lie idvall and A. S. dRA f'renoent, fihrewebury, lecutor.

Solicitor-. ''tiirA ANNE, Downier Countesa of WBST-iUwt Dcea.L-P'.irsait to Ad of Fsrliauient of oap. 36. uttitnicd An to relieve Trustee, ISot 'RlSt IIJjA Aim. t'owocer a of No.

29. lytrtDiaii-sriuare In 1 the 18th day of February 1879. fnclpal Rerfirtry of her Majesty's May, 1S79, by Feieric Ouvry. the will, and the Rltbt Hon. named in the Ant codicil), arc ruinn of their debts, clalina, and "Uicc of their solicitors Me.

wti 00 ta 6h a ay ol "am0i said eieou -Htd prs to tbe said Rxecuton. iTICE CHANCERY Matter of toe Oomimoics the OO IMF RESTED TKA of the above-named Com-lay of June. 167-, to send nhnilan ot their debts or II I May, rc Mt 1 UJ a v. Ml ljOl CI1. CO.

Wharaan. tK BffiLtl ttX5 ta the bonde of persons whose names are of1 nnmd Debton. NoOoe is Itatwbv Given, that KcJOTi it) pjv6" Nl iTE hereby rwiuired, nt the aarVbwt No. 7, Coutvy-idreeL York (opposite tlie of Eleven and Two In order that the names of the htro of the iald notes may be rMbil re. I By ordor a.

turner. Judio, FLMLICO WHEEL Works MaI)K BY MACHIIvKKV. tnzjm far CAR nl AGES, Carta, run. STOCK ALWAYS cm HAND Tyotng, and Special Orders executed We "hcrtes Notice. Prloou applMatfon.

hSuJAm Co-. CRICKET BAT rod w. MAJa-FACTUKERSi, KeBHiugton, London, feSAS TOLLER, ftct kaSEHW of rarlij.ment,52d and 2Jd cWi-VV' nrannrl th- of Pro; i nsaK L' tysinjri; BB iitv 1. jam Bi rniavd ClLAELl'-S UII.LS. Suerstary.

MOEYLENT by til BANK, 81. York-road. from 10L to at a few boors' or female, upon penoual socurity "took, Plant, nrojw, and farminu It npf.n life policies and deeds of Su ten years. The st rictest ieerecy Apply peruonnlly of state amour PERIAL oonL for any term not exceeding mi teed No uiulie renuiint I ATU.KH HUNTER. Manager.

N.B. The Manager having a large amount of capital at bis com. niand. and wishing to uxtend tlie buslnass to persons raiding In Uis country, responsible applicants will bav the money they reiiulru OO0 dsy after application. No genuine pronosal rulused.

yeara from per cent DisUnt-e no ob'ert. No minececsary ex-Pibis or sureties laqcdaad. Htrictly conCluntiul. Apply perBntiJly Inn ftc), or state amoiuit rcjiiirod. A.

H. Darin, Manager, diariug' I AdvD0 108. Strand. Fat 1870. K.R-A commlialon will be arranged with SoUdtore, Auctlonuun, AgcnU Ac, for the lu-trodnctlon of good loans.

MONEY-LENT WITHOUT Advance and Discount rifllce, Flnshury-place South, City (opposite Mourgute StoUonl in onv sums, witb or witbont on warrant, hoi deeds, without Branch OCIcn, 3 rnuum without mmi expenses, at 5 poi W. -ADVANCES of 101 and upwards may lie obtained on pr-Sunal or other security by EtittOonicu holding hutlncss aoi oiotiotnta. Also nion araiture ndhoutmnovnl li ekda'e Mans er NATION AL MERCANTILE BANK (I.ituit"dl, I and 17 Riissull-street, Cuvo nt-gorden W.C. which will show vhero n-iponnbla borrowers bjiuiediately obtain money oiain thulr uvn security at iiuioh lower interest than charged Iry loa 1 SontetU or deposit bank. No sureties, law cost, or unnecessary expenses required, and the strictest ean be safely rcllod upon.

Apply in.ronaLly, or state amount required, ami when. GEORGE W. TH iMPfiON. Mivnsgor. N.B Distance no object Tbe m.uiey advauced by too bauk during Uie pant few yean otcoads two mtilloiis.

and no good application Is ever refused. Established 16CT. ONEY EA: tfS WITHOUT IN- i.ui and Discount Oilice, Mouoy sdvancod with or moval, fr. ohold and leasehold any other security, at 5 per HKCKE1TS, Manager. High Holbnm, W.C.

RsUbllthod wttliuut suxetl on hindturo witho deeds, of eeut. Prospect gratia, MONEY. Mr. ALEXANDER make IMME-PI ATE CASH ADYANUES to any amount, on Notos ot Hand, Reversions, Mortgages, Lifo 4c, at 6 per cent. Rurcrslou "imhnsrid .7, Craven-streeL.

Strand. W.O, MONEY. Mr. CALISBER oonti IMMKOlATl CASH ADVANCES to an to Note toass. 1 delay, 1 no Objc.

mio IT and trade isonds. life us. RKAL Istabliihed rvocrutary. 166. Old ennntrv, ED it a few hours' notice by the miTABLE ADVANCE COMTANY, J.K., in Sums of 10.

to in town or lone, to all responsible persons, at a attention of both private indiv! duals themselves of an entirely oaw and easy solely by Uils Company, it bring within I the "so-called Bunks and private 111 in lvno't Intel oat. Not ida, and at a high rate of HIM iruruauhwd J. It Will ATLEY. Sec, N.B.-sbovfini ectus, 4t, tO relies, money E.C. jr nients.

BAitJL npon Tm, or aca. Moit, VANCED (20 to JL'200), at aday'anotice, ict cvnll.lence. to rcst.ctaMe lio'ise'i'ddets. on funn ing free nse of same, repay1'1 to suit thoi 1 suretiwi or publlclti Applv to Mr. W.

HO lb Holt. m. Estahbsbe.l Uiere yean. 1LLINUS- ASH ADVANCES promptly made to "In London employ," at salaries from without bill of inquiries, or untie. No fe-e-Merju KUIHARDa No.

Adt.lqldo.bulldlnrs, Loo do riASll ADVANCES made to reirponsible abort term, upon period- upon looaaa, dock lronectu forwarded frt (I.lnJtadl. St. Clement II iiuslccs ex to- blifbed i860. MESSRS. GURNEY continue to ADVANCE krfro AMOUNTS on Note of Hand Cnlg'souit.

Charing cross, msmQB, S.W. EVERSION -MONEY ADVANCED I Re- jsea Jn siiru fni S1CH0I UEVERSIONS, LIFE INTERESTS, and ANNUI-TthS. ADVANCES made promptly and privately upon the alvov fleeurlUo. from 1501. to lO.Cfjof., at from 4 per No chargea whatever unless tbe money is lent.

Apply to 8, SandlanU-f txeet. Beafofd-rpw, 8 and SHARES. For Klialiln information on Vnreurn Kronk a well a Hum. Securities, consult onr MONTHLY LIST. MAY Edttion lUady, post free, on application to MesBn JOHN ABBOTT and Co.

Stock and Share Brokers, 4 and 5, Palmeriton-bulldlni, R.O. GRIFFITHS and SONS for FIRE-PROOF SAFES. At no other h-use tn tho world can then be found such an Assortment, ly Chafcwood, Milner and every other malier. Also Iron Doors for Strong Rooms at one third the price of new. Price List free.

-43 and 4fl, Cannon-street. O. (SOLICITORS, ACCOUNTANTS, wiU I find the SIX GUINEA Nost, of Deed Boxes, with fall-down fronts and patent lock, tbe cheapest and best for ihclr prufions of each Ihix -Oiti. I4ln. by divided in four GUIFFITHd and SONS, 13, Cannon street, fc.O.

Not, Ten per cut. disct unt allowed off tlie above to member of Co-operative and lhilldlng Societies on production of their tickets. UiUHli.S SAl'K SKVERI HURB'S BSTED by a Klin. Snwr1l I Tnrr. iI.m monger," writing from Bruges under date oT Zlluy 7, 175, says I happy to be able to give a good note to one of Messrs.

Chnhb's Fireproof Hafe. which lias been put to a searching ordeal tn this city. Last year tlie Palace In Bruges of tho Governor of Wast Klan.h was burned down, and the Safe In question, full of valuable State I'spum. was missed after the oocurrsoce. Some runny person allseed that It 111 not bare got, molted.

Last week, after a lape of six months, the Safe wan dug up from under the rulna, and th paper in it were found intact, I will not say. i I'Araerlcalne, that toey wen nil the the onen and to the it. I'ouVs, K.C.. and 6S, Illustrated prlco lists Bank of Km land, 128, Oneon Vletorlasteoot. St.

Jamcn's-Htreet, Pall-mall, S.W. London, gratis and post free. SECOND-HAND IL GRIFFITHS and SONS beg to state that the CAUTION contained in Advertisem*nts and Price Lists cf certain maker has no reference to them bstever. All Hoeood-hond Pire-p roof Safes sold by C. H.

G. and 8. are guarantoed to be as represented, nnd at about half the price H- Grifflths and Sons. 43 and 48, Cannon-street, E.C. Established 1E50.

1 HEAT Jf dauioge. 01 tan Tea 13 in NEWGATE-STREET. r20 000 of the FIR1 RESISTING QUALITIJ38 Sir, 1 far books, Eocured In your Reliance Sal, are quite por-w trur, Dmry, Jono, and Timberiake." ir'o'" carriage pai.j. List free. 11, Newftste-Street, E.C.

1711 JtK-PROOF SAFES and JL and Best htocs In London, by all the best makers, suitable for bcitors, TradeamtD. and otlicr. at W. CiBce I'urolture Vv arehoiaes, Endell-Etreet and Castle stocet, Long- flHE AMERICAN WALTHAM WATCHES rt, r' To Timekeei lu tbe World. BkNLA W.

BEDFORD. 7, Mxeel runt to Ht. JamossOalll. has tho Larsrst ItetaU Stock In KoglamL BUver Cases from 2. 10.

Gold Casos from 81, 8a. A Pamphlet aud Price List sent poet free .1 a Watch madfl ivtr. crystal gla or hunter. Pri. -ice.

31 3.. Si. 10a. .1 lt 4i 4 Kui.t .,.1 with guarantee for their perfect -Henry W. Bedford.

Rcfont-stroet Inert door to St. James Hall). EDUCATION. ANGLO-FRENCH COLLEGE, Finohtpy-road, J. HAYSMAS, A.C.P..

P.RG.S. Interview at 9, Moorgato-Btreei City. 12to 1 o'clock on Tuosdajg. Sound Commercial, 1 rofesslol sl, or Classical Education. Thorough knowledge of French and luguagas guaranteinL I npils may study in France, Cormimy, or England, on- parent desire.

nuax on tixvra cnajgaa. iyean rctctonto. Agesti to in. DUCATION in FRANCE and GERMANY, Paris, Bouhjn. Amiens.

IVun. Hcidelbiirc, Haiiovor. Ac rite to ANGLO-FRENCH COl.LKOi:. Finchl7 r.wni. Luidoa, for a,n DAYSMAN'S SYSTEM of INTERNATIONAL FJ" N.B.

fSntranoeat any time, pupils arcoiiipnniet "EDUCATION (wnt 7rPe). France. JmLdi Brvipsets, wit s'rbtid, Enrlortd, Ae. Captain HI BlBRON, M.A., Editor of Coin KeV CoiopOur of tbo Oxford and Lotl Etumiii sends, wlthoutobargo, reliublu and PL'OSI the best Continental and for Bol Ladle. Clffc-ea, Itemer Cham L-n No Ueroeraidru 'ION.

ground. Pnro milk troiti dairy form. Dleli I7TOME with EDUCATION 1 I (or U.a sous of gentlemen oulyl. 1 duated by a married lady, the dauglitr cJireman ID. 10s.

per term; no ixtrs F. A. Koiiuua and 11, Quern Vinbirii STRAND unio: inton. Tlio t.Z Guardian Poor of this nion. having recently OMItfsn los.

an desirous of RECElYlNG about 100 tlie approval of tlie LocilI Oovernntent Board). their tirhool at CIllLDR) The School is ii.e situate at Tan tier n-cn'L Ixlmoutt.n, nbout half a mile from the Silver Station nn thn Otf. Ininn P.ll Tl. health of the children In HilJ School ho been remarkably good for many yuan Uiey an well trained In domeMla dot ie, liidtistrbtl aud ptbtir oocupatlon, by an eiliolent taiT of teof ben and tmlnen. 1 tatlier particular to I- obtalne.1 on anpUoaUoo to J.

JCFi CI. rk tn thn Cuuriliaua, 8, tUwrtrvt. W.C. UEENS COLLEGE INSTITUTION LAI'll-x Tofnoll rnrk, London, fur retidenU WSS BMiaJL I and aastiUtnt to tbe ruinations, XL, Bhokfriat. cal and Modern De- oTJ rood.

-Conducted by Grade, partment. Day Boy.t, Tea Guleca: RESIDENT PUPILS I men. Clergymen's and pro a Clergyman's School near term. Addrcsi RoV. Master, M.A.

12L. Canrura street, London. JpJERNERS COLLEGE LABORATORY OPEN DAILY fJ trldty. utt-am, pncticsily Tugh? I rof4or Gardner, above i Uuvtsati and sou! EMISTRY ond Kcmi'-ni street, W. Phob-rfraphy.

elee-'erformsd. Apply to i-CIVIL (Mr. Hrajluio I HOD EH inleum St h)V eliTrUhlin BOOKKEEP 19. Wormwoor 1 1 ol lvoru guara 1 it ess nietie and ihorr hail! nasy private les.JOiiS. IR COOK.

Asiociatc of the Royal (Silver and Broue Medallist), Cvt- yean tt Uiiiucliam School. For PIANO and I eppul -stroet, Ii ussell-anuare, NS by 0 BIS liN the or of how to Aa Private, Kk'ipD-es Udies. gentlcuiuu tonus rcitt, Street. rfO LADIES. SALE of NEW MUSIC, at a larva JL Reduction la Price.

The ot popular Songs, Pieces, or Dance nf th day sent post tree from 4dL. 6d lOdTSi, Best Editions new coplr. all publisher Catalogues sent post fjoe. Motfatt and 9. Banubury-tttQct, hguim N.

EsMbllshou ua F. H. in promptly forwarded popit uraey to be dopondud upon, lUbturt Coelau and Nevr il Couiic cd uxi tha Polka ..2. netU W. AFGHAN POLKA.

By Van dcr GLAUBEN. jTlL The mrjatephiti-d and dam table polka that bo Umnvirittet l4 a long time. Played uwo alune- May pe Lad at all MuiotiIldrs. ami of the publishern. F.

Vatsky and Iiichmon.1 road. Sou' Eonsinetun. Post free la. Cd. nctt.

CATIONS. A' Ubr 1 Vela, crown BONDS. Hi BATEB. Burlington -street a 2J By RKhard Beutlc: Now Crown. A VI we.

ntUK SIRGIBHIll RyGEt Author of Hoirt Hunt and Hloatutt, Puhllsl ALD.LL.D, SjttMl. EN DOIiFH, i.ngh-stsesa, ilXhlUv'- VSHrSB a COWARD CO ROB1XMON, Authu An adminblywrlUci will excite (leun tutor ut. Hunt and Blockctt. THE YOUTH a from the French YONGE, Author of "Tl iesent is to be and reseiuob aoown In tl Hurst and Blaoki-tt, I 'UNDER Till: BANCT Now Roady, Third E-l JIFE of IgjjRoj-NEW2fOVEL Tl BASIIJION. li Author of "Thoi slnn, Ac.

Two Vol. London Smith, hiUtiit oIsml lt ptuluai st Majlboroasb-sLreeK the ct.tnr.lcteoess accuracy, work. Athtmoiim. Ore at MarllKtroughrUviet. 11 MjUE-ty the 0rrj.1t.

demy 8iu, ths It thl PRINCE CONt RE MA Rf IN. It. Waterloo-place. ROF "UNDER tiEAL 01' tLFTUSD W. HUNT, let" Umivr Seal of Cvafv RAMATIG IDYLS.

By ROBERT BROWNTJQt il London: Smith, Elder, and 15, WaleTlotr-plfjOev IfiE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE (11 Arvocato del I Diavolo). By PERCY GREG. Two crown 21. Tnll otir and Co. AIMARDS INDIAN FvEN'IfcED ET On May 20.

Prion d. Each 25. Gobi het-kr Indian Ci Loudon 1 J. and it, ill Goonre A LES. AUTHOR'S If.

and all rLoiuellen. Z1 STANFORD'S Larcc Scale ND, with adjoining Parts of Natal, the Ijciii Hilary c'aluib'l by OrtyvtAVo. irumis'1 In an Inch rbw, 271n. by 3ila. Colour ed sheer Toll MAP of ZULU LAND and NATAL, Case, 3a 6d.

MAP Of the BRITOH pOSSfHS-CA. Sheot, la Mounted is Case, m. rd Stonford. i5. ClutAwwsm 8, W.

sio: MANN, M.D., F.R.C.&., bite Supcrintoudent of Education i Crown price Is. London Ivdwsrd Stanford, 5 (jjJtrincrow. rTHIE CAPE anil SOUTH AFRICA by permuaion from the Quarterly Roviow," with Preface. 1. Sd.

Kdwanl Stan Ii Chnriog-ezos, S.W. ie BEST BOOKS and at EDWARD bTANFORD fl, st gratis on application, or by tT5 MAPI 66. Charing-post for one work lliunti puk: AVERLEY I lete ISO pages, six price 13a, CV9HM AI) Booksellers. THE IMPE NOMY, wlU: pence. Iiondon: Judd at UN CLAIM UN CLAIM May 17.

Till. lit J.MENT of MODERN ASTRO-llust ration, One billing, by pea; Uuxteoa 40, BL Andrew's-hfO, Doctoneomaxvpg. PRIZES. A oompleta LIST of 'FUSES tn tbo PARIS LOTTERY will appear EX CHANCE, a Registry nf Purchase and 10I of Social Tories ilhustiatedL tirir M. Sole, and Werkly.

1 menu inserted. Id. for lotu-wurd. Offlf, w. Ta vistock-streot; StTsnd, Loudon.

For tlic eye of sorao a good map ha tnnro faacinatloii than even a fine Titlegravh. April 24, 1879. Now Ready. In Rook and Sheet torin, price post froc 4 NEW MAP of LO NDON. JTX The STRICT MAP Ui Wn by Mn.

A c. ideto the Railway Oommtmlcv i of tbe host Street Mop la an linen. Is 6d leather uooo. 1 varnished, 3. 6d.

BribvLw Guide Office), 59. Hers and Rail way fitatton. tions of the MeUopoll. linen wrapper, price Gd Is. 6d.

extra rnounted cn London W. J. Adams Fltct-etreH, E.C. and at Pp. demy Ittnn doth 2s.

GL, RAVING for DRINK and its CURABILITY. A Ti withCaact By SYLVANIT!" HARRIS, Sunnyxlde, 1 ienl pot free froia tha Author, I FAMILY HERALD. NEW I nc. .1,. w.

VOLUME. Tlio Boo xselTcr eftys This nopultr magEloo now Issue In tialf yearly roiutnus. tv fth it nealili or action, noetrr. scirotiCc in- nduserul family reading, it thoroughly ured a Or.TT.etJn cJ FAMILY HERALD. VOLUME Prtn4 Art XLII.

W. Stevens, 421, Strand, London, and at all Rewirendar. ALl MOTHFR SIHl f.D READ 31 YRA'S AL and cn run 1. Coloured Fashion Piste. 2, Diagram Sheet: II.) Tin more Polonaise (2.) fiuit (J.) Dnssy Tub 7.

Children' snd Young I-ad'e Summer C'CMlumus and ha Models Irom Le Graudi MafaMn du ICnrvre, Paris. E. Needlework. Border In Ro noitsance Ouipun, Prnwipw tn Foist Lace, Edgings Knltrlmr and Crochet. Ac.

a ntine Lady of 14.) linafore lor a of litre. 3. Cut-out Paper Ptlem The CMMttn Dm. a. Tho SllkwcTU)' Gift: Design far Embroidering tho Ceie- ttno Dress 5 Wrw SummfT Costume, Clutpeaux, Tol' lettes and Fancy Dresoca for Chitdnn.

0. La Mode in I Note by tl Modua for where to see News from rerj orm and Lsjvi 10. Mum Answers lytlme, Auiwers on Irtuv. Ileaim and Penvmol Attention. it.

i-'octumee, Wollunc, Indoor, Books and Author. Music, The Cuisine, ka. aud Gout t- garde, lstratcd. coital ling of iCF DARK. Lm Dick, 3U BOW RK Now Rc.vJ a complete On.

1 to arc Strand. All Bo. out. Mm ortk ARE STRATED. ttge, Town, at men.

First Pa Mi-and, LooiUm Price Id. woekly. 1 vVinduw Oarderjirii (Nua 1 to 7h 1RITISH EMPIRE: A 9 whlrh ti incorpontted THE Ml 17 4). -Advocates tho Cislnis of Brll i fnrence to unrestricted forrl.rn con Commercial Artei. MaUiematitTtd tinned l.C.U.

Notes, and nli the Ne day. price 2A -Publishing Office, 47, tricted forrlirn compctltioo. BoclaL PoliUcal. and 4ee, ami Oioss CowpetidotM, eon-es, and nil Ihu News of the Week. Every Saiur-bllihlDa Oibcc, 47, Fkt-ttce4, K.O.

ORITISH EMPIRE of To-morrow. I7th May. wiU JL ountain Mr. iiENBY BROADHL 8 complaint of ajhsjvd nud libellous i.tutt ineuta iu last Saturday' Issue ot the BRITISH EMPIRE, ailncting (lie y) hi "honour and character. together ith further on that eminent man's public position, ot all Newsagents, and atltollwuy Stations, prioa id, 47, Floet-struut, i-J 1 -L mmm BRITISH EMPIRE.

Tho Ttwue of May 3, Double Number, Prioo 1 now RKPRINTEU, oantatslna, io (iprtwol Stiptilemerit, a KULL REPLY te Sir LOUIS MALLP.T8 RliCENT PA Mi HLKT in DEFRNCE ot SO-CALLED FRXM a RAi Copies can be bad on anidloaUou to the PiiblitlMr. 47. or ot any Newsagent ur Railway Citation throughout tbe Kiiiguoui. TRESS OPLNIONR Tho Bnviftird Chronicle end Mall," of Monday, May 6, sags Tha nt contains an exiiaUstf ami cal tally written rnpi to tlie letter of Hlr Lou I noently to toa FmalleLt of the Cktbdcn Chib.

Thuru an several ct n'-rlbiften to this portion the 'BritiHh 1 and Ro procitv Is considered from the fojiw rie-'Kannfoottind Goods, International Agnculturn, and In every point' Sir Louis Mallet receive asi.rero and well deserved All persons who take an iprvicity ought to read these art.Iol. nlerenec, for they nreuu i.afiy means of the stupid ejiserticins which an being re 'J radars." evlay. May 6. ssys Any odd in want bioh are well worth ki ol furnishing repllw to put fonrar The Western Tlm of very uxorlUnt port ehacina The British las Haaw can liave it bv iuu oay iau 11 mimirur of Ux or iToUci ion he will, a regular blow out' of that to )oot lor hi nion7 in rrplle to Sir Louis Mullet 'a passpbiel Einploytr. of Labour snd Manufacturers who regard the politic fsnenlly adopted the Oobdea Club a innuious to the interest cf the 00 intrj are lueated to communicate with tbe Rilitor, 47.

FteSA street, E.C. BFECIAL SU PnbRshed at Four live TUk. SlOflT POPULAR EDrnoir. Ila ou Suudr Morning.

PAPER OF THE DAY. Elt forSnnday Next con-it important News, Including the Vurld. powerful Leading on Meeting, Onel'ininj Article, Juuigntloc Ni 01 SI See HERAPATHS el T.t-iuoiTOW (Saturday), prbj StL and ail Newsretidon. a. Red I GLOBE A Fre trslinuiiAiion of the I Jonmal.

dov id KM RMiabld aU narts of the World obtained at Six o'clock in. in ml londoo Agentl KensiDgtou and IL Clements-lane, E.C. Twenty-eisl'th Thrnssnd. pricu la Cd. post free la EL AT ION of QUACKS and ul' Ai RY.

JL' UWasamup. reprinted rroru the Medical Circular. I SM fiM anu a o.e pen ss r.r fr. as row It sM alioeld co If thai wlh to gin and d'rnve-i. Where I uuku una Detector.

-Yldo Punch" itofc. LoTHb-ni BslliliV and Ring Williim-tr(t, fStnnd. ON LOSS Matter, -rwer, bow. kuthor, 4L pus. Trio btamps, tUNGEVlfY: LI Mor: Tost fm r'-d, 163 ptges, el.dh, IN a Treatise on Method of Om-ing Con-aoea of thn Tiiroat and tlie olvantegiis of she I) It.

t10 eutiiptloii. Brondntii. Luna. WjUi tttJiwn'us ts treulmcbU By ROBf RT 1 Londoh: IrliUvtill and PfLKPSY and its a NEW jaagKm. By al LfTinlrtii Hardwioko ax npHE new elV3troWiotobatmhnt or CANCER and SIMPLE TUMOURS.

By UKORGL EDGE-A MHOa aadCoa tit CiAc atrest, QCBsTKlt tH Tfa-v OORE and MOORE PIANOFORTES. Approved Sritera of Pnn-hase. Pianette, S3 at 21. ir. per qr.

Cotteud Pianofortes, az at 3'S. iq. per or. no. Monthly peymenti If desired.

Liberal di-coiuit for cash. GRAND PIAN0K0RTKR from 84 g. Carriage free. Illustrated Lists post free on application. Ware Rooms, 1C4 and 105., Bishopseatte streetrithin, C.

OORE and IUMSfroni7jfK and AMERICAN OROANB from 12 tj PS. Per qr. Illustrated Liata post free. Anv instrument carerall uaoked free. Ware Rooms, 104 and lOi, Bishapsgotn sin -t-withm.

E.C OORE and JIOORE have PIANOFORTES, BcciudLsna aod Returned from Hire, for KALE at low ranirbau from ex Pianofortes kept in tune at a yearly charge. Wore Rooms, 104 and 106. Btshopftgare-sirecx-wiihiu, R.C. IANOS for No hire charge THOMA: IE, l'ia. per Month, eren octaves.

rchaaed at any time within six mouth. PIANOS, 11 System. Be Years' incuts are tent up. lUuWfated (Joiaioguea post ire on apniioaMon THOMAS OETJltANN and Co 27. Baker-street, Portmannuarc, rIANOFORTESMay Meeting -PIANOS may XT he HIRED for one month, at 12.

ptr ro-aHh, at THOMAS OfciTZMANN and Oo'n, 27, Baker-street, Portuian-aquare, eiactly opposite Madame Timsaud' BROAD WOOD COTTAGE PIAKO, in hitnl-sosno Walnutwood Case. -Fuil-compaa COTTAGE PIANO. FOKTE, la excclleu. br aljwvo esteerr.yd Makers, at greatly mduced price for cash, at OKT.M ANN'S, 27, Rakor street. ERARD PIANO, 45 fftdneas, fullest comnaw of oven octave.

Trichord COTTAGE PIANOFORTKin hand- sumo and ciit case, hue. full tiowerfid tone cash only. liuarimtend to le a euiniw ins irunient. uumiilu'tuicd bv Mesn tMnrll.orougli-Ftrcet. London, and tiew within ANN'S, 27, Bakev-rtrk-t, Portman-Bqaarc mo three exactly opposite Madai BOOSEY and Oo.

PIANOFORTE ROOMS. GRAND and TJPRIGUT PIANOFORTES, by aU the creat maker, both English and Foreign, for SALE or MIRE, mbjeot to tbe largest discount ol.taiualde in Lndn. Pianettes trow 2if. Short glands from aOJ. Sole address 29a, Roeent-etnnt.

OOSKY and Co. 'e SHORT IRON GRAND PIANOFORTEH, 60, 7a 80. and CS guineas each, eubject to a libers cosh, or ou the tlirco-yeaiii' systvui. from S. 10.

il Instruments fur luQia. ijtk jrice lists Hegeut-streot, TABARD'S PIANOS. Mcfwrs. I5RARD, of 18. Great Marlborough-troot, Inrndop, and 13, Rue du MaU, Parift, to licr Maj.

sty and the Prin.te and Princess of Wains, CAUTION tho PUBLIC that Pianoforte are being sold bwrunug the name of Erard which uro not of their msjiufaotaro. For information us to authenticity apply at 18, Great Marlboro inA-street, Londuii, where new llano can bo obtained at 50 guineas and upwards. ERARD'S PIANOS. COTTAGES. From Guinea.

RARD'S PIANOS. OBUQl'E GRANDS, Front Guinea. ii RARD'S PIANOS. GRANDS. D'ALMAINEN PIANOS at half-price Tho whole of this splendid stock, perfected by the Kuoceason of this long-standing firm of 100 years' reputation, and to effect a speedy sale easy terms arranged, with seven ywvrs warranty.

Cottages 15 and 17 pflsfcess, worth 3Jond 34 20 and 8 guineas, worth and $0. Some good Cotiagca, urnel rroiu bin or token in cxeliange, 13, 14, and IS guinea, ail warranted. On Fim-lrary-paveuiont, Moorate SUtkm. 1 1 -i r-' DIPLOMAT Ot HONOUR AWARDED 1S51 AND 1362. rZMANN and SONS PIANOS, it in tone, touch, design, and Unish.

(rom 20 guineas. I'URCHASE, from 13 nor mouth. fiom lfw. per month. REDK.

OE' Excelle SALE JfIRE HIRE. LEIPSIC CONSERVATORIUM GRANDS. Acknowledged by tbe profession to he uns.uviiss.yl for brilliancy and power of tone, eiastlelty of tounh, and make. Used for tbe principal coraervatoln of music. Sole Agent, FRKDK.

OET.MANN and SONS. T7REDK, OETZMANN aod SONS' AMERICAN ORGANS, and HARMONIUMS, New lowtwiete. Literal diftie.untf'.rraBb WoroRooaaa, 33. CONDUIT-WTRttKT, RKJ EN T-STltE ET. W.

PL Regentotreetl. Hliiratod Lists post free. AVESTAFFS (WILLIAM PIANOFORTES ore well knwwu for their sniod iualities of tone touob. standing well in tune, and general durability. The obliques.

1th his patent vertical repeater chock action, ore by any, either Enelfsh tn- foroign. Piicns from 24 guineas; lent on three yearf srstein EstoblisSe.1 1823. Unmoved from Orcat Buescll -street and Sloane-tet to 14, Berncrs-strect, Oxfcrd-striait. B. No other addrtw.

(1 A ME R'B PIANETTES. For a pure ru-h sympirthetio ton, for a pliant ana easy rouen le- tn tlif A.lnlMt trdl.tlmi tlx. nl.cnr for Koliditv of Con atruc'inn Btw enmate, and for exteruat ejusauoe, CRAMER'S oie uuriraiieo- rice 25 to 6u gqiueM. tond-streot. Moorcate -street, E.C.

Regfcut rants r.vniiiiiiufl. ina. uviuV hevou and J. HOPKINSON havinc lwen awarded bv PARIS EXHIBITION. ff tho Musical urrtrs at the Paris Iiitcriational PAhihitinn tho ONLY GOLD MEDAL for Great Krilain for PIANOS, CAUTION the public ajrolust any representation leading to 'Xnrary cooulusion.

For Sale. Hire, or on the Three Yean' System. I "rice from 25 guinea. For Hire from 10. pur month List free.

Wonrooins, 23S, Regent atrcet, W. FSTROHMENGER and SONS' Iron Overstrung PIANOS on the Three Yean' System, from 15a. per month. Harmoniums from 10s. 6d.

Warranted. Illustrated catalogues free. Extensive Show Room. -206, Goswell-road, London, KIRKMAN'S PATENT STEEL-FRAME GRAND and COTTAGE PIANOFORTES. Tho public Is informed that Messrs.

Eirkman and Sou arc tlm Sole Patentees of Stoel-frome Fiance. The resonant quality of steel as oomnareil with iron in the construction of pianos is readily acknowledged by all who have beard them. Sole City Agent ALFRED HAY'S, 4, Royal Eicbapge-bwOdrngB. Cornhtll. E.C.

(EACHEY'S PIANOS for HIRE or SALE, or on the Three Years' System of Purchase, from 24 cnlneos nerqnarter. Manufactory and Rxtensive Show-rooius. Evfabllshed 4T years. Peachey, Pianoforte Maker to the Queen, 72 and 73, Bisborvatc-street within, E.C. HE GREATEST of aU PIANOFORTES.

Deacrlptfve Catalogues of the 8TJCLNWAY PIANO-FLtftTES-Grand, HprighB, and Bauare in English French. German, or Sponiab. con be obtained on application. Steiiiway Hall llxmdon), Lower Seymour-sfruet, PorUn an square, W. 13IANO for fullj COTTAGE, in walnut trichord, rich tone, aod very hundsome to be SOLD or half its cost or should hatn.y to meet with some one to toko charge of it fox a few months.

Auurass A. 2, Library. Church-road, N. IlANOFORTE for SALE (privately, no dealers). A Good COTTAGE, handsome walnut case, cost 35 guineas price to an immediate nurchnocr.

12 guineas; must he sold for want of room W. R. 476, UuU.may-rood, N. I I A FORTE for SALE. A 7-octave walnut trithord COTTAflE nowTf.i1 Collard and Collard's latast miprov-enient onrefally ned few month wlto Stol to inascn Town, rnatoh 19 guinea 70.

Crowndole-rond. Camden PIANOFORTE tor SALE ALurniricent full-eom- nandaome Irrmt first nlasn makern 18 gnineas cash, worth double ttUet fa Sold at one, tudmr thi i.r.tiUrtu l.l mm oftS, only want Apply at om. Mr. A. M.

81. Ciraham-ro IJaistou. near ti.i.i OIANOFORTES for HIRE or for SALE, from 25 guineas BROADWOOD and SONS. 33, t.nat Pnltoney-slreet. Golden-sqnore, W.

Manufactory, 45, Hone-aerryoe WttuinBter. FLRST-CLASS PIANOFOU NUJMS LENT on UlltE at Ou wne.n fr. VtnnAw.B t. I HARMO- Unnl.h rill nanI. swgpiavsfl or too mrer S-ooUtve Jlivrmntilunis, nV.fLLr' inKmtn fw lTnlTe months.

J. BLAOKMAN, 3. (near the Surrey Theatre). List free. Hivrrnnulums, six lA.IiwAvfN.?TPIANvjS COTTAGE, fJoi 20L to be SOLD COTTAGE PIANOFORTE, by hTHytf an11.1aon''.

JT SALE rosewood cose, 3-unison scale in perfect condition, nud nearly now cost 75 guinea will bo sold for 40 sraineas cwh E. 39, Bioad-stinsiS, Rei5'ng. YAM and Co. (Limited). EBTLEMEITS and COYS' TAILORS, Clol Ilatton, Hosiers, Boot and linc vlakers.

and Ot 66 and 67 OX-FoRD-mTRKK'I, LONDON, W. YAM and Co. have obtained for BOYS' and VISUTH0- UUITHIISO a popularity OJipre- cwientieu anu tneir ettcnolvu tnow Rooms contain the largest Stock In the Kingdom. YAM and Co. Deiurn and-Model "all their JXTVENILE CLOTniNu themstlve.

Thoy an exciuainly their own style; and tor fashion, elegance, and durability an unrivalled YAM and Co. have spacious Show Rooms set apart lor trying on eacn garment previous to pur chasing, and with this is comprised tbe gvuatest pTlvauy. YAM and Co. have alo for Boys and Youths Haw, Caps, Hosiery, blurts, Pout and and thus a complete OutUt can be easily OfS'l- il. YAM and Boys' and Youths' Clothing is not only the Ben, nut tne meanest me ningaom.

wmmt it auranuity is too well known to require comment. ORDERS from HYAM and Co. transmit, free, PATTERNS of MATERIALS, wm bate, and fashion sheets, with easy rules for self-rueaeuremeut A sutiafactary axeuution of all orders guaranteed, and good exchanged if not approved. mAM and SElTECT-DEPARTMENTS, entuemkn's ready-made department, qkn tlem sklkct order department, habit and liviory df.partmknt. boys' and vouths' sepaliate dkpartment.

hats. caps, hosiery. shirts. boots, shoes, ac YAM and CO. (Limited).


LKEDS-42. UKIGGATE WoLERHAMPToN-4I. DUDT.EY-"TREET, and CJHIRTS, FORD'S EUREKAS, 30., 40s. SIKIET3. -FORD'S EURF Hlustrated Price LlsU 1 sure free by post.

i 40s. 4slf-mea- JUT- of New French Printed SHIRTINGS. In every variety otColoun and Styles, ror renting, itte improvea f.ureK.v nirt, rrw ny post EUREKAS, 40s. Celebrated for Fit, Durability, and Appearance. All double-stitctied, FORD and 4L Poultry.

EUREKAS. Sold by Hosiers, Kj Drapers, Clothier. Ac. -Wholesale, KIC1 ID. FORD and Co 41.

Poultry, London. QPPOSITE the TREE, 4J CIIEAPSIDE. BW. AUG AN has taken thase ertensive and a central h-cmluy In tbitl "Jie Pnhlle nrw n.n. vnbintly witooas the marvellous PRODUCTION HOT WATER by HE INSTANTANEOUS ATER HEATER 01 PATENT GEYSER.

ORTY GALLONS nf HEATED FTVE MINUTES, at a crurt of lid. nleitbrr Gas or Spirit of Wit fine. Also an exhlbll a Bstli-room, Lai Tho Trade "4 Fittings, aud every requisite fisr Prioe Lint on aniilieatiun. I OfHcos use healh. 1 Chcj-ivihic, C.

81 ilia BRAN RET CAPSICUM POROUS PLASTER: for ail looal affecUons they are wocdorfully Butler and. Crispe, Cheapsidc, 1'f I.

The Standard from London, Greater London, England (2024)


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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.