54: Roman Emperor Claudius passed away.For Jews, Claudius has to rate as one of the best of the Roman rulers.Among other things, he took the side of the Jews when they were attacked inAlexandria; he maintained a genuine friendship with Agrippa and allowed theJews to elect their own high Priest while refraining from tampering with theTemple treasury.
54: Nero ascends to the Roman throne. Nero would appoint fourincreasingly incompetent and venal governors whose misrule would play a keyrole in the outbreak of the Great Revolt.When the Jews did rebel, Nero appointed Vespasian to put down therevolt.
1307: In France, Phillip IV ordered the arrest of hundreds of KnightsTemplar on charges of heresy. WhatPhillip was really after was control of the wealth of the Templars. A year earlier, he had expelled the Jews fromFrance after stripping them of their wealth.Philip’s behavior is just one more example of greed hiding behind afaçade of religious belief.
1397:Richard Whittington waselected Lord Mayor of London. Whittington was one of those who defied the banon Jews living in England when it suited his purposes. He brought a physiciannamed Samson de Mirabeau into the realm for care for his wife in 1409. Whittington was in good company when it cameto ignoring the ban since King Henry IV brought Elias Ben Sabbetai from Bolognato serve as his physician in 1410.
1399: Coronation of King Henry IV of England who in December of 1410,issued a safe conduct for Elias Sabot, a much praised Jewish doctor”who”arrived with a retinue of servants and was granted royal protection for twoyears” which would seem to indicate that protecting the health of the monarchtrumped the century old ban on Jews living in England
1483: Isaac Ben Judah Abravanel (also spelled Abarbanel) started hisexegesis on the Bible. Born in Portugal 1437, Abravanel was one of the mostcolorful and interesting characters of the final decades of during which Jewslived in Spain and Portugal. He was part of a distinguished family and he waswell educated in Jewish and secular studies.Abravanel was a financier, tax collector and advisor to the King Alfonsoof Portugal. When Alfonso died, Abravanelhad falling out with his successor. Itwas at this time that Abravanel decided to give up his political duties anddevote himself to writing commentaries.For reasons that are too complex for this brief entry, Abravanel wasforced to flee to Spain where he returned to his tax collecting duties. He left Spain in 1492 and ended up in Napleswhere he ended up as financier and tax collector again. He passed away in 1503 leaving behind a bodyof commentaries on the Torah and the Prophets. According to some authorities,his work is solid, but not original. Heis, however seen as being the last in a long line of Jewish commentators andphilosophers who were part of the Sephardic culture that flourished from the 8thto the 15th centuries.
1513:Today, German born Catholic scholar Johann Reuchlin “begged” “Bonet de Lattes,a Jewish physician and astrologer…known chiefly as the inventor an astronomicalring-dial” and the father of two sons – Joseph and Immanuel -- “to use his influence in order that theexamination of the Augenspiegelshould not be given into the hands of a commission made up of strangers…”
1534:Papacy of Paul III began. In response to the threat of the ProtestantReformation, Paul “established a system of tribunals, administered by theSupreme Sacred Congregation of the Universal Inquisition’, and staffed bycardinals and other Church officials. This system would later become known asthe Roman Inquisition.” Unfortunatelyfor the Jews, this iteration of the Inquisition also dealt with the “crimes”relating to Judaism including the attempts by Jews who had been forced toconvert to return to the faith of their ancestors.
1605: Eighty-six-year-oldFrench Protestant theologian Theodore Beza, the successor to John Calvin atGeneva and like Luther was a believer “that Christian churches were largelyresponsible for the current unbelief among the Jews and “that there would alarge-scale conversion of the Jews” while still acknowledging “the Justice ofdivine anger the Jewish people” passed away today.
1639(Tishrei,5400): Simcha Heller Kahana, the son of Yaakov Yosef Heller Kahana and RaizelSegal Kahana passed away today.
1654: (2nd of Heshvan 5415): On this date Isaac Rodriguez Cunha, acitizen of Curacao, writes a letter which is addressed “to the illustriousGentlemen, the Mahamad of the Holy Congregation Mikvah Israel, Curacao.” Thisis one of the first written pieces of evidence used in fixing the dates for thefounding of the Jewish community and the synagogue in Curacao. Mahamad is aterm used for the “board of directors of a Spanish-Portuguese Congregation
1660:Hugh Peter the Puritan preacher who had renounced his belief that Jews shouldbe readmitted to England while attending the Whitehall Conference of 1655 wasexecuted today for his role in the be-heading of King Charles I
1676:“Compositor, Josel (Joseph) Witzenhausen” was warned “not to compete with ‘the alderman Wilhelm Blau and the jurist Laurens Ball, theChristian partners of Uri Phoebus when it came to printing “a Judaeo-GermanBible” in the Netherlands.
1722(13th of Cheshvan, 5483): Abraham Burgos, aformer resident of Barbados who was reported to have been one of the earliestsettlers of Rhode Island passed away today in New York.
1753(15thof Tishrei, 5514): Sukkoth and Shabbat.
1753: InPhiladelphia, Mathias and Tabitha Bush gave birth to Solomon Bush who will riseto the rank of Lt. Colonel during the American Revolution.
1755: In Arnhem,a resolution was adopted that assigned the Jews “a lot of forty feet by onehundred” which was to be fenced in by them” to be use used as a cemetery.
1757: InGeorgetown, SC, Dinah Comgile and Moses Cohen gave birth to Solomon Cohen, theseventh of their eleven children who was the husband of Ella Moses Hart and thepostmaster and tax collector in Georgetown.
1759(22ndof Tishrei, 5520): Shemini Atzeret
1770(24thof Tishrei, 5531) Parashat Bershit; the cycle begins again as founding fatherBenjamin Franklin receives a letter from Philadelphian Ebenezer Kinnersley on avariety of subjects including the electrical conductivity of charcoal.
1773: Itwas reported today that “a gentleman” who has “returned from the interior partsof North America, beyond the Ohio,” claims to have discovered “a nation ofJews” living among the Indians, “who call themselves Naphthali.” (Naphtali wasthe second son born to Jacob the concubine Bilhah)
1775(19th ofTishrei, 5536): Fifth Day of Sukkot
1775: The ContinentalCongress creates the United States Navy. Some of the famous Jews to serve inthe U.S. Navy include Commodore Uriah P. Levy who played a key role in endingflogging as a punishment for seamen; Admiral Hyman Rickover, the father of theNuclear Navy; Admiral Jeremy Michael Boorda, Chief of Naval Operations.
1776(30thof Tishrei, 5537): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan
1778(22ndof Tishrei, 5539): Shemini Atzert
1780(14thof Tishrei, 5541): Erev Sukkoth observed as the “Great Hurricane” made its waythrough the Carribean.
1783(17thof Tishrei, 5544): Third Day of Sukkoth
1788: InKremenetz, Judah Levin, a grandson of Jekuthiel Solomon and his wife gave birthto Isaac Baer Levinsohn a leader of the Haskalah movement
1789(23rdof Tishrei, 5550): Simchat Torah
1791 :(15th of Tishrei, 5552): Sukkoth
1795(30thof Tishrei, 5556): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan
1795(30thof Tishrei, 5556): In Savannah, GA, Jacob de Lyon, the six-month-old son ofAbraham de Lyo passed away today in Savannah, GA.
1796:Censorship of Jewish books in Russia became official policy.
1797(23rdof Tishrei, 5558): Simchat Torah
1798:Birthdate of Nikolsburg, Moravia native Solomon Quetsch, the rabbi who trainedunder Mordecai Benet and served at Piesling, Lepnik and Nikolsburg.
1801:Birthdate of Emil Roediger the German orientalist and Hebrew linguist whoedited books on Hebrew grammar.
1802(17thof Tishrei, 5563): Third Day of Sukkot
1805(20thof Tishrei, 5566): Sixth Day of Sukkoth
1805: TodayJohn Charles Lucena and Mary Anne Lancaster whom he had married at Hampstead in1791 gave birth to daughter today.
1808(22ndof Tishrei, 5569): Shmini Atzeret observed for the last time during thepresidency of Thomas Jefferson.
1810(15thof Tishrei, 5571): Sukkot
1813(19thof Tishrei, 5574): Fifth Day of Sukkot
1815: Elizaand Lewis Solomon, the parents of Henry, Louis and Esther Solomon, were marriedtoday at the New Synagogue.
1816(21stof Tishrei, 5577): Hoshana Raba
1816: InNew York, Michael and Elizabeth Daly gave birth to Judge Charles Patrick Dalyauthor of The Settlement of the Jews in North America.
1818: InLondon, Samson Beck and his wife gave birth to Philip Beck.
1818:Birthdate for Regina Kohen, the wife of Angelo Vivante, both of whom wereburied in Trieste Jewish Cemetery.
1820:Birthdate of Sir John William Dawson the Canadian geologist who “traveledextensively in Egypt and Syria” and whose works included “Archaia” Studies onthe Cosmogony and Natural History of the Hebrew Scriptures.
1821:Birthdate of Rudolf Virchow, the German biologist and anthropologist whosefamily may have at one time been Jewish and who studied the biologicalcharacteristics of thousands of Jewish schoolchildren as part of his attempt to“provide a rational for the sense of Jewish acculturation” even though “hestill assumed that Jews were a separate and distinct racial category.”
1823:Francis Ephriam Cohen who would change his name to Francis Palgrave marriedElizabeth Turner following his conversion to Anglican Christianity, a move thatno doubt advanced his career as an historian and archivist.
1824(21stof Tishrei, 5585): Hoshana Raba observed for the last time during thePresidency of James Monroe.
1827(22ndof Tishrei, 5588): Shmini Atzeret
1829(16thof Tishrei, 5590): Second Day of Sukkoth.
1830: Thirty-two-year-oldBaltimore born son of Reuben Etting whosettled in Philadelphia married Harriet Marx today.
1834(10thof Tishrei, 5595): Yom Kippur
1835: InLondon, Maurice Solomon, the son of Moshe Eliezer Lieberman Solomon and Betsy(Elizabeth) Solomon and his wife Louisa Solomon gave birth to Samuel Solomon,the husband of Emma Maurice and the
1837(14thof Tishrei, 5598): Erev Sukkoth
1839:Isaias and Elisabeth Popper gave birth to their first child Simon Popper
1843: B'nai Brithwas founded under the leadership of Henry Jones at Sinsheimer's cafe on Essex Street in New York. Its original mission was themaintenance of orphanages and homes for the elderly and widows. It extended itswork to many spheres of American Jewish life, including combatinganti-Semitism. (A.D.L.) and working with students on campus (Hillel).
1844: Anelection was scheduled to be held today to choose the Orthodox Chief Rabbi ofthe British Empire. The election was wonby Dr. Nathan Marcus Adler who held the position from 1845 until his death in1890.
1845: InRichmond, VA, Larkin White Glazebrook and America Henley Bullington gave birthto VMI graduate and Episcopal Bishop Otis Allan Glazebrook who served asAmerican Counsel in Jerusalem during WW I where distributed relief funds to theJews of Palestine for three years which earned him a ceremonial dinner ofthanks organized by Henry Morgenthau, Felix Warburg, Jacob Schiff and FelixElkus who “presented him with a sliver tea service as a symoble of theaffection and esteem of the Jewish People of the United States.”
1846(23rdof Tishrei, 5607): Simchat Torah
1846:Birthdate of Hebrew poet and Yiddish author Isaac Rabinowitz the native ofKovno many of whose works can be found in Zemirot Yisrael and who passed awayin the New York City where he went to join his children.
1847(3rdof Cheshvan, 5608):Rabbi Jizchok Arye, (Isaac Loew Matthes Wormser) alsocalled the Wonder Rabbi Michel city and Baal Shem of Michel City passed awaytoday.
1848: InFort Wayne, IN, Frederic Nirdlinger and Hannah Meyerson who were of “GermanJewish origin” gave birth to American theatre own and member of the TheatricalSyndicate Samuel Frederick Nirdlinger who gained fame as theatre own andco-founder of the Theatrical Syndicate had almost total control over theatricalbookings while raising two children – Carrie and Fred – with his wife SallieStraus.
1851: Threedays after he had passed away, 61-year-old Solomon Lucas, a native of Kent andthe husband of Elizabeth Lucas was buried today at the “Chatham JewishCemetery.”
1853:“Hebrew Ceremonial” published today reported that the Jews were absent fromtheir businesses on New York City’s Chatham Street yesterday because they wereobserving the “Day of Atonement, which the Hebrew still duly celebrates thoughthree thousand years have elapsed Moses delivered his Levitical command”concerning this Fast Day. It is the“same statute” the Jews have observed “by the rivers of Poland, in the streetsof York, in the valleys of the Aragon” or now “by the banks of the Hudson”river.
1854(21stof Tishrei, 5615): Hoshana Raba
1855: InNew York, Newport R.I. native Benjamin Hayman Seixas and Zipporah Peixotto gavebirth to Jessica Davis Seixas, the wife of Israel Oberndorfer whom she marriedin 1890.
1856: RabbiUria Feibelman and Maie Klaus Feibelman a birth to Mobile, AL resident JosephFeibelman, the husband of Saah Feibelman whom he married in 1884.
1856:Isabella Siexas, the New York born daughter of Dr. Daniel Moses Levy MaduroPeixotto and Rachel Lopes Mendes Peixotto, and her husband Benjamin HaymanSeixas gave birth to Jessica Davis Oberndorfer, the wife of Israel Oberndorfer,the business partner of Joshua G. Falk.
1858:Birthdate of Pauline Ehrlich, the second wife of Biblical commentator andscholar Arnold Ehrlich whose daughter Olga was born in 1881.
1859(15thof Tishrei, 5620): First Day of Sukkoth
1862: InManchester, Rabbi Gustav Gottheil and his wife Rosalie Wollman gave birth to Rabbi Richard James Horatio Gottheil, the husband of Emma R. Leonand professor of Semitic Languages at Columbia whose many activities includedserving as a delegate to the Zionist Congress at Basel, serving as editor ofthe Jewish Encyclopedia starting in 1901 and being a founder and president ofthe Jewish Religious Schol Union in New York
1863:Birthdate of Hardinsburg, KY, native Silas Ichenhausen who settled inEvansville, IN where he was a merchant and a member of the Planning Commission.
1864: HenryBerg who had begun his service with Company G of the 108th Regimentin 1862 was wounded at Richmond as the Union Army besieged the Confederates.
1864: InKeokuk, Iowa, “Mr. Falk handed in his resignation as schochet for thecongregation” and he was replaced by “Mr. Berman” after he sharpened his ritualknife to remove “all of the rough edges making it sharp and smooth”
1865(23rdof Tishrei, 5626): Simchat Torah
1866(4thof Cheshvan, 5627): Parashat Noach read on the same day that Karl Marx wroteLudwig Kugelmann describing his desperate financial circumstances.
1867: InSyracuse, NY, David Stoltz and Regina Straus gave birth to Benjamin Stoltz thegraduate of Columbia University Law School and husband of Rose Landsberg whowas the director of the Hebrew Free Loan Association and a trustee of theJewish Orphan Asylum Association of Western New York.
1868: InNew York, Dora Levy and Isidore Phillips gave birth to Michael C. Phillips, thehusband of Sarah Newman Phillips whom he married in 1895.
1871(28thof Tishrei, 5632): Fifty-eight-year-old Moses Millaud, French banker,businessman and founder of Le PetitJournal passed away today. He was asupporter of Louis Napoleon (Emperor Napoleon) and was involved in some of themore infamous financial scandals of his time.
1871: InVienna, Salomon Federn, “an important Viennese doctor who did pioneering workin blood” and Ernestine Spitzer, a member of a prominent Jewish merchant familygave birth to Paul Federn, he psychologist who was one of the early supportersof Sigmund Freud.
1873(22ndof Tishrei, 5634): Shemini Atzeret
1873: InHamburg, German, Viktor Isaac Michael, the “Son of Isaac Joseph Michael andJette Michael and his wife Therese Michael gave birth to Hermine Molling, thwife of Gustave Molling and “other of Therese Gottschalk (Godshaw); KätheSalomon; Alice Burlin and Dr. jur. Hans Victor Molling.”
1873:Today, the Hebrew Society of St. Joseph, MO, sent five hundred dollars to aidpeople in Memphis, TN caught in the grips of a Yellow Fever Epidemic.
1874: InRiga, Liba and Faivish Grintuch gave birth to Ita Halsman, the wife of MaxHalsman and the mother of portrait photographer Philippe Halsman and LioubaGolschmann.”
1875(14thof Tishrei, 5636): Erev Sukkoth
1875: Twodays after he had passed away, 51-year-old Hyman Davis, the husband of IsabellaDavis, with whom he had eight children, was buried today at the “Balls PondRoad Jewish Cemetery.”
1875(14thof Tishrei, 5636): Sixty-four-year-old Judah Leib "Leopold" Löw, theHungarian Rabbi who incorporated elements of modernity in his Orthodox worldpassed away Szeged where he had been leading the community since 1850 despitemany offers to lead large communities including Bucharest.
1875: Itwas reported today that a survey expedition composed of English officers andsoldiers was attacked by marauders at their camp at Ain el Beida in Palestine.The group was conducting a triangulation exercise in western Palestine,specifically the Galilee and most important of all Safed “one of the ‘HolyCities’ of the Jews’…” According to the report, Lieutenant Kitchener was of theEnglish officers who was involved in this minor skirmish. [History would cometo know him as Lord Kitchener, who was involved in all of those 19th BritishImperial Campaigns from Egypt, to Sudan, to Khartoum to South Africa. He playeda critical role in Britain’s early war effort in WWI before being drowned whileon his way to Russia. But all of thatbegan here, in Palestine, when a 24-year-old lieutenant faced an armed enemyfor the first time.]
1876: InNew York, Clara Koffman and Joseph B. Bloomingdale gave birth to RosalieStanton Bloomingdale.
1877: Itwas reported today that New York State Supreme Court Judge Barrett has turneddown the application of Rabbi Ash of the Ludlow Street Synagogue to be giventhe $200 that had belonged to the late Abraham Weisberg so that he could sendit to a rabbi the Polish village where the descendant’s children live. Under the law, Barrett said that a guardianfor the minor children would have to be appointed before he could take action.(This is an example of the myriad conflicts that arose from the fact that fathersand husbands came to the U.S. ahead of their families with the intent to bringthem to America once they had earned enough to pay for passage.)
1878(16thof Tishrei, 5639): Second Day of Sukkot
1878(16thof Tishrei, 5639): Twenty-three days before his 71st birthdaySeligman Baer Bamberger who was serving as the rabbi of Wurzburg passed awaytoday.
1878: “LordBeaconsfield’s Policy” published today, claimed that Great Britain has shiftedher foreign policy for the first time in over 135 years to one of annexationand aggressive imperialism. This changeis the result of Beaconsfield’s ability to dissemble and confuse the Englishpeople which is due, in part, to the fact that he is a Jew.
1880:Birthdate of Sasha Cherny, the pen name of Russian poet and satirist AlexanderMikhailovich Glikberg
1881:Eliezer Ben-Yehuda and friends decided to speak Hebrew exclusively, marking thebeginning of the revival of the language in modern times. Born Eliezer Perlman in Lithuania, Ben-Yehuda is proof that one person can make a difference. As a youngster, a rabbi gave Ben-Yeuda aHebrew translation of Robinson Crusoe.That experience convinced him that Hebrew should be a modern, spoken languageas well as a language of prayer. Hedevoted the rest of his life to the idea of living in the land of Israel whereHebrew would be the spoken language. Hearrived in Jaffa with his bride in 1881 and he became associate editor of aHebrew Language journal. His task ofcreating a Modern Hebrew language was not an easy one. He was attacked both in print and physicallyby those who thought he was desecrating the holy tongue. At the same time, he had to keep inventingwords since much had happened since Hebrew was last an active language. Life wasa real challengefor hischildren. It was difficult for them tohave playmates since they were the only people who spoke Hebrew. Ben-Yehuda did not give up his dream. He lived to see Hebrew become one of thethree official languages of Palestine under the Mandate after World War I. Such was his success that by the time he diedin 1922, a majority of the Jews in Palestine listed Hebrew as their nativetongue on the census forms.
1883:Birthdate of Communistparty leader Max Bedacht who was raised as a Catholic and is sometimesmisidentified as being Jewish because when he was a member of the CentralCommittee he was one of only two members the other eight being “foreign bornJews”
1884: “TwoLove-Sick Ducks” published today described an altercation between a Jew and aGentile who were competing for the affections of Jewish widow living in St.Mark’s Place. The two became so violent that they ended up in front of a Judgewho agreed to release them “with the hope that Providence will improve thequality of your brains.
1884:Funeral services were held today for Rabbi Adoph Huebsch at Ahavath Chesed inNew York City. The overflow crowdincluded numerous Jewish leaders from across the United States the mostprominent of whom was Rabbi Wise of Cincinnati, the leader of the ReformMovement in the United States. Rabbi Theodore Guenzberg, Huebsch’s assistant,led the worship service. TempleEmanu-El’s Rabbi Gottehiel delivered a sermon in German. Rabbi Jacob delivered the English languagesermon. Following the funeral servicesthe rabbi was interred in Linden Hill Cemetery on Long Island.
1885: InCedar Rapids, IA, Michael and Alta Hershfield gave birth to Chicago Fine Artsacademy trained cartoonist Harry Hershfield, the husband of Sara Jane Isell andcreator of “Abbie the Agent,” “Desperate Desmond,” Homeless Hector,” “BalkyBob,” “Kabibble Kabaret” and “Theatrical Review” while working for the New YorkJournal and King Features and who was a member of the Jewish Theatrical Guildand B’nai B’rith and has been described as “the Jewish Will Rogers.
1885: The Georgia Institute of Technology (GeorgiaTech), home of the Yellow Jackets, is founded in Atlanta, Georgia. Today,Tech’s undergraduate and graduate population of 19,000 includes approximately600 Jewish students. There are severalJewish organizations on campus including AEPi Fraternity, Hillel and Jacketsfor Israel which co-sponsors the annual Israel-fest.
1888: In“Kensington, London,” Clotilde and Herman Schiff gave birth to Mortimer EdwardHarold Schiff, graduate of Cambridge, “managing clerk with Stepheson, Harwoodand Co” who “joined the Inns of Court OTC in 1915” after which joined theSuffolk Regiment where he rose to the rank of Captain before being killed onthe Western Front on September 25, 1917.
1888: Atthe insistence of his future wife, Otto Pierre Siegelstein married Mary Bubisat City Hall; a fact that he would later contest in his attempt to have themarriage annulled.
1889(18thof Tishrei, 5650): Fourth Day of Sukkoth
1891: As the famine in Russia worsens, it was reported that “thedestitute Jews who have expelled from Kiev, Moscow and Odessa are swelling theranks of the famished” populated primarily by Christian peasants.
1891: Three days after she had pass away, thirty year old Annie Gertrude(nee Earle) Newmann, the husband Isaiah Alfred Newmann with whom she had twochildren – “Percy and Winnie” – was buried today Balls Pond Road JewishCemetery.
1891: Birthdate of Jennie Loitman Barron, judge,lawyer, and suffragist. Born in Boston's West End, Barron attended BostonUniversity where she earned her BA, LL.B, and LL.M. degrees and was active inBoston University's League for Equal Suffrage. Barron started her own law firmafter graduation and created a new firm with her husband Samuel Barron, Jr.when they married four years later. Barron was elected president of theMassachusetts Association of Women Lawyers and campaigned for uniform marriageand divorce laws, as well as for women's right to serve on juries. She alsoworked to mobilize women to exercise their newly established right to vote.Barron began her thirty-five year career as a judge in 1934 when she wasappointed by the governor as a special justice of the Western Norfolk DistrictCourt. In 1937, she was named to be an associate of the Boston Municipal Court.She left this position when she became an associate of the MassachusettsSuperior Court in 1957 -- the first woman to hold this position. Throughout hercareer, Barron remained active in the Jewish community serving as the firstpresident of the Women's Auxiliary of Boston's Beth Israel Hospital, on thefirst board of Brandeis University National Women's Committee, and as the firstpresident of the New England Women's Division of the American Jewish Congress.Barron died in March 1969, one year after her husband's death. (As reported byJewish Women’s Archive)
1892(22ndof Tishrei, 5653): Shemini Atzeret
1892: IsaacIssacs, the deposed Secretary of the League of Republicans who is Jewish saidthat the Jews would not accept an apology from Mr. Blake, the campaign managerfor Major Warner, the Republican candidate for governor of Missouri. “The onlything that will conciliate the Jewish vote will be the removal of Mr. Blake.
1892: “ARepublican Insult To Jews” published today described the problems facingWilliam Warner, the Republican candidate for Governor of Missouri, followingthe denouement of Isaac Isaacs, the Secretary of the League of Republican Clubsand the “roasting” of the Jews by hispersonal manager John T. Blake.
1893:Edward Everett Hale delivered an address at the Lake Mohonk Conference ofFriends of the Indians in which “he spoke of the great success of Massachusettsin assimilating the Hebrew immigrants by breaking up their clannishness andscattering them among the American populations and asked why the same principleshould not apply to the Indian.”
1893: TheHebrew Journal express praise for the opposition of the New York Times to anupcoming prize fight between and American and an English man which is supportedby powerful interest in New York and Brooklyn.
1893:Congressman Rayner of Maryland gave a speech in the House of Representativesexpressing his views on the Geary Chinese Registration and Exclusion Act which“closed with a fervid appeal…to not commit a great national crime, as gross andwicked as the treatment accorded by Russia to the unfortunate Jews in herdominion and against which our own Government had protested.”
1893:“Curious Coincidences” published today described recently discoveredconnections between Columbus and the Jewish people including evidence that“Hebrews were among the sailors that composed crews of the three vessels,” therole of Luis de Toress and the evidence produced by Dr. Moses of Kayserling ofBudapest that Columbus set sail on the 9th day of Av and madelandfall in the New World on the “Seventh Day of the Jewish Feast ofTabernacle, the da of the great Hosanas.”
1893:Because it is erev Shabbat, there will be a pause in the festivities markingthe Golden Anniversary of the B’nai B’rith.
1893(3rdof Cheshvan, 5654): Eighty-one-year-old Major Raphael J. Moses, CSA theConfederate officer who “pioneered the commercial growing of peaches in “thePeachtree State” passed away today in Belgium after which he was buried at theEsquiline Cemetery in Columbus, GA.
1894: “ABully’s Career Ends in Death” published today described the demise of OttoSlimbach a Brooklyn bully who on the night he was mortally stabbed by anunknown party had beaten his mother and gone through the Jewish neighborhoodindulging “in Jew-baiting for his further amusement.”
1894: InNew York, Police Inspector Williams began an investigation into charges thatthe police had beaten the striking cloakmakers many of whom were Jewishincluding Israel Groman.
1894:Alfred Dreyfus is arrested by Commandant du Paty de Clam, an assistant to theArmy Chief of Staff and charged with treason.Dreyfus was left alone with a pistol, having been encouraged to do “thehonorable thing.” When Dreyfus refusedhe was marched off to prison where he would be kept in solitary confinement forthe next five days.
1895(25thof Tishrei, 5656): Seventy-seven-year-old Jacob Reifrman the native of Opatowwho wrote Hebrew poetry and was the son-in-law of Joseph Maimon passed awaytoday.
1896: InAlameda, CA, founding of the Hebrews Ladies’ Endeavor Society which was“organized for charitable purposed and for the maintenance of a Sabbath School”and whose members included Mrs. D.A. Levy and Mrs. J.S. Oppenheim.
1897(17thof Tishrei, 5658): Third Day of Sukkoth observed the first time during thePresidency of William McKinley.
1898:The Zionist Delegationincluding Joseph Seidener, Moses T. Schnirer, Theodor Herzl, David Wolffsohnand Max Bodenheimer takes the Orient Express to Constantinople as they pursueHerzl’s dream of top-down Zionism.
1899(9th of Cheshvan, 5660): Seventy-one-year-old Viennanative Magdelena “Lena” Woolner, the wife of Abraham Woolner with whom she hadfive children, passed away today after which she was buried in Peoria, Il.
1899: Two days after he had passed away, 82-year-old Abraham Hyams wasburied today in the “Plashet Jewish Cemetery in London.”
1900(20th of Tishrei, 5661): Shabbat shel Sukkoth
1900: Birthdate of Gerald Marks, the Saginaw, Michigan native best knownas the composer of the hit “All of Me.”
1900: Birthdate of New Yorker Ida Klein Clurman, the husband of SamClurman whom she married in 1921.
1900: “Practical Charity in New York’s Ghetto” published today describedthe work “of the Jewish Agricultural and Aid Society whose filed is in theJewish ghetto of the east side and whose work has for the lst six months beencarried forward on a gigantic and constantly growing scale, and et so quietlythat I may be said to haven but discovered recently by observers withmembership in Jewish synagogues and societies.”
1901: “Practical Charity in New York’s Ghetto” published today describedthe work “of the Jewish Agricultural and Aid Society whose field is in theJewish ghetto of the east side” was published today.
1902: “After dining at the Union League Club and before to the Republicanmass meeting in the Clermont Avenue Rink” this evening “Governor Odell drovearound to the Brooklyn Academy of Music and opened the Hebrew Charity Fair.?
1903(22nd of Tishrei, 5664): Shemini Atzeret
1903: In Albany County, NY, Aaron and Sarah Kravitz Scheinker gave birthto Ida Scheinker Zuckerman, the wife of Benjamin Zuckerman whom she married in1926.
1903: In Brooklyn, Abraham Isaac Shiplacoff and Yetta Ettel IttaShiplacoff” gave birth to William Morris Shipley
1903: Birthdate of Polish native and NYU trained attorney who in 1908came to the United States where he was active in Republican politics whileserving as a director of the ZOA.
1903(22nd of Tishrei, 5664): Dr. Marcus M. Jastrow a noted Hebrew scholarand educator who was rabbi emeritus ofRodef Shalom, a synagogue in Philadelphia, PA, passed away today at his home inGermantown, PA. Born in Pozen in 1829 hegraduated from the University of Berlin.He came to the United States in 1866 and became the Rabbi at RodefShalom, a position he held until his retirement in 1892. His major literary work was “A Dictionary ofthe Targumim, Talmud Babli, Talmud Yerushalmi and Midrashic Literature.”
1904: Birthdate of Isidore Grünbaum one of the last Jewish inhabitants ofKleinsteinach who in 1942 was deported to either Izbica or Theresienstadt.
1904: Today, “a small group of men organized Emanu-El Congregation ofBorough Park who members who included Max Baron, Simon Frank, Isaac Ipp, MaxPerlman, Louis Levy and Philip Abrahams
1905(14th of Tishrei, 5666): Erev Sukkoth
1905: “According to the regulations in force among Orthodox Jews,marriages may not be solemnized” today, the “day preceding the Feast ofTabernacles.”
1905(14th of Tishrei, 5666): Sixty-seven-year-old Sir HenryIrving the British actor manager whose first great career success came with hisportrayal of Mathias in “The Bells” (an adaptation of “Le Juif Polonais” andwhose portrayal of Shylock provided him with a dignity not usually seen inother actors, passed away today.
1905: Birthdate of Alice Vantochová the residence of Prague was murder atUjazdow in 1942
1906(24th of Tishrei, 5667): Parashat Bereshit
1906: “In correspondence from St. Petersburg, published by the CourierEuropean, it is stated that the League of the Russian People has issued itsprogram in view which of the elections for the next Duma that includes supportfor policies that will “force to Jews to emigrate.
1907: Today at the Fifth AvenueBaptist Church, the church attended by John D. Rockefller, Reverend Charlessaid “I do not believe on word of the Book of Johan as history” and that “thestory means only that God by captivity brought the people of Israel to a senseof their own sinfulness and pitiful narrowness” while “the three days in thewhale’s belly is but a type for Israel’s bondage and the story shows “Godintended to extend his gospel through the Jewish nation.”
1908(18th of Tishrei, 5669): Fourth Day of Sukkoth observedtoday as the strike by chauffeurs against the New York Taxicab Company turnedviolent.
1909: In Chicago, Theresa Lupe Block and David Julian Block, a Jewishchemist and electrical engineer gave to Herbert Lawrence Block, the Pulitzer Prize winning politicalcartoonist who gained fame as Herblock and set the standard by which allpractice this genre are evaluated.
1910(10th of Tishrei, 5671): Yom Kippur
1910: As of this date, Joseph Shongut, the Coroner was shown to be
1911: Following the outbreak of war between Turkey and Italy, “fourththousand Italian subjects, nearly all of whom were Jews” began leaving Salonicabecause they feared expulsion by the Ottomans
1911: Multiple telegrams were received in London from Malta, Gabes andDjerba, appealing for help for the many thousands of Jewish refugees fromTripoli.
1911: In Philadelphia, Max and Olga Hirsh gave birth to filmmaker Hyman“Hy” Hirsh who passed away in Paris at the age of 49.
1912: Birthdate of Hugo David Weisgall, the Moravian born Americancomposer and conductor “who served as aid-de-camp to General Patton” during WWII.
1912: Ludwig Teller, the son of Isak and Anna Teller, who was marriedtwice and was the father of three children, was buried today in his home townof Vienna.
1912: In Philadelphia, PA, Max and Olga Hirsh gave birth to “photographerand filmmaker” Hyman “Hy” Hirsch.
1912: Israel Abrahams, a Reader in Rabbinics at the University ofCambridge and a leader of the UK’s liberal Jewish movement addressed a meetingheld in his honor at New York’s Astor Hotel.Dr. Henry M. Leipziger, President of Judeans, presided over the meetingand introduced Mr. Abrahams. Among theother speakers were Rabbi Joseph Silverman of Temple Emanu-El and Rabbi StephenS. Wise of the Free Synagogue. Oscar S.Straus, Progressive Party candidate for Governor of New York, who was to havedelivered an address, sent a message expressing his regrets at having beenunavoidably detained. Abrahams spoke about a favorite topic of the time “TheJewish Problem.” In a unique twist,Abrahams defined it as “The eternal question of living two lives harmoniously.”
1913: According to legend, German-Jewish philosopher Franz Rosenzwiegattended Yom Kippur services for what he thought would be his last visit to aJewish house of worship before converting to Christianity. “But that prayer service moved him soprofoundly that he gave up the idea of converting and became a committed Jewishphilosopher, who saw his religion as preferable to Christianity.
1913: One day after she had passed away, sixty-five year old Russian-bornAnnie Summ, the wife of Joseph Summ with whom she had three children – “Tilly,Alexander and Samuel” – was buried today in the “Belfast Jewish Cemetery inNorthern Ireland.”
1914(23rd of Tishrei, 5675): Simchat Torah
1914(23rd of Tishrei 5675): 50-year-old Mrs. Rose BaruchStreng, the wife of Bernard Streng, a native of Landau, Germany passed away ather home on West 143rd Street in New York.
1914(23rd of Tishrei, 5675): Abram Scholomir, the son of JakobScholmir passed away today.
1914: “Russian Treaty Approved” published today described the decision ofthe Senate Committee on Foreign Relations to approve a peace treaty with Russiawhich might be a prelude to the signing of new treaty of commerce “to take theplace of the treaty of 1832 abrogated by the United States because of Russia’streatment of American Jews.”
1914: “Foreign Legion Of Jews published today provides Israel Zangwill’sview that Jews support the Allies over the cause of the Kaiser as can be seenby the number of Jews who have tried to enlist in the Jewish TerritorialOrganization which is a Zionist organization under the misconception that it ispart of the British Army – proof that “it would be easy to form a foreignlegion of Jews grateful for Britain’s sympathy” as can already be seen by thethousands of Jews already serving in the military.
1914: “15 Poisoned at Feast” published today described the unfortunateevents at the Sukkoth Meal eaten by the large family of Samuel Horowitz whereseveral of the attendees came down with ptomaine poisoning after having eatensome tainted fish.
1914: Judge Leon Sanders, the President of the Hebrew Shelter andImmigrant Aid Society, has organized “a special Relief Committee for the Jewishsuffers in all of the nations at war, following an appeal sent to theAustro-Hungarian Legation in New York by Jews in Austria.
1915: A famous Russian Revolutionary who has recently returned toEuropean Russia from Siberia was reported today to have said he regretted thatthe “abolition of restrictions endured by the Jews had not been removed a yearago” because “it might have save millions of Russian lives.”
1915: “A dispatch from Petrograd published today in The Daily Telegraphin London said that “Alexander Volzsin who “is credit with the initiator of therecently adopted statute extending residential rights to Jews” has beenappointed “the new Procurator-General of the Holy Synod.”
1916: It was reported today that former New York State Assemblyman AaronJ. Levy had told a Columbus Day gathering that “he lived in expectation of thetime when there be a more wholesome respect in the heart of every man for thereligion of his fellow man.”
1916: “Dr. Magnes Reaches Warsaw” published today described the arrivalof the Brooklyn born rabbi in the Polish capital city where he will bedistributing money raised by American Jews to aid Jews suffering from the war.
1917(27th of Tishrei, 5678): Parashat Bereshit
1917(27th of Tishrei, 5678): Eighty-seven-year-old AraonAbrahm Weinberg the son of Abraham Bendix Weinberg and Hannchen LeffmannWeinberg, the husband of Pauline Weinberg and father of Avraham Alfred Weinbergpassed away today in Westphalia, Germany.
1917: “In order to relieve the destitution of hundreds of Jews who arestranded in Yokohama, the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Societyannounced” today that “it has forwarded to B.J. Fleisher, publisher of theJapan Advertiser of Yokohama , $3,000 with which to lease a suitable buildingfor an immigrant station and that it will shortly send to the Far East arepresentative to superintend the caring for those in need” many of whom areRussian Jews who are trapped there because of the war.
1918: Today, “after being on duty continuously for thirty-six hours”Corporal Louis Sorrow with Company B, 307th Field Signal Battalion,“volunteered to repair telephone lines which had been cut by shell fire” andafter working all night repairing breaks to the line made it possible for“constant communication” to be resumed with forward regiments.
1918: “Dies of Influenza” published today recounted the accomplishmentsof Reverend Madison Clinton Peters who in addition to his work as a minister,social reformer and advocate for defeating the Kaiser in the World War wroteseveral books including Justice to the Jews, The Wit and Wisdom of theTalmud, The Jews as a Patriot and The Jews Who Stood ByWashington.
1919: It was reported today that Disbursements amounting to $2,978,992from funds raised throughout the United States by the American Jewish ReliefCommittee and other Jewish organizations were made in September alone by theJoint Distribution Committee”
1919: In Pittsburgh, PA, Bessie and Joshua Lippman gave birth toUniversity of Pittsburgh and University of Cincinnati alum and HUC ordainedrabbi, Eugene Jay Lipman, the husband of Esther Marcuson with whom he “hadthree children, Michael, Jonathan, and David” and author of “severalbooks—includingJustice and Judaism,A Tale of Ten Cities,TheRabbi in Secular Society, andThe Mishnah Oral Teachings of Judaism—”who served as an U.S. Army chaplain and who led Temple Beth El in Fort Worth,Texas, and Temple Emanuel in Mansfield, Ohio before coming to Washington, DC toserved Temple Sinai from June 1961 to July 1985
1920: In Berlin chess champion Mimi (née Heller) and psychiatrist HarryMarcuse gave birth to Albert Marcuse who was raised as a Lutheran because “hisfamily considered their Jewish heritage a liability” and who gained fame asAmerican composer and actor Albert Hague.
1920: The Bazaar and Fair sponsored by the Kane Street Temple in Brooklyncontinued for a second day.
1921: Julius Marshuetz Mayer completed his service as Judge of the UnitedStates District Court for the Southern District of New York.
1921: “In San Salvador, Argentina, north of Buenos Aires”, Russianimmigrant, small store owner and horse herder Mauricio Minuchin and “the formerClara Tolachier gave birth to Dr. Salvador Minuchin, a cutting-edge Americanpsychotherapist. (As reported by Sam Roberts)
1922(21st of Tishrei, 5683): Hoshana Rabah
1922(21st of Tishrei, 5683): Fifty-year-old Ethel Julia Edgar,the Liverpool born daughter of Louis Samuel Cohen and Martha May Cohen and thewife of Samuel Edgar passed away today in Dorset, England.
1922: “Sodom and Gomorrah” an “epic film” directed by Michael Curtiz whoalso wrote the script was released in Austria today.
1922: “According to a German police report written today: "The factcannot be denied that the anti-Semitic idea has penetrated the widest levels ofthe middle class, even far into the working class. It is clear that thismovement [the NSDAP]...is gaining increasing ground and that it has afuture."
1923(3rd of Cheshvan, 5684): Parashat Noach
1923: The Palestine Foundation Fund gave a farewell reception thisevening “in the Hotel Astor in honor of Dr. Joseph Silverman of Temple Emanu-elwho will be sailing next week for Palestine with his wife on a five-month trip.
1924(15th of Tishrei, 5685): Sukkoth
1924: It was reported today that ll institutions affiliated with theFederation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies are scheduled tohost appropriate celebrations for Sukkoth
1925: Birthdate Leonard Alfred Schneider who gained famed as controversialcomedian and satirist Lenny Bruce.
1925:Birthdate of Brooklynite film editor Ralph Rosenblum.
1926: InChicago, Russian-Jewish immigrants Louis Stein, “a jewelry designer” and Zelda(Sam) Stein gave birth to Solomon Stein the author and playwright who helped tofashion the essays of his boyhood friend James Baldwin into Notes of a NativeSon. (As reported by Sam Roberts)
1927(17thof Tishrei, 5688): Third Day of Sukkoth
1927: “InChicago, Illinois, Hungarian born Jewess Rosika Schwimmer, an internationallyknown feminist, author, and lecturer, is denied American citizenship by FederalJudge George Albert Carpenter because she is a pacifist.”
1927: InChicago, Abraham Konitz, the owner of a laundry and Anna (Getlin) Konitz gavebirth to Leon Konitz, one of the leading “Jazz-men” of the 20thcentury.
1928(29thof Tishrei, 5689): Seventy-year-old German Jewish otolaryngologist WilhelmFliess passed away today
1929(9thof Tishrei, 5690): Erev Yom Kippur
1929:Birthdate of Cleveland native Richard Joseph Orowitz who gained fame as Pulitzer Prize winner Richard Joseph Howard “anAmerican poet, literary critic, essayist, teacher, and translator.”
1929: InManhattan, Joseph and Sylvia Slifka gave birth to twins – Barbara and AlanBruce Slifka, “a New York investment manager who used his fortune to promoteharmony among Israeli Arabs and Jews and to give the Big Apple Circus itsstart.” (As reported by Dennis Hevesi)
1930(21stof Tishrei, 5691): Hoshana Raba
1930:“Darling of the Gods” “a German music written by Robert Lieberman “premiered atthe Gloria-Palast in Berlin” today.
1930:William Howard Taft, the only person to serve as President of the United Statesand Chief Justice of the United States, who while President visited RodefShalom where he became “the first time a sitting United States President spokefrom the pulpit of a Jewish house of worship during regular Sabbath services”and who supposed “the abrogation of a treaty with Russia because of Russia’streatment of Jews” completed his service as head of “the high court” today
1930: InNew York City, Dorothy (Friedlander) and General Sessions Judge Abraham N.Geller gave birth to Yale trained television script writer and producer BruceGeller best known for his work on the western series “Rawhide” and the longerrunning “Mission Impossible.”
1931: Inhis speech tonight at the first meeting of the Grand Street Boy’s AssociationNew York Mayor Jimmy Walker “lauded the Jews of New York for their civic andcharitable contributions” and “ praised Judge Max Levine of the Court ofGeneral Sessions who is president of the Grand Street Boys Association.”
1932: Acommittee was appointed tonight at a meeting of the Association of FederationWorkers which will meet with Joseph M. Proskauer, the President of theFederation for the Support of Jewish Philanthropic Society “to discussionreductions in wages effected by the federation’s curtailment of its budgetaryallotments for 1932.”
1933(23rdof Tishrei, 5694): Simchat Torah observed for the first time during thePresidency of Franklin Roosevelt.
1934(4thof Cheshvan, 5695): Parashat Noach
1934:According to a report of HIAS issued today “by Isaac L. Agofsky, generalmanager of the society,” “more than 5,000 Jewish aliens arrived in the UnitedStates during the first seven months of 1934…”
1935:“Barbary Coast” produced by Samuel Goldwyn, written by Ben Hecht, co-starringEdward G. Robinson and with music by Alfred Newman was released today in theUnited States by United Artists.
1936:Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau (FDR’s Jewish neighbor at Hyde Park) pointed out that “the tripartite agreementbetween the United States, France and Great Britain published” today which wasdesigned to promote the stabilizing of the three nations’ currencies andforeign exchanges” could “on twenty-four hours’ notice be revoked or altered”which an observer might have quickly deduced meant that problem of currencystability that had been a cause and result of the Great Depression has not beenaddressed.
1937:Birthdate of Parisian actor Samuel “Sami” Frei whose movie career began in 1960with an appearance “The Truth.
1937: Twenty-five-year-oldMilwaukee, WI native David Robert Altman was “wounded in accident at Fuentes deEbro today while fighting with the Republican forces during the Spanish CivilWar.
1937: The Palestine Post reported that aslight earth tremor was felt in Jerusalem. It lasted about a second and causedin some cases a definite sway of upper stories of buildings. There weresporadic Arab attacks, accompanied by heavy firing, at Hadera, Safed and onKibbutz Gordonia. A curfew was imposed on Safed. Robbers operated in theno-man's-land between the Palestinian and Lebanese French border posts atNakura. The attackers were protected by other well-armed men in surroundingarea.
1938(18thof Tishrei, 5699): Fourth day of Sukkoth
1938: MosesMax Ehrlich died at Gelsenkirchen where on Kristallnacht“antisemitic riots destroyed Jewish business, dwellings and cemeteries” andleft a synagogue in Buer and downtown Gelsenkirchen in ruins.
1938: Hans and Lotte Liebermann boarded a ship today and leftGermany for the United States where their son Hans had found refuge in June of1938.
1938:German mathematician Fritz Noether who had immigrated to the Soviet Union afterthe Nazis came to power and destroyed his career and had been convicted ofbeing a Nazi spy in a trial where the charges were based on “trumped upevidence” was sentenced to twenty five years in prison today by the Soviets whohad originally welcomed him with open arms.
1939: ChaimKaplan, the director of a Hebrew School in Warsaw, described the Jewishreactions to the Soviet occupation of Poland with the following diary entry:“The Jews there looked upon the Bolsheviks as redeeming messiahs. Even the wealthy, who would become poor underBolshevism, preferred the Russians to the Germans. There is plunder on the one hand and plunderon the other, but the Russians plunder one as a citizen and a man, while theNazis plunder one as a Jew. The formerPolish government never spoiled us, but at the same time never overtly singledus out for torture. The Nazi is asadist, however. His hatred of the Jewsis psychosis. He flogs and derivespleasure from it. The torment of thevictim is a balm to his soul, especially if the victim is a Jew.
1939: NewYork premiere of “Babes In Arms,” a musical produced by Arthur Freed with songsby Richard Rogers, Lorenz Hart, Harold Arlen and E.Y. Harburg.
1939(29thof Tishrei, 5700): Sixty-six-year-old Swedish born magician Nate Leipzig whohad given command performances at Buckingham Palace and raised three sons –George, Leo and Rabbi Emil Leipziger with his Leila, passed away today.
1939: NBCradio made its first attempt to cancel The Guiding Light, a soap opera createdby Irna Phillips.
1939: In“the Nazi Amtsleiter in Łódź appointed Chaim Rumkowski the Judenälteste("Chief Elder of the Jews"), head of the Ältestenrat ("Councilof Elders").
1940: Jewsfrom Warsaw's suburbs were ordered into the Warsaw Ghetto.
1940: Onhis 55th birthday, humorist Harry Hershfield, the Cedar Rapids, IAnative, in making a reference to the inclusive of American society was quoted as saying, “The is the onlycountry in the world where they would allow Columbus Day to fall on YomKippur.”
1940: “In aplea for tolerance” the leader of the Knights of Columbus in New York wasquoted as having taken notice of the fact that this year Columbus Day and YomKippur were celebrated on the same day this year.
1940:Having been snuck across the border between Nazi-occupied France and Spain byAmerican diplomat Varian Fry, Franz Werfel and his wife, Anna Mahler, arrivedin New York on ship that had sailed from Lisbon.
1941(22ndof Tishrei, 5702): Shemini Atzeret
1941:“Odilo Globocnik, SS and Police Leader of Lublin, is ordered by HeinrichHimmler to begin constructing the Belzec extermination camp and launch aprogram to Germanize the region.”
1942: In Newark, NJ, Louis Simon “a college professor, upright bassplayer, and dance bandleader who performed under the name "Lee Sims"and his wife Belle, “an elementary school teacher” gave birth to America’stroubadour, Paul Simon.
1942: It was reported today that “Len Levy, the former star for theUniversity of Minnesota will be playing right guard when the Great LakesBluejackets” square off against the University of Wisconsin Badgers at SoldiersField in Chicago.
1943: One hundredth anniversary of the founding of B’nai B’rith
1943: A revolt took place in Camp Number I at Sobibor. Alexander Pechersky distributed knives andhatchets to other prisoners. Nine SS and two Ukrainians were killed in thefighting. Three hundred of the prisoners from Camp Number I' escaped. The other300 would be killed. However, as a result of this revolt, Sobibor ended itsoperation.
1944: InSan Francisco, “Edward and Dorian (Goldman) Goldstein, both of whom werejewelers” gave birth cultural “impresario” Sydney Goldstein. (As reported byKatharine Q. Seelye)
1944:Hans-Jürgen Graf von Blumenthal “a German aristocrat and army officer” whobegan working with the anti-Hitler resistance in 1942 was executed today forhis part in the plot to assassinate Hitler.
1944: The Soviet Troops entered Riga. Only a handful of Jews had survivedin city where there were 30,000 Jews just ten years earlier.
1944: “The special People’s Court sentenced “HansNeumann, Leo Drabant, his wife along with eight other resistance members” “todeath because they had ‘attempted to destroy the resistance of the GermanPeople…”
1945 (6th of Cheshvan, 5706): OnShabbat, Leon Recanati, Sephardic leader of Palestine and formerly of Salonikapassed away. Recanati was a "happy admixture of a learned Jew with hisBiblical wisdom on the one hand and a man of affairs with a sense of reality onthe other."
1945: “Star in the Night” which marked the directorial debut of DonSiegel, with a script by Saul Elkins and which “won an Academy Award in 1946for Best Short Subject” was released in the United States today.
1946: “Three masked gunmen” believed to members of the Irgun “escapedwith $12,000 after a daring daylight robbery in down town Tel Aviv.
1946: Members of Hashomir Hatzair (Young Guard), a left-wing Zionistorganization, “distributed pamphlets in Tel Aviv calling on the Jewishcommunity in Palestine to take ‘active measures’ against Jewish terroristorganizations.”
1947: Birthdate of Philadelphia native and magnum cum laude Harvard graduateRobert David Levin, “an American classical pianist, musicologist, and composerwho was a professor of music at Harvard University from 1994 to 2014 and theartistic director of the Sarasota Music Festival from 2007 to 2017.”
1947: “A member of a special House subcommittee investigating Europeandisplaced persons said today that the group intended to urge Secretary of StateMarshall to place the DP problem before the United Nations for immediateaction.”
1947: “Richard H.S. Crossman, a member of the British Parliament andformer member of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry” predicted in a speechtonight at the Waldorf-Astoria that the British would suffer a “completeddefeat in Palestine.”
1948(10th of Tishrei, 5709) Yom Kippur
1948: AnIsraeli army unit held Yom Kippur services on Mt. Zion, right outside the[then] sealed Zion's Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem. There they blew theShofar, the closest place to the Western Wall they could get.
1948: U.N. “observers reported that the Arabs had fired with automaticweapons ‘for several hours, from an area under UN supervision, and with anyprovocation by Jewish Forces.’”
1949(20th of Tishrei, 5710): Sixth Day of Sukkoth
1949(20th of Tishrei, 5710): Sixty-one-year-old Brooklyn“crusading journalist” Abraham Hurwitz who served as the editor of the Reading(PA) Times and was a columnist for the Miami Herald passed away today in Miami,FL.
1949: Birthdate of Marc Mandel, the son of a New York taxi driver who wasnicknamed “Babaloo” by his “longer-time writing partner Lowell Ganz.”
1949: Having been confirmed by the United States Senate yesterday toserve as on Judge on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District ofIllinois, Casper Platt received his commission today.
1950: U.S. premiere of “All About Eve,” a drama written and directed byJoseph L. Mankiewicz with music by Alfred Newman.
1950: Birthdate of Montreal native and Canadian Conservative Party LeaderHugh Segal who left politics to serve as “Master of Massey college in theUniversity of Toronto.”
1950: “Harvey” a film version of the Broadway comedy directed by HenryKoster (Hermann Kosterlitz) was released in the United States today.
1952(24th of Tishrei, 5713): Samuel Bortzell, the native of Russia who moved to Sydney before WorldWar I, enlisted with the ANZACs in 1915 and served at Gallipoli and on theWestern Front before being discharged in September of 1918 passed away todayleaving behind a his second wife Zena Ardon and his daughter Reva whose motherEileen Harwood had passed away in 1931.
1952: TheJerusalem Post reported that the cabinet had appointed a seven-member Board ofDirectors of the German Reparations Purchasing Company. The board wasresponsible, through Foreign Minister Levi Eshkol, to a five-man ministerialcommittee which was aided by a 13-member Planning Committee and an AdvisoryCouncil of 25 members. You might recognize the name of Levi Eshkol. He would be Prime Minister in June of 1967when Israel defended itself against its Arab neighbors and reunited the city ofJerusalem
1953: “AnswerMe,” the English version of the German song “Mütterlein", with Englishlyrics by Crown Heights native Carl Sigman was published today.
1953(4th ofCheshvan, 5714): “Arab terrorists called Fedayeen, infiltrate into the Israelivillage of Yahud and kill Suzanne Kinyas and two of her children (the youngestof which was only 18 months old) in their sleep bringing the toll of Israelicivilian victims to 124.
1954(16thof Tishrei, 5715): Second Day of Sukkoth
1954(16thof Tishrei, 5715): Sixty-nine-year-old Viennese born soprano and music teacherEmily (Emilie) Heim who found ultimate refuge from European anti-Semitism inCanada passed away today in Toronto.
1954: “A60-minute adaptation of “The Man Who Came to Dinner” by George S. Kaufman andMoss Hart was aired today on the CBS Television series The Best of Broadway
1955:Premiere of “Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter” written by George Axelrod, whosefather was Jewish.
1955: “ThePajama Game,” the Richard Adler and Jerry Ross musical opened in London, UKtoday for the first of 588 performances.
1957(18thof Tishrei, 5718): Sukkoth IV
1957: CBStelevision broadcast the final episode of “You Are There” a half-hour programof historical re-enactments created by Goodman Ace that included appearances byPaul Newman and Martin Gable.
1957(18thof Tishrei, 5718): Sixty-four-year-old literary critic and philologist Erich Auerbachpassed away today.
1958(29thof Tishrei, 5719): Seventy-year-old Lithuanian born Joseph Katz who in 1891came to the United States where he served as the director of the Hebrew Homefor the Aged in Baltimore, passed away today
1959: CBStelevision broadcast a live version “The Jazz Singer” with Jerry Lewis starringthe “Al Jolson” role and featuring Molly Picon and Alan Reed.
1959:Today, Samuil Lubarsky who had been murdered in 1938 in one of Stalin’s purges“was rehabilitated” “by the decision of the Military Collegium of the SupremeCourt of the USSR” during the period known as de-Stalinization.
In Memoriam: SamuilLubarsky | JDC Archives
1960(22ndof Tishrei, 5721): Shemini Atzeret
1960:Birthdate of Ari Fleischer, former Press Secretary for President Bush
1960: In the seventh game of the World Series, as future hall offamer Bill Mazeroski rounded first base after having hit the series winninghome run, he runs past first base coach, Lenny Levy, the Pittsburgh native whospent most of his life serving in some capacity with the Pirates organization.
1961(3rd of Cheshvan, 5722): Sixty-six-year-oldHungarian born “screenwriter, director and producer” Zoltan Korda part of the trio of Korda brothers (the othertwo being Alexander and Vincent ) whose works include the anti-war “The FourFeathers” and the WW II classic “Sahara” passed away today. (Editor’s note –these three brothers are fascinating, worthy of at least one of those bigbiographies as well as one or more epic film like the ones they used to make.)
1961(3rd of Cheshvan, 5722): Sixty-nine-year-oldCincinnati, OH, native Carl J. Fechheimer, the Purdue trained engineer whosettled in Milwaukee the husband of Carla Wilhemine Rich Fechheimer who left “a$150,000 bequest…to establish a chair in electrical engineering at theTechnion-Israel Institute of Technology” passed away today.
1962(15thof Tishrei, 5723): Sukkoth
1963: “Americancivic, religious and intellectual leaders appealed yesterday to the Sovietgovernment and people to restore the cultural and religious privileges of Jewsliving within the Soviet Union.”
1964: InBrooklyn, Barbara Kanzer and Michael Emhoff gave birth to University of Southern California trainedattorney whose claim to fame is that his second wife is Vice President KamalaHarris.
1964(7thof Cheshvan, 5725): Seventy-one-year-old former chairman of the board of examinersof the Board of Education Dr. Abraham Kroll, the holder of a B.S. degree fromColumbia and “a Ph.D. from Fordham University and the husband of the “formerJane Reilly” with whom he had a son Leonard who “began his career as a teacherof science and mathematics in the high schools of Puerto Rico in 1913” passedaway today.
1964:Funeral services are scheduled to be held today at the Riverside Chapel forJulia Adler, the mother of Walter C. and Lucille Rosaler.
1965: “SouthAfrican Jews reacted angrily to statementsin The Afrikaans-language weekly paper Dagbrekk,” a pro-government newspaper, “questioning theirloyalty because the Nationalist white supremacist “felt that Jews could not be relatedon to South Africa.
1966: A funeralservice is scheduled to be held today at the Society for the Advancement ofJudaism for 77-year-old Latvia born and NYU trained accountant Samuel J.Jacobson, the husband of the former Ruth Rubin with whom he had two children –Daniel and Carolyn – and a leader of the American Jewish Congress, the ZOA and theSociety for the Advancement of Judaism.
1967(9th of Tishrei, 5728): Erev Yom Kippur
1967: Funeralservices are scheduled to held today seventy-year-oldColumbia trained psychoanalyst Wiiliam V. Silverberg who trained with FranzAlexander, “an early disciple of Sigmund Freud” and who was a founder of theAmerican Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry” who had passed away inWhite Plains, NY.
1968(21st of Tishrei, 5729): Hoshana Raba
1968: B’nai B’rith celebrates its 125th anniversary
1968: “A Birthday Today For B’nai B’rith” published today tracesthe history and contributions of the Jewish fraternal organization from itsinception during the Presidency of John Tyler to the middle of the twentiethcentury.
1969: Episode 5 of My World…and Welcome to it created by MelvilleShavelson and co-starring Harold J. Stone was broadcast today.
1969(1st of Cheshvan, 5730): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan
1969(1st of Cheshvan, 5730): Seventy-year-old Cornell alum andBrooklyn Law School trained attorney who raised two sons – Norman and Mark –with his wife Irene.
1969: “Indians,” a play byArthur Kopit which had premiered in London in 1968 opnws on Broadway today.
1971(24th of Tishrei, 5732): Fifty-seven Phoebe Ephron,part of a noted artistic family passed away today in New York City.
1971: Birthdate SachaBaron Cohen, the British born comedian who first gained fame portraying hishighly successful comedy character Ali G.
1973(17th of Tishrei, 5734): Shabbat Shel Sukkoth
1973(17th of Tishrei, 5734): Seventy-three-year-oldNathan Henry Schlafter, the Detroit born son of Mina and Henry Schlafter andthe husband of Adele Lehman Schlafter passed away today after which he wasburied in Livonia, Michigan.
1973: Jordan entered the Yom Kippur War. Thinking that initial Arab victories wouldspell the demise of Israel, King Hussein thought he would get back the WestBank and east Jerusalem. In the end helost again and ended up having to surrender his claims to these lands to thePLO.
1973:During the Yom Kippur War, Egyptian reinforcements continued to cross the SuezCanal and began attacking Israeli forces.
1973: Israeli forces confronted large numbers ofIraqi tanks both on the road to Damascus and on the Golan Heights. In both battles, Israeli forces destroyedconsiderable number of the Iraqi tanks while sustaining minimal losses. Israeli aircraft refrained from shooting downthe Soviet transports that were landing at Damascus. However, Israeli forces did destroy at leasttwo Soviet craft once they had landed sparking threats from Moscow.
1973: After much hesitation and despite oppositionfrom America’s Western Allies, President Nixon ordered a massive airlift ofsupplies for the IDF. The materialhelped offset the tons of modern weaponry being shipped into the region by theRussians. Many Jews shifted theirallegiance to Nixon and the Republicans based on the airlift. However, they seemed to have forgotten thatif the Nixon administration had not kept the Israelis from conducting apre-emptive strike against the Egyptians before they crossed the Canal, none ofthis would have been necessary in the first place.
1973:Avraham Lanir was scrambled for a reconnaissance mission deep in Syrianterritory. During his return to Israel, Lanir was caught in a missile ambushand his Mirage was hit in the rear, forcing him to eject. The wind carried theparachuting pilot back over the border into Syrian territory and he landed inthe area of Mazra'at Beit Jinn. Israeli Armor Corps soldiers witnessed him landand attempted to rescue him, but he was captured by a Syrian jeep patrol thatreached him first. Lt. Col. Lanir wastortured to death by his Syrian captors. His body was finally returned by theSyrians in 1974. “Former Israel Air Force Commander Mordechai Hod noted thatLanir had information that would have placed the existence of Israel at riskhad he revealed it to the Syrians.”
1973: Ady Bnaya and David Ya'ir made it back safely to Israelilines after their F-4E Phantom Jet was shot down by Syrian anti-aircraft fire.
1973:Iftach Zemer and Itzhak Amitai returned safely to Israeli lines when they wereforced to eject from their F-4E Phantom Jet after it suffered a technicalmalfunction.
1973: Afterhis Phantom F-4E Jet fell victim to “friendly fire,” Uri Bakal safely ejectedand made it back to Israeli lines.
1974(27thof Tishrei, 5735): Eighty-year-old Romanian born Israeli artist Reuven Rubinwho returned to his native land to serve as Israel’s first ambassador passedaway today.
1974: Seventy-two-year-oldAustrian conductor Josef Krips, whose father was Jewish which meant he had toleave his native land to pursue his career while the Nazis were in power,passed away today.
1975: Asthe Russians worked to increase their influence in the Middle East, SovietPresident Zhivkov began a visit to Tunisia.
1976: InLivingston, NJ, “Mike and Sandi Friedman” gave birth to Duke University leftguard “Leonard Lebrecht Friedman” whose pro career included stops with theBroncos, Redskins, Bears and Bears.
1977(1stof Cheshvan, 5738): Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan
1977: The Jerusalem Postreported that US President Jimmy Carter welcomed the Israeli cabinet's approvalof a "working paper" on procedures for reconvening of the GenevaMiddle East peace conference. "I am pleased with that," he said. Hisofficials explained that what the US had in mind was the creation of some sortof a Palestinian "borough" on the West Bank and in Gaza which wouldbe linked with Jordan. Asked directly whether he advocated an"entity," Carter simply replied, "I have never advocated an independentPalestinian state." Thesenegotiations of 25 years ago provide a tragic-comical backdrop to the so-calledpeace negotiations that have been taking place since the Camp David Meetingshosted by President Clinton.
1977: FourPalestinians hijacked a Lufthansa Airlines flight to Somalia and demand releaseof 11 members of the Red Army Faction. Yes, twenty-five years ago, terroristswere interconnected, often sharing resources, training facilities and killingassignments.
1979(22ndof Tishrei, 5740): Shemini Atzeret combines with Shabbat
1980: EricLevin examined the reasons for the longevity of 67-year-old Garson Kanin’smarriage.
1985(4thof Cheshvan, 5646): Eighty-four-year-old Sidney R. Rabb, the Boston born thirdgeneration philanthropist and grocery store chain executive passed away today.
1986:Rita Levi-Montalcini’s pioneering work on nervegrowth earned her the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Born in Turin, innorthwestern Italy, on April 22, 1909, Levi-Montalcini had begun her researchon nerve cells at the University of Turin. Banned from the university in apurge of Jews in 1938, and then forced to hide during the Nazi occupation ofItaly, she immigrated to the United States and joined the faculty of WashingtonUniversity in St. Louis, Missouri in 1946. Levi-Montalcini went to St. Louis atthe invitation of embryologist Viktor Hamburger; his support helped her tocontinue her work at a time when very few women worked in basic scienceresearch. It was at Washington University, in 1951, that Levi-Montalcini firsthypothesized the existence of the nerve growth factor. Between 1953 and 1959,she worked with collaborator Stanley Cohen to identify nerve growth factor as aprotein. For this work, Levi-Montalcini and Cohen shared the 1986 Nobel Prizein Physiology or Medicine. Their work had significant effects on cancerresearch and has also been important in work on Parkinson’s disease.Levi-Montalcini retired from Washington University in 1977. Beginning in the1960s, she also held an appointment at the National Laboratory for Cell Biologyin Rome. After the Nobel Prize, Levi-Montalcini won many other honors. In 1986,she and Cohen were awarded the Albert Lasker Medical Research Award. Thefollowing year, she received the National Medal of Science, America’s highestscientific award. She also became the first woman ever named to membership inthe Pontifical Academy of Sciences in Rome. https://jwa.org/thisweek/oct/13/1986/rita-levi-montalcini
1987(20th of Tishrei, 5748): Sixth day of Sukkoth
1987(20th of Tishrei, 5748): Ninety-seven-year-oldAlbert Lorch “Al” Loeb who played center from 1910 through 1913 for the GeorgiaTech Yellow Jackets where he was known as the Yiddish Wildcat passed awaytoday.
1988(2nd of Cheshvan, 5749): Seventy-five-year-oldMelvin Frank who wrote the screenplay for one of my favorite movies “Mrs.Blandings Builds His Dream House” passed away today.
1989: “LookWho’s Talking” a comedy-fantasy directed by Amy Heckerling and featuring GeorgeSegal and Abe Vigoda was released today in the United States by Tri-StarPictures.
1989:Israeli soldiers killed an 18-year-old Palestinian in a West Bank village,Qalqilya, after they were attacked by masked youths.
1989:“Crimes and Misdemeanors” directed and written by Woody Allen co-starringMartin Landau as “Judah Rosenthal” and Claire Bloom as “Miriam Rosenthal” wasreleased in the United States by OrionPictures.
1990: Syriainvaded Lebanon killing over 500. Therewas no noticeable protest from Arab states or the U.N.
1990(24thof Tishrei, 5751): Eighty-five-year-old German-born Dutch mathematician HansFreudenthal who survived the Holocaust thanks to his wife who was a non-Jewspassed away today.
1991: “Atthe Hewlett-East Rockaway Jewish Center in East Rockaway, LI” Rabbis StanleyPlatek and Abraham Kelman officiated the marriage of Amy Beth Spector andSteven A. Adler.
1992(16thof Tishrei, 5753): Second Day of Sukkoth
1992:Charlotte “Pomerantz's story ‘The Piggy In The Puddle’ was featured today onReading Rainbow, where it was retold using a claymation process
1993: 150thanniversary of the founding of B’nai B’rith.
1993: U.S.Premiere of the Notre Dame football film “Rudy” co-starring Jon Favreau withmusic by Jerry Goldsmith
1993:Anthony Paul Lester, the Baron Lester of Herne Hill began serving as a LordTemporal.20
1994: Fiftythousand Jews gathered at the Wailing Wall to pray for the life of NachshonWachsman, a nineteen year old Israeli soldier who had been kidnapped by Hamas.
1995(19thof Tishrei, 5756): Fifth Day of Sukkoth
1995(19thof Tishrei, 5756): Eighty-year-old Rena Galibova who is buried in Mt. CarmelCemetery passed away today.
1995(19thof Tishrei, 5756): Eighty-nine-year-old Henry Roth, author of Call It Sleeppassed away. Born in 1906, Roth was ignored for most of his career and wasreduced to holding a variety of jobs since he could not support himself as awriter. Later in life, he enjoyed are-birth of interest which continued for at least a decade after his death. (Asreported by Richard Nicholls)
1996: After196 performances at the Shubert Theatre the curtain came down n “Big, themusical” which featured the music of David Shire.
1997: Syria Invaded Lebanon again. Actually, Syrian troops had occupied parts ofLebanon since 1977. Lebanon is more likea satellite of Syria, than a truly independent nation. The late President Assad had a vision ofruling Greater Syria – nation that would include Syria, parts of Jordan,Lebanon and Israel.
1997: In “AShrine to Books Past Clings to Independence” Dinitia Smith described thehistory and status of The Argosy Book Store which is operated by Ruth ShevinCohen, the 90 year old widow of the founder Louis Cohen and their threedaughters – Judith Lowry, Naomi Hample and Adina Cohen.
1998(23rdof Tishrei, 5759): Simchat Torah
1998: Today,the body of Haydée Tamara Bunke Bider, known as Tania the Guerillera, aGerman-Jewish guerrilla fighter in the National Liberation Army of Bolivia, ledby Che Guevara who had been killed in ambush while fighting in Bolivia in 1967,was identified in the mass grave and brought to Cuba where she and nine of hercomrades were interred with military honors in the Che Guevara mausoleum inSanta Clara.
1999: U.S.premiere of “The Story of Us” directed, produced and written by Rob Reiner.
2000(14thof Tishrei, 5761): Erev Sukkoth
2000: Ahuge Israeli security cordon “averted a third consecutive Friday of riots atthe sacred plaza, known to Jews as the Temple Mount and to Muslims as the NobleSanctuary.”
2001: Todaymarked the second day of Michael Bloomberg’s general election campaign in whichhe was running for Mayor against Democratic nominee Mark Green
2002: TheNew York Times featuredreviews of books by Jewish authors and/or about topics of special interest toJews includingThe Blank Slate: The ModernDenial of Human Nature, by StevenPinker, Jackie Robinson and the Integration of Baseball by Scott Simonand Rereading Sex: Battle Over Sexual Knowledge and Suppression inNineteenth-Century American by Helen Lefkowitz
2003: Thechief lawyer for the Holocaust victims and their survivors disclosed anagreement today in which “Swiss banks that five years ago settled a suit filedon behalf of Holocaust victims claiming lost or looted Nazi-era accounts willfor the first time give investigators limited access to information on millionsof accounts.
2003: Funeralservices were held today at Assumption Church in Zwingle, IA for William F. “Bill”Schuller, the husband of “Eleanor E. Schueller; a daughter, Deborah J.(Mitchell) Levin, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; a son, Steven W. (Debra) Schueller, ofLakota, N.D.; and three grandchildren, Jared, Richard and Rebecca Schueller.”
2004(28thof Tishrei, 5765): In London, Bernice Rubens passed away at the age of 76. The prolific British novelist drew on herJewish upbringing to tell stories of vice and grimness with warmth and humor. “She won Britain’s’ prestigious Booker Prizefor fiction in 1970 for The Elected Member, the story of a Jewish familywhose secrets drive one son insane.”
2005(10thof Tishrei, 5766): Yom Kippur is observed by Jews all over the world.
2005: Itwas reported today that Israeli forces had arrested Hamas member IbrahimGhneimat who is “accused him of involvement in the suicide bombing of a TelAviv cafe in March 1997 that killed three Israelis, the kidnapping and killingof an Israeli soldier in September 1996 and two shooting attacks that year thatkilled five Israelis.”
2006(21stof Tishrei, 5767): Hoshana Rabah
2006:“Stage Killing: Solving an Attempted Murder” published today provides FaithJones account of the love triangle surrounding David Levinson, Morris Finkeland Yiddish theatre star Emma Thomashefsky Finkel.
2006(21stof Tishrei, 5767): Ninety-two-year-old Newburyport, MA native HildaTerry, one of the first female cartoonist and creator of “Teena” which ran forover almost a quarter of a century starting in 1941 passed away,
2006: Sixdays after she had passed away, funeral services are scheduled to be held forportrait artist Rosalind Weinman the Portland, Maine born daughter of Ana andNathan Weinamn who was also coauthor of the children's book Nate the Greatand the Pillowcase, part of a series named for her father Nathan…” and thennovel A Visit with Rosalind followed by burial at Mt. Sinai Cemetery.
2006: TheEnd, Lemony Snicket’s final novel is scheduled to come out today.
2006:Daniel Handler, who wrote under the penname Lemony Snicket “appeared on theToday show today “as Lemony Snicket's representative.”
2007: RoshChodesh Cheshvan, 5768(Second Day) – First of Cheshvan
2007: Yaakov Katz the militarycorrespondent and defense analyst for The Jerusalem Post, the Middle East'sleading English daily speaks at AgudasAchim in Iowa City, IA.
2007:Haaretz reported that in Lakewood, New Jersey, a man wielding analuminum baseball bat attacked an Orthodox Jewish rabbi walking to synagoguecritically injuring the 53-year-old man and threatening to strain the alreadytense ethnic relations in a New Jersey city, officials and residents said. Thebeating of Mordechai Moskowitz, reportedly at the hands of an African-Americanman, has put residents on edge in Lakewood, a diverse city of 70,000 near theJersey Shore that is home to a large Orthodox Jewish population, as well asblack and Hispanic communities. An Orthodox Jewish middle school teacher wasfound not guilty this summer of assaulting a black teenager. And a few weeksago, a group of Orthodox Jews was pelted with eggs by teenagers from anothertown, The New York Times reported Thursday. Authorities have arrested no oneand have no motive in the beating of the rabbi, police Lt. Joseph Isnardi said.
2008: Paul Krugman, the Princeton University scholar and New York Times columnist, won the NobelPrize in Economics for his analysis of how economies of scale can affect tradepatterns and the location of economic activity
2008(14th of Tishrei, 5769): Erev Sukkoth
2008: As reports multiplied of Harvey Weinsten’s ruthless andaggressive behavior continued to multiply, today Newsweek magazine ran a storyaccusing him of “"hassling Sydney Pollack on his deathbed" about therelease of the film The Reader.
2009(25th of Tishrei, 5770): Seventy-seven-year-oldproducer Daniel Melnick passed away today.
2009: Publication of “Chronic City,” a novel by Jonathan Lethem,was published today. (As reported by Douglas Martin)
2009: Assaf Ramon, the son of Colonel Ilan Ramon who died on theColumbia in 2003, was commemorated today during a military rememberanceceremony marking the 30-day anniversary of his death.
2009: Former Agriproccessor executive Shlomo Rubashkin isscheduled to go on trial in St. Louis, MO.
2009: Channel Two reported that Dalia Itzik spent NIS 75,000 oftaxpayers' money on an unnecessary hotel upgrade during a 2006 4-night trip toParis, France.
2009:The Library of Congress opens a new exhibition "Herblock!,"highlighting the life and works of the great political cartoonist.
2009:A Massachusetts judge has denied a motion by Brandeis University to dismiss alawsuit brought by three overseers of the school’s Rose Art Museum who areseeking to stop the university from closing the museum and selling its works..
2009(25thof Tishrei, 5770): Seventy-seven-year-old movie producer and studio executiveDaniel Melnick passed away today. (As reported by Douglas Martin)
2010(5thof Cheshvan, 5771): Eighty-year-old lexicographer, author and tenured member ofOlbom (On Language’s Board of Octogenarian Mentors) Sol Steinmetz passed awaytoday. (As reported by Margalit Fox)
2010:David Grossman and Nicole Krauss are scheduled to talk about their new novels, Tothe End of the Land and Great House at the New York Public Library.
2010:Among the 20 finalists for the National Book Awards that were announced todaywas Nicole Krauss for her third novel, Great House, a sprawling story of memory and loss
2010:Ron Charles reviewed “The Finkler Question” the Howard Jacobson comic novelabout anti-Semitism which just won the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in London.
2011(15thof Tishrei, 5772): Sukkoth
2011(15thof Tishrei, 5722): Yahrzeit of William Schueller, husband of Eleanor Schuellerand father of Deb Levin
2011:The National Basketball Association “formally approved” the purchase of thePhiladelphia 76ers by an investment group that included David S. Blitzer, ArtWrubel, Adam Aron, Martin J. Geller and managing partner Joshua Harris.
2011:Milan's La Scala opera house said today that Israeli pianist and conductorDaniel Barenboim would serve as its new music director from December for thenext five years.
2011:IDF Chief of General Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz met with Noam and Aviv Schalitthis evening, confirming that their son Gilad Schalit would be returning toIsrael on October 18, Channel 2 reported.
2011: Hamas-affiliated media outlets began todaypublishing names of imprisoned terrorists who will reportedly be set free byIsrael in exchange for captive soldier Gilad Schalit.
2012:Six13 “a six-man vocal band that brings an unprecedented style of Jewish musicto the stage” is scheduled to appear in the Jewish Community Center of NorthernVirginia Performing Art Series.
2012:Israeli films “Chasing A Star” and “One Day After Peace” are scheduled to beshown at the Syracuse Film Festival in Syracuse, NY.
2012:Tosha Skolnik, an 8th grader at Alice Deal, is scheduled to becalled to the Torah as Bar Mitzvah at Adas Israel in Washington, DC.
2012:Seventy-year-old Barbra Streisand is scheduled to “return to her roots” with aconcert at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY.
2012(27thof Tishrei, 5773): The cycle begins again as Jews all over the world readBereshit.
2012:One man was reportedly killed and two others were injured tonight in an IAFattack in Jabalia, in the northern Gaza Strip. The strike targeted IslamicJihad members who had reportedly planned to carry out an attack againstIsraelis during the Sukkot holiday. They were said to belong to the MujahideenShura Council, an armed group linked to al-Qaeda.
2012:Iran hinted today that it was responsible for a drone that flew deep intoIsrael on October 6, before being shot down by the Israeli Air Force.
2013:The New York Times featured reviewsof books by Jewish authors and/or of special interest to Jewish readersincluding The Devil That Never Dies: The Rise and Threat of GlobalAnti-Semitism by Daniel Johnah Goldhagen and the Kraus Project: TheEssays of Karl Kraus translated and annotated by Jonathan Franzen as wellas an interview with Scott Turrow whose latest work is Identical.
2013:“Passages through the Fire: Jews and the Civil War” is scheduled to open todayat the Maryland Museum of Jewish History
2013:“Her” starring Puerto Rican born Jewish actor Joaquin Phoenix is scheduled todebut at the New York Film Festival.
2013:The Hyman S & Freda Bernstein Jewish Literary Festival is scheduled to hosta Local Author Fair featuring Melissa Ford, author of Measure of Loveand David Bruce Smith, author of American Hero: John Marshall, Chief Justice ofthe United States
2013:After almost a year, “It’s a Thin Line: The Eruv and Jewish Community in NewYork and Beyond comes to an end at the Yeshiva University Museum
2013:“Skokie: Invaded, But Not Conquered” is scheduled to be shown this afternoon atthe Illinois Museum and Education Center.
2013:Led by Amy Barnum, Hadassah is scheduled to hold its annual dinner at TempleJudah in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
2014(19thof Tishrei, 5775): Fifth Day of Sukkoth
2014(19thof Tishrei, 5775): Richard Larkin, “a longtime family friend” of ReneeGhert-Zand, was shot and stabbed by Palestinian terrorists while waiting for abus in Jerusalem in attack that would lead to his death two weeks later. (Asreported by Renee Ghert-Zand)
2014:In Scarsdale, NY, the funeral for Edward M. Davidowitz, retired Justice of theSupreme Court of the State of New York is scheduled to be held WestchesterReform Temple
2014:As part of its series on the Jewish Experience in the Trenches and at theHomefront” during WW I, the Center for Jewish History is scheduled to show La Grande Illusion (The Grand Illusion),a 1937 French war film directed by Jean Renoir
2014:“The principal photography” for “Get Ready For Ricki,” a cultural-wars comedyfeaturing Ben Platt and Charlotte Rae “began today in Rye, NY.
2014:The JCC of Northern Virginia is scheduled to host a presentation by BillSchneider entitled 2014 Election – Viewpoint from the Nation’sElectionmeister.”
2014:British lawmakers voted today to recognize Palestine as a state in a debateunlikely to change government policy but laden with political symbolism. Theayes carried the vote with 274 votes, against only 12 nays. (As reported byLazar Berman)
2014:“Dozens of Arab rioters, primarily young men, were holed up today in theAl-Aqsa Mosque atop the Temple Mount.”
2014:According to a report made public today one of the few remaining Jewishfamilies in Syria “was secretly smuggled into Israel several months ago withthe aid of a network of Israeli businesspeople and has begun a new life in theJewish state.” (As reported by Gavriel Fiske)
2015(30thof Tishrei, 5775): Rosh Chodesh 1 Cheshvan
2015(30thof Tishrei, 5775): Eighty-eight-year-old commercial real estate mogul JulienStudley passed away today. (As reported by Sam Roberts)
2015:Richard Larkin “an American educator who marched for civil rights in the 1960sand advocated coexistence between Muslims and Jews when he moved to Israel” wasmortally wounded today “when two Palestinians boarded a bus in Jerusalem andbegan shooting and stabbing passengers.”
2015:The Center for Jewish History, YIVO Institute for Jewish Research and FordhamUniversity are scheduled to mark the 50th anniversary of theissuance of “Nostra Aetate” at the Second Vatican council with a screening of“Ida followed by discussion with Magda Teter, Fordham University; JonathanBrent, Executive Director of YIVO, and Father Guy Massie, Chair,Catholic-Jewish Relations for the Diocese of Brooklyn.”
2015:LBNY Productions is scheduled to present a performance by “Ehud Banai who willperform inspiring songs that became Israeli rock n' roll anthems.”
2015:In the UK, Rabbi Jonathan Romain is scheduled to lecture on “Royal Jews –Jewish Life in Berkshire from the Readmission till Today.”
2015:Violinist Gil Shaham is scheduled to perform this evening with the PhiladelphiaOrchestra.
2016:The chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, the President of the Sharia Court of thePalestinian Authority and two rabbis from a West Bank yeshiva’ were among theguests who attended a meeting this evening at the home of Israel’s president.
2016:“Bob Dylan was named the winner of the 2016 Nobel Prize in literature today, ina stunning announcement that for the first time bestowed the prestigious awardto someone primarily seen as a musician.”
2016:“Two days after a terrorist shot and killed police Special PatrolAdv.-St.-Sgt.-Maj. Yosef Kirma, 29, and Levana Malichi, 60, a former Knessetemployee, and wounded six others in a driveby attack in the capital on Sunday,Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Meir Turgeman called for a complete shutdown of all Arabconstruction in the city.”
2016:As Jews transition from Yom Kippur to Sukkoth, The London Jewish CulturalCentre is scheduled to host “an interactive learning experience” in which DinaBrawer will present “the underlying theme behind each of the festivals.”
2016:At a meeting in Paris, a committee of UNESCO approved a “resolution sponsoredby several Arab countries that referred to the Temple Mount and WesternWall…only by their Muslim names and condemned Israel as ‘the occupying power’.”
2016:“Mexico supported a resolution on Jerusalem at UNESCO’s executive board thatIsraeli and Jewish leaders decried as denying the Jewish people’s historicconnection to the ancient city and to the Temple Mount, or Al-Haram Al-Sharif,as most Muslims refer to the site.”
2016(11thof Tishrei, 5777): Ninety-three-year-old socially conscious and documentaryphotography Louis
Stettnerpassed away today.”
2016:“Wallflower” “a collaboration project between Inbal pinto and Avshalom Pollakis scheduled to open at the Kay Theatre in College Park, MD.
2016:Having defeated the Giants, the Chicago Cubs led by Theo Epstein the Jewishbaseball executive who worked miracles for the Boston Red Sox, turn their eyesto the East and West coasts to see if they will be facing the Dodgers or theNationals in the next leg of their quest to break the World Series jinx.
2016:The American Jewish Historical Society and Center for Jewish History arescheduled to sponsor a Fathers and Sons concert featuring the Phoenix ChamberEnsemble playing music by Rimsky-Korsakov, Shostakovich and Weinberg.
2017(23rd of Tishrei, 5778): Simchat Torah
2017:Once again the Children of Israel deal with the question of Jews and Friday the13th.
2017:“In a New York Times op-ed titled ‘Being a Feminist in Harvey Weinstein’sWorld’ published today, Jewish actress Mayim Bialik said she was shocked by thescope of Holly producer Harvey Weinstein’s predatory behavior toward women…butwas not surprised by the fact he abused his position of power to do so.”
2017:The Irish Times reported today that “according to the 2016 census” thecountry’s “Jewish population rose by 573 people to 2,557 since 2011.”
2017:Dance Tel Aviv is scheduled to host the first performance by Compagnie Thor“directed by Belgian dancer Thierry Smits.”
2017:The Oxford University Jewish Society is scheduled to host a Shabbat servicefollowed an hour later by a Shabbat Dinner.
2018:At Temple Judah in Cedar Rapids, IA, Joseph Heeren is scheduled to be called tothe Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. (Editor’s note – this is a cool kid who is one ofthe most regular attendees of Shabbat services in the world)
2018:In Jerusalem, the Eden-Tamir Concert is scheduled to host “We LoveTchaikovsky,” the season’s opening concert.
2018(4thof Cheshvan, 5779): Parashat Noah
2019(14thof Tishrei, 5880): Erev Sukkoth
2019:“According to theregulations in force among Orthodox Jews, marriages may not be solemnized”today, the “day preceding the Feast of Tabernacles.”
2019: At the Chicago YIVO Society SarahLazarus Memorial Concert “Klezmer violinist Alicia Svigals and pianist/composerDonald Sosin are scheduled to perform the live original score from The AncientLaw, a recently restored 1923 Weimar silent cinema classic.”
2019:In Albany, CA, the Albany Community Center is scheduled to host “The Assault onJews Today,” a “discussion of contemporary anti-Semitism on the political leftand right. Facilitated by UC Berkeley Jewish history professor John M. Efron.”
2019:In New Orleans, Gates of Prayer, the last congregation in the city to have “aJudaica gift shop: is scheduled to “hold a clearance sale” under the leadershipof Janet Krane.
2019:In Los Gatos, CA, the Addison-Penzak JCC is scheduled to host “Challah forHunger,” a “charity baking even for families with children two to eight.”
2019:The New York Times features reviewsof books by Jewish authors including The World That We Knew, AliceHoffman’s “Holocaust novel,” Transaction Man by Nicholas Lemann whom Ifirst met when I was his Sunday School teacher at Temple Sinai in New Orleans, TheSecond Founding: How the Civil War and Reconstruction Remade the Constitution byEric Foner, and We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins At Breakfast byJonathan Safran Foer
2020:In Metairie, LA, the Jewish Endowment Foundation is scheduled to hold itsExecutive Committee Meeting.
2020:The S.F. Jewish Community Library and the SFSU Jewish studies program arescheduled to host online as “SFSU Jewish studies Professor Fred Astren willtalk about the history of the Jewish religious movement that opposed rabbis andthe Talmud.”
2020:JALSA (Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action) and JCAN MA (Jewish ClimateAction Network Massachusetts) are scheduled to host online a “Climate ActionNight.
2020:The Sonoma, CA, JCC’s film festival is scheduled to kick off its 25thanniversary year today with people being able to “watch from home or whereverthey may be sheltering currently” as a result of this year’s record forestfires.
2020:As part of the series “Agreeing to Disagree: How Jews and Christians ReadScripture Differently” the Streicker Center is scheduled to Dr. Amy-Jill Levineis scheduled to lecture on “Virginal Conception or a Pregnant Women: Jewish andChristian Readings of Isaiah 7:14.”
2020: As part of the Webinar Series: Jews, Class and History, Professor LilaCorwin Berman, Amy Schiller and Katherine Acey are scheduled to discuss“1980’s: Philanthropic Establishment.”
2020:“In Israel Coronavirus restrictions limiting public gatherings, namely protestsand prayer in public, are set to expire” today.
2021:The Striecker Center is scheduled to host Adam Kirsch as he talks about hisnewest book Come and Here.
2021:The Breman is scheduled to host “Mindy Weisel author of AFTER: The Obligationof Beauty in Conversation with Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat.”
2021:The Jewish Film Festival at the Jacob Burns Film Center is scheduled to hostthe last showing of “The Crossing.”
2022:In Boston, the Vilna Shul is scheduled to host a private tour and welcomereception at its special sukkah designed by artist Caron Tabb followed by livejazz performed by The Warren Pettey Trio from The Berklee College of Music.
2022:In Palo Alto, CA, the Oshman Family JCC is scheduled to host “Pizza in theHut,” a “Sukkot celebration for 20- and 30-somethings with dinner, drinks and aholiday trivia game.”
2022:Tamar Eisenman a blues-folk-rock guitarist, singer, songwriter and producer,born in Jerusalem is scheduled to play at Room 31 at Arlo NoMad in New York tonight
2022:LBI is scheduled to host a presentation by Michael Lahr and Gregorij H. vonLeitis the life of Lew Nussimbaum the became Essa Bey when he converted toIslam
2022:Congregation Rodef Sholom and Taube Center for Jewish Peoplehood at Marin JCare scheduled to host a screening of “Renewal,” a “40-minute, 2015 documentaryabout a Jerusalem ballet company that focuses on environmental activism”.
2022:Holons Sounds of Childhood Festival is scheduled to come to an end.
2022:The 38th Haifa Film Festival is scheduled to host a screening of“The Black Pharaoh, the Savage and the Princess.”
2022(18thof Tishrei, 5783): Fourth Day of Sukkoth
2023:A full night at Temple Judea with a Pre-Oneg, Shabbat worship with Rabbi Yaronand Cantor Abbie and a Shabbat dinner immediately after services.
2023:The Chelsea Film Festival which will showcase four titles directed by IsraeliFilmmakers is scheduled to continue today.
2023:“Staff Sgt. Itay Avraham Ron, 20, a Golani soldier from Ness Ziona, who waskilled on October 7 battling the Hamas invasion of the Nahal Oz IDF outpost”was buried today in Ness Ziona.
2023:The Americans and the Holocaust traveling exhibition which has been on displayat Jacksonville Public Library (Jacksonville, FL), Snow College, Karen H.Huntsman Library (Ephraim, UT), Pikes Peak Library District (Colorado Springs,CO) and Marshall Public Library (Marshall, IL) is scheduled to come to an endtoday.
2023:In New Orleans the Federation’s Katz-Phillips Tolmas Leadership Retreat isscheduled to begin today.
2023:Temple Emanu-El is scheduled to host a Shabbat Service in Solidarity WithIsrael with Ambassador Dennis Ross.
2023:Friday falls on the 13th which many connect with bad luck but forJews 13 is the age for being called to the Torah, the number of months in thelunar calendar and the “number of attributesof God laid out in Exodus to explain why God forgave us for that whole goldencalf episode.” (As reported by Ilana Sichel)
2023:JWI (Jewish Women International is scheduled to host a
virtual Shabbat candle lighting as a way of coming “together as a community atthis difficult time.”
2023:As October 13 begins in Israel, more accounts of horror inflicted by the Hamasterrorists emerge including the murder of 90-year-old Gina Semiatich, who wasforcibly taken and killed by the Hamasterrorists at Kibbutz Kissufim, U.S.Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is scheduled to meet with the Prime Minister,terrorists continue “fire barrages at the south” and “Israelis abroad are urgedto take care as Hamas calls on supporters to ‘day of rage’ today.
(Editor’s note: this situation is too fluidfor this blog to cover so we are just providing a snapshot as of the posting atmidnight Israeli time)
2024:The Santa FeDistinguished Lecture Series and the American Sephardi Federation are scheduledto present ‘Sontinuity: Sephardi Transmission Through Song & Sound.”
2024:Israelis prepare to cope with the aftermath of massive drone attacks launchedon Yom Kippur.
2024:All decent people mourn the death of Staff Sgt. Ittai Fogel, 22, of the 401st“Iron Tracks” Brigade, from the West Bank settlement of Yakir who served as atank commander in the brigade’s 46th Armored Battalion and was killed on YomKippur by those seeking to destroy the state of Israel.
2024:Yaakov Katz is scheduled to be interviewed by Carly Maisel about “A Year SinceOctober 7th: A Local and International Assessment” in a Lockdown Universitywebinar.
2024:At the Weitzman Nation Museum of American Jewish History, the exhibition “OctoberSeventh; A Visual and Sound Journey from the ANU Museum is scheduled to come toan end.
2024:As October 13th begins in Israel, an unprecedented wave of anti-Semitism thathas included Hamas supporters calling for Zionist passengers on a New Yorksubway to raise their hands, sweeps the United States and the Hamas heldhostages begin day 372 in captivity while Jerusalem braces for more rocketattacks by Hezbollah (Editor’s note:this situation is too fluid for this blog to cover so we are just providing asnapshot as of the posting at midnight Israeli time)