Western Mail from Cardiff, South Glamorgan, Wales (2024)

JlHaffTegg- 2'- DIRECT LABOUR jsairti bv turnon. end to (he nation generally. When otim countries wen doing unties to (ho muses in tbe matter of education England could not afford to stand MIL Tha notion should have at its dlspoanl not only the talant wanted from one chm atone but tatenc wherever found. Mr. Bart dwelt with greater dateil on the various mutters referred to by him at the previous meeting, end foceshedowsd what 1m anrleipnied wnui.l tbs work of tin now by "fffeorthog, are wantfne in strict nntrmilnras IE wilt be an iuttimi.b) born if a writer I found who wiU giv to the agwto crano a true -tHna tinn of the character of the Poritenlsm of Kale during tlw letter part of the slgliteenth sad the oar)y port of the present century.

ia only old people who reissmber it. We hove still tbs form of it; but tiw spirit is gon. I hops that "Denis) Omm" will prove to Sn tbe Walter Scott of Wole. MEETINGS AT CWMAMMAN LLANELLY. AND SPEECHES BY UA THOMAS BCBT, ILP, $JubI(r Company r.

tUDacBSmxuHTai close on wkdxmdat. OtflMtaltKRlk THKTAH'iHA COMPANY (Limited). Or, KmittnuI otm Ob Millies Foaad atwiltt lo 3S, TLltKA bMHd WW nwni nil sh. Mfnwilu VinMUr.ki MiaiilM (Kwh (at nM.WJ MtilCi-lufbMnalrMdy uiuti), taumu; inlnws at un rale ut iO ysr draw vr aiuiulu, ynyaUfa tlw bunk, IfealMnrt thu Cwuiyuty knUnnily. iv wiUMianiuiM Ikaonywwiiyl wUSTuanhtlh guaranteed to te.

tlwWr bHT.vwkid.C fwaywa. TMJMwniaiw m. ttdamaW atrra ywrU! IB yrua ky aunal luUl iwrlr dravittt. at a VMa.uiu ut tl Lr (.. iltJiir i it UalNawraa.

Tin. ana luyaulramwliu wllWw 4aaa on ik Flrw Jiimiy.lat niambMrlhar far MAMmuunotAtO will batatMM. (n, ui Wainaii. aw (ally wlikv ahwa In lb Cuuuany illtidanNla waUbTnviniilM baaiirf ihaatiiu with the extensioa of the franchise. (Hear, hear.) He.

tiw speaker, wu not going to trouble the audience with a record of tbe five years' disasters which had accompanied Liberal, rule. Those disasters wore well known to tlisra alL (Cries o( No, Tbo Conservative bod taken office undsr tiw greatest difltouUiMk but with a great deal of eourego. in foreign polities Mr.GbdstOM hndbren muss unsoocostfnl, and liis policy laid been policy of fkilure. Alter referring to the various bansfioent Acts pamd by Conservative Govern meats, Mr. Llewelyn concluded by Hiking those present to vot for bim.

He also Invited any question wiieraupoa foreigner ascended the platform, and mode nmbiing statement, and aonoiaded by owing tiat Mr. Gladstone wu a friend to nil foreign countries. Mr. Llxwrlsh voutud said the quretton was. Is Mr.

Gladstone tiw man for this euantrvf (Land htulitar.) Various oilier question was ilwii pui, ana Mr. Llawslyn ia answer declared himself against tb disestablishment of the Utiurdi, and in favour of tlw repsal of tiw Law of Prtmogt nlture. A vote of confidence was tiwa proposed and seoondsd also an amendment to the cifcct tlt to wu inconsistent for working man to vote for Conservative candidate. Tlw resolution wu than put to the meeting ud doctored carried. umqdb rt PIUICT ivn a van MAHAN Parliament.

He explained how th interests nf MESSRS, a PUGH AND FA. YKO. MAHON. kboorin(f eWu wor dlreerly or indirseMy "LEWYS AFAKt" AMD OTHERS. 1 bound up with uttoTaetory asttUoMat ol tbe great lend question.

TESTIMONY TO THE WORTH OF A HON." Other speakers ware tlia Rev. Dr. Morgan, Mr. Tbe ineessint downpour of rain oo Saturday I E. L.

Kails, and "Mabon. Resolutions similar In rr? upon th chasuctfir tiM llUrd onnuftl Minpnitrft wysker wtni oordtolfy rfecSmdi Wr J. J. lion of (ho Anthmdto Ml am AoioctotUm held it Jeakfui wa onnnunood oo ono of tbo cpealcertg but TyrbuhiCwmammu. having beu eubpomH to tin evidanca in an tlw moat intaroating fcrearittaMrrent, had to be 1 he wu uufil.

to be prerens. abandoned. But tiw bsnda asgagsd for thaocea-sloa, navsrthrieM, obearred tbe strict Utter of th contract. Accompanied by a few of tbo 1,600 mambors of which the association bouts, tiisy marehad tlirough tbe chief vilbgsa In the MR. BOWEN ROWLANDS, Q.0, AT FEBKDALB.

Thtre was crowded mooting nttha Aaminbly SALT. TO-MOMOW THK HlJl VuOilASUK. CARDIFF, nd isuivrinu July. WD. it Tw.lt.

oduaW, 60 HOUSES, Thwtwi! at ntjiiuimic ki th iHtrtrt. taVuiuMl von, ramp Imoui, Ivan. nnw fW. i.M'U.ftllb.lK.l lonnimiir. Otuloaura uuw rahly.

Had way I SMalMdOa Mokwnwa to tin Aot.i-.u-.ma Hoot M.aiansa UaaUH. i-aUK TlrtKHIOTl'. THK lUkiK LXillANilK. CARDIFF. -1 Ihi-TA' AI.IZ and JU' WRING jlU.

wfcl EU. hr aCiTUN. utw tuiuuay xtun. JU: ri.wrj.' ll'-u vi-im 1LAKM1SS UUlWi.S AND HUNTKlOS, lMrC.lMk WaMv.iljr iidyanU ttr.TiwtltofMii-Cf.-r itMorf. wy MrtUAt vrm iVmA.

IM, bn km weuv-it fc.ih i. a lujHi vurnalM Fkataa ilit-a. l-a. lor VUlor, fain IM. H-.

AiNrtaK i Cu Utr naitWi iivAWflijti HfQ JiuiI -v- wlwa' i la. Wait" 'lltAlii Vualaoiuiib Wlf-hUt K. 4Sa. iitaniAia drlMocra. rWMut 7 Uwiw.iyNrkUJL wdl kl.hvw ihwUku Fdunuto; lUtrtMiihV, OOf tUiil i'.

li btatta -m-uy r. iyM, U.9ab Ul kUISa-. fur tt CvJvKy XkiiSiKUlib; kuiiwo v.M kh UmUi IfiFitoi'iui; aarmiitvd bnb 011 'WoKv vdALtf, ti.qrCdl.li, jnmm, Ul WU kna wuh uUfcdo Voswiuau; warriibd In alugu an nins. lv3fA.tt. luy uUkkiA by Ibl H'lu.

i yam, 15JL WfU kiu sith'A! Lunenek roiii iUmU 1 imwiad In nsb ail imUi rtfwOi Pnmiimt, Hiwm UaMUm. I Miu. ft ymH.U.f QOtOlS UMnwi, waakxuiaro alih KU-iorw IuiLvuikU; wonautad lu siitfb oml Uounb haroiV AyW, U4 iigj, Vww, I jraui, bli ftf.4 buk; WilAw-M! duo. Xk Uwtlclf BdRlJA And, Krwwnt'i-b by Tbr dqulrv, tobi; ati tv omjp mights auiuto for au nbbib a lyrnib omnbauu; lu AUtflu and Cvuib uiiMf iU'c 1 vc Kxb Shyi. VUco IbwHaj.

by 0 imm pbWBiiid; rAui a Mjl uu imw b.iw VMtfii; Aihiorj CtottUkiiUi If JJ.U, 0 fAUA W3j np to qutirtui rub vmkmuwI lu lUtft awl duuU jmc- Kmmi HckCWdlaykyili-y. tywix 1U; wamaM In wnaia awl talk a inwia TbdlwNli'Nakm wn wmbail rri ardlaw of font TpnrailjrJnr kbit tos, and Mr. Hmu i4nlJri iinntau uOt 19 fa mag uf lUaOi bjr imvso voauacu bui wiwu Uwy mmh Umi r-7-11 Waakawa Hnp. uv viSvr taut day ahi KVkKr say ur to UAl-K UF AUL OX TJf VK'D AY. JULY ItaD.

IMA 11. iuutiThnT. CAKuiyyT SO HOlJFlUVMKlUlUL tUyif MAgAfUtlU, ALB supporters ia a really brilliant one. Bat a aniploioua olroumatanoe oonneoted with it is that it dou not seem to have hit anyone at tbe meeting itself. The whole thing wu an afterthought pure and simple; a coup manufactured by aotne ingenious gentleman un-aorupnlona in debate he ia extreme in politici.

An example of the kind of per ion I mean ia forthcoming in Hr. J. Livingston, whose letter shows him to be one from whom an aoonrete statement of theoeae on the other aids ia not to be expected. That, he uys that in a Note'' of mine of the 10th inat. wu good enough to statu that at this meeting ha received several blows.

1 never said anything of the hind. To begin with, I never referred to Ur. Livingston at all on the 10th inat. I did on the ISth iueb h.ven then, however, I did not uy he had reooived uveral blows. What I laid wu that it had been stated be bed received several blows.

I wuoareful not to give tny own authority for the occorrenoe, although Ur. Livingston would have your readers believe that 1 did. That tbo statement wu not entirely without foundation Mr, Livingston himself ihowi, for one good fellow," it appears, "did wake a rush at him; said "good fellow" being, 1 should imagine, a Radios! who, finding Mr, Living, um a poliiioian of the same oolour, desisted, and proceeded to nuh at some benighted Tory inetuad. Hr. Livingston benignly axonaua the good fellow," and bean bim no malice in eonaeuuunoe.

Bravo, Pecksniff, The prelude at every one of Mr. Bowen Rowlands' meetings is tbe funniest thing imaginable. Hr. Gladstone hu made a great many mistakes in hit life, we all admit, bat he larely hu done nothing to deserve being pestered with all tbo votes ofoonfidanoe Mr. Bowen Rowlands' aupportera have made up their mind to aooord bim.

What hu the G.O.M." done to offend tbeie people that thqy eant let him atone Hu he refused recognition to Mr. Bowen Rowlands' candidature on acoonnt of the split it hu caused in the Kut Glamorgan Caucus, I wonder. JL know very well that the Radiant is a good hater, but never imagined he could pursue the distiu-guiabad chief of his party with the undying enmity bodied forth by them otherwise flatulent reeolul ions. Hr. Gladstone is getting old now, and uu that soars it sandy entitled so little consideration at the hands of thou people.

Uut no. They era determined to pester the Ufa out of Dim with votes which can only make both the movers and the objaoia of them ridiculous, if tbou who attended Hr. Rowan Rowlands' Meeting only resolved to dispense with then resolutions and Mr. Bowen Rowlands' abuse of hie political opponents, devoting the time tbeae take up to linding out what Mr. Bowen Rowlands hiiiteeif really means to do when he get returned, they would not only bo adding Ammua Valley, affording to tb spectators who hnJI, Farniiala, oa Xawrdey afternoon lo Imr on bad the temerity to breve the discomforting ultima from Mr.

W. Bowen Rowlands, QAL, one -j-m-i the fsndldem for tbe Eastern Division of wrethor tba aomawhal novel apactod ire bands GVllDOrnll)lrf wll0WM wcortad (raiu Tytow- proecedlng in olou order, sach ualoutly ptoying town to Frrndala bye brM toed and a pmeearion. Lima of Its own and oomphtely ignoring I The chair wna oocuplsd by Mr. Maredim, colliery tba rut Granted mote genial condition than manager Mr. lhCM propped a raadution tiiooe which obtainad on Tyrbech-tho P4elng oonAdenoa h.

Mr Gladstone and bis MsUhmoe of Dr. Ha troll Rees-de peculsrly wall coflaagure and a desire to ess ti.etnreturnsd to adapted for tlw purposes of a meeting. The Pwrln the uxt ftsriwmsiit Mr. John wmianw suditmKe ooenpy steep dope, she fona of tewbisds- Q-CL in sup- wliidi Um ulntform to aiiueted. But oa this oeos- P0" Gm mwlucion, exptotood tliw he lud been slon tea ground was in a eoddm state, anil KWltomeowlw axulnual showere nditod to rohurire borne UtoP wmrCMto to ifia psopWs choice uaUantiy and arieh right good hnmour by en I PW- 'd audianco oonsldenibto in number, lluiugli I beon, like Mr.

Marriott, oonvarud by a iniraolo small in oomparbou with tiiOM of Jie 11 Uw rlgla party war g'oq into ofltos-twn prveadlug demonstrettone, when, in odliition to Uie nbsonee of tiie prajudlcioi induanost already -inenttoiiad, several large colli erics, since stopped, were bulng worked in the valley. Dr. Hownll Reas presided, ami wu support uil on ilw platform by Mr. Tltomw Hurt, monibor for Morjietii Mr. David Pugh, Manoravon (eaibiidato tor Bast Cannnrttamshlm) Mr.

Frank Ash Yu (candidate for the (tower Division), Ur. W. Abralwin bon (labour candidate for the JsbllUtoa, lw entered Into tiis land qumtion. tatatitto iind bean for tty war (tonghternd applause) beauiss ha thought It ante Luo much for a man orlio had ban denouncing snuis form of political opinion to Chang hto minil.iu if by miracle, arid go Iwfore people who all along lisd boon of that opiniua, and ask for vole on tiw ground that he lisd DMm foUow-wnrkrr. (Applause) No doubt ho and hto aiidtoue Hist day were oa tbs sums platform.

After dealing with disestablishment and tbs abolition of religions dis- Coo- VANS AND Q0MPANY annual summer sale IX ALL DKPAKIUBR. tnnwn'niM tlw Furifa anwraily that' Ibdr AXXVAB flUMUKK iSOODH at B. B.aadOo- kaf napaatArily to Inbna lhair (ta AXXCAl KKUUCBD OfaBARAliOB ul I XOW OX. IMa Mr. owkia It.

Into wmincMHiiaat. (OMOqnaiit uuun an uinmully ouay ftwann. will la. of tlwHur ilum-lion Ilian llaMc i-i pierlou, yran. h.

bih! U). Iwva IlMtbna Oaumuiaad Otter auh iUriju In aa aar. a.1-donioba natarfiliaoaaaaanaa a Mai ClaaMngr ol Minliii atoaii within Uw llmicad tiina at tlwit dla-Flinl. OIUSK GOODS Ttvjr would aha direct attention lliv ea'Temi prr jura, lain made (nr ttil lillVi l.r riaciiil.inal value will oBvrtd ALL U-UBiCB OF tiUOUi, wlwllivr lux iMwr. IhaitolaM.

ur FumbblMF ParpulMt end ilwx utoltai that ah latpreikiUDf MdrBa- l-luliv -li-k mil aunvlno. Ill putallu Ilia. LarpaCHh iir- 'n -t tita-r rinWyd uurjr out. "itoiylnii tlhixlura upou tbrlr pixiani reoaptienallF Mlranuaw and upon talir vaulhtoiiu. arktuu i I'uiluiuvtolurr alway, luiNiMil In III amnliini GUU uin-d in thair AnuuuiKtouu.iii,.

liiey huIUiIimLi for ud, I Bala a gieA oucom exasi ttan iwuil AX iXSfFcriOV ixvjted. I rrrTT m.iniiBV 15. 1 AN AND CO 1 A. 1 DKXTIBTUX. I i.

OWliN I SWANSEA. 11 Brtt to annsniUM that dw It 0 0 1 the latest novelties IB KKttXCH dXI KNCiLIHH M1LLIXBKY, CAPS mTHKKS, FlaUWKKS, co*kSKTA Ac. FEC14LITIKB IK UIHLUIIEiXV LULUNEKY, FBU-iaia. SOUS. DKKBlBS, M.


OKYTAL XOTICK StKETlL OWEN end OH nil IIS LON' lIKKTielS Fn-ai Lundnu .0 ynn), 4. OXFOJIU-BTKKKT. iWillli (Dm ileore (mm Trmntoalravta), TKtaTil OF BL'HFAHlXa BEAUTY, ihilu ThETH OFS UFA8S1NG BBAUTY, UAUH VHOU UADB VHOU dLLtOATOK 1B1HAX ITOBT, Tiir lierdoM au.1 uumk known. Till eeMbHlad Iveqr last ju.jiMd k4 Vrlu ltalala. They am yntranlMd m.r Li brmk hhx ahan vokiur.

Flilni wllhnuv ImIU wlillv, wall In. rpECTH. UWfiN, FRAOTIUAL, THE ULIMkRABLUBBU DBITieXB. SiliMil Taati lud tay OtmV htnl Suelkin, requiring no fastenings, to. No pain whstrrrr, no u-.

i -IbSImi a I.uh a. aa.ul a a B. Fur I I THE SPIRIT OF THE WELSH PRESS. Bt Them is no question of absorbing interest this wtok to writs about, and tlw various papers taka note of subjects according to their peculiar tastes or fandss. Tbs burning uf Abeiyatwitb College referred to fay nil of tlunn, and ths expressions of regret at tiw occurwnc are gononiL TlwAnfaenf lliinks that good will come of it.

Wlio know," it soya, but tiwt Uis Collage may like tlw saint from tiw fiery furnaos or tiw phoenix from Ha aslws riM to a stronger sod brighter ffte than It uvor enjoyed before Abuse and mlareprsiematfoa of tiiaToriM" coo-tin us without any (ndicniiom of flagging, The tyri. in its leader, "Tlia Beginning of Troubles." reys tbet tlw nation is labouring undsr mmo of trouble to eome due tlw Omservstivw Iwva come into power. Tiw "rettUea, worilhs and axiiwnupiut spirit of tlia ToriM aeanoa be satisfied, and situation and loess must be found for hungry son of tlw ariiloorocv." Tlw GnUkiitr uanawraus tlw first-fruits of tiw new Ministry, snd consolM llMti with th hops thta it cannntdo uiuch mlschirf during th short time it will lw allowed to remain In omen. Tlw GvothMd does ite bast to discredit irs KngUrii brethren by using dirty language shoot the Government. Tiw following svnunu eppunre in lu only leading article Tlia Tories know but litua of sood teslekata Ira IiataLoa A rail nritiwr to bar Um kaUiur of ut iuk).

hL MfOfi irutu ih mdttx mmisosrs tfmi topm li vn'l' Kicm iATairz AXMaJUUn iM lim RlJ awnwiMity nCi WiiWi.ii4 LkaUaB iha Oa.raliMatdk. uarna. tar Knntliiaiwui. i an (IMa sain wu.uina mwa dw. wa, antltha, Mary XavwaL.

with TinM-far ami lb, atsiinaiwi niuUr at ur. infill w.imii lOtttal iua ilkiaL. bomiina ail ml. wania'i (Mcaa wnl In una ita wkHumt. who riaua in.

win, nnina tut rkb aha ra. I rlu UumUr Mwnauuas ut tuny taacw It IwL wiut MtarvuunbnmirlhaMUDi'iWta byndiwinMiKilnA mk nBi iwdy 4M autana Jama, fur Unal.a. alituiy. anil bad wtanM. Man nJtiB mi taw.

Ytay asa waluy a CauaaLay, and Awm Fawn 1 Vmwaii" Yaranax yiuai ot to UuU. idtw. alwni jXAJt now. Mr tairnt, with uatlwa. all wuvra la uu.

plw. anal OC ay.i!ttldOU uoll. HftI.CiW) 1m: I XliaualMHUlM laiuMivat. Aral ctaai, Mpa Aa vr atraia pwai. la.

liua.ii. ay aal uaar rutawt a. hta ratoar IB i xm wul.paranaatawlUi aalt-narly auayua, aiuunwd, tna gantal twy In AxnaUMMr Mb Kuat. Ut by Ml Axuite- yayUMut uc wIiMa fawnil ttunnw. rr ia twriwl ut tru aa llawnanwii 'wl ol Ouwr Xaw.

BUtk and ymia uy ita vauaaur. trniaw Mbu auu uharaefer nan bwn wait, mia Kuah i ahau will InataUMl ainiul Al ruun'uM tut in ih, hiynail Wiina by MtMral iMtilhy iMUtet raiaaol Lirubni UkM Laa-n wuiouw Con- I. ck. VbImI Bum. Yna MmumanoCotMaa than mb an mortally tor obuiiituy aa In in uuaof .0, BaaH and uiutt incflwU.

nilulf itfutmilw In m. aorta rawly tn lu utw wtia. Fail rtvofla. awl uhim at amniitatioa my uai ad Uto Hiatan atol koltoilun, Ik. uttan at th OoaHany, wtar BmImY tonara, awn nu Wul nluiin UAfllBIIML aFFUUaYIOX out aanla Ariknm mm 10 rtiuurbranHlIiaMu.i'iuMi, bywli Maw.iJihan fur OiaS'if.

totuay. and routaa Man atlZjM Mrt baa. -ra'Fawn" Vnnoaia" Yaranax xiuaiutnii UuU. idrw. atom, all win hi uu ybnani al ray lUUOU (toll.

I jpn.l itoalan auil ouloura, Alaualiooi Saw. at MUmuu. aui Taramur FutWaaB i KUBi. Bt by Ul Baiaaw iu II. wa aaaaa.

I I Ouwr Mara, Bulk and ymia liy th. vaBaaur. wniaw will InataUMl abuul ruua'uM ha ill Uto hiyiiwl Un Mr lx now Con- la ch VbImI Bum Taw. All EaSKS. G0TT WALTZ nud B0WKING XtA art I narud to BULL by al Uwtr Bala Kaam Jl.

Uisbwrwr. Canlht, an YHUUUA8. JalyUnL UM.a Twain orkick. lb, wtauiaiB ttaalann 0 E. Da View Um Day Frkir to lal.

t.auauanw will a raalr nr twarWa Jay, yilsr ia suai tow a hjal a lb. Aartloa Wta ilbbKM. Uw nu ytahtaatotkiaat oltbaiwtoutxriit.w manntaK, justia appreciated by tlwra. I view of Morning tiw whoit truth of tbs Coassrva-rb Priuriute ot botuny and purity are hid from I live program m. (ClwtM.) thsir ayes." Wliai a number of unpriodplad ti'es- I Tlw uwai votes of thanks were then pswirt, Myitns tints era in tiw country.

The condo ctors sad tiw proceedings teruinatsd. tbM paper inwgine, probably, tint by adopting ths Magusgs sadstyit of ths worst clew of new- paper they will win tiw favour of tiw Welili peupfe The tiuntr devote ite first page, which is supposed to bs inspired, if me written, by Mr. Gee, to Nir Watkin IVyoo mid dw rviirsauntation of Den-blgluliir. The young baronet of Wynnstsr is warned ta put but buuso in ardor, end Inforinsd tiwt is out to ait ia th Bow of Umuuona slier tlw general election. Tlw Gatdl she davoua lending article io Sir Watkin, but St ii not ttu LOKD Mayob th.

dvpctatioti from the City tfart waited npm Lora Gbobq Hauxl ton Uit Triday took the wunnal ooano of vixtar the Firt Lord to call upon thm to paj i no rented taxation rather than delay tk work plaolog the navy in the highait rtaio ofdKoienoy. It ia a new thing toe a Mini ter to find hinualf plaoed in the petition of having to oool the ardunr of taxpayer! who with to contribute morn largely to the National Exchequer hot Lord Gbobob wu obliged to remind the deputation that in the regular Navy Intimate there ii an iuuraaie thu year at nearly two million, in addition to nearly twice ai much more spent by the Admiralty out of tb. Vote of Credit. It ie not, after all, want of money so moob want of method that the Admiralty hu offered from. The tint thing neoeuery ii to get a clear Idea to the preuntecata of the Rritiah Navy; and Lord Gbougb Hauiltox hu gone the right way to work in determining that he will have no more paper ahipi, Kvery ironclad whom boilura ere aereotive or whuee ermement, erinoar, and ipeed fall far below modem ecandirde of edioicnoy it to be trok oS the Ire of efficient lint 0UU ahipi kept III commit, Kill or In the firit line of nnuntvv will tl.N.ur.

rvrvut. xoe country will, therefore, no longer be deluded by iheuu, but will know exeotly whet aeagoing iroiwlad. gein the fleet, oT 0ihar Power, Thi, baroio resolution of the new Boerd of Admiralty ought to win for it tbe coniidenoe even of Sir Eswabd Hubs. Next to equipping itrong ironolad equadrone to guard the highway of oommeraeon toe wu and olou au enemy! pom, the prluoipal duty of the Admiralty ii to take effectual meaua for ufijgue nling the oommeroiel porta, not only of the United Kingdom, bat of the whole Britith Empire. It ia utiifectory to learn that the (Mouiea have oowe forward with plana for thoroughly Mooring theiuulvw again, the poaaiblvattaokaof hcutileoroiaan.

Lord G. Hamiltux aLo atatea thu offers of loeal help in the organisation of Naval Artillery Volunteera and the equipment of torpedo boat have been made by uveral of the wealthy seaport towns of this ooontry. We uiuai noa omit to notice, too, that a large portion of tbe Vote of Credit has wen spent in the oon- atruotion of torpedo boau whiob, aooordiug to the tminiony of Sir Thouas Biiauky, 'utiimery Squadron The iuccmi of Admiral Hobxby in eludlnt; the watohfulneu of Admiral Whyte, bik. ancctmfully leading bia iquadron up the J4. n.

by olever euman- abip in tbeae deya of fut-aailing We may reckon with some ounhoeoce on the merited superiority of British seaman, and feel well assured that no French or Russian Admiral would be able to enoowpliah whu wu do no by Admire! Hornby. But, bavins regsra to tbe immense maritime NOTiiS. vuou ouu own Sunday Niunt. Tbe debate of Friday evening ie remarkable as completing the breech between the Irish Nationalist and the Liberal party. Lord Hartiagton and Sir W.

Hsrauart are, of ooune, furious at the sucotes of the Tory taatioi in propitiating Hr. Parnell but their tsnute agsiiiit the Government for coming to an nnderttanding with tin Home Rulers came with a bad grace from men who were parties to the Kiknainham Treaty. The Tam ought to be very grateful to lAd Spencer, whose firm rule crashed agrarian orune in Ireland, and at the same time watie him the objeot of suoh intwiae popular hatred that tbe obming of Lord Cerns'rvon in bis I steed hae been welcomed os thus of Charles the Rwood woe in England after the nation hsd bed some yesra' experience of Puriteu tyranny. Ithas not been necessary for the Tory Govermneut to purchase Home Rule support by unworthy oonoenioni. The Mssmtrssns murder csss bss always been one of greet difiioulty.

When it wee dismissed iu Psr- Lord liendolph Churobil, but Mr. J'-dwBra Clauxs. expruesed the oouviotion that a fair uramf acre asaa had been made out by I the Parnellitea in favour of fresh inquiry I into the sufficiently of the evidence on wnioh My lee Joyce tree eonvieted ohd hanged I end four other iuu were eanteuaed to pauel 'servitude. retractiims Baling, llier are equal I Mualth of ihla ennntvr arn nunnnk uFToMt to tbe Natural Trent. Wimaaiad to bus uitaina.

wesim tois country we cannot enora to leave anything toubsiicis. In time of war onr iieots would be engaged abroad inuonv oy 1 ng our merebant ships or fighting tint enemy, and it is RretifyiijK to observe from the experiments conducted in Bsntry Bay that onr ironclads can still be protected against torpedoes while biuo leading foreign ports by tbit iugrnioui system of uete and booms wbioh was invented by llouAnxFuhs, end whiob is proof against ell attacks, except those of such ships as the Rolrpheuitu, a type unknown in euy foreign navy. Where we ere deficient et present is in the organisation of dufanoas for the estuaries of the Themes, the Severn, the Mersey, the Clyde, tbe Tyne, the Tey, and the umber. The Admiralty is, however, on thu right tack now as to what ought to be tluue, and will be strongly aided by the feeling of the aaunlry. Thu chief difficulty ss regards torpwlu busts is the asiue ss in the esse of the Polyphemus, to make thorn habitable by the crews without destroying their char oo ter for swiftness end invisibility.

Is is of no use having busts whiob sailors cannot live in. riome improvements will hare to be made in this respect, end we have not tbe slightest doubt that, when the time of trial oonies, tbe capacity for managing machinery of ell kinds which seems to be instinctive in the British people will enable our navy to more theu maintain its old reputation aa far superior to tbe navies of all other maritime Power. a I OPENING OF THE PENARTH CONSERVATIVE CLUB. ADDRESS BY MR. LLEWELYN.

Ttw new room taken by the Penarth Conwt-vsrive Club wore npned on Saturday afternoon by Mr. J. T. D. Lktwelyo.

There ni huge atteo-danoa of Oonrarvtivr. among whom we Botiotd Chpioin Ingram (preddant), llr. 8. Horn (hon. Mr.

D. Lewie, Ckpuin Block, Captain Thmnjp on. Msaars. B. Wilkinson.

Strawson, Ol Tonkin, G. B. Krmpster. Sunitti, Lidtaooe, Adams, Moors, Baby, and D. Wnrde.

Captain Iks rom. in opening th procaadinga, said tiwt bitlkmo tbs Cooscirratina of Fsnrttk bad no room, and tlw mouther thought Stems now quito time tiias th sliuuld have some place tc all thsir own. Tlw room bad been taken by tbs commit) with tb object of eoaandK the dub tiiuv but tlwy hoped to remove to nfiigse Sloes oaaoon a tlwy could sso thdr waydaorw so. Be ironed that tha dub would bs tiw ma of affecting a gnat amount ot good to ths Osiwrrvniiv cause. Mr.

Luwvlyx, who was loudly applauded, next oddrsswtl tlw ssssmbly, snd referred to tiw benefit to be derived from such an institution. A club of that eon wea calculated to do great amount of good among tlw tnombrre. Bo wm aot in tiw least afraid of argument, but was bound to mv lw wm afraid of pn-judica. (Loudtprdaust.) Ever ri nro ha bad snterru upon tlw elMtionasring campaign he Inul triad to eive good reasons for tiw views he IwM, (Cheats;) Be tha referred to the present positian of awny of tlw extreme Radicals who expreistad a dewre to abolish tiiis end abolish tlwt, and who said tiwt radical they were going to tlx but when three Radical were appointed to the government nf Uw country tbsy raid very little about if. Th speaker afterward referred to tha eonatitutioa of tha Boueo of Leeds, and eomwrad tlw constitution of a Republican Government with tiwt of 1b Bngikii.

Radicals talked of abolishing the Bouse of Lord, but If tlwy soociMded were Ihcr prepared to put so Bulbing batter in Its placer Bo eonunasd that a Second Chamber was absolutely iweesMiy. Ih speaking of tiw Church. Mr. LlswMyn Mid that MW question of dw Cbareti ahoald bo approached In tiw most linpmte manner. Bo tiinuebt that as long a England remained dw would havs Natinia Church, and in tiwt ha wished btr God-psad.

(Bear, hoar.) wisiwd every pcaoperity to tbs olub thay bad that day opened, snd trotted that as many as possible would join it with ths CARDIFF1 BOARD OF GUARDIANS. 8BRI0DS CHARGE AGAINST A mKmrj.T, OFFICER. frit ut tiw time by tiw nlwbtisnu of Lhndoff Yard by the nfunl of their mediosl offieer to attend upon dying woman A petition haring bra rnewvMl unking th boon! to petition against tiw lifransMmsof voter who Ind ba in receipt of nwdloal relief, th board derided not to taka action In the matter1 there was no OtiUB of pubHe Merest. 80UTH WALES UOAL AT THE ROYAL SHOW. SWm AM ahere Si.

tlw Otrdiff Ooioa wm hwl on Saturday, Dr. Mine, etwlrmao, pmiding; Mr. O. H. Jones and Mr.

risln, vice chairmen, also being present. Ur, i i J. T. D. Llawelyn, the Cnnaervatlve candidate fat charocterlMd bv tlw gauUsxianly longusp of 1 the Saatlin (Hvisioa aftilamorguritin; auaudwi tbs Jtaat TMrecent speech oT ibe bon.

I tta meeting. Before opening tusprecasdlnga tbs taronet la dweritad aU Tory necliM chairman refenvd io ftailng term to tlw dthof are, ysmtfsdd ehrivrydd." I will not attempt Mr. Bteplwnioo, tlw lot etek to Uw board. He txanriaW the dirty epitlwlra Tha mm reraetted ta-- lw Iwd taera ht. to rt paper ha a Madw and a taw leusr ftom a cor-1 lata mtwliug- At was remind to apprise a eom-reapoodant ntUuklng tar Majetay til Quasu far ntiUM to revise ths Julias of dark to tta union 5uwd.8alisbuiy owl a complaint made a short liuw ago againstKi Mr.

Gtawena. "Evora nnprejuJUwd pereoa." It I Louvlwr of tiw aOosud ol a ayrs. anyone who thinks for himself, mutt fori I cams before tta boerd. Attention wo drawn to riiatVU liesinralted the dirice of ilw pwple. Ui cose some timeego byttaHev.

j. R. Mr. GUd'tone is tta taro uf tiie populace, ud tiw who said bad been informed lliat, Dr. MW why ta fonta fofovour ie Me msl bnd fUM to complv with a request to vMtaSSrid andcwmgo fur eta litanioe of Uw Tlw wmnnn named Miiritwril, living at Llandaff Yaid, wriior ae inimaiwhy In hi Utarary otetetnsnu Hnd who had died before tta mrdicuJ riBwr eoutd at lie Is just in bis polities.

attribute tta jwr -g-- Tlw board nqustaad oh of ths nSews to sseure tiw attdanos of tha lad who hnd tasn sent for tha usdleal man. but ha failad to put in an appanrsna. and it wni said ha coaid not ta found. At tta hat meeting tiw board adjourned tta eass until tta boy's whereabout should Iiive tan discovered. The boy now attended tta matting.

It appeared tiw huebsnd of tta old woman had been out of emptoyuisnt for some Ito-fes GeeAUer prim number of letten I lima, and they ware In very reduced cironm-from Anonymous cumapoudente about the Kedicat i-uncc and in want of food. Tlw caaa oaaw under contest in nest Glamorgan two in support of Mr. I tiw ootioa of the Rw. J. K.

Ruektey, vice ot Lbs-Bowen Bowland and Ttareteatee I daft io Jon hat, and lw not only Mat food whan an acoountof a matingit1d at Blatnycwm In briwif I lw taeame unit of tiwir destitute condition, but of Mobmi1 otuididHtura. Mr. Abraliaw, tiw ateo directed tit* attendant of Ihs rrllsving-labour eaudldata, aueompaoted by a numbor of I officer (Hr. Hnpkin). and he procured UW lila rriraule, arrived at Tndautart by tta half-post I atundanos of tna insdieal-oflicer, and from ttat five train.

He was mot by a bmos band, all tils I time all tta nouritiuMnt slw required up to tar members of wlilcli are workmen, and procmion I dentil was supplied. On Uw fitit of IT ta wn forms A Tbs poopte were waiting on Uw sides I became much worse; ami, on tiw advice of tta of tha street to sooninpany tiw candidaie. A mo-1 husband, tar daughters, and Mighbotira, ths hitian wts passed wiui great entliusiesni in fevour I young man in tiw evening want to th rarideoc of of Mabon, ami a ptedu given to support him in I Dr. Longfaer and said, Will you, phase, aom up Uw Meiropwb. After thnwetaere were given tiw land eee my neither 81w Ie danwrauslr 111, snd pmrosrion wns wdbrewd, snd anoempsated I ws dorit expect tar to live." EE etatea ttatta Mahon to 111 railway station." I arrived at Dr.

Lougheris house st half-past seven TlmUvuporimrespondantof tta Rmer givee oclock in tta evening; but that Dr. Lougber defull details of tlw doings of the committee of tlw I clioad or refused, ha sud.toooawup to SM her til I Kteteddfoil In relation to tiw pubHoation of tta I tlw following morning. Tit woman died about Tmnaactino. Gnat Jiffiuolty wu found In seen- lion o'clock Mist night Dr. Lnuglter rated, to ring suffiotent number to fans quorums, an I reply, tiwt tta woman was tufiOtteg from chronic account of which there was coaridantifls daisy.

I compirintt, aad time few wa teo iiltriic from Bs doH not suite win tlw printer Is, but It ap-1 fit He saw her on tin 4th, end the youaje man puam that nut on Wtlslt printer sent in snenii-1 told him tint hi mother woe were, hot did aot mats. Tlw term are that the primer is to be pre- saw that slw wo Jangoruusly ill, et named with TS.aod i to puUi-ii600 eopia it hU I that "wa dont axpaet tar to livo." Dr. own risk. The editor is to tave A20 for his labours 1 iLawi nod severs guardiunt spoke Very 'iti utr Londongiiitlemen wl call tiumwlvss l)i I strongly on wliat they characterised as National BtstadSfod AraoeUtion claim tiw mono-1 serimu negieta on tiis part of their medlori eeript at tta prin oa "Tlw Ufa of tiw Late Sir I officer. Dr.

Lougber salt! Uwt til woman area liughUwsn." It cannot, therafiiM, appear In tlw I (Turing from chronic survathm' Hits, tiw Chair-Tnuuautiiute. Thaw gentlemen ere so insJJw. I man draught, aggravated hit neglect, if ta tad eome Uut the Nation si Eistoddfod will suffer I tarn guilty of any, and oiiboagli present; asd untass tiwir pretensions are put a atop in. A tow naked by tlw Chairman. Dr.

Lengtae rid not dnys ago tlwy sent mi impertinent mrernge to tlw I declare tiwt ta was unable, from other sngsgs-Abenlirn commiUse, because tlioy, fonoutil, were I tuenta, to attend was, therefore; ubequatly not eoneulted to the select km of nraiical adjudi- I unaaiinoariy tetalvtd to esato nn spoBettitre to caloTL Tbs worthier refers to tha matter ia tlw Local Govern man! Board to tend down sn tluiss worth 'TU coiuinitmaof thaLaadon Cym-1 inspoctor to hold an inquiry sod investigate tta mrodotion censure tiw Abardar committee for not I matter thoroughly The Bev. J. H. Buckley said ooneaklng ttam before appointing adjadicaton in that sfiaw coorithmbls amount of indlgnslioo was lllkuiddn Division, and aguct of ilia Aatliracite I many yran nying that inure' Ataooiarion); Mr. David RaodriU Uuully to' such isolielur to th ssnoclstion) Mr.

Enoch Russ vreraahnM of th (wurouirr) Mr. A. WillLms (sdUor of tiw working eljwtes upon Uut ground, tiwn tlimrouglit Afswffy Gacrriwx), Lawjr Aten," Ur. D.y.Junes, I teta. By tlut Aiumanford, ke.

Lncre, ctaliff. arid I did not awn any sahms of spohsUon UU A M. Heh Tfriuoli, wura alu prrmt. I nd rttwy sudi Oacseryntlvn ware TimCHAiKKAKyfn tipuninf tiki inftetliift aHudffid I1 wd of ftuributing lo Ubmlffiff hut to tlw alrauiwtanaM wulor which ucli of Uielr 1c''ta amendment of Hie 6wu would (acilluta tiiraeannaal ibnanutretloM tad bwn hold, and to I tmnafor of had, giro filur of MM oe eout-tiu program inada tutokaaid by Ih quastioM for I pro merit, and wlikih iwrt rtiuartaively oucupind ibsir nuention. I enrnjnchlseraant of hasaholite.

lAppInuw.) Pro-At tlw Arab they lnul stked tor tbo Craiiclii th nE P'k ot Labour Law and otiwr weondtatw tiie pririlei in the enures of telng I rajriaflon more or he directly affctfaig tiw ennferrud, snd now ii hsd bean glvun nod lit? L'. ure con earned ns lo tiie ura wliidi would be miute I If returned to Farlisinontc to give ell of it by tiw stifmnahtad. Speaking of tiw pro- Pt fuU conridersttoo, snd to support of Mr. Faeh to rsrihuwnt. lw ta1 legislation would be found neesesHy.

Bs 1 would not bs fur encroaching nnduiv upon (he rights of cepitsi, nur advancing within undue liudt tiw interest of the tutplnyar. (Applauaa.) With reganl to the Mine Act, ho Mid there ware, nn doubt, dufiehmoles In it wliich he did not think any penon, eisulover or imployed, would stand by in any awreing. (Applamw.) Amongtt those wee ilw right of ndstives of ductued pernoni to lie pMKtit et inquest. There were other questions which ho ora iwucm rf reiurni ikat pmuti Wrtw.ln-1 din not with U) blink. He know tiisy were que-riwIlMtiisFnueUiwaed ItnllKrilxiiluu Hit i ft) uwlr Uonl of mnis difficulty, well ss th Appointment of checkweighers snSf the Ilk, whldi might very (urelgu pullay lute mi boiMtirlilr ebannrfuf tllS-1 Cfl fur allsrstion, and wliidi oirtaialy Hu Uil netting wrieuialy bettevse Ums tb world I called for dew atioution.

(Appkiu.) After wild Ii yrretiy btnslUrd if liaerMUmial arMmtlun I deteribing Lord Kondolph Churclull a Irlunil in wvra nuil eiuiBiilranr, snti Ui irisclpl uiilrenully dUguise, lw wut on to rater to th Aylesbuiy dapuil In the, quit mane ol our traitediipute. Tlww liad. lu mid. iwsn sood dial of Mr. Jon PniuiM moved, and Mr.

David Jams, I crowing in tlw Cunisrvaliva ranks stthenwlt of Hrynllol, sveoudsd, I Mm recent eontasK, but after The Aylesbury Tli.it, I Uu dnlon of th( muotlng. It not only I election tlioas who lisd crowed brroro would not nssjvstiy bus iiaptretire ilut th I bowaltiae wltiiuniuixsd (eeJingAiifdoUcht fortlu nSSie I m5m gswmd tlritam. lApplsutad Upon ilSt lrllh qnsstioiu he coranwnisd at some Imotii, mat, hot with a vlvw to plsiiliis; Uiiinwlrea ill poiitioii I tMntending that if Ireland wa in a psoao-to Iwlp en Icgbiation peeuUariy Meuseied wuh the I (ul eondnlon such as toeUBed tiw wlth-srarUng elawar. I dniwal of tlw OHono Aot that was das to tiw Hr, Tkos. riORT, M.Ph who supported Uis I nctioa o( Mr.

OLudtiono Govornment during its motion, wm very mniiitliy recsind. dfrer rater-1 fiv or six ysare of office mil if ring to dUfanrnt qiwttiuna of a gananl rinruuter, I iraland wna notio that pwinrfulcuriiUtkin. tiara tiw andstatiag ihatanoof the Artaaetsof tlw jtraaeot I Consurvativn stood umdomiwJ out uf Ureir own Gorernuumt wa rectify tiie error in tlia I mouth as not JuaLifikd In relaxing IvulflaUon and Franclds Bill whidi dinqualifiad tlinw wlio hud trusting nicrflly to ordinary Act of P.iriiamrnt. boon unfortunate enough unwed puroddal medical I (Applause.) Tlw granting of a fresh inquiry into 1 the Mnamtrarna affair lu nonridorsd mi not calculnird CO audit Ilw ad mlulu ration of law In Ireland. (Applauat.) When tiie Oonaurvailves ware In Oppoeftfoa thay strutted about iutiugirb of young uon.

aad ysir it wa only wluu tii Doo- iniilter of solMniarrit and manor of prin- lnurvativu got Into aRSe tintt there wu any talk triple to do tiwlr utmost to Mtum to Parilaiiicnt about approaching tlw ZuiAku Fust men from their own rank, lie lud never bean (Applause) With regard to tiw Badger, an odvoente nf ckiM n-prwsntiitlon, but ns society) upon which the Cnusemtivw succeeded was now constituted nearly nil tile mini bare of l'n ilefealiuff Mr. Gladstone's Ministry, lw Fariianwat war euplnyan of iabuur, largo eapi- said tlw prwxital to iwue Treasury bills to tide utii.cs.ae were asswiaud witii tha liipil or uriHtary (over tlw difficulty until tiw naxt Parliament profMMion. In limed elrcuuubinCM Is was naersmimled him uf BlioridaiiV lubit of giving only right and JiMt, but tlw incuinbeot duly of tiw promissory notwt and saying, "nuuik God, tlmt labuuring claw to insist tint then shimld bo no dobt Ie done or." (Loogiiur and appkuwu.) Ths kmjierelsw exclmdon. end tliat III By siioilld have mutation wee tiwu put to tbe intating snd fnir than nf repiesciitetion In the House of iurrled. tioiimioiw.

AUntlier ilifog tiding equnl, if tiHwl Mr. W. Siohohaprnjjoatal, Mr. D.Jonetracondud, hsd man (rom Um isulre of istmur who wu in I and anotlwr Mr. D.

Jonas supported, a resolution sympathy with tliunt. Hsd th ability to umlvr-1 Wiling the ometiug to supiiort Mr. lbiwlimrty Mind questions affrcilug tlism, and vrlm shared Uundliiuiuw, whidi wa uarrtud iiiiild auplauft. rot only tlwir eyiupathlu. but.

to anais A vote ai tiiankslo Uw dutlnium brought tha ilirir prefodiue. line1 might to As upon that man I ptucaedinga to a Muse. uml Mud him to ParilmMnt to reprerent tliein.l Tlwy iwd such a until in Mr. ftbntluim, nlm I JlliliTIXO AT IPOD, tlwraugbiy uadcratond their questtemt who, by hie I Oo Ratuidsy uveelng Mr. Bown KowtandQXi, peat lnstorv.

proved hi nyaipcdiy with ilmm.liis liddresicd uubDe nweting Brtiwi OM Chapel, iliivotuin to tiwir DUisu, 111 to sarve HitTnd. Tiisru wn a puMl attendance. Mr. ldrla tliwn, Ilia lumnity, and Ills ability alto William occupied tb chafe to pkn quastlons fitly end ohty before I Mr. Kowlaku hU lw was happy to think any usmliy, tlw lilglwet In tlw nation I dwt vary low in Walca hod I alien down even.

Tlwroriire, lie rutted tlmt Mr. and wureMppod Lord Randolph Churchill cnudlii.uure would successful. I and it would require lot of music to Many quastlons of vim! impuruara to Ih minor I make people Uwre fall dawn end worsllip tiw die-would, Im aniicipatad, come biter tlw I tnrltd image which the Conservative hull set up. next nu-liammt dio amendment nf tlw 1 (Laughter and applause.) Thy voice wot the vole Mines Hagulation Act. for in tan cu; and by I uf HalUbuiy.

but Uw hand wore tiw iiands of returning mnn like 'Nr. Abmlwm tiw auuchilL (Grant Jaugbior.) The Premier wa collieri would contribute to no small extent to I Lord Salisbury, but tnc instigator of tiw move-make llireu measure Tor their kitaiy and comfort 1 menu was Lon) Bandolpli Ohurchilt (appkuwj more effective titan tlwy liavu proved In Uw peel. who hod given a signal butane of tiw coouls-Plwting ou to deal with the Itoiptoyree Liability I tenc-y of political lift la relating for offieewltii Act, Mr. Burt sstimateJ tint between th Cbnrvtivw Mr. Marriott, a ssntitman fSOJM and 83.000 ul bonn paid to I minumljusly convertvd to Onnscrvatiyin a be widows am) orpins of oolHem on ao-1 amntiw ago.

Afuir oontrovetting Mr. Alamo tl uonnt of aochteniA noSapmny of which would I itkimt ststemut witll repecc to ths ab trillion uf have been got did tide Ant not exist. But Its mere tha Corn law. Mr. Rowlands said nudonbt tlw mnnai ary value was little ns compared with tiw I evil day wnulil bo pustponsd ss tongas possible, lanwBt it had unurerred a mnsure of lately by hut, assuming this geaond iketra to take contpslling ntatilgeu amt rnreklM amplpyani to I pbwo In Xnvemhar, na hit sure It would bs kxik after tiie safety ot tiwir employ A.

An amend- looniy dvh ber ti as title country meat, with a vlnw ro malm lu provUlon uompul-1 wue uuucarasd, for It would mean tha return into nry and thu prevent employer by fraud, rorce, I power of Mr. GUdwoaeaad hie coUatgueo. (Ap-ar mimpimeniaUan miuprillng thsir wnrkiwopla I phuiw.) Ha refsirsd to tlw two Ooniemtivu to ilgn agreimrai to rag. 4 ng th claim I uwuibw for Wuhw ai tilt "dilltl control." tlwy might otherwise have, hud bssn I Uu added Glut ha beliavod Mr. Powell would Intnvkioid by Mm tide AMrioa.

it had no dwnee I on! Lord Kmlrn at tiw naxt election. (Ap-nf liiig adopted now, but in tlw next Parliament I plouM.) Bptoking of tlw cardinal prindplw ul Ii wn luipaful at to lie succats. After a reference I Liberalism, aa first, Uwt ilw IniaraMi of Uw many to Mr. Braadliurat' Uill for til acquirement of I iliouUibecaniaeradsndnotihriuiurxcofih (w, freehold riglite by tearchnidrr, tbe epasker enn-1 and, eeoondly, tiiu privilege stmuhl Im aboliahx elniied hy dwrlilng upon tiw tendency toward I ami swaps away, Im mnrksd that tha cliildmn demoentey, which, he Mid, wits running straight uf uw nnr pour riiould iiav education brougltc In tiie direction of the renllMtio of (lutaqimllty, I them at Uw band of tlw Stole without making not in social position of wmIDi which wa lm-1 demand upon tiwir mirerable resources whidi practicabla but that whidi would make all men I tlwy were ulterly power laa to meet. (Apploue.) equal in tiw eyre of the law, I in regard to prlvtlsge, lie anlfi peuple seemsd to Mr.

I). Pdok (Manomvna) edit tlw question of I Uilnk that kMflailve wnd-un descended from ensuring for as potdhle tiw safety of tiw minor I ratiisr to son like a squint ere daughter) but It hd rngajjod th attrntion of iueceaeive Govern-1 did not any morn tiwn wo-fUen lug (Laughter.) end resolvtd unanimously fcurtioit Jpummarp. MUiicMMrWWlUAdJMwatfiSbU-iB Mr. rfXUr. Ii.m sbpit niRdm It, ktOMUS.

SO irit ai j1: wUlfAjf if (Mr. J. a. AUXTIUXBtiXh rWiAlrJUr.li r.MlrtW-;.T Mlt 4t iVu lilf SJ Hi'd-Wdiwi Mr L'SMLIIA'tst llltluM ltit*ltt. 91 VIJT i' rr'ALT Vurnusa nHwtas KaOai fl iriNai trv 4t AoUcekMKtdanct ny 11 r-r4-.

I'trt Jui 3 kinnS KhMZmH 44Ju.fcH.iWfci:h- ftt 91 M. r.KSUi. ttmcSiiJi! Riim 4 SI Mr. w. IMKmI JuijS: UCKJLKU Xbcv ki Af 3 Cb.

I. f.Lr,.., July S3 1 V. I. liAlliJ. I L.

MvA. i CtAc. tjrfy fl I Avg. 7 jhAKalil a- airs up luriuin a.vi.h Tti-MwIlK-aW. aALl ao.33.

AT Till-: Al.CiKi.'s aitii l'jMIanvs SAi.t:-i:oiiMS, Z. 25, axd 20, Ilii.HTHKh-r, AltDin'. ID ilStallLStt. MK. j.

i. MAIIIWX will SKLL by Al ini li.iiut. ihr Ink ut July, a larit, ini'AttiAiui co.rfCi.unot HOUSRHOLU fUIiMTUUB AM) 1K'KCT-S uhsli eat biwn farwardad (rvw I'dTlMl MIQM UK MOMI fnir. Aui wit; cmiiriM uw, OH foimltmf, Nkta, L'n. "JL4t on r.Afr tiorr.

itMdw uwa htn'tadi, aa.iJeCm aihI iu kilter rii. aai Jrt'KiNV i Jtak rr4 1 15, Af Lw (imi, aSWiV. AL'Ai JLCq Ul MVlaNtf, Mira, toua'tu. TicJiry, y( S'uuli MuaiKUkSHOU KUr ouwriut. lhi if tot niunmio to pArttrutoriiei itt If In unitr vi w4 iut Ymw 4Unw ei a.

Au al fitlirr of tfc Tufsuay Hiuwayl Li vpuN ih Hiilui nuui ium bjr Xwriw f'MiM dty prior Urtitar. f-TTL salt Cosnmeuccl roch 1aV at Twu wutoek pTcdwly. K.rtkKHoT.n" ruaXlTVKS at XU lailil 1'TTUj. AKi'lrT. J.

I. 31.il JiK'Jk mstroctfd bv tho KStbllM to kwStf Mzn MM, Uifkliv KUi If Aid 1 iN. V.khw Ecsaavv. at Uw Kofcignai. wo KUJliAV.iUt 4M tveSiMadii ai ilitMa'MA la km kfVfflWwa.

KL l.f 111 AM) KFFiSCrS lu two XhItouccx. mhI JUtdwiiA Ifrctltf oti Vil-v Morun Kmu fur CaiitHn iuitkiu 1CU. ft V9T to tbo A tkwir, Huu'atrtri, ur vt Um to dM fcAWi Hrfrr. IUBn.aifiiwr, corkfUtoadiltoiMi Wunaoir CutliK. tfaW "mle ur cattaok rttuKimr A7 lUJitVAYNLAla.

MIl J. O. MADJL.iX inatracted by the bMirn of ilc kUo Mm. Mttb Ihihljiiu of inhj-1 1 njf, kftuuiui, latuifFUfi uj tlMlcV1 tlU.TdU, IM OlktalLI, VUllMiV, iM July, ut well o'liAMk lu um tvtuiuE ifuUuviuo too bw of uu unuiur Umi ntAh or Ltssb, Cmula8tig666iaRrJi.iiiUidw TtikcJf il bLO-AiLiLl m.VMOOM OWELLUG Tlitmou. te tins a It-nuuf 41ft.

usd a of toil 9UMSe Cnm-fftit, iui, and mwn4 by Nwit Kw hMkbia kSM, wd JiYsm n. oft tb bv animal mi of Es7. frwnbM affthrkl for fit ream from Vrbrtury, OiM um urh4u ki. WtiiLuuh kau al Uu anmul d-aaiitai ret. A jji 17a.

For forttav ktaiiMb fe dM Aatiotmt lilfb jtart: Mam. iMltoc, Cortot, aad atuua fcki.Muwa. M'ucuhjattmt. Crfifa*g. 6U69 ball TU- ward will skll by 1U.

FUBUi: Al'CTUiX dw lloaih Caul, ttaskw. MlCKaDAV NbtLT, July aaw. 40 FUU1R Ut- AS HKIFE SS, Akvitai VXKY liUWI EBBKP. Ilk at Twaha (dwa. MIW MU THIS DAY.

UKAULKY will SELL by at hta IM Xonhwail, aa MV MUM1.W1 Jiy iup lax tru AdauMEmat, UuLfekduLb rUOiiTL'KK, IbfalMulUilmAc. MUuTawtfibd. BMP HALKtlVMuMROir. TO COLL2XSBV VlUik'KIEIUll, CuAL MBfCCOAXTS, AU uTUlCKSa MU. JOliN M.

bn boon in- unuid kf tM iNnwra of Oil taUnanibud KutoO oKLL bjr FCBLIU AL'CTlN. uulafi prf vkAiriy UiV.rv; bf ktf rrivalo uaaiki. as lb Mu4orUi Arms lu mi. v. amumai.

oaXCiSfeUAV. ibflo dp of Jmy. Iik. mI uai smi nkiM LEAtibUOLU AiattHACrrE COLUEMY, Auujwn kb CABNASST lULLUSftV. Kk va iu Uu Loouj of fisher uh dN4ivKt9UMJUMilmiV, jolatm'.

and irtiwp iuUm. auU-rooiu uMtiy tuaxu Aidutw i 41 MlfL WlliAllll fau. MlVAyaUliltf, wi.to U4 uiM'tuaky Mcnccakt uuay rnr 1 fcrhit ll tod yrouiiaru kOMbb tabu infJ ou ui c*ntuc ibw, iWLutsd imnmiun of wuku bo toss. TouCoUbryeomvrUss abssuarUruA situ of 449 term or tbwilkiu UlM.X f'Mir tMK lAHjliLfEPU Imh or Arav Awr nobr itotivu tolbrs vrufs j.i iiNu Mr. U.orrb.aa'i 9fuerm frKuw KXmaikrs of us Uut i iww nlAUwr, ILq.

Tlw atnf Tsi4ti Myiiiv usmIw ir.1 vuruoui aim ivu uaj. ulMuitt A i oir. mt boo. inr jtttversj viu iw to KhtKBts. mytlkto usd Wbr, wm OPI bEIMllbM MmI CwliiHil tuvnrUi.

I'm ibkuw irf MirUvursiuuM kal MtldiUdna Bur iw jtruiaeii hj an tnapocUou uf Uw KmpoUr it um OfMiiwf i mo MfE or al th Wo tw LWMry is Juuw mh tb (Lnui Ru'Jot oa dm CbH Vcsin Akitif. ud toKWiffw (bloaha a1 Naui Wauru ium aluSUd iiailrj, MhiAobI 1 tn muski Lbncby tuul 31 uil froui i i 1U A MOSS COBMLUt pMlSUia Ut IbUoJ Xtottaud of Ummbo it lit urrtABS Cuiatair uuu Coui will auU ito VIm uriLaat eoul hoM ih liudlsz 9usitLia bbvibj unthrh ihkiuiMnuaAaiitftB Um tqta umrteiu WMurtuwchB Aictort al yrmmwit 'Jy Kr-Vrla cwl wfiArl, whfeh Mpanidt diiy utf jr Vy uud wtdo au rrWi iu wuU 4 sL bsu tuaffia dimxku hu SalidEWiL limraouato noutaaluc ct tta CoUtay aafl Baitnw atay MMa rale to taka Otw at Tkw u'dwk ia Ih AAantaaa. 1 ur furmn nniiy in Him, Blana, ltd rhwy, bakim XmayrTy-ltU: Vtwra. Ltntoau and Carta, I. dram: 11.

data Ur. tit. (MLary ar of ih. Aantamr. UiAwl Caantlani Maajnw.

MJK lUFuBXAXT BALK tF FKDDVCTIYJt, AXlr AHLK FhKKituLb faiuia, slUik topMlivdy AXU CAdTEIXMYXACH, Ita Utmtur Wlikrta will la urftfel FOB BALK BY AlVliUX. BY aru. TiiU-UA JUNJiS, uu alA JnSj UA, thm fdwk Um Aftmwo tis. msUmiikU IM Imymr ULuCoviitfiu bto-s uid Umv I'm mImjv- l-iwur by mluMUHimmcot pnw Sk.ku. iumu vruui MoBonr.ATu4M.uiNi I'uum toud.

def-ytouity ihMOal. mvAmUb Um bomtifui ami Aan. ilk lucr ot by ih mmuil; fnua Tmlj tu csvuuiu, uspi u'Uoi MltoofUlB MUUSl town Of MU of toiHrSr. ur ifi)Twii toiu tunktilkuurts Uweui-juutoH, aiol tar to kj turUiri: uc la tin Um mum, wri vumti'aiiyfiudi, tuothrr wfan wnuu at turn UUt, BlrttSS laibriiL Thw PrvWtty Urii.vAr ibs Hvyoas SSutuMu frlihKuuio. mm.

Um Hirer Aron ekM oy. vhwa utunH uu Abrfd mbUM Mb bvund wauuSouvchd iMrUyvwtoL Xbv whom of in rivwcsy wUk Ans at uU Im uttwil fgv ul in Mwldt. uiui, li um aoUi, vUl ufMrwurda pus up la two or tttwf (UiNiiiaM UUa dooi ui opyocwiilvforaifMKaai or oanQoUoa dir. Juba Areas, et tinliWKto, wiU Show lb Ssrf: kmI Icniipr puiirebre um ta -tiiui1 ut tee Auc-Junrer, bewann. Ur.

Julia itreu auiaier. Aluywului i er -I Ur. XotiUW. TUUXA. tm HulldtaT.

Hwta. VuKTkt-sYttttcx, xtrorrouT.OFFuaRn qvucxw FltiDAY XKXVjfcL'Y 24, AT TWO. TO COUCnuR, mtUDUAXT. AKD OXUBR8. Nr.

LAND end KigKaRD DA on kwneel to Jhr. J. liuwtal eiui taw. Ikiwtal ewitaw, llwir Mw limn, UL UG Ai t-FltUOF iii lid tudDKVD OiLfclA(bMEffi CtfosM to id tttdkei tcii iii hvl td hmr ioi, JkUtUtiMAKti g( WNNndi Futwiruiik, re 4r4t. muKlcis ot tfoas Did Wnutid iwu.

ttu Book" Ksnr. fAF MrVihUlb, SwMUml XmUL UO KfW Afore. AiwUktttMm, If, Uisa-ricnH, Kiwport CI79I ATXkATH. Ti FAllMEUS, bTO-K-KbU'Jlii. OTHERif.

111. HAiilitW 1 II ITIN GTGNwill WA tol I1.VI.K to Aivnux to tea ebvir wC Ml T. aSrf fatoMaEB. CARULUitjs CATTLE, IMPLEMENTS, Ml-. aU iiaKlrniiiis VALL'JklllJf jlL'ILLLSr, SITES.

rpO be bULD by BUBliG ALLTION, si JL Wbutaed. au FUUMkk. ite auh Joij. tws, at Three rereta VUnoUe MCIUUXO Slfei new tee kjusu.1 Keilwor blsitiuu. J(towtere taunt.

tateuelKktartara. sv car it a i. wru, immiCAL ad yixlazsT xaavfail-yiikuu. ayd irtuatta SiUTil, JUAliS, MrshI ta AKLL Slid CO. tifoiNV QbMXB, CmUeSI ML'totoxY.

re- OK, Juir, imsTkU LEOKhUOLD CUEUICAL WoKtM Xwira Ita YUM CtUEUIOAX. WOKU Miaired ek from vmwkVUuAx, jririiHiuloAL77 f8iwifi An of Ukitg qff mm, mi um prinetyti LtetWBBkiB iMiMr, wiciAkMitahkuudEcaba iaw, iiudtaxlbiktf4MikM Wo hawl Htshi uiiUMbcn. rmnlri'j nTi Sv ljFt, Jft-glteiaft, uiMffioC f4x a VXmST iter, tortesS. (5SUS grSJ5 Ifti ftiww ffiwll wmIii imi wflilinutfi. raa uim vtrbi Irm roilvu ikcBlf.

tkm beitie hud I Wffittch nilwoy ruu.diift Uy ku work. IbwaiiAiiOaiufaKhlU ovpijof iiuMr, airs up rwaif Coiurart. TO TIN-l'LATE tUNL-FACTtiBEM ASDOTHeHT nrei umiuimi liV ViiHULD LUdGK wnltrateuUand panto IX) be SOLD or LET, Til iii.n 1UU 21 SXIUIU, UMRkr. panto fruitii Ik MMskuU.atanrBUi ot JSU lax auuua Here, mu tor nulls, end twu Hset-piuu rur Inrteer rerUeulere st. a ivu -SuMur.

UbmUs t. I- S' I V. Fidilfw. uulCstow. Llrenaul; ellereCpCma VtoiL aial Cwbocuu.

tadultwi. AowultSSST i' ii A. HO ButaJisbsdm. J( 8 BILL FOSTER AND ADVEKriSlXS ASSET HEFTS ell tb YWFU1FA1. iUSTIbie KTATtOFS to lre aJ NeHthtauwiuMl.

tvuipM utta anu Tra sept. YRANIKl OW LA Liii'S A JLEilLWAY TIME TABLE. She Mriyeas pub-Sjiwaia Wsht, prkv i. s. j-ir aunuui ir- jMSUjnNrrew menu, fliay lutd the Acte of 1850 and 1872, and sine Uw tetter a Commission Iwd been sitting which was expected to make a report soon.

In view of the great addition mad to the oonsUcneo-das, lie adopted tta word of stateemaa of other I ir Register 1 rrgitrl isgister Tlw Rv. Svuir Jokks addressed the meeting in WWi. 1 Mr. Emmk in Yxe(8wane) said tta effect oil tiwraeeut mtwsurei of reform was to phae tta destiniesof tiw country In tta tandt of tta work- Ing classes. It would be decidedly odvnnugenue to have tta working men represented.

To him It appeared a great anomaly that Uw bbmsm should itoo in Istve voioe in delibimitiona eoncomad with ui i ilw liiut hm mtiiustoi ttvwa Um wsu MvtioM of oMIHvOaI VH my oaiU nwnw Mm imt im. vr miboui. iViicn: fM Ut wtl! trt MfoiOWW a.u..a.ad.ala ulaa. UU ItyiWaiWU, VU UalWHio aW nan moninwi HaMUadw UlW WOtW lW nlWIUWl7Will rpHK TAUOMA COMPANY QLiwiMdV JL hliara tnuilal jSMlMB, in UM anam wvfc- iMiLnlEKn HLUlkiU. ij.Ca, 1 Air htdiirt Uaotuo MUavr.

Baxl, UXm mj iiiuT bai um Aa fdidii JlfMira C. WAKhVICU. Kai). Infill awl W.liw LOUdoll IbUL Loudon Ukhiw). Cluln Ukuatwr oi ih Ladoii ud 1 1111 1 IruMtt oru Olft Utl liVi) nv a.

a ntuif tnntMWwn. wwn, IlMrmor llw UOwm LVuiluuj). CaWdbi XwluM la.k Mriwru UwJwyal rcfcct UkMh Bnaiuaa to IWwri. J. J.

RnoMiOhi 3, MLaadd tut. LulbNHi, K.C1 Altm 1 KUhiMUt tot Ma liwU U.Kn YUrtvciatinMU Wwt- BatoimLUmfU. IbraaUA aod Bonuotfr ton Umu Mi JUmrimrmuMU JtoMim. JUJH aou brmicto. Maiiwi-Jitnoi.

Aollbiwa anil Uuw, LumImm Uoum Uvuiyoowou Loiubaid'irvi, Loudon, A.U oud Miua, Ma ud kluuk, M. ttoueolN Umtw, OWmuiVjuw. MutatwtaH Flxby ami AML Uhl Bn a- aiMt LowImi, ILU. BwfW.ty.-J.MM U. Ynumiuu, hw.

Lanloa, Mu bi, Mum lVUiiMlUtfl)Wi LoudaOJ, LU THK TAiiOMA COMPANY Limited.) ibli CouipsiQr bu beau fumnl to wguuo ud lh uf Uw OaUuittad Gold alia Ifclvvr Miu XLhyaia. Ybiwtof bAiusVai 41 AtUnfr, Almnw ibuntx Wb TMlilvrfa Cwwu Onw of Auwrik-, wu a M-du Xruiik Icaiitay. fnv iiMMAt ltounti ttiH is ihowu If ibi mfU tvlufus to pruuiiti a ak JVWlb at orr XUW bar QawtuU. AoadaiUamd Wmar artuathmiil to toy dw luodm Q9 to S.M ruwuthiwiidiabuito AUflLUMMt vrudi yvcauuuui. 1 ytvdt ataUM (Mto UaporaO 10 bavabvsu no (XHfFAK tUtataJI.

Utkaatarw. uf AN wu t'ru IW Otut. Flat Murtcana Ito-bciitunw Ut, Xkbuiu tUmluJt, un Ih. i ana aiui treauliiuw a I tk. mumwi iia iMiKal ay yuu.

ibud Um lith day gd Jaly. Mai uauu wtaka 1 ban total a drwau A at due ia. aa wf Al yar ikkiMa, aad 1 nuylia I kit tod to tut, aim (u iimi tta uaxiluiiiy goyauauw Uumun lu NamnUiJC. nib ihr rail iMi aottha. Altai uu and ilaarrlntaia tat wH bill Bkfuacuni CAHUM UF TUB XiUm XOTICii HaUKUI tllVKh uw UBESat MXl-MICKXY.

a-ilKFUUtXtiB BHABliB will CUMK Ul TUlAJAl' XKXl. Un duly, umdun. msl jv A'KUXUUAY MUtr.UinlJuly, tea duuntry. BV uuiHm. XhaYnanriya an partly Drawl tor XatDo aid tb wbaht vt IM Uut, Butin Mil will vniMUy uwn tux Tnnit la MM, Inti luitrmi I la.

mu uf a iur ml murauuni tay uw coaincta, Saul tea Ul ut Jnuiurr, BllAOFURO DISTKIOT STEAM TUAAL WAY. IL1N1TKDJ. HUAKB (1AF1Y: ut Am Huh, ami LaA db par Cam. IxataMw Aa Hth, vt ahull Uuw tau tom bauyai. Ym yiaiunm auamt paruanitH lu Ul nirptiM prsda tflu luynwui uf i W1 cauv hu Uw Unliaup Btaam.

FlMuwtoviy.n-" aa auvbcailaa. ft! bmiiiii at ficrkul, and uumuuafiv: aUnuncni. Aidiuuto uuy wy ay lu (all ua ill daua at nr auun i.waliHiiM. aial Imunm al lb. rau ut 4varMnL Vn aiuma will amina lima Uw tout ut tea matanra paywaatafc BAtataaitoi Th HALIFAX JUUIV bTOUX UAXitlXO VUJBFAXY IUIH JIKUI, Urviturd, UiiUtei.

mid UniKlwa, Ann teadr Imauaa Amaitn-lia. Lo.XLuK julXT nJUUIC HAXILuiMl'r titoj laitaiaa a Air. fim IK. uitoltklM. A xrlana atmt.

LuudBa.XO. WIUilAH rum, -U, idUBBX VlUXUBlAATI 1'ltKtS, X.U, AK1IIDU2D FUtflMniA Tta Dnaf-on aantvAl'FUllAntlXB fur SIX PER dKnr. IT CKNr. euAMBa 4 giU hvh. ba si Ifllwi WWAtlU JUKlUirtUtf Ibud WNUpUttiilK Uff UMiCUlUll6 iwuiMiUUsjr iue tvlewiu Xnutifiu UMdMta A lw Mtitr rakewyy Unfar.

tin. ih Ysv Mucsgr irstaffd onkr, mh, ikm mitwrwtii ife wtuhimMu um lint ol I2u ibtm tinkra beta uita(ru4a ao iwtui4owu Ui ukm mImuhUrI MuaiMTe Vtai irwi tur MdM am Uni Mu atfbnttrn 4l Iriti BiEfl widtaldo wueti.1 It ixuvuua tunlMr tnd tta OniuOtabUi itMue liiuiuUrtxlua iuwiu ut Ovgiur audlteubugr. Ykis kdist iuaiM.au. ika Uuw susauy Itmil uu uuatioacd, vlli taaka a nwu isiisji sTlkauwigraCareriwauin. In tiH SIMM antaglataS -uil aaiifiiuital.

mA aaaaBaalautai fcaean tea tetrn tA Buoluid In Yenutalra. aeitmulng a wpuUiluo ut vnt XAUh, ana ths kia uf Swnire oihI euiuMr- Ykta ran at tlw UuutMiiir'a Ua trill an re a wgailauuM ai alum umm MUM Ituuuiteltli trill Joiu tea Ua at tea AnSfucU luruotuiiun it FcrtMtead. ttad win tetai aawiui Ifn lr. 1 1 um ekiriar aaltaln, sow lu fill upirauoa Iwauuui). Tiw V-Iuyoaad funtar aslaualsu wUl tna (run Habaire teruosa.

deiuety nuailaiail uaPwrU aatokkuaitaawd Itauslar.aaecaaussia EriWasr. eiiUi taw nki la ta tit akfiitu ut imm uc tea laws naiu nauiKMtariuc otariaia lu Yerkaulta. Mora due tlimnnAwluU sdUact goMsnctn ova Hand laueoaotatarkauMla ww euseftea audunsatllnwtaid afcaia. aaa a mm ItaiiaatW mtuq aana (ra-uaw ltd tasulu mwrtau tiutiuaus trnleu it trill ikunsot. cutuManNa psntai u( Ud mala will, uo aactuau.

WImu auwriatMl Um Uruuiwd IriaUMta Stauui i'miuwny wllieaaliiMtiCurac tau whoa. fk, muiSatkin nf 1 1ns um mad ky Um Itaaiauqrs rnw new ta aurir amain-il I ally ut a tentlus lauiuulal tta ui tatus lurd a nwtiresuaw.ua wurkiiw aCVKaaa araualeou'MdlHitiu arena SU par MU uf ilMaruk- ra rauua. AwulKg im tea tauaar. akai Bin aaanaa tea anlsilaawtjd artallaaauabf ehsaautiiaa hi awk rw tu iwranusale tea Urs uvaa g( BuiIhiS Mcs tawaau ai sou HUMS), aad at lu lureal tua al UNA I'UTXY Saa ante tUMatiear. a suWaiaul Ha ruuld to aurcau.

sftar dnlonbis SO ear esot. (ur MUaK assaasaik a Snkkoad SmSwikiiH area, wita akala Ftaareuaa ad ucdbwr Uaotal a tea tiuouauw. Tlut uda Miluuia li vary aukianua wUl to dtown to Iks jnulta outKiuad to lb trwkliw ut two adfolKkiS Uuaa of )taiuirer. fhj Yuu anil Stall Tnuoww.Jtatw Dp tat reUt. at mhitUkulir atariaobia as (tfllL ta xs tM.

Ill Tta Ur.dtad nuam atai uanUm Uunisuir. Uatead (anutkadlv a ariwta uadw i UkO, lacanu iururtuaikiu g( truck ualr wick dlmcutr be uklalnad, li uaifd tn aM ovar aw caul. Cugias ul Contxan ul Jtur. liaSi tawaau Shorias Jctnanu WlMIsat.Faws. any ta am at tiw CawiasFS U.Him.

taiWMr with Uerisf ul ih Htuwnudwu uud ArtMuia 01 AiMldUiWi ttSSKS Unoraur. Mill iiiSintss 0 I A TICE 6 BEAT I II T. jyjARY-STREBT ROBS 0 8 Bf to lufurm thslr Friend ami Uw.FuUle that Ibelr ALE OF JgRDST, TEADS, IS NOW PROCEEDING, AND WILL B8 CONTINUED UNTIL THE WHOLE IS CLEARED. QR0S8 jgRGTHERS, 0 AND gT, jyj-ARY-STRIiET, 1KD yOSKING-STRKET, QARDIFF, 21, 0. Bi wnuM remind thsir sestemari that alloidttt by port er sUarwIw wUl to aarentsd wish premplaws (tare Wirir WORKidg-BTBEBr BKTaBIMHMBBt.

64481 TEETH (PrUe Medal Porcelain.) TEETH. NATE onAUSD six put uuu, Ma J. T. OIuaKOK DNSTUV, SWANSEA. nsaltotb arestroattr.uioreuiturel InapMarseo.

Oo not eiiaiia solour. or turn nil in tbs avath Uks ril Ivories, ire Ism rotakiniipiS. mtaa noreprefwsss )antatataiDUtata. car 1VI PAINE, BILL BUSTER. DISTIUp uAuoxiveinuAbii iut Maori retail In in Hereditary teglslwtion wa tloomwl.

(Applause.) He express tl no opinion a to wtatlwr (tare liould a soeund dnnter or iww much in-fiaaa nmi people slioulu have in hxislaring. but tlwy might depend upou it that a grant man with krgn property wuld liave a great deal more influent! then li ought to Iwvu. (Lsugiiter and applause.) In dealing with the land question. Mr. Rowlands renurketT tiwt Lord Safiebwy iwd rearetiy arid it was impossible to ctaapm tta transfer of tend.

Dad Lord tallebury iw tried! (Apphnae.) Hu (Mr. Rowland,) Iwd nnver heard Ioffe (Appteuee.) But if Lord Salisbury bad tried and felted, tiwu it only proved that ta bung ted. I mendou majority. 1 Tha maotin was wtan number of Imndewtre UU up in favour of Mr. Tbonws; but oonsfdsrabte majority wa shown in support of Mr.

Rowland. Ilw result was greeted with enthusiastic cheering by Mr. Rowlands suppocten; amid whiob tta ehrirw formally dtaterad the resolution cerried hy elm endou majority. Tta meetiog was then brought to close. THE REPRESENTATION OF THE BHUBDDA.

Mr. (toon Morris proposed, and Mr. W. Jones ecoodod, a resolution of unabated ooofldsnoa in Mr. Gtedetotw and bte ariteagnan Tbte was aop- ported by Mr.Fred Lltevfe wtweras rsoalvsd With cheers Mr.

Lewis Davis followed in a brief addma.ln Walsh A naolutiou pledging tta mtating to wpert Me. Y. L. Davfafli rnndinafnre for tta Rhondda Division wm passed. addrau in masting to for tta Rta tiw of a to rpilB iriTO GAR ENGINE.

Contnmp-JL lien el Was iusreinid nUB 75 Fvr Cent, less (ban lu AKYntlierUas ttu glut iiurkraku h.e. (lltOBSLEY'S PATENT TVVlN aaraeu Ieimltapwrr BeveluUee.YheBteadleit Kiuialng Bat Engine yrt made, PATENT SELF-STARTER S(rri, Simplni. and Orel ret made. SltUSSliKYri NVY VERTICAL EN- SINKS, mgririeg IUH ground spaa. (IlilkiSLUY BROS.

XABOKBeXEB. BURWIOKS 1 AKIXG T) '1VK J) GOLD STuEDALi. JJ FOH nod- Jj folk JL DUKFUNgs. i vja.sp.te Fortrr in i Hymn. in.

TiiKrtajuiSs'a "10 i ahUuhu, 1 Cry -asm l.liANPSFF CATHKDKAIj FKKVItiRH. Kawhy, duly ZO, Bp. ra- Smart Is luloo, Bs- gi turd lleeSurenX 4ily M. 5 o-m-Buiibr In Bi Aatliaa, Xnl, ki me know (CmsiX ftkwd and houir (Cnft). rrhkr, Juir i.m Eotorll In A Hymn, J.

atuntoy, Juiv (ut. junwi JDsyj. Holy com- p.iu. ia Oi AmUwa. ERAHrr exVlBieil'RE.

Uurrmtor. Hw. wre, HIGH WATER THIS DAY. Her. Bra.

Nnr.Wni. voureo, 111 I CMIF. IMS IMS I Newport, IASI IJ tta room of TCnymarian and Signor Ksndsgger God lialp them I llwre a wonderful dlgmiy belonging to ttam 1 A they do not find ths money for th musical prims, why shook! ttay oougb (psswch) over tta nutter." A writer above (lie signature Fop continues Ilia exposure af Uw way In which tlw batUio sdjudioalhiBa are oowlucud at th Rirtraldfod. my tint he knows nf dial rad Khuddfodau having ben lieUi wlwndn veteran batth competed and that nor ions obtained tiw prisss. Another oorreepaiideBt, whe sign himself "Vox Ynnuli." tagin a letter by describing Fops ua eornwyd eenedhetliri wadi llidin sttn.

and colli upon tta Liverpool oominlttee to publish DyfwiV awdL The writer rare onto any tliot It is full tim to uxoomra unicoi this ersatura from tiw bardic rircl. 1 whu ta writre or wuu lw mro Be dues not ears rnilnaf tim moot grutiy to Hr. Gladstone's comfort, bat doing good thing by tbenisulvea. Hr. J.

T. D. Llewelyn, with whom bed tbe pleasure of brief talk in Canliff on Saturday, looks but little the worse for tbe hard work he has been lately engaged In. On that very day, your nsnkre will perceive, he addressed two meetings at Penarth and Cugan Pill respectively, accomplishing the difficult look of saying oamnthiiig unite ditferant et each, and moreover saying that something well. If tbe electorate can lie got to judge the situation temperately there need be little duobt of Mr.

Llewelyn's return to Parliament by a substantial majority over that "great giaut of Mr. Arthur Williams, the two viral points whose programme arc that be had grand uncle who was something in the insurance line and that he himself ie mtrrieil to a lady who is her fsthnr's daughter. It is a most extraordinary thing that, whereas barely air months unco the Libenli of tbe country were oryiug out that there were too many lawyers in Isrliameut already, they should in Glauuirganaliire aluue have adopted two who have nothing in the world but their professions to raaonituend them. ut trust she lectors of she Southern Division will stand nans of this nottsansu. Whatthey wont is, not a greet giaut of that remarkable type characterised by a smell tnind.

in small body, but an English gentleman of sound common sense end intelligence, large-hearted, open handed one whu has thought out hie own programme, and who ora always be trusted to deal in a pnutiual manner with whatever question may 'happen to aril. Abe Mr. John Llewelyn, Messrs, the I footers of I and.be aura you lend bim to EX topheu's. THE NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD. Mr.

J-R. Lewis, general secretary of tlda Bis-tedilfod, writes wMi.lhnugli (lie uitalem of your vnluitbix treper, Ogive tnilwpenikiuf Wale Kirllculnt rospsitiiig tlw cmuiwllUiuw mi tiw rtriwMwkjNU for which urfabM ore offered Uw coming National Httoddfodi Pams. Audi. awlr yn liyu byd." Binll ti Urdihi, Brawn. Au fidar, Flat JiMtltH.

Alrtbria. Uywareb Uwr.1, tauimir, Yu ugwyiwl) ImuI a IlyDul nitaiiut. (iylnX. Uvwul Ddm." SAmn Mdud. Omld L1.UIMUMIII, AriunjdU, elaii Fiikry.

OtyftrJd op Mae-loo. Owilym, Dwrnrrlli Uwyil. MitUfOi Aaw Hair. Uliidllfiil, Onuunidau. CuvudU.

I. A.lvjrd. Uno hll Ocawr. Hhyt Oneli, Llrf Jtinlu, llaeliakH llyilHt yr Aoeyd. Lumusl, Uc( yTwtHUl.

MlrsJdiig. KiMOlwrarri Arivyd. ArnddlM, maa. Ub mr, hnwlm Artiiw Wyn, Bsiya MsilMtr. Banctailu, UrU.

Mahan Wiwill, Lamunt. Me AiijrniM. LLI Cy-iwyCud." Uitwbod, log, tfmldlu. Brunu, Atuum. Dyehrytnsllg, iu, rinw, u.

etuiMdlg, YUyriol. hta, DuriKii, itreiwn. Lrenriii, Ap UipIliitoU. girhni. fir TkoitaiJ," L'i-rrlllgsrirch." AiImIii Hrdd, Dsinun, AiklS Vrit.

Iula rnnkr OM, Dyngarwr, Cwl-wahulr, doh Uuure. UrnlH. Uw garir drw ajpfsIU-- Atu, Amk qwwh. Amvm Hlar. VHriHur, I lx, Mtlu, ''ru.

Jolo Olya Mir, Juustiu, JanaUuii (sis), LssUlil. lensilp Idwsl. derauiUlii linn Awmydil. Emry. On xikluilil gjrOdWu aylalU, liravu taydyUA.

ttya." thankUn, filu. Amies. Amxuydd. Sfrredltii Hhy tt nielynb Jchn Fnuikilu. IJuab Uwltaiif FvUwilydd, Ffriyllyd.

Bury. Id. Thumpem, ivyOAer, IrU. Blhitydd. JCurtii, Dyfal.

MsddyUwr, Frl, Nt, Conk. FliUsre Ami. Oirreg Don. JUiys Brwnld. ttoessn uto llhsi.

Ttalur Altai. AHlsiiyiU. Kamplirey Davy, Auklyn, Tyt cl rjnn, frydalii, Tmviwr, AttiruM It cainmu Onlie, An All, Dvm Vb. -Ilian, Ul Owvlnd.1, Ulnu. Uartlai.

FfUon.Yetu.Gillho. UwjnUiui, Iou oh Diarl. I.lnl. Duew Die. lh Wr, tfipkim, p.

Frankly, Tkttlllwr, ers, Volw, OAlitau, eyll.viu Syn. awydJun-r, Carwr OwnllUnt, Fr-yllydtl (jth MulTwr Sslnunl, tMMltad.TMtaHmll(ydydd.XillUrs'r,ieuu. TkAXSLATtnor. 'Altata." Alpkm, Ilitvd. Ariitouluuiw, Cululyn Apjwtonlsr, Dli KBs, GUnMb, Mat SlAHiniaU.

uou ihwrenr. Bute. Mworeta, KunaiiH, Qn Hof. inqu kUluinque fitter Du ui Ifaurig Manu, sin, Chawtou, JHppalytua, Bat tunter um ml not UM, Admsd. Atai Hymm ISO.

10) Tremliu. Mo ftayuiyV (Witr. Into Uorpuiirg. Wagareisi-wnend 1hI. AngtnriMt, Brytiimiwr.

PUDfty fkreBtaxnphtl mid Uritlati Aataant of WW A. Dttatas SryfUl Bdd, MAhy 6 Sr Eiluu.Olr xuyild. Mnoy. Ilw Curauamtlv lXirltalH Au. Itlul Hu), Idnl, lirel tail.

Yiprydomre. Aupwf osm-WiluSim XtU.Unioohb. I am a BtUsoy-un' WHkWlM By. gritar, woollsn ManulketUNtofeanth Ap Rliuhert, Im, ACynUlu, Ap Ounwr. AUfcreV GburnywUM Orelw.

TsbrydTvm ifr (VkL HUM thoAOae alten IV byd imi ddxkxil. Ardslydd, Allwd Arteu. Da Mulu Bay. Blau Ikon or Bant. Llysnueh Marfan Ateap tWnUli) I uynUan gpna i SyMdsra yr Ylgui nmwhol, Os.

Ap uran. Martin Urilwr, Otare AaM Yreol Sul, dtahra, Awrtln Fyibaii, Xanqwm, Yrtyyd yr Cta. Umyxwn AriNsreliu, JteF Vh Dignity of labour? erirrt. Violin, Bstort, Owstaa 'Aitbiir Itwydi Ba Oarerln, vWyodl. Masb-tabaur.

Unction, CuHigm aaangsn SUltralfon. Irakoer Ylnrit Omlnia, iii, jj Mister, ABon ef fatisar.DMo. Bley. I Aunal tan. M.

foooodat, Wsnal law, Byswifm, Xauana, JUwAamailthUf JWag (Walsli)u Ywys ar Budd, JW." Han Cahirsrr, GHrriKlydd, Kan luwr Frafiadul. Idow-welUilwr. HjrwslYjnlBI. Afa dtarttWridUu-' CtenpUiaBUiYiiddaasl. (hraddylan (fin, Mneant, Ki snd lyahaa, 0Mo, Lola Uurganwg All.

It will bo interssting to your resdsre to know, psrtwpcAhatans of ttiais handbooks Wrighsd nsariy 181 be- and ooBiainad 786 foolscap folio. Tbo aix handbook weighed and contained AOOB foolsesp foHoa. WaAri a Has Borerio, DbripUnsriao. IfwBWUt flWIGfmtaHM. ArfotaWto-lisu Btodrea, Walter Rua.An IdmlrerM fistabOTSO, A Walibwaa ia Xalpal, Vtotoii-eollo.

AaWtaa FwyBi Yrin. Mririw. Orraro Ml cfl Wfei. gt tat ten Bseh, Qrmra, Han- Wsltnlwr, Fclvyt. ksah.

Anhar, MsrasUq, Mali Hswwn. AnidaB, n-gOrreFonstbsa BatcDbUL AWiariubwesr. ndlaathra- uUt, Vurmaa, Philanthropist, Suauiydd. AMrisA-Msmoste. Dr Blow, dabs Doertand.

0wsft AUtaS snvriaA jMuyn vclosXih riffUfisd Bshubart, South wallaii, Marini rdd, Flniderick ap GryBydd. Xondo, felon y' Wi gnurt, AthwO; Ap Bwh. It win thuabssssn that then are ever 800 com-pstitora whose relative uwrite will ehoi-tljr (ngroa the attention of our obi adjudicators. 1 trot WalM will rally round Yr bee Eisteddfod," snd that tlw working area ow populous valleys will ska i tiwir aspects! care to wtlooaw In royal impair tiw pt InstUutlw of the Mu of EOLLOwaYl YtUSr IndlgOAtioa Snd Liver Osm tatevraraioi toTabeArj ttaftaau-rflwriStalnv ewwrt to vfWtaJtaSwu juaiMlilatai Ittaeil samwer UX MOXDAY, Hxa JULY. AT TWO iFOLOCB.

TUB 1UIH4A BXLUAXtiB. UABDlfF. ESSiiS. UUiTWALl? nd GO WRING JlU. Um to tmouaav Ums ituqr will buid a HALE uFwwjl, iMAHLK Ei.

WILLlAJdO. VUSUd CIUWS11AY, Lto J. rttUMAa. JvliK ISVaau, tot. U.

XHuMAUytoi. Kmhu. xm rtlASxhs Abvus; OKOVOB. MOSU5, JiUbbLZrSbMMUMWfA Th Honw titAiLpi udBlnldj udspUd (or Tool tUto tong uMlHCy eunami In mw Ur ull bar mUmv sysKVHiu. For kbNU wmL taro.


lUb it. JUauHnukkr. UAKWirr. toll of svriuuuu UcrUAKKULU ITvUXtTffKE, Two 7OrtX I OTTMIS PUMMOATltf, by ATKljiSON AW) C. Jf.

KiVi ttoiiku, ll.iaB. ataB ida tAai IMHa Yjidir. liUTTWALlZand 1 50 WRING XU. miMiitolniautilnutiarAm la iw krMirraau, C--UUUU, Unm f. ih vtauuy ikaNr jiALyaoua a.

H.miilWUR, L'AiUCXX. ultd UKI.I, lay JlCCTIUX aak XL LLta Jtaty alM. an al Luxui HOUSEHOLD f'L'ibNlTL'llr, CmsUalmiot MAwsarmta uf Hwhmiwu in suSTt bVMtAurvr, MAVuuuhV and I'dMHUi yss. IMM. ircm.

iw nntMayyMui dm mltoMUir iwilAtwijs, eyrumF to, hUi uwl HMtUklHt aIM cum upawof kkv hamusoui MuiiMfUfir itiLir Taulbs. a laUffAStoH toiub Uuun Mukutr aanpuum in. uU, Vibt mmws-am rdM wur. Llw 4 Vit towiwkiMA. XtoMXLMd kMOimisloaMrCAKyns, OArthniSB, fvuuura uun icviu oliuii, iviUc mtUme, bv.

lu Uw UUffUl dblMk lltNHUS till II himu lUXU 4UMHkSLAIMaHiaAa iiH A WiMliiUfUl ali I'K HtoNi4iB.UfTiU Mul CWM VHMofMU toLt'Arab uiiivs nu. uu baihseu mthh ekA OfM JlBiiJfU. m.wt. tMriMbl Ita 4(1 0d iiTV llbMMIIIf Ufll'UlUklS i.MMtlttO CUUi CAM3W Ufc inisla mSiiiw ita.T biwt bm shvamiw raiiuiif ylui 4l lUnAuuiki' I uiv WukXVf Mb Tduv tVbUAaUlCtf.Uk htji uiJaJl I'AJifli lAMim. bCOBM Idfci SiWUr mdiisil Udickh, to VMiMr UAwKy tfMM ft if.

vrtSBxmuMi aim oriwji, 1'wu jlWuU4iry i)UIBOhOo4i Mi.u Uriuw MUUMCW JbUAIHUL taasHro Mk BaeumjiY UiViaS pax yusr AVI UMUMUb IU Mly IMCM aUH HUM. 011 iLiiiMta ttaiU aMKIO! lliUlMa' EAUUli I1 BUil rvuduul hi-1 Mil KAMllWttl luoto: htrntiftkiu WaUJiur ktUijtuuM cMtard ia to kiwM wtaito. uno fnr. UWauiiu to IklYJi, vusiid jixf itum wets um ilwiyss; un kl mhtii uimiiK iui, im uiiu mprutry KHrKuliMi JtrrariaM, b'JiraAi, u( iAmu Uruumtuu: diktuc, Warrl, ba unwr Am; yLm wKinrytauata molt, trutarj, to. t'J.

uf.itiN, a jfnaai.a. clnayaato Hat laaBL uad a hu au.u wlUI UWUt 10 luioi; tatuji uil luuiluiat, ivar aatorwulunr Ury. xlaumki aainriniai, i. twaiaM uf aamh taiw CtUUtUaU. NjaartluMtN.

IHaUil (Uto: a IllUlUtl MMHtwuaiHaiimth u3i- uu View um Ut rnw wSte Caumtaas ar king prepsitkl. Slid nay lw had sis Ows priw Ul Um ausUuimm-. uhu uSua it, ntslMcwi, wu tea liana eg liaull ir.rssf gutnrssfs. IHHPE AND. NOMPANY, T'JE Yy-ALVS QLOTHIEIIS, 4, GI EBN-STKSKT, 8 AND 21, CC8T0M MOUdK-STRKKT.

nKFMT-vnrixo sum yd mfasdjub from Pi. Ud. TO AS 10s. TRY OUR NOTED ALL-WOOL IDs. 8d.

TROUSERS to niiuure. 10s. Od. BEATS ALL EVER FBDDUUEU IN CARDIFF. Fsttare fnw to aU parti of the Worldi JEHPE gOUTH AND QOHPANY, T.VLES QLUTH1EU8, 4.


JAVEUTON ANDQ0 aUSUFACTUEIKG CABIN NT MAKE HE, BRISTOL OrdM Ourlage tfrss ie Heath Wale. QAVENDWH HOUSR, CHELTENHAM; TBE ANNUAL StMUtEB BALE IS NOW FBOCEBUINB. 8FBC1AL A BO AIN Are bring Kintal la tkatumre, Uentiee, XUIIiistv, duvuuu Dress, and all UsJe-up er Snuen OuuiIil Dress Mouiiali et the Kcdeasd Vrlu. and switouton w'Xiie ManiWMr larmaldi Rutaie (Uaited), Cbdtm- smu jQXTBNSION OF jgUSINESS fjpKAPNKLL AND ANB, OlKOLSTKIlKitri AND CoaiPLUTB FGRNIriHRltS, 74, CltOCKIItlHJiTOWN, CARDIFF, AND Q.ANII Have th pleasure ol announcing tbet tluto NEW PRISM IS KS, 74, CROCEHEKB- TOWN, ARE NOW OPENED, AaA wUl toeseUned In addition to Mr tot am Vrerelsnst So: fs ibh 74 QWWKHEKBTOWN, IARDIFFi TXANIEL GWEN AND ABC Taoleo, the oaletopdb. buted In Watie, price Id: SL Uoqrtatreew tordlB- It ia certainly a ctranga thing that Mr, i'amall should vauture to name mu et present at forge ss the actual murderers if be were not firmly convinced tbet ia this ease there has been grievous miscarriage of justice.

The Government wu, therefore, I folly jnstiiied in meeting Hr. dtvT A tt A It I p*rnsll's motion for su independent inquiry WV Or ll (I I As by a promise that Lord Carnarvon would oerefafiy axaminu tba ease for hiinialf if memorial in favoar of the oonviot were presented to him. The Liberals ore indignant at GirM. H. Beachs retiaenos with regard to Uu A meeting of the Cabinet wu held si noon I SS on Saturday et the residence of the Firet Lord ottSnmxar.

All th. MinUter. we his leader hod not taken this The JhtrtoH Strati ray We have tad tide week oaotiiar proof of tb superiority of South Yates over Worth Country steam coal. A atYork, so aeain this year at Preston, the coo) (elected for I the enginae driving tiw agrioolwrri ud attar I sMchinerv at tlw Rural Show woe "best Wcteb." imesCBri'omnriwitoiM edjudleawniuid wltiu I vfe. Lower Resohran coal from tiw Lower out a shadow of ground fbrhii assertion.

As it Kesrivan Cbllteries, Nealh, South Writs. When wo was In th tautening with bim it now ud ever I bear in mind tiw exhaustive aol careful trials Shall ta. The ban! should absent tlismsalves 1 which togbics have tonadergo prior to th awards from theOorsnld at Aberdsrelf this psrsoo should I bring mad by ths jndgee. and that tlw Imm. eoate coins within ilw drote.

give, of ooutaa. tha boa reaulie nos only with tta Tlw Getiead five a long end Interesting report I roginsa but with svory descriptfon of machinery of tlw Aasnciaiion mrrtlnga of tiw OtTviriaiie ttay drive. itis idnutetew emdprilcy on foe pert Uel indlste st A herds ro lost week. Tlia Modrrator of the show authorities end tiw exhibitor of Mesm-wse the Utr. Robert Robert; of DrigeUqr, and hit power nmchinwy to secureevsn, if necestara, address te worthy of tiw dsnomiaation.

Referriog I noma long dirtancu. with the extra coat of xril to tlw preaching of Uw present day lw says I way carnage entailed tta cMl wliich Iws tiw "Tlwra ar aoiue iienons whu contend that tlw best reputation. We msy have prefm-rd that our world I bccwin too advanoed to believe In Uw fall own Bottii Gauntry owl bad hoot polled, but of man and th atonement of Christ ttacomip-l tide is no rerenn why should not oeogmiulirt tion of ths heart sod tho neeewUy of regeneration. I tiw Iwwsr Rmolven O-Uterv Company upon the Bucb dectrinre are coneldired too antiquated for ntection of thsir erad, and na consumer, fit ths refined cor of tlw nineteenth century. Are we mso, hod eiotare expreewd tta greriest stisfo tn csk nmniseion of tiwe ptilMoplun to aeeepel tion with it.

tiw srirctlon of Lower Bseolveu tlw Bible ai the Wrad of Godf Stall we not oori hu been amply jurtlftcd. tell our hearer that Jesus Christ is th Bos of I God, and that Be died for the ungodly Bliall wo I not praaeh of tiw blood of Christ, who, through tlw Btsrnal Bririt, offired Himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead I In the action of "Rotwrt j'rendi Jennsr, fisesaoed works to thu living God I If we are no allowed I Collier iennsr, UIB, notio of appeal wm to praaeh tltisdoetrina ere tave nothing rite te I lodged on Saturday on behalf of Air. Jennet; preach about. The weenae of tlw Gospel none oa survirliig traetoe under bte fa tiler's will; tta tet tiw person and death of tiw Lord Jesu Christ- Mr. Jennar, Wcnvoe Owtte.

And at tha same Mar Gad keep pure tiw Gospel of HI 8on to oar I time; and in the hum action, node of spperi wee tion to tlw and Of tin fh Holy Communion I elo todgad by Mten Jennre, who will aeaunet tor WMOslebreted forth first time in tta irirtmy of the I nppsri in parson. AmocUlfon. Tlw eetebrante were the Bara. Dr. I i Owen Themes; Dr.

Saundesw Reger Edwerdl wotWou Jeenph Thomas; and Willtem FoarriL It doe not THU WEATHEB. appsae that iv political quretions wer dtaeureid. rMmriay WIU. fur(hr bmtk.ap ft mH fotta address of ttairanafttamHriy 7htaM: limrj' loosl Rev; Griffith Feny. of AtareMwith.to tiwetodsnte Je -P octartri tha hufiwririiml readings far tbs et horn mmioi course from any unwillingness to acknowledge tbe service I done to the State by those who edminiitar 1 the law in Ireland, but that he spoke briefly in order not to provoke a long and bitter oon-trovsray.

The most amusing incident of the mattere peculiarly affecting them. They wanted mar awn like Mr. Hurt aad Mr. Hroadlmnt in Pan-Hament. He bed, ss a mem bar of tiw BHdingSasld CnmmiUse, opportunities af judging Uw worth of lMabnn.uand could tasrtestiuiony tntiiotnniMtaiCN and elnasrUy af bis efforts on behalf of those ta represented.

Mr. Abnttatn had dans immensa ssrrice to the mining population pf this country, uk.uiu.ui si Wd. having regard tn hi judgment, prudepca, and two nanus sixmld ta put tafore tiw meutiog." wtedom and hiectevoubn to tta miner, tlwy would I (Appliures inierrupuoe.) do areil to find Bar Mm a place In Parliament. Mr. I Tni cii aixvui mid he would toceot tb bro-Yoo expreowd hlmrelf os rtrongiy hiraunbte to poeri without putUng it to the mealing, andta tta payment to mamtara af just raffiatent eatery I would pteee Uw anmee of tta two candidates ss would oover thrlr xpentk and oaobte them I tafore them now.

(ipplaasi.) Bsttaasstadfor to derate thdr time to Parilainsntary work I a allow of tandi In favour of Mr. and et not large enough to etui men to ruth afterwards in favour of Mr. Alfred Tiwmae, present exoept lmrd Carnarvon The official oboists bulletin issued Saturday shows that in tbe prarious hours L89S oosm and in Spain. Tbe new rooms taken by th Penarth Con anretive Olub were opened on Saturday afternoon by Mr. J.

T. XI. Llewelyn. Ther wu forge attendance of Oourervotivea. An eddrau wu delivered by Mr.

J. T. D. Llewelyn, who we awarded very euthosisitio reoeption. On Saturday afternoon Mr.

Bowen Uow- lands, Q.0V onr of the osndidstes for the Kart Division of Glamorganshire, addressed srowded meeting at the Assembly-ball, Krn dale. In the evening Hr. Rowlands also od- dressed a meeting st Hsfod. On Saturday afternoon, in a heavy downpour of rain, the third annual demonstration of the Anthracite Miners Association wu heldstTyrbaoh, Cwmamman, on a a. 4 outns ooonrred for the solarise.

"Lxw Anv also spoke, urging fn strode term tta etelmi of Mabon upon tiw eolltere. Tli resolution wo tiwn put to tiw meeting, and oirriid. Mr. JSnoeh Bee morad, Mr. John Dorisa (Gfiuu Jn eewodsi, end' Mr.

D. Randall nod Mr. W. Abraham supported tta following rosolu tion, which was ateo adopted flMth few opMan of thli nesting tt fl (mVms Mwal OsmmMda mould instituted to InTdre Into the amount or royalty rents paid, and tta Kwoft UMraoC oa Hliifti ud tlbft KaduatviM i soatad tbtfBVttlie wlih a Tliv to brtoc About mmo riiaiige jn tta srid rente i (AlYhstttaLmdonenalduM honCTtostoiihjli.W nit ell teksstaldi should towtarred tom Asotalds; as prcrMri for to Mr. H.

of Ttwecen CbUnre; whidi pnssssw more tout ordinary merit. Tta following is nn extract from it i All things around ua and the prospect I before ns call far aarncetness, reality, and an in-toowflfo. (ton is a busy age. It tannage of eager inquiry, conflict, and competition an aga ri living under high pressure In every sphere of human activity. And tta spirit of sotprirism te in tta air in tta various forms of Marerteiisu, Positivism, Agnosticism, and Secularism.

Jive in anogsof great loialtecuuilrernsstoss. Somsthink tlaw tiw tesptirism of our time net tta seapiictem of unbfetef, but of that critical spirit which tea rign of sermring after tiiitb. Hownr it Uou important period of thought tta trsari tion parted, pnlwps. between dead formality and 1rit2teuft0Hitob? YESTERDAYS RAINFALL, ffiraourml talteft ire and I Swriay mMalglrt. raguterad na.

lla Oflaa, CardlB. A lastrnnMnt I 23ft. It ia not in London alone that the eefoof fhqPeff Matt Qautte hu beoome a naiunoe. I am indebted to Mr. George Huntington, Str edgeways, Manohester.who hu bean reading what 1 and other correspondent of yours mmownn mre- this oolumn, for an soooont THE DEFENCE OF THE EMPIRE.

I of some proceedings in his own town which The iww Ministers, whether their term of are pstafaliinddbgroding to shooking degree, pnblic is destined to be long or short, 1 1 giyon wteithesays i nhUow? wSrdi Mem to be bent on gaining for themtelvea What your own ocrtesponden the reputation of being good administrators I describe taking place in and we especially call attention to the remarks, is, I grieve to aey, exoetirat start that bu been made etth Admi-1 Spienoris in other large cities and towns. refyi by far the most im: 1 -r- of the State if we regard tereste entrusted to its charge, We do not I little boys oiHlgirls offering ootues of that rHer merely to tbe discovery made by Lord I now notorious periodical, with the cry of Otuettt, latest Mitten, fall pu-lBte Bourd of Admiralty eg olou upou a I tcklen, fto. Theu were openly cried and million atarling in exoets of their own esti- rold in the immediate neighboarhood mate. aUhongh Uai rovalaticn wu notlof the Grammar BohooL Cheetbaml merely the shrewd set blow that hu been I Collua, and tiw OotiiMrU Sohoob bivnek at Liberal pretentiona to financial in-1 yet the polios bad so instructions' 1 diacussioo wuths referoaoe mode by Eir J. E.

Qorst, tiie Solioitor-G oners, to Mr. (J. Lewis, the member for Londonderry, a reutionwy Ulster member." This display of "ths insolence of office" wu both silly and misohievous, for tile Tory party ooonot mean to discard the Ulster Loyalists altogether lor the ParnollitM Sir J. E. Gorst'i speech, however, taken along with Lord Randolph I Cbnrobilrs, provci tht it ttu ocoeospiied I oli vidioulod "Fourth Party" whiob now raM State, I ijutl thiiy do su that pertieafoflfwhfoii I it might be beneficial to brio before galoot ComtoitteM appointed for ST invsatigatiooa oro most improper to bo pabliahad and aim- Utad baW aWirbrohndrU Wtb sexes, tad bought fay youths arid takn tad reed by bcyk end girls whose tanoetional advantagek are breng debasad by I ship (to them) nerdiotous aarbeae." perawHnie gwnege.

Tha idea eoWfainadby boom of tiw Badleal ibadatf at BWahSUtoritttameetiiigbMVaMd I to hear Mr. W. H. Merodyth ria Thnradiy 1 erahteg test wu upartfayjfn ltmdytobra UH.T.L DAYS AT FEBTRBL On Brinrdny evening Mr. F.

L. Davie addraired meeting hrid at (be FubUc-tall, Feotre. Tta Avoteof thanke to tta chairman bavin, bren 1 'tuft m'VS, atiSn iTta autKMAKX ffl2nESSMS5aBSffiSUE perelng few frunehtee nd redtetAmtinn nwasurse. analysis aU qumtiona are w-opsned. au attempt la mad to tree averythiag back to flirt I principtes.

A Are te kindted to prove men ud I their work. Three ream to to ia thsovanu, tbs I spirit aad tamper of our age om of theu provi-denttel foreeaete thu occur in eertsln epochs of I ths world's history, of tiwt winnowing ten that ultimately thoroughly purge Uw threshing I Monday, duly w5E52, Ybmtdayp IB Friday, IT awjSiy; U. U. DO 03 -Oi oe 10 Tl wu SB Jffiffi m. FOR JULY.

Huti.MUB floor, when erery grain of truth, raaUty, and good- carefully gmttered into tta gamer, ringing of Ben whd fy Bhaden." MBETIKU Afr LABBLLY1. On Saturday ernfofuustlag in non Motion iw mhvemen breeauring tf tion af labour hi Peril amant rRh tiw movemn for asouring tta direwywataa Zion ChapaL Ltenalty, Mr. David Bandill In tlw cHrir. Thacbtef apiafcsnsram at tiw aaritec masting; and thsir nmarks wan dlncted in tbs main to tiw stmt abbjsocs. Thi dosa not, however, tiwapiwehof Mn of.frefes aubjeete.

In foe', aabadativ dedsriag blmeeif aa. atraagl that fa should be entirely And not partially aa i Mr. Ghdateaa aad apply to a variety I MAhtl of opinion I I ao wty, a tree Uw caaa no w. I and Ms Govaramrah to arid, tad I I I and 'wtanall tiwt le falee -iewltectualfr and I morally all areor, evil, and hypocrisy shall ta I -arau JgaSC cooarionsi) by Uw oteanliad attack! now bring I ghtereth to made tta time ofBagteiid. Htegreeamidi It will aot ta from choice tiwt tta cEiorob will FAIRS HU.

LLEWELYN AT OOGAN. enrena On Saturday evtrihg Mr. J. T. D.

Iirwefyn ad-edureUon, drewsd a masting of tiw alactow a tta eohori-Uy room of tta Matbodtet Ctapri, Cbgaa FfB. There was frirfy nod nttendanca of riaeurw bM it eonnte, which, if the veins of tninoar oan ba move needed than among i who.5T1 manogtairat of tba utumot aid nobte Qm8B l7 public moderate and sonnbfo, and likely at the autfo titua to provide for toe seatritr of toe oonnty.Uf toe praant tieiMon, tta Admiralty mart accept tot ertfanetea of to pradooeuora and make tta beat of them it omrnot ask for more tmmey, tata aUhouh Man trytag to pmvlda tatarmadlate Bdnaatiou fori wm manifest from tta fnqUeat ixprmien ot Wste. Tfitt mssaure, ta prsmaed. hsd been! dissent that the Liberal stomata waoprafeent. Mr.

PtiMJ forth present, but it would aoms up I CorbsM oocupiad ths chair, aad wostupportsd by again when Uie sew ForUatiMul mu. Tta driwl Br; LaWte; Hr. A 'Ban, auil llfefe WMrtisI I a muM be useful in on retpert. They wootHlottan. a politioal parre, but te may bsconw tta oioet powerful party to tta Tlw taw fealra novth Hunan Gofiart Un 1 cornuuibsn Lewis, la creating a good deal of interest.

Tiw Hansard Barer sir ia a more flattering revtow. and proBanarea its author a Wrisb Walter 8ootlt.la, faavo tiau to conridre sod study mad think over I The CteAthiLUs briefly hrtrodured Mr. Uewelya. wbatanwadweate could be I Mr. Isturaute, who wsk.

eoUiusteetiesllT re- iuteoduceA Naxt 7 would fanra abetter I arived.thta addMmm) tiw Mr Break icq 1" 5HhMlrfWISffMtevwfesifoetiYtawot4 enfi at tta tan IWeteh I lodging nSSr YllpFft.ll SirtMteBtaintll by tbd mttracte given ia tiw Hour, tta A pnresmsd ri abifitiaw AU tta uaomjwii Rebe" gh Eiasassj.

Western Mail from Cardiff, South Glamorgan, Wales (2024)


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