WESTEKff MAIL. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 7t 1891. auuuii'AN. aa.
uaiLWAva. MEW YORK PHIOEtL suonnw SQOrrssrf. Fj1 T. LYDDON ft COMPANY, mSSSSJm mtSUSS tSkntw, toinmr trial jjll'LLKll II1UTIM. ANH COM 1 AN 1 I'AKKIAtiK iumlukka CCSIOM HOlSK-SrUKhT, CARDIFF.
THE QUEEN OF Tgagr RW TOUt. Mtenav. opened firm and active, I hue yet the merhel at I the eoatplealoe of the wee wuelil be I malM laity att-ied. The amdita would then be I wlih Uie Inad.lnetradof agatoet To my wind. W'y lowar tnia of.am.aOOur I (00 Iona nf eoal down a gradiaat of II iu and tliee la aand it I atm liar gradient with the laagine ertwu.
The Cnelrmau, Ithe directore had given aomu daeetopmwt nf fort Thibet Docht. Tbap didaot, wevar. omaidw that ttiay ware ia a I which would enable titan io mho any I mwdatioa to take over Uwat dneka, became they maj. I aad anbaaquatly be I lha etoae wae atwag at the lewaa igneea ef lha taf, Oattou on wetqulel at e. ilm 1 arep rapori aad cloud firl roMqakt bat etowd lUady-f I Lard sloaad with drawe tadwgt twin; 1 ihnniSng rtiirfr Wheat daeltaed Iu arton INI BAT UM Raw aaAChAaitaa Omani waikm MU Oaa and WMw he M.
aam Wameirt Ihdlaaiw Warn tt.anmeail Pty Darn llmm mtineOmlaiint mat, a UBj I mftSSSKa? I Bawy aa Kilaaiaa would uet be remunerative eooiwti, the eompaay had nottha eontroTae uaul Uku thaw who eonatruetid lb Harry I Dock. Bufarao good; butwliy notaequiiu tha I dock and link for coair Than tna eompuay I he hi waatly thu eamu poaWou aa lla hairy Ipany. Hataf uataar tha ooaan, tbuy would alwaye I beta a butter poeitioa than any of Iba Eadera I pneta. Bowevar, it auiat be quilt elenr to all tha I barriiotdin that the the brala, and gwanaw only. Bad I tha damtad ttw unay aaeat In Parlia- fgaouoop) to thu muetlon of tjbe qati Near toali tna dmatora hart fiwanma 1 leal poUUva Inf Walaa Duck, 8 watt am.
I Bhondda Company would pay a aapeetable dtvt In a ihort time. It any not ba that dal at iei ndaeitoa. Ooragava wap on dqael aafiiag, alaring dull. Sugar firm at yeevtoaa ratw I Ceffaa advanced, in aympatDy wtak atvangthinl Braall, and ttw dew eraa quiet but ataady. Tla ataady aad unchanged.
Iron aaaihat ML a at yeaterday1 final ratm. Monday bring Labear Day, tha Haw Tack and I wtllbodoaafi. inuanri S1? rj-awgg'i. known Hint thaw la a dIBannc ef ami 18ft lha level of the dock gate rill and law watar mark at fort Talbot, Tbe pneenl lock ewiaiw SSn. of I SSgT.fr water, Umt oaiaida Dii a lock eoutaiaing SGflwl AnoarlMMana ef watar could ba ewily epuatnalad.
If away I IS ntrrprWng and aurrgrtte gentlaawa kaaw ef lha natural advantagci ef Fort Thtbot Doebq the pier lari areola won Uagtheaid, audlMJi iha wtraaoe ebaauri deepened to aa axiaat that the ehlpmeut of coal enuM ba ea tried eunemafally that Urn fleetMulaaal Haakat would aow ba dlaiiaaUy fait at Bwiaaw. At 1 -lha taller port thonaaad. of pound bav ahwdy Bboadda ban expeudtd in gntkipwam of lb 1 VA VINRRA laatm haht Ukajlai Am Palaat PaH AM Bnaaa aa Dry TMl BRITISH BEEB8L a. ILend R. SURfOW, Hiuaea Rr D.
L. DATUM. Memmeiw a. MOLW, Mlianeien ISWUead BOH, aaA XtPPIU-i n- DATUM, T. WATKIHA HlgM iivii7iJm IkwcnuecA.
JOHH TH HAt, SiyaL Hew Tiieuae A auA W. JHRHHIAK. AetAinart ia a Ljptllwy hsk T-- -n. OmiiAl to ORVOD, WHw WiritrtAt. jaoob mriLura.
i. HAT300K, Onmr, As i NAUILS toad rK R. rtkTTiLOfc hi. Aa. M.OOLJL Kl harnan P.
MAUrOXD, HWHLWM tin aai DiriHsH, St Krtaa Vamaaa. wr a Mm.IRTiliiTaf Bumnwaan D. DATIBt, a. A. BOONS, Mt Brt.
J. wmbihaw. i iMfinvir Bn Trauw Order of CHARLE8 WATKINS and BON, Rrawan aad BottUnb 73, St. Mary-rireut, Oeidif Or ef Aceatai I leoalbetoghmuMdowni it ha not, howr, gni lUiereym.aadl ttuet never FBitTWM 'telhe natural port Cur ttw upper portion of ttw IhfiuMd VuIIm Bhondda Aooording to thrift in tha I week ending Sapt. 8 there war 161 bill lofaalo ngiriarodin Kngland and linoreaw of 6 oomperad with tbe eorre-Itponding period Uet year.
The rewiring I order gexstted number 77, ibowing anin-I oreeie of 20, and tha am bar of regietarod I deed of amwgwnaut wm 81, an ineraaw of IS. Tbo tof at for tbe portion of tho year to I Sept. 6 are bills of eaU ragieiarad for I Kngland end Wake 0,130, en inermwe of 1317; tha receiving ordera reiatted number 1 8.7SS, deoreeee of 67, end tho rvgiatered I MfiMH Vb IN WM Ml lilHfW deede efarrengement 8,148 sdeereewef 814. W. H.
HITUHUrM.OrMW.AK 1 1.. I- norn. Wert Nad lKwnifmA OOL, RimA- I K-fftir J- KlBRPiTH. High wm I eo. Dm a Kium.
LOOK. CUWeU'rtrMtT Mlh. lfal.TATL01,O LOCLImdwiFi BIi. 1 fre SilTnnoHICI. Wma'iUmm.
OdKy. -U CHOHAa, Weedrfllnued, Orthay. ZZJm. aw. OmKrt RLBIUHN aad COw.
K. MamlmK FALUR. Wealth murt.DiuHn. A- RTOWB. Wjuik.rt net, KAHHua Oh, Orbrtdie A Chn W.K JtATTHBWH OenMdev A OW.
MMMTBrMOriL Mew, Dmlh. DATIS8. Hue il, Oliirne, IDWIV BUIS, Kighetmt. rt- JtWTHbkNh.Smme.Aa. IbwwTaxsZZZZJOKV RICHARD.
I KAveewanwmir AMIRKaeA ON. High jlm. I H.r niOL MamnteaW i unit aadOOFBifc' ROBERTA Ol Utk The number of fail area in Aglmd and WeUe gewtted during tbe 8epi. 8 ww 138. Tbe number in tbo eor-reajponding week of laet jeer wwlOOb showing I ri nuireawof83.
iimriu TO oonEtFORDHn. I r. -The price to new about pm, and we I mv nuim fur an fauprwmwrt. Imren.1' Xn riid held yeur il uv, I here ku Mitre will Ay. Mbrid yarn ihnmSretlmew Ten an Impievemi ehmdy, end ut 5 Nil I "agents" AWLNTKdTn7 UNREPRESENTED TOWNS.
an hw tow Yurt IW.al NanVmktiMariu SiMkflk hvhrp NtftlkfwilM PrahifliiM OMommiI lleekelyi Ua PlrtrtmM IhuMylrmta UnUtawr fMIiIul4ri ainl ding I. hi In panda Va rala tllwli Kvletaaee la UMwnl N. algae UlwUaU. W. Irttimk m.
ualwi Ul itif HI MX tea I auml hw AriM Ut. Hwailin tamUtMA Onllwiry IK Unman 4 lie. lint hefefaaaa l. Nwu rt.Ht.me lta.T1.lnl ririwuuaa tNihdliwijr la Viral Pieluroi Hu. Iwnul Piulrnaaa MX MIMKLUalt)8 1H (Kl Praaney VmaadtwrOwV DaaiwrUaatw HflMdlMrM SaSTtSaindian 4 ajIAAiadit ItH.II.Wiwd Hnwvtfr.Ct.lU idSilfw imiiMl UviiaiiiMM tna.
Ret MkWaba 4 per Oaf Im. Vtaiarm 4 yr. Inn annUi AmlralUn I Qw laad 4 nr OanU. katinaO H.gatlHliiWk Dha. aataad WeHladla llaaka fanlamlaraMd Oilealal JV.
IK IMarwd Oananl atanaulilm AW aaM Bm. Ntaaai NM.dltiaiNl Daw A par Deal. fiat. Daw i par Cant. IWT wwi aaplewAaterkam YH.
IM IK daw Ordinary DimtVaUadataDaOwUa twaa dllla Kftpcwfii XilMiifiii Bra. Ilia a aiiWnarlL Arthur Uainnaaa AHaappa OnUaarv ryaniaail May OrAaay. I HU RMnr ValeUt. ATiTiSrr Rtnlwn'a Ray Naan, elehlilm ow no aae ago ow wo 1 Ofi laad'a Vureu Ualaraad (K Aaltllalaa Ihdlaary. RlawraOtaipar lhmUalh PUnilB JMlaay PriwUlm NUmta Nllmta taa IhMu NHnOa ItttWlH IUaUliaraM.M MhAiMa, Omni Km HmpIhmUmm MiillHiNtp.) MriMN IfaplumUun Chm CfiMW Jkllr WftTlMtM Mi 9t i HA MtHfUlf Itelkvil IUmimmihM St Mil Id KrifiM KilriunAhiM XfW JflgrirgllMlIftlM, 8i4l VtoMaE.
tilt I It ow aw dw aw aa ow wa ew I MO OW Wt aw aw ow aw langlaacin Hlaah Aaatmllan Mua HIM np fwa. Waatarurth frlnrlty mpam Water IK Naak at Utah Water Xarthh Na.IgaWn (Mllarlw Ml wa wo w. pis: I ow gw wa aw aw aw wg aw LOCAL FINANCE. ora VIHAH01AL IBR0I.1 CARDIFF, SaxraDAT. Tbs market to-day baa barn daoidadly inae-tive, and tha few trail aaotiona whioh have baan raeorded bar not made any material change in tbe quotations American I tails art a till attracting good deal of attention, and local awnritiw art naglaotad in qwnea.
Midland Ordinary Stock baa improved to 188 os dividend, and riw hw taken pEm in Barry Prafwantial Stookf, tha First having advanoed to 1840, tho 8sxmd 3 to 181-8, and tho Third 1 to 138-80 ex dividend. Othar rails era unohangad, and aa far aa wa nan aaoartain than haa haw no bnaiiiew dona in tbia departmaat to-day. Thera hare bean some ofaangaa in Cardiff GaaStoeha, tho A having aaranoad 8 to 107-200, and 1 to 167-OOL Ixmdon and I rovinmal Bank Shirw kara baan dealt in at 30, whioh ia an improvement open raoant transaction. Hanco*cke (Xd Ordinary Sharw have baan gain transferred at 10. I be only inquiriee mala to-day have bean for Barry Graving Dook Snaraa Dook and Water and I Choi Yitrad Gw Shares.
Thera are new ae liars of Bute Dabwtmw Stock, Curmarthan Hrewery Ordinary, London and Prorinoial Bank Sharw at 80 lihrmney Ordinary Stock and Rhymney Iron Old Share at 23. 6d. Maewa. J. W.
Coutiia and Co. in their weekly report say Burr. Tli wiliMiy alack is quoted 818180 die. The dretine la aeeuuied for by an AirtI iiianw I atom of buying Just now, Urn seek arliieh hw marketl avtae been bought at a much lower flews Tmf.A aH amoHl cl bOAlumu hw iimmril at horn 74 to TS, tl murkat ckriag wwk ai dlaeppoolnUne imMe of dUJOO igeiual dcrww cl 44. Hkfmmtf.
Tim mock laaiaias Arm at fiem IBS ISA end i he aw Allmamauat 40 io48iiamlam. Tim iraMc EM96 Again OJBSaa taarruw ef 571 Jtteadda end ham Ay Tims a Ain Aieady at I f. PI tlafacttnn coal to be ewpweeed the dew rata of pragrtua made with lha eompanyh aSalrr, and emrtapoa-denea t- gdng nn with a i view to initials naked ihett own tut arm t. i ef action by the uhairiieldeiu In Iheh Ti IraBc I 482, againet 415, 41 Arab. London aad Frovlaelal Btsmariiew a I riaa nifilfar Um week, the aardation betng Brm I a 1BJ-80J.
Wa hare iwemmended thew rim with emddanw far aonm it part, men ewaeMly tins the pubtteatienl nf the laet hakuiw art, wbirh eahtbiudl aa extremely I Kny aad pmapemua canditimi of affair. We took for a etill further Improvement I in market valne, Hatinml Hank ef Wa have I hundu at 17 ami 174. Scmh Walaa Unina rweabi inaetiv at IM 11. aad Hnatoi aad Seat ef England UJ UL The new dune af the I laK-aanmd me on ffar at 8. A cull of 4 par I nr (2 pievniiim) la das na tiie Im ef Oetobar.
Chwi-ml Tue bceieeaa in enUbiy aha haa I la T- ry irieted.tiM lemtency bring rather to uffer al anted pi Miwth ere Ihti active at SJ 4. Dav and tari era 11 12 1 ex dtevd-Bd, Newport-Abaroarn 8, and halt I kylwr 71 -A Thera mo tow bay ef Albion at 1 1-16 ilnuonot, and Intornatiowite at ex iffvi JlimlfaMm Mb Aabmtrn altar tlpld duetumhoK With the ckrapn el and ilia gem-M activity which la act la I Kxeliaugnta not irtrtMlkm' of Aib money an tiie probable dam may lake the oppurtunly to rua Uuua op a dy apaculatlve juet point er an, it they in higli wpieaant. Kaatm.ua arawill HuintwHvU itoidy at 1 1. Himmmwt itonly at 1 1. MMiWH rvmia I ew I 1 1 THE FINEST ALES OBTAINABLE.
CHIWnml Ipma am iZfaiii: rkha.AKft ft tpjwlenmi oeaeeoeooaeeweae MMoooooaooaeet Quwin SSSSeelMae Omml allien ftwl ihiiee ei (nmemkaanAMMewOkminen hi ww ywi. UUlMt Ml RNkMULuimiMii CEbmSbA OMlMMlIa ttliME Ml Wmu lidnumin Emneand Wellnmei Dew Mkuh Omhel etim EkrjftStt HMiewr Ml utKeiininu Tin tikmulBnriAe 1KI mi Mewmm McWOmnl A 1 Men Rm. OWnleA m. (M. SartkmnVMien fMMM eeei hdnd I e4 i ififfiUmU: gj liriSStSfBS5! Ofi if hiyiMlM wi ION I I O.I I A MMM riu IjElfii Wjwrt yl gee iWlFre' geeoeeeee igooeeoowaegge aogggggggggoe gee a Jiler.
tddrOrt. Wh ArtT Det Ci S' UtK Pn.AilInvy mmapeaiB mHvh.i iw OrtmeH.M...,.,..Mi RK Am OkrtW MM Ml eeeeeeaeeeaeeeeeeteai takh umK Llriiyiri ml IK pm met OwnrHaeal On Haa adanL Wart dm aooaaaoseesaaaoe eeeoeoooei oa aoaaooi MEiM.I aaeaooeeeoaoai aoeaaaaoasasoi an Vwl IWMpt bRa EHNNy ssaos CORRESPONDENCE. -rzrl widaaalm 6m nt mUom itriaii MMm Iw UmiI (Ime, mmI a hew afUllya lelagklmei rammriw atHm alumina. VMarmwk an sat lasdlr I dlAUil Fwbatty Rear flil tf IharAM atlte ei af lha pwiriH IwHhmrt gntjrtmartg tha Hm to aatoWjjiriMmhBato IwSmariawtaMar adrimd to W'lbaHaih A am Ika AhlmAuKdtoAnaemy nm la Any la eg amdlagAi Be had totiarray hhieW la them mallrt iba at lha art aha Mm a writ lad ally andaat tha AM ri ii mart Advpmay rtama. wal4ba krtlwH Mk part waald I wililag la pay Mm mm -----aa MM ptnanta lb iwidsAa putofcly thfe ItoKhamw mHaim part Or Hi la I Ithe nembhawdn or judge beemfoip.1 Eh Uadwtha abora baadlag; altar aXudiagl tna appolntmaal at Mp Mahop to tha I vacancy, yea itato WIowai Tim abate af Um Lord UaencaUcr ac doaM happy ana theta hw set bwn, la hdlavaA a Webh apwUag liudeepreridbg ow tide etaefll hefera" ariK far I hrta Mr.
Mm af i wbe ww the dial Judge upprialad Adb ape touWebh grid than I am tiwt Jndg Btriias ued to lha vuwuey that now exhta; I i he melnr aagtitrar at the Srtnar, bntae bem appomtod by Mr. Johem to thee wtM wae I hi by Mr. Jok lrvt tad am tiie proper perron le I aak yon to ke tiie above eocrrctiiiM-' I THOMAg JOMIO, Brgtatnr. Cimlp ecurt Oflea, Llandevmy. MR.
MAXIM'S FLYING MACHINE. Net eontanlvMh producing a tarriAe gun, Ib. Tiata wnrtnfdrouiietien. ttb I UmmnehhM I betaff etad on no farther Mm Londan titan fayf aad the tarwtioa iwj Marty nadylor practiori trial Me, Maxim -Ummll foe the wdmtabtag by aaux- hea tii be'1' rarilLd wUhaftd Mad while eectiva, lha rki and tarn iwi lmUiag it bring effMtsneeqnrit ae ewufto carrying I tllMlIMpwndA aa mneh aa 14jN0 ponedA Tha waigbt af PRIZE A la Hum rt ckM twwi lml CtanUem Ixlaum linn Urpair Im llmlin. Ml MirMhi or Vakru la Kwhauu, Ihmim-I'airlagra.
CnnliCT. tor.iuvaap 1KU. WAT ttUMNIM UNL NLY KAT 0 S. A D8 tUMineii) JAMKD (AUSAGES, pOKK pint jKLT0N JpAWN OLD IT All. rmtviaiox PKIMCK.
Ntb TKKLIM, FieHMOXtiKM, ARU UHUCItlUL IAU AT NO 0 II 11 8. OKI EXCELSIOR WHISKY. MMki Kquab, if it don not lurpava, Any brand Won the Rriluk Journal. MAltUltAVK lillOTllERS. LLANELLY.
MM FINANCIAL NEWS lraOM 111 rul ANOCtATHW-l LONDON. Batomm Kveema. Money baa bam vary lifctln inquired fur to day, and abort loam are atill quoted my easy at per cent. Htcount ia alio very quiet at to 2 per wilt, for the beat three uiootW biila. 7jUU0 in gulti aria received fruni Lisbon.
Dombey Exchange la. 8 USd, Calcutta la. Hour Kong So. Shanghai 4e.5d. liar Silver haa further declined to WJd Mexican Hollar alao lower at J3i laria ilourae firm; cheque ou London quoieil Gentian and Vicuna Boaroea weak.
The premium on gold it Buenoa Ayrea haa advanced to 3U3 per cent. The Stock Market opened with a firm tone, the principal feature being a ronaidarabla recovery in American Railway Seeuritiea, in sympathy uith the rive in New York. Price, however, at the doae were generally below the beat on nuluationa. There haa been a fair amount of buinea in moat departmant fur a Saturday. Cunaola were a abade firmer for the Account.
Rupee Paper weaker on the decline iu ailrer; houra at 77, Fuur-end-a-Half per Cento. at 70; and Canadian Fouta Begiatwed roae 1. American Kails mark a rile of in Reading int Income totals in Lake bhorea, 11 in Atehiaoua, 1 in Brie Pref. and Bonn Paeifio Pref 1 in Union aoitica, and moat other linea to 1. Canadian Pacific row Grand Trunk were atrong and in demand, but ekxad bdow beat, Preferential leaues being to and Ordinary belter ou the day.
Mexican Raila were firm and to 4 up, Raila Arauco Ordinary and Pref. 1, Nitrate ditto Deferred Converted Foreign Bondi wero generally firm. kiah liroupa to I batter. French Three Unified and Hungarian Four Spanilh and Italian! aao trifle firmer; South American Stooka wHramoatly firm; Argentina 1880, however, declined and ditto landing loan 1 on rim in Buenoe Avrea Gold Premium Cotta Rica row 1, and Mvxwaa Sim and Tut- Peru Corporation Stoeke hom*o Railwaye irregular, hot were inactive, the ehief feature being a tall of 1 in Sheffield Pref, and 1 in tha Lrfarrad; South Kaatarn Deferred alw declined Chat be Praf and North Wcaterna and liiut aa-tarns i. On tho othar band, Rrighton Ordinary ruaa 1, North haitania North UTitiah Ordinary Chatham Ordinary A Midlands and ikledoniaiia Ihrfarrcil Bank Shares were generally firm London County, National Provincial Rank of England (13 paid), and ditto New, Tarapaea South Australia declined Clay Dark Company lref row Aerated ltrraii Daoeau Land imer Copper Primila Nitrate lowar, Klay Ihrua.
1. Anglo Takgrapha Pref and Ordinary upw The Mining Market generally waa vary Great Isay lower, Jumper Alnwrejoa dull at 10. Pig lVak firmer at Wratworth 1, South Auatralian Broken Hill 1. Jubilee Jagerafontein up, Da Eeera IKaiuonda -ft Copper Sharw firm Rio Tintoa -V up. At the llaltio to-day a quiet tone prevai for wheat batgaina; Indian and Amarii Pareels to London 3d.
lowar. Freight ware generally firm. LONDON 811 ARE MARKET. COHHQJJI fipVa, ISA 1.10 rLM ftvB Qns, finftwtttH 2 i Mnan I to, da A hw. Oet.M.
Into motk aMwto.to ItW tl 4il ItoHk of Ka'flMH MM Imlui fwr lntiH.N.lrt Dflal IM. Kir nfWnifeiJdiiM. Ita. ato. 1 pi I Ml ton Pwpr 4 e.m IU.
Qp UUSIN MAH.tVAYh. EriRlalMi MtlltiV Ortl. Itoi Itotorn'il ChtotoHUM CiMsn)itoll Jto Kwlwnl (todfi Ur4 aw Ito ItohNml dsHiNtow OmIIhhiimmI DnvtrOnl. Jto. httofH1 n.m.w.,1 0to3fW nhI HmhVJi WrflfriTM, Ml ItotoN OftHiMri 9f.
Ml hid. Kwf4.ltoM.OlHjr. Jto ito Jtofnl. dim Jin ito A' Into Wwtoem MwU mi4 KxiwHif IftiiMlito fiM VnrliRlikft lriMtom Mill MnrUivWpiiFrN. LwiIfx Mwl Hth-H'vtovTM Hhd4.
Un. Orti. Jto. hptorto Irm Ito. I Mm ml rT-tt IlHMIlUlHaN (toN awaaaw Jto.
UimI Miirli Ito. IMtlrtoi Onllwirv Ito. Plrifcrrtol Mhltoml OriHwiry Viivlh Hriltoli Ural. Vrrf. Jto.
Unliwirv Muflh-bitorirH (JnUdMirr Jlflvth WNffttolEMrr Moiiih-lfawInH rtlwnf w. Ito. iMrffP Cato Itoilmi UH futo Art, IHMrt ww-VtoMii 167 Iff IV frl IUT uu erg Hi 111 173; itr 71 iS Mi 73 a ii it 114 117 II fto 144 2 SI wi lib 2 'I I6N 1861 Hi rUMKMIJI iiowiw. totbnnh IhnlliMrv HrihMi CtoUl. 4 i 0.
IhidMlft Jto 4n Fir 4. Ihtotow Miiemm EyrMMMl MhmfIh CfMlM ArttoiNf I.mm-r GhUb Al Mi 4i 48 2 IVI 2 J7i II kt. Ei Muftiri Ajrft IMWm Jto. InpniliiE IM aw JlW llPMUfjf Asa-we, rnl CHiiIm 4 Jto LVihiiM wawww AMm AjfiN Wiihfi Jto 4a eeaeae 1I6M McypItoM IRltol Ito. II ur.
hf.t MR Ito. Niftlr I toms In Ito. Itotra. NliHlA IMF ItoMia Kuril Ito. 4 par UmA.
mmsatmh 4 (fetal, tidihl KtlwNSMT ItoMV. MvitoRlpr (toil. -M-hiiHfto (toriwiltodi (JnL. ito. hahiMM fRiilfllNMr (J Kmkd I (Ml Jto JUKI E1 MirrIin 4 H.CI.
(SdMRdWS'fldt. IinnMiI Mar ThfiiHi mli Jto. UnM Ito hdUnmit Ito IM Uiimi Ito. HhUitofiV. 1 KO.
THOMAS, STOCK liltOILKIi, OWAWaWM. WPTRDOCTW. OJJUWrr. mu an HTrima of WImj Warn iit.imal 11. KrtEvYOahmlam a.
Ill "Vhkkiau aouu Of kharra, JHOJJA8, I wrtT.IEIITNa AND I G. BIOCUBOmft BtVOTBD -MOM XU JIXCHAMB 0w 1, DOOtCHAManfiL 8TOCXBUOKBK. iDWDoonQAunrr 'iWOS. F. PKAR80N, 1 lb DUCK OMAMm I Hhhe I I Wilm Hmtpilm thriumy-ri 4 Huriot.
VRSm-j RMflKhmMirihHd AanadMWwH h'lHuhNie Wieikwi hrtmu nt gSj ShuRe It Hurt ewhri IM J. W. COURTIS ft 00., TOOK AW I1AII IIOII1I. BAKK BUOMHUa. KABT-enWMr.
ON NW hi K-aOneier TdeJrtueWSSU jjfcnyftsifcill UVIBMNF KaftEFftF Id I (MW Um A UTmkrVklM elkH 1 9 AS OriUrtr Mm I nTlkw umte earns I IB Xhr to IMM- NlQaMiTiiriNrtM IS OmwltovMi MMtolERri (. iMMhWfttaiDNcM l(toifflia A Ikw IblhT rOMlEif to i RMr OMm Om Ml Wator NlhiniKmMyMs fntonftliMftl (JmI Itox VftfetoMl Itoik Wain Ifcy8 lillWffKiir aldUN IMtEGEUTHEN DUNN AND CO. Lawssosr9t-mi MBMHAHW KXUHAHOK. DUOKS HMIt OH MIA rrtSrT.fi lirtialiM JIMl Ow Part I iMii ffmia mr MMWM AaaAH aalOsOAU ARSON8 AND BOBJENT, BTUrXBIIOKieUII. HBWVORT.
IjOL 5-4 Ito. All EPtriiH mi Mww UwBy RhnMf.bM JTmt, 4.ii Jhha ak Walm Da 1 19 WmmMw SWahaMB A Ikfmaaf ImaOM SHIrt 4m aai Ov atm ISfc-kONh-y IW.eValimSrt. IlhmwnthNf IbWitoErt towyOrttory MOImyUnviItobAilU JftS tab SIMS, STOCK and SHARE I ra. remit n.K BUTS BOCKS. OAUHVr.
irfAUaMatHAiul Rmdrt rrmTai toil toSiawhtAMi Let lb 1 69h art I SriUm I er Min nil Menu tomSfimr Oehamp lliva at MX JJBNBI J. PIliUNGER and CO, UTT0R 8ATCE, TAUOHAir, end 00 HOOK AHD SHAXX BltOKBBK ft HIOH-STERET, HKWruHT, Hawrunv,) wh bath uorims or naM a IMbam'at AXn Hailk Hm A Dak. rt aUMIb HIHffiM AJ99IKIMMF1 dMOTri 3SI3ra Isg Wli WMR ssasdiSSur aswssua mrtljeVRISilsS an WmOrUany.ltil rat faal Storm dN SSSSm OF 10 Ttom ml I A win SSStSSS- SBsssyg-fa to AMMi4-Wrtm tom Pst and kic: Th WltVlliaW IT mw5 MORTALITY RETURN FOR CARDIFF. of The Mowing ratara drolls hem aymolle mata borough ol Oudtff for the week the TUcZSSSl Hebe, 3dg the daring I A total I I I I I I I Ita I If I I ling I Da ate of ley, 8ns, if I le PBI0E LIST, BITTEK AND PALE ALES. tor Salt.
F.A. yi AJL P.A. MH.t.al.MIVH 13 GFA. M8tFl3Hfi V4 LPpAse 18 SOLD ALfeS. FwOtB.
fl ZX Jr XZK 13 XXXX nfildorOld) 14 XXXu (Strung 18 K0 ctthk CHARGE FOB ALES lexx. 1) Akeul T4J. (Qlt SOUTH WALKS (8WAN8KA) MARKET I Rmwi irtHKMann uakh -tuorbuokka DAILY STUCK AND SHARE LIST. Sopplied by THACKERAY ft 001 nOOKHHOKHH, CAKDirr. kaiLwaVk.
piiiii. hnyMan SRhUks i ibis aMMllSd aeaeeaeaaeenaepata IM ua jtiwih WiNin Mir HiA IM IHIf Hi.ja JIh Mti I Ul 9T a 9le il NfH MM tn I Nk tUMTalft DMM Mask I IM 8 1 18 Ul mawAiranii1- Xto. MM.IM MVHaaUaak lb Rkmllaal a.nm- bIml SUAWARTND ARD TJUmm. 'ear Ml irtjsrl. is RAILWAY AHU UTUM PNaRNIIHBL 3 IMH IH'fr lit art A'4 14 atw SatV alim 14 I fS is Da.
snai aWAUMaftS a mssaS. I ak Walm OaTMallei oar. AA 14 4 "SnlK 3 3 'JjarHc ft' wfi'U iKi'iS Oaa 7M nr I PM (toA as SAB AHD WATKR. iaao ri iS 'HriKi "4 iV wATnwouca la ID OTME oaoeoaooaaoaaoaoaaaa ftrib lyoaoaoooosiiooaoo ft "A oaaooaoeaaoea 8 IS mat. AMD IRUH.
D. Wart irt Sana KmrVale H. InaACM rt IK Vwm(M, a Ha 4 1il na, A a II.H.VIrtaa IlklM I falaiam alOaal I Hi MHkraaA (Jam i aa. IMa Mk Haateeteanm armf.Mtf.. "-EErt-KK ft HarSl Havleartaa (Mllary I ll IK wa Dart.
VNl. 1 4 hakila i Jm "JL JjS in ux. toatmarlme AUaal-A IK -K mORIAAHPOUa. A k. A HeSwaf 4.
AleaanAra HaHiuM tone Orav HtflM ftri( (Hb, Mw(to4epeg I (Me If MMtJLMrth 5 IS? fW UlV UftSfc eeaeaeeeeag 99 ,99 ftimARuKib GmAW JmmIIm prDMjk 49 ftfcaAl HWl Waaaa A w. iim. a ik 141 sf BSn Dr ft HI Marti Dart Ja Mn mil art PvT Dmk Da Haweart HaofmtWa eaaamHartr.4aa.in IN 0 Wartma Uuaa0a.tW.llr4. I Da tAlfyAtinL I m-emhiiw grtMoamm lies 14 Wwaam, Iran UMI 14 HuaHm ISeean VHKRH AUg NRTMMil lir Sln.ikiu ill Fi.ihnl Sort aiia at tia9A Rw Am, Ml (69 1999 I Agi attf MaSiafZm in rtnji MnlurlmMa m.MtoM IU New TlIhUKKItAY ANI GO, lCA- mtOKKIlH. flAltPIKF.
Boiuviik Fiue ah Onmumv-WhOat the I damn ri A MwaOmmaf auw-r mml mrt .14 mtokalk rtirt Immrl. ito atukart an math am will te hb to I U. la ml it laid, neukama rtmadrrtsl I Kaotua Waiaxa 04 and i rkaMy I I I I 1 1 I I I 1 Iu I I THESE ALES ARE PERFECTLY PURE AID THE ONLY BRISTOL ALES AWARDED TWO PRIZE MEDALS FOE GREAT EXCELLENCE OF QUALITY. MAKING NUT, COAL. PORTERS AND 6TOU P.
eaeaaaaaaaaaa.a.aa 13. 1d ea.ee....... 18 0B STOUT IN 4 GALLON CASKS. iono, oountim uom AND BHLAU WOHXA. LIGHTING.
IALSAM. JNFANT8 pOWDEBS xrte. toad the la tottiaAb.lM.aa4h.S4. YHTnnOaIUiT ADMitifiii lAHR AND MOL OantaJa ne Opt aar aaytiiiag Mariana letba vneemn Mariana letba ynengart Frt toatiringb VMa SHAgmrialtaK andmbar aUa Kthay an A aartala apart to. A mattort HMSfiumTttlS EAOE.
i ne aaabjaabal aa biHb. Sionn roWDWU aad BALSAM arttl NONDDA 7IU2L LAMOHSAieini TMFORTANT-Om fiox of Rgrtrne LXX M. rah um ml tea rtl ilial, mimial jdl Sal art ym art nab I rt SmtehTbi 0R. non K'DK RKSMLIroSrrNG AND ADVERTISING COMPANY (LimitisV nurnms at uo af lamksv Foenn tATION In aweaw. FytrtBlmA and UA ooMMinLTatriiQAP Fria aad PuMbhad he the Fmprirt toHsmt a the OS rt tU Wertun Mail, gA Mary Mmrt.
Owdlff. In the Oauuiy rt iBFYMUtB 7. Mkd AMOroewu eWlneMwrhaltfclklngefOpniugup thg Agwcy Br Trade toenld fieri wHtaftri fatWwIfatabndTtamerawEwewwdAbA They tog. trod. i ALL BniDBmSFEEE.
Wettbleg todljeSmSrt eib jpSwSehTimrtiiM sw.u.irt at Ortl hr, Un firm ol 18, and Tnekuru oullnaiy 12 Thu I WtaSr Mum.r lhmK rt impruvrd conililkm of I be com mm hut Ima nn-1 ti Wulm PrtuuAt I mrt dM I biubtediy. bean ndaeieH on the riauwef I H-rTm Kmri? tKnk at ri eum pen. "A ilhonddm Viaitor haa eddrwwd to ue letterou thepoaition and proapeeta of the Ubondda Bay Kuilway. lleferring to the general meeting of the pony, ttwt At the out the rt Airman eompaied the I working expen nf the Hnendde Cbmp my with I ihine of olfcv rallwayA I nollee that I JWMtoert mH a RhMu Ocmpany nxpanwa wtffffariJtappfKoffSuS Sm tony Cbmpauyk 44-84 of Ihrir roraipiA 7w THKHM HK MI'VMHHIIV If AmnjhmmaaanMtom ELECTRIC omnAOIP UNDHRVIKHN oi fowai. GREAT BLCXH) UKDriEU and BE8TUUCB pus EX)R CLEANSING and CLEARING the BLOODb AUIMNRRIHS OmrinK intvy I AMd Smart ri bhrtA Old I OiwtimmSiMh tin SburiahwgwriUagA Ontiml dtiemalTlm Item whateem eaan eririag.
I Him bpm at to the end wen-bee epytMag hdarieae to We mart aeartl rt inhwme giro trial to to whA OOMT ANY. Mamie. TgAM UU. BLOOD wrrou. laOUMn HLOOS MCBHHSead deaetto le lake an ImHaUm.
iheaMiw TH-iJin UNDKRGBOUND AT MEBTHYB VILA On Friday avmbf, white i ee now waa werkleg aa a fahon in the Atom i Heading of the Mrfthyr Tale Colliery, property of Mreara. Him and Go. poet way uni atone IWI horn thu roof upon bfau, Id back aad rawing other intrtiml iaJnritA I Pend nn ww wiled to hba, both wdra lOatardey morahif. firtl anyii A -m a I OMTRI8 By VM I CalhoUe Mai 1 up ef fiaKaid at a Hm' The Mahop aaggeeted Umt, wlillrt rtiung tom Would bo lal tha aubol Ugrtha uot ubnra curiaha etinlmum rtrougUi Thb doctrine that lraiii indeed a pity that mere tarn not aa rrouanablu and pcaet 1 aa llw Mahop of BrifaiA A large mroaureof Ihuawem the Oelibn 8mi8ght Ala may ba attributed to ihefactthetkb brewed eulb Eueuud will rompaiu Ik bly with the arHnary Mgh-eoloared, atrona, Imady Il bnwad from proparad from the finest BeiefurdWIw ben end a tiblbslriy devueeed with htpbwMad Worirteni," but lly grown In the rift fas Ee valleys af U.rrfarihhlrA Mreara. Watiriaupind ef the Brtvfaid Unwary, ewtiwwlybnwm tide hmow Ahaad il le arid by ever 800 Agrota Um Notlb, toaiK ltort.
aad Weal ef Ibe Nrtllab IritA tomb Wa UMuai M. Mary-eirorl. IhuMti WMtgeletnri.CUdiE moo IponndA The tori guntoSb (ivingl fajOOO gae JrtA Th and th la an wg nayaocy babutnad hv the pram ef the air uni the ndaeaida of tbe MMhy pbnK inriiwd mm bring me to the forward rtbhw aa fven by tbe pecpriiaeA win utoer that iheru ta but uiridlng rigaw bffA Winn, hovrovmr, tha dhridanda olthatwo mrAnb. uiw eompur-d It win lu im Uni Mb Um Buriy Onupeny paid 11 pur cent, tin Hhnndd Cemp.ny Only pitd par pent. or, ia ether worck, the luramr paid wiam tin but thu the htier.
I would augfurt Umt ut met half-yearly meeting when ti chair rowing eeparaiu he aliould eta pane toning eepaneie ue IIIOUM ea, rompara I dWidK tu prevmt quartbae being ertmd. I Tlw rt eiimen luitlwrmld tlm UmnlioldaN I aware HM tin eumpnnr had ebtalnad powers lef 01 net a line from Cw von to BrfimiFtiiy. which would be of uom to th Tim telHilderr, I Uka it, are a aware that thia Dee be'ut throe wilm long and will eoeijMcor.k-lag to 11m migineert artlum'A 120100 I would rtrongly udvim the almwhutd panre long and reart-ier welltiwgroei roapimalbUi eunmqneiMM ud tof.ua cawmiiig lo ll.la aaddlrd oa iiwir TwcIia To oull.yiMW erndi la qnliml ara tbia liw is Ihitoa Fury tu sum et iSmUkrdjriea.