arXiv:1908.10187v1 [cs.LG] 15 Aug 2019 · universidad autonoma de´ chihuahua facultad de ingenier´ia secretar´ia de investigacion y´ posgrado a machine learning approach for smartphone-based - [PDF Document] (2024)

arXiv:1908.10187v1 [cs.LG] 15 Aug 2019· universidad autonoma de´ chihuahua facultad de ingenier´ia secretar´ia de investigacion y´ posgrado a machine learning approach for smartphone-based - [PDF Document] (1)


















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arXiv:1908.10187v1 [cs.LG] 15 Aug 2019· universidad autonoma de´ chihuahua facultad de ingenier´ia secretar´ia de investigacion y´ posgrado a machine learning approach for smartphone-based - [PDF Document] (2)

A Machine Learning Approach for Smartphone-based Sensing of Roadsand Driving Style. A dissertation submitted by Manuel Ricardo CarlosLoya in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor ofEngineering, has been verified and accepted by:

M.I. Javier Gonzalez CantuDirector de la Facultad de Ingenierıa

Dr. Alejandro Villalobos AragonSecretario de Investigacion y Posgrado

Dr. Alejandro Villalobos AragonCoordinador Academico

Dr. Luis Carlos Gonzalez GurrolaDissertation Director

August 2019

Examination committee:

Dr. Luis Carlos Gonzalez GurrolaDr. Fernando Martınez ReyesDr. Graciela Marıa de Jesus Ramırez AlonsoDr. Raymundo Cornejo GarcıaDr. Manuel Montes y Gomez

© All rights reservedManuel Ricardo Carlos Loya

Circuito Universitario Campus II,Chihuahua, Chih., Mexico.

August 2019

arXiv:1908.10187v1 [cs.LG] 15 Aug 2019· universidad autonoma de´ chihuahua facultad de ingenier´ia secretar´ia de investigacion y´ posgrado a machine learning approach for smartphone-based - [PDF Document] (3)


Road transportation is of critical importance for a nation, having profound effectsin the economy, the health and life style of its people. With the growth of cities andpopulations come bigger demands for mobility and safety, creating new problemsand magnifying those of the past. New tools are needed to face the challenge, tokeep roads in good conditions, their users safe, and minimize the impact on theenvironment.

This dissertation is concerned with road quality assessment and aggressive driv-ing, two important problems in road transportation, approached in the context ofIntelligent Transportation Systems by using Machine Learning techniques to ana-lyze acceleration time series acquired with smartphone-based opportunistic sensingto automatically detect, classify, and characterize events of interest.

Two aspects of road quality assessment are addressed: the detection and thecharacterization of road anomalies. For the first, the most widely cited works inthe literature are compared and proposals capable of equal or better performanceare presented, removing the reliance on threshold values and reducing the compu-tational cost and dimensionality of previous proposals. For the second, new ap-proaches for the estimation of pothole depth and the functional condition of speedreducers are showed. The new problem of pothole depth ranking is introduced,using a learning-to-rank approach to sort acceleration signals by the depth of thepotholes that they reflect.

The classification of aggressive driving maneuvers is done with automatic fea-ture extraction, finding characteristically shaped subsequences in the signals asmore effective discriminants than conventional descriptors calculated over timewindows.

Finally, all the previously mentioned tasks are combined to produce a robustroad transport evaluation platform.


arXiv:1908.10187v1 [cs.LG] 15 Aug 2019· universidad autonoma de´ chihuahua facultad de ingenier´ia secretar´ia de investigacion y´ posgrado a machine learning approach for smartphone-based - [PDF Document] (4)


El transporte terrestre es de importacia crıtica para una nacion, teniendo grandesefectos en la economıa, salud, y estilo de vida de la gente. El crecimiento de ciu-dades y poblaciones crea mayores demandas de mobilidad y seguridad, originan-do nuevos problemas y acrecentando los del pasado. Por ello se requieren nuevasherramientas para mantener los caminos en buen estado, sus usuarios seguros, yminimizar el impacto en el ambiente.

Esta disertacion trata la calidad de los caminos y la conduccion agresiva, dosimportantes problemas en el transporte terrestre, dentro del contexto de los Siste-mas Inteligentes de Transporte, usando aprendizaje computacional para analizarseries de tiempo adquiridas mediante sensado oportunista y ası detectar, clasificar,y caracterizar automaticamente eventos de interes.

Se consideran dos aspectos de calidad de caminos: la deteccion y la caracteriza-cion de anomalıas. Primero se comparan los trabajos mas citados en la literatura,y se hacen propuestas capaces de igual o mejor desempeno, removiendo el uso deumbrales y reduciendo el costo computacional y dimensionalidad de las propues-tas anteriores. Luego se tratan nuevas tecnicas para la estimacion de profundidadde baches y el estado de reductores de velocidad. Se presenta el nuevo enfoque deordenado de baches, usando learning-to-rank para ordenar senales de aceleracionrespecto a la profundidad de los baches que reflejan.

La clasificacion de eventos de conduccion agresiva se realiza mediante extrac-cion automatica de caracterısticas, encontrando que secuencias de las senales sonindicadores mas discriminativos que los descriptores convencionales.

Finalmente, se combinan las tareas anteriores para producir una plataforma ro-busta para la evaluacion del transporte terrestre.


arXiv:1908.10187v1 [cs.LG] 15 Aug 2019· universidad autonoma de´ chihuahua facultad de ingenier´ia secretar´ia de investigacion y´ posgrado a machine learning approach for smartphone-based - [PDF Document] (5)


1 Introduction 11.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2 Aims and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41.3 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.4 Products of this study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.4.1 Peer Reviewed Journals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.4.2 Conferences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.4.3 Data and Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

1.5 Document Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2 Background and State of the Art 102.1 Intelligent Transportation Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102.2 Road Roughness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112.3 Mobile Sensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122.4 Time Series Fundamentals for ITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

2.4.1 Sensor Reorientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162.4.2 Time Series Representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192.4.3 Machine Learning Tasks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232.4.4 Evaluation Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

2.5 Road Anomaly Detection and Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292.5.1 Influence of Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.6 Road anomaly profiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342.7 Detection of Aggressive Driving Maneuvers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362.8 Sensor Reorientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

3 Virtual Reorientation of Smartphone Sensors 403.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403.2 Aims and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413.3 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

3.3.1 Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423.3.2 Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

3.4 Experiments and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453.4.1 Vertical Reorientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45


arXiv:1908.10187v1 [cs.LG] 15 Aug 2019· universidad autonoma de´ chihuahua facultad de ingenier´ia secretar´ia de investigacion y´ posgrado a machine learning approach for smartphone-based - [PDF Document] (6)


3.4.2 Azimuth Estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473.4.3 Triaxial Reorientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

3.5 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

4 Road Anomaly Detection and Classification 554.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554.2 Aims and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574.3 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

4.3.1 Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574.3.2 Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

4.4 Experiments and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624.4.1 Threshold-based Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664.4.2 A Binary Classification Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 664.4.3 An Ensemble Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

4.5 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

5 Road Anomaly Characterization – A Fine-grained Approach 695.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695.2 Aims and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705.3 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

5.3.1 Data Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715.3.2 Feature Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725.3.3 Algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735.3.4 Cross-validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

5.4 Experiments and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755.4.1 Pothole Depth Characterization by Regression . . . . . . . . . 755.4.2 Pothole Depth Characterization by Classification . . . . . . . 775.4.3 Pothole Depth Ranking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785.4.4 Speed Bump Functional Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

5.5 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

6 Aggressive Driving Detection 836.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 836.2 Aims and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846.3 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

6.3.1 Data Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 856.3.2 Feature Extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

6.4 Experiments and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 926.4.1 Detection of Aggressive Driving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 926.4.2 Classification of Aggressive Driving Events . . . . . . . . . . . 94

6.5 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98


arXiv:1908.10187v1 [cs.LG] 15 Aug 2019· universidad autonoma de´ chihuahua facultad de ingenier´ia secretar´ia de investigacion y´ posgrado a machine learning approach for smartphone-based - [PDF Document] (7)


7 In Conclusion: a General Pipeline for Smartphone-based Sensing of Roadsand Driving Style 1007.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1007.2 Aims and Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1017.3 Our Proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1017.4 Preliminary Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1047.5 A Take-home Message of this Dissertation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

References 107


arXiv:1908.10187v1 [cs.LG] 15 Aug 2019· universidad autonoma de´ chihuahua facultad de ingenier´ia secretar´ia de investigacion y´ posgrado a machine learning approach for smartphone-based - [PDF Document] (8)

List of Figures

2.1 Coordinate systems used by the Android API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162.2 Examples of sliding windows with lengths of three elements, with

and without overlapping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202.3 A plot for a time series, along its PAA representation using a word

size of 10 and alphabet size of 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222.4 Bag of words model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.1 Trajectory and speed of the vehicle for the third data set, in UTMcoordinates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

3.2 NCC and DTW by method for vertical reorientation. . . . . . . . . . . 463.3 Examples of the worst cases for vertical reorientation . . . . . . . . . 473.4 Calculated azimuth and GPS reported bearing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493.5 NCC and DTW by axis for compass-GPS based reorientation. . . . . 513.6 NCC and DTW by axis for accelerometer-GPS based reorientation. . 52

4.1 Vertical acceleration examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 584.2 Sensitivity and precision for all detectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644.3 Rose plots of F1 for all detectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654.4 CD diagram with statistical comparison of F1 score for all the detectors. 65

5.1 Dimensions for all the potholes in the data set . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725.2 Average RMSE by real depth for the evaluated algorithms. . . . . . . 765.3 Importance for each feature in the vector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 775.4 Contrast between the ground truth ordering and the one produced

by the point-wise approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

6.1 Box plots summarizing the distribution of classification results forthe bag of words model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

6.2 Critical difference diagrams for the parameters K and L. . . . . . . . 956.3 All results for individual aggressive event detection with the bag of

words representation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

7.1 Diagram of the proposed pipeline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102


arXiv:1908.10187v1 [cs.LG] 15 Aug 2019· universidad autonoma de´ chihuahua facultad de ingenier´ia secretar´ia de investigacion y´ posgrado a machine learning approach for smartphone-based - [PDF Document] (9)

List of Tables

2.1 Characteristics of some road anomalies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132.2 Summary of data characteristics for works employing threshold-based

algorithms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322.3 Summary of characteristics for works employing machine learning

algorithms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

3.1 Normalized Cross-Correlation between azimuth and bearing at eachsmartphone location. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

3.2 Median yaw estimations over the 4.3 minute circuit. . . . . . . . . . . 52

4.1 Number of samples per category for the data set. . . . . . . . . . . . . 584.2 Virtual roads with the type and number of anomalies present. . . . . 594.3 Threshold values for features (g stands for gravity). . . . . . . . . . . 614.4 Parameters used in the Grid Search process for feature and model

selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 614.5 Best results for every road in the data set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634.6 Average F1 scores for all detectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

5.1 Overview of the data set for pothole and speed bump characterization. 725.2 Features considered to feed the algorithmic machinery . . . . . . . . 735.3 Algorithm-task pairings that were evaluated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745.4 Average performance metrics for pothole depth regression. . . . . . . 755.5 Average performance metrics for pothole categorical depth charac-

terization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785.6 Average Kendall’s τ over the 10-fold cross-validation for the point-

wise approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795.7 Average Kendall’s τ over the 10-fold cross-validation for the pair-

wise approach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 795.8 Average performance metrics for binary speed bump condition clas-

sification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

6.1 Driving maneuvers included in the data set by Ferreira et al. . . . . . 876.2 Parameters considered for the bag of words model. . . . . . . . . . . 936.3 Best results for aggressive event classification over our data set. . . . 96


arXiv:1908.10187v1 [cs.LG] 15 Aug 2019· universidad autonoma de´ chihuahua facultad de ingenier´ia secretar´ia de investigacion y´ posgrado a machine learning approach for smartphone-based - [PDF Document] (10)


6.4 Best results for aggressive event classification over the data set byFerreira et al. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

6.5 Parameters considered for SAX-based classification. . . . . . . . . . . 976.6 Parameters considered for BoF-based classification. . . . . . . . . . . 986.7 Comparison of the best results achieved with each feature extraction

methods for both data sets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

7.1 Features used for the separation of normal driving, road anomaly,and aggressive driving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

7.2 Number of examples for each category in the data set used to evalu-ate the proposed pipeline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104


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Chapter 1


1.1 Motivation

The condition of roads is of critical importance for a nation. Safe roads that are well

maintained have a positive influence on the quality of life and economic growth

by increasing the mobility of people and goods, lowering transportation costs, and

reducing pollution. A road transport infrastructure in bad condition not only af-

fects ride quality, but also impacts the economy by reducing trade and general pro-

ductivity, increasing vehicle operating costs, carbon footprint, and the number of

accidents, which leads to injuries and loss of lives. Aging roads and larger traffic

volumes increase both the need and the cost for infrastructure maintenance, and

incorrect or insufficient repairs can double or triple the costs of both vehicle owner-

ship and road upkeep.

Road networks extend over millions of kilometers, with countries in the Or-

ganization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) averaging over

500,000 km, and are frequently considered to represent as much as 5% of the gross

domestic product; when all road transport equipment and fuel are also considered,

estimates become as high as 10% or more (World Road Association, 2014). It has


arXiv:1908.10187v1 [cs.LG] 15 Aug 2019· universidad autonoma de´ chihuahua facultad de ingenier´ia secretar´ia de investigacion y´ posgrado a machine learning approach for smartphone-based - [PDF Document] (12)


been seen that economic efficiency increases when the costs of transport is reduced

but, unlike freight costs, automobile transport has been increasing during the last

century and now occupies a significant part of the expenditures of households (Lit-

man, 2018). Bad road condition has a significant impact on the wear of vehicles

(Bogsjo & Rychlik, 2009), and delaying maintenance will not only increase the costs

for vehicle owners but for the whole community because repairing a road in bad

shape is four or more times more expensive than performing maintenance when it

was in regular condition (Betanzo & Zavala, 2008).

Roads in good condition are only one factor in road transportation. The effi-

ciency of transport is also linked to safety, which is affected by the regulations ap-

plied to roads and the capacity to enforce them, the driving skills and the mentality

of the drivers.

In the last years road accidents have increased, leaving tens of millions of peo-

ple injured, disabled, or dead. These events are not only significant because of the

great cost of emergency response and health care services, but because of the devas-

tating implications and great grief suffered by the individuals, families, and whole

communities that have to deal with the aftermath. Lack of safety standards and lax

enforcement of traffic law, drivers that are distracted, fatigued, or under the influ-

ence of drugs or alcohol, speeding and careless driving, among other causes, have

made road traffic injury the leading cause of death for people aged between five

and twenty-nine years (World Health Organization, 2018).

Early deployments of electronic technology for the improvement of road trans-

portation date from at least the 1960s, and very important planning and monitoring

systems were implemented in the 1980s and 1990s, but it’s in the last twenty years

when computer science has entered the transportation world (Auer et al., 2016).

Precise and fast-flowing information for end-users and road administrators can im-

prove the decisions and reduce the cost of the necessary actions to overcome the


arXiv:1908.10187v1 [cs.LG] 15 Aug 2019· universidad autonoma de´ chihuahua facultad de ingenier´ia secretar´ia de investigacion y´ posgrado a machine learning approach for smartphone-based - [PDF Document] (13)


previously mentioned challenges (Moreno et al., 2016). However, developing na-

tions are the most affected by traffic problems, and are frequently less equipped

and have the least resources to mitigate them. Therefore, technological solutions

that can mitigate the problems described above are of particular interest: inexpen-

sive, automatic pavement evaluation for the identification of sections of damaged

road, systems that can improve the coordination and prioritization of repairs, early

warnings for vehicle drivers, insurance telematics that can shape rates to incentivize

safe driving.

This dissertation is concerned with two main problems in road transportation:

road quality assessment, with emphasis in road anomalies, and aggressive driv-

ing. Road anomalies refer to defects in roads (such as potholes, shoving, rutting,

and blowups), or speed reducing elements (including speed bumps and humps),

features of the road that are originated by deviations in its surface and affect the

movement of the vehicles, the flow of traffic, and ride quality. Aggressive driving

collectively covers driving maneuvers that are sudden and increase the risk of ac-

cident, actions such as harsh braking or acceleration, abrupt lane changing, evasive

maneuvers, or producing an erratic trajectory. Specifically, the following tasks are


• Accelerometer-based road anomaly detection. This problem consists on the

inspection of acceleration time series to find anomalous subsequences that

reflect the vibrations of the vehicle when it passes over a road anomaly.

• Road anomaly characterization. It consists on estimating the depth of potholes

(in cm), and the functional condition of speed reducers (i.e. if a speed bump

or a line of metal bumps are, or not, in good condition as to force drivers to

slow down), by analyzing acceleration time series.

• Aggressive driving detection. Acceleration readings are inspected to find se-


arXiv:1908.10187v1 [cs.LG] 15 Aug 2019· universidad autonoma de´ chihuahua facultad de ingenier´ia secretar´ia de investigacion y´ posgrado a machine learning approach for smartphone-based - [PDF Document] (14)


quences of samples that reflect the performance of an aggressive driving ma-

neuver by the driver of a vehicle.

• Aggressive driving classification. Once a subsequence of an acceleration time

series has been found to contain an aggressive driving event, further analysis

is performed to determine the specific type of maneuver performed.

These problems are addressed in the context of Intelligent Transportation Sys-

tems, by using machine learning techniques to automatically find a way to perform

the tasks described above. Smartphones are used as opportunistic sensors, provid-

ing an ubiquitous and low cost data acquisition platform.

1.2 Aims and Objectives

This study is focused on the analysis of techniques for the improvement of the auto-

matic detection and characterization of events relevant to road transportation safety.

Specifically, the creation of features that allow the application of machine learning

algorithms to perform classification, regression, and ranking, over time series with

high variability and high levels of noise.

To achieve these, the following objectives were established:

• Analyze and explore previous approaches that deal with road anomaly de-

tection, to establish the state of the art from the incohesive literature on the


• Design a feature vector with high discriminative power, low computational

cost, and low dimensionality for the detection of road anomalies to remove

the need for threshold heuristics.

• Study and design machine learning strategies for a highly granular inference

of the severity of potholes.


arXiv:1908.10187v1 [cs.LG] 15 Aug 2019· universidad autonoma de´ chihuahua facultad de ingenier´ia secretar´ia de investigacion y´ posgrado a machine learning approach for smartphone-based - [PDF Document] (15)


• Study the viability of condition assessment for speed reducers, to identify

those that have lost effectiveness to perform their intended purpose.

• Study automatic feature extraction techniques based on subsequence regular-

ization for the task of aggressive maneuver classification.

1.3 Contributions

In Chapter 4, the state of the art for accelerometer-based road anomaly detection is

determined by directly confronting the methods proposed in the most widely cited

works in the literature, over the same data and evaluated with the same methodol-

ogy. This is the first time such comparison has been performed.

A vector of twelve features that applies the detection criteria of the threshold

based detectors was proposed as an alternative to the surveyed methods, obtaining

superior results in terms of F-score, and being considered as equal or better after

a critical difference analysis. In Chapter 7, an alternative of similar functionality is

presented: a vector with eight features for the separation of acceleration time series

in three categories: those that reflect normal driving conditions, those in which an

aggressive maneuver was present, and those capture while the vehicle passed over

a road anomaly. The work on this topic found in in Chapter 4 was published in

Carlos et al. (2018) and Aragon et al. (2016).

A feature vector containing time and frequency domain descriptors is presented

in Chapter 5 as an effective representation over which Machine Learning based tech-

niques can be used for the characterization of road anomalies. Pothole depth esti-

mation was achieved with 22% relative error by means of regression, and 0.89 AUC

was obtained for the classification of shallow and deep potholes. A new approach

is also introduced: applying the learning to rank paradigm to obtain a function ca-

pable of sorting a list of time series reflecting potholes by their estimated depth. For


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this task, a Kendall tau coefficient of 0.34 was the best result.

The bag of words methodology was found to be an effective automatic feature

extraction for the problems of detection and classification of aggressive driving ma-

neuvers. As detailed in Chapter 6, this representation can outperform state of the

art proposals that rely on hand-crafted feature vectors. SAX and bag of features,

two methodologies that share some similarities, were also evaluated to compare

classification results with techniques based on subsequence similarity and conven-

tional summarization, finding that the first have more discriminative power when it

comes classifying specific types of event. These findings were published in Carlos,

Gonzalez, et al. (2019).

A pipeline that performs the tasks addressed in this dissertation is proposed and

evaluated in Chapter 7. It combines the findings and insights that resulted from

this research, and serves as a guide for the creation of road transport evaluation

platforms, managing to extract information about the state of the roads and the

driving style of their users.

1.4 Products of this study

The following lists present the articles in which parts of this dissertation have been

published, submitted for publication, and/or presented in conferences, interna-

tional as well as domestic.

1.4.1 Peer Reviewed Journals

• Carlos, M. R. Gonzalez, L. C., Wahlstrom, J. J., Cornejo, R. & Martınez, F.

(2019). Becoming smarter at characterizing potholes and speed bumps from smart-

phone data – introducing a second-generation problem. (Manuscript under review

in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing) Carlos, Gonzalez, et al. (2019)


arXiv:1908.10187v1 [cs.LG] 15 Aug 2019· universidad autonoma de´ chihuahua facultad de ingenier´ia secretar´ia de investigacion y´ posgrado a machine learning approach for smartphone-based - [PDF Document] (17)


• Carlos, M. R., Gonzalez, L. C. Wahlstrom, J. J., Ramırez, G. Martınez, F. &

Runger, G. (2019). How smartphone accelerometers reveal aggressive driving

behavior – The key is the representation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Trans-

portation Systems. (Advance online publication) doi: 10.1109/tit*.2019.2926639

Carlos, Gonzalez, et al. (2019)

• Carlos, M. R., Aragon, M. E., Gonzalez, L. C. Escalante, H. J., & Martınez, F.

(2018, oct). Evaluation of detection approaches for road anomalies based on

accelerometer readings – addressing who’s who. IEEE Transactions on Intelli-

gent Transportation Systems, 19(10), 3334-3343. doi: 10.1109/tit*.2017.2773084

Carlos et al. (2018)

• Gonzalez, L. C., Moreno, R., Escalante, H. J., Martınez, F. & Carlos, M. R.

(2017, nov). Learning roadway surface disruption patterns using the bag of

words representation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,

18(11), 2916-2928. doi: 10.1109/tit*.2017.2662483 Gonzalez et al. (2017)

1.4.2 Conferences

• Carlos, M. R., Martınez, F., Cornejo, R., & Gonzalez, L. C. (2017). Are android

smartphones ready to locally execute intelligent algorithms? In Advances in

soft computing (pp. 15-25) Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-

3-319-62428-0 2 Carlos et al. (2017)

• Carlos, M. R., Gonzalez, L. C., Martınez, F., & Cornejo, R. (2016). Evaluat-

ing reorientation strategies for accelerometer data from smartphones for ITS

applications. In Ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligence (pp. 407-418).

Springer International Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-48799-1 45 Carlos

et al. (2016)


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• Aragon, M. E., Carlos, M. R., Gonzalez, L. C., & Escalante, H. J. (2016). A ma-

chine learning pipeline to automatically identify and classify roadway surface

disruptions. In Proceedings of the sixteenth Mexican international conference on

computer science – ENC’16. ACM Press. doi: 10.1145/3149235.3149238 Aragon et

al. (2016)

1.4.3 Data and Code

The data collected for the experiments presented in this document, and the source

code for their implementations are available at the following URLs:

1.5 Document Outline

The rest of this document is organized as follows: Chapter 2 presents background

information about the general area of study and some terminology, after which the

state of the art is summarized for the three main problems addressed in this study.

Chapter 3 deals with the problem of aligning the axes of the sensors in a smartphone

with those of the vehicle inside which it is placed, a non-trivial correction required

to give spatial meaning to the signals collected from opportunistic sensing.

The detection of road anomalies is addressed in Chapter 4, by means of threshold-

based methods and machine learning algorithms applied to vertical acceleration.

Chapter 5 deals with the estimation of the depth of potholes and the condition of

speed reducers, by applying classification, regression, and ranking techniques on

different features extracted in the time and frequency from acceleration time series,

their first derivative, and their first two integrals. The detection of risky driving by

exploiting different representations is covered in Chapter 6.


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Finally, Chapter 7 presents a pipeline in which all of the previous problems are

simultaneously addressed, followed by recommendations derived from the conclu-

sions of this study.


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Chapter 2

Background and State of the Art

2.1 Intelligent Transportation Systems

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is an area of study that integrates telecom-

munications, electronics, and information technology with transportation engineer-

ing to plan, design, operate, maintain, and manage transportation systems, aiming

to increase their efficiency and safety, and allowing the flow of information between

transportation management entities and road users while reducing the environmen-

tal impact. Governments (Council of European Union, 2010) and professional asso-

ciations (The Intelligent Transportation Society of America, 2019) see opportunities

in the development of such systems to save lives, improve mobility, productivity,

and quality of life.

Even if ITS deals with all modes of transport, road transportation is the most

widely discussed (Xu et al., 2016), and the most visible modality. It is easy to

see some ITS already in use, such as adaptive cruise control, collision avoidance

and parking assistance systems, offered in vehicles manufactured in recent years.

More complex systems are still being developed, aiming to fuse measurements

and information from sources as varied as vehicles, pedestrians, and even infras-


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tructure, to make inferences about the context and provide information to prevent

and detect collisions, mitigate traffic, detect impaired drivers, score and improve a

drivers’ skills, or evaluate the condition of infrastructure (Engelbrecht et al., 2015;

Wahlstrom et al., 2017).

Because of the complexity of these tasks, ITS is very related to other paradigms

and areas of study, like the Internet of Things, a paradigm that considers an envi-

ronment full of sensors, mobile devices and radio-frequency tags that interact and

cooperate with each other to reach common goals (Giusto et al., 2010). Machine

Learning is also of great importance for ITS, providing algorithms and models to

make computers extract some meaning out of the contextual data and then be able

to make predictions and take decisions, employing expertise gained in Natural Lan-

guage Processing, Computer Vision, Signal Processing and Data Mining.

2.2 Road Roughness

Many terms are used to describe defects in roads, and some times they are consid-

ered equivalent in the ITS literature. This lax terminology complicates the discus-

sion and comparison of the different approaches in the literature for road anomaly

detection. This lack of common terminology has been addressed in civil engineer-

ing, and manuals with standard terms and descriptions have been written for road

professionals. However, this information is not as widely disseminated in the ITS

community. A summary of this terminology is now presented as a reference.

Roughness is one of the most intuitive ways to describe road condition, and is

defined as “the deviations of a pavement surface from a true planar surface with

characteristic dimensions that affect vehicle dynamics, ride quality, dynamic loads,

and pavement drainage” (Bennett et al., 2007), and the International Roughness

Index (IRI) is the most widely accepted metric in civil engineering to measure it.


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This index quantifies unevenness by measuring total vertical displacement per unit

of traveled distance (e.g., m/km) (Pierce et al., 2013). This kind of metric reflects the

general condition of a road segment, but does not deal with the number, location,

severity, or type of individual defects found in the road.

An individual road anomaly is a small segment of road in which such deviation

is found, and different types are discussed in civil engineering. Among these are

distress features such as potholes, dropoffs, blowups, rutting, shoving, or joint and

manhole cover deficiencies (Miller & Bellinger, 2014). Traffic calming devices such

as speed bumps, speed humps, speed cushions, speed slots (Johnson & Nedzesky,

2004), metal, plastic, or ceramic bumps (Cactus Traffic, 2019), are also considered as

road anomalies in this work. Table 2.1 summarizes the definitions and characteris-

tics for the above mentioned types of anomalies.

2.3 Mobile Sensing

Mobile sensing refers to the usage of sensing devices that are not fixed to a specific

location, that can move with a person, vehicle, or object of interest. It can be consid-

ered a branch of the mobile computing movement (Yan & Chakraborty, 2014, pp.

1-5), and for a long time was mostly practiced by creating ad hoc sensing platforms

assembled from an array of individual electronic components, some times paired

with handheld PCs (Choudhury et al., 2008), and frequently requiring researchers

to work with purpose specific operating systems (Strazdins et al., 2010).

Materializing some of the visions of the ubiquitous computing movement (Weiser,

1999), sensor-equipped mobile phones quickly established a new mobile sensing

paradigm (mobile phone sensing, also called smartphone-based sensing) in the

2000s because of the standardized nature of their APIs and components, their pro-

cessing, storage, and networking capabilities (Padmanabhan, 2008). These devices


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Table 2.1: Characteristics of some road anomalies.

Anomaly Characteristics Dimensions

Metal, plastic, orceramic bumps

Hard half spheres, installed for signalingor speed reducing

Diameter: 10-20cm, Height: 4-8cm

Speed bumpsAsphalt, concrete, plastic, metal, orrubber raised areas with circular, orparabolic profiles

Length: 30-90cm, Height: 7-10cm

Speed humpsAsphalt or concrete raised areas withcircular, parabolic, or flat-topped profiles

Length: 3-4 m,Height: 7-10 cm

Speed cushionsRaised areas across the road with 30+ cmseparations

Width: 1-2 m,Length: 3 m

Speed slotsRaised areas across the road with 30+ cmseparations

Width: 2 m,Length: 3-4 m

Potholes Bowl-shaped holes in pavement surface

Diameter: 15+cm, Depth: 2.5+cm, Area: 0.02+m2

DropoffsDifference in elevation resulting fromnon-uniform settling of material layers

Height: 1+ cm

RuttingLongitudinal surface depression in thewheel path

Depth: 1+ cm

Shoving Vertical displacement of pavement Height: 1+ cm

Patches Area of replaced or added materialArea: 0.1+ m2,Height: 1+ cm

Joint andmanhole coverdeficiencies

Cracking, breaking, chipping, fraying ofslab edges

Height: 1+ cm

BlowupsLocalized upward movement of materialat transverse joints, loose fragments

not only offered clear technical benefits, but also came with a very quick adoption

as an everyday item among the general population (Lane et al., 2010). Currently,

over three billion smartphones (Kooistra, 2018) and 5.7 billion mobile broadband

subscriptions (Jejdling, 2018) are considered to be in active use. Smartphone-based


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sensing is now so common that it is frequently assumed when the term mobile sens-

ing is used, even if it is not the only mobile sensing alternative. Among the sensors

that can be found inside smartphones are accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetome-

ters, thermometers, barometers, hygrometers, global navigation satellite system re-

ceivers, cameras, and microphones (Android Open Source Project, 2019).

Two modalities can be identified when mobile devices are used as sensing nodes:

participatory, and opportunistic. Participatory sensing gets its name from the fact

that users of the mobile phones are directly involved in the sensing process, per-

forming direct action or making decisions about what data is collected and when.

On the other hand, opportunistic sensing leaves to software in the mobile device the

specific sensing actions and decisions, leaving the owner of the device free to per-

form normal daily activities without being concerned with data acquisition tasks

(Khan et al., 2013).

Of particular interest for ITS are smartphone-based vehicle telematics, an appli-

cation of mobile sensing in which data collection is performed by mobile devices

from inside moving vehicles, and transmitted by means of mobile networks. This

form of sensing can be considered superior to sensors fixed to vehicles, not just be-

cause it is easier and cheaper to deploy, scale, and upgrade the sensing platform,

but because it allows a two-way communication channel, allowing to provide some

form of instantaneous feedback to the drivers (Wahlstrom et al., 2017).

The benefits of mobile sensing do not come without challenges, and among the

most relevant we can find:

• the low quality of sensors, since their intended purpose is to offer interaction

capabilities at a low cost and not high precision measurements;

• unpredictable orientation of the sensors’ axes and location of the device itself,

because users interact with the devices in many different ways during their


arXiv:1908.10187v1 [cs.LG] 15 Aug 2019· universidad autonoma de´ chihuahua facultad de ingenier´ia secretar´ia de investigacion y´ posgrado a machine learning approach for smartphone-based - [PDF Document] (25)


daily activities;

• noise in the readings, both from the sensors themselves and from the some

times unpredictable interaction of the users with the device;

• battery drain, caused by the extra usage of the sensors, CPU, and wireless

networks by the sensing applications (Wahlstrom et al., 2017).

Even if the accelerometers on smartphones are by no means of high precision,

their performance is comparable with specialized sensors for low frequency excita-

tions (≤20 Hz) (De Dominicis et al., 2014), which correspond to most of the phenom-

ena of interest for ITS. The receptors for Global navigation satellite systems (such as

Global Positioning System (GPS), Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS),

and Galileo) allow us to get an approximate location, speed and direction of travel

from smartphones, and the widely deployed Assisted-GPS allows us to get location

estimates faster than with conventional receivers (Bierlaire et al., 2013). However,

the usual expected error in location estimates (<10 m) might be increased by build-

ings in urban settings because constructions can prevent a direct line of sight of the

constellation of satellites of the navigation system, and might create reflections of

a satellite’s signal (Miura et al., 2015). These problems are well known, and there

are proposals for methods to simulate the expected error (Giofre et al., 2017), cluster

locations to minimize the effect of noisy data (Strutu & Popescu, 2014), or attempt

to reduce the error in location with more advanced methods (Bo et al., 2013; Miura

et al., 2015).


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(a) (b)

Figure 2.1: Coordinate systems used by the Android API for a) for mobile devices, and b) automotiveimplementations. Arrows show the positive direction for each axis. Source: Android Open SourceProject, accessed 2019-01-19,

2.4 Time Series Fundamentals for ITS

2.4.1 Sensor Reorientation

The accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers found in Android smartphones

report their readings in a coordinate system with three orthogonal axes (X , Y , and

Z) assigned in a convention, shown in Figure 2.1(a), that is relative to the mobile

device and is not changed by interaction with the device. When data is being cap-

tured, each of the above mentioned sensors returns a vector in three dimensions

that correspond to these axes.

A similar coordinate system can also be assigned to a vehicle in order to model

its movement. The convention used in this text for the axes of a vehicle is the one

defined in the Android automotive implementation, shown in Figure 2.1(b). In this

convention the meaning of the axes, from the perspective of the driver of the vehicle,

is as follows: X is the lateral axis (i.e. left-right), Y is the longitudinal axis (i.e.

backward-forward), and Z is the vertical axis (i.e. down-up).

It is possible to place a smartphone inside a car and use the mobile device as an

inertial measurement unit (IMU) to acquire data about the movement of the vehicle.

However, in order to make sense of the reported readings, the axes of the sensors

must be aligned with the axes of the vehicle. Axes are said to be aligned if the angle


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between each axis of the sensor and each of the corresponding axes of the vehicle

is zero, and are otherwise considered unaligned. If, for example, the Z axis of the

sensors and the vehicle is properly aligned and there is a misalignment of 135º for

the Y axis, the accelerations for an event of forward acceleration in a straight line

for the vehicle will be interpreted as breaking and turning to the right from the data

collected in the smartphone.

Given that unaligned sensors are to be expected most of the time for opportunis-

tic sensing (because smartphones are frequently manipulated by their users and the

position and orientation of the devices cannot be assumed under normal day-to-day

usage), the issue of correcting sensor orientation becomes very relevant.

Reorientation (i.e. taking values from one frame of reference and expressing

them in another) is possible by means of a linear transformation, as demonstrated

by Euler’s rotation theorem. This theorem states that, regardless of how a coordi-

nate system is rotated, it is always possible to find an axis in space about which

a rotation of the initial values ends at the final, desired, orientation (Bar-Itzhack,

1989). This transformation can be expressed as three successive rotations (Kuipers,

1999, pp. 83-84 ) and there are different possible conventions, because the same

transformation can be accomplished with different rotation matrices applied in dif-

ferent orders (Goldstein et al., 2001, pp. 150-151, 607-610). One such convention is

now described.

Consider two coordinate systems, namely the device frame of reference (x, y, z)

and the vehicle frame of reference (x′, y′, z′). We can transform the first, reflect-

ing what the smartphone sensed, into the second, that corresponds to the standard

frame of reference of the car, by means of the rotation matrix R:


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= R





R is the product of three rotation matrices: R = Rz ×Ry ×Rx, where

Rx =

1 0 0

0 cosβ − sinβ

0 sinβ cosβ

, Ry =

cosα 0 − sinα

0 1 0

sinα 0 cosα

, Rz =

cosϕ sinϕ 0

− sinϕ cosϕ 0

0 0 1


From these equations we can see that three angles are required to perform the

rotation: α, β, and ϕ, which correspond to roll, pitch, and yaw, respectively. The

first two values can be easily extracted considering acceleration readings of a smart-

phone (a) and gravity (g), as follows:

α = arcsin(ax/g), β = arcsin(ay/g) (2.3)

If we are only interested in performing vertical reorientation (that is, only ex-

tracting the vertical component of acceleration from the three axes without caring

for the orientation of the two other axes), we can consider ϕ = 0. In this case, the

values of x′ and y′ will still be in the smartphone’s frame of reference and might

not reflect the experience of the driver of the car. If we are interested in readings

for the longitudinal and lateral axes that match the experience of the persons inside

the vehicle, we need to determine the value of ϕ. This is not a trivial calculation

and different procedures reported in the literature to estimate this angle, along with

their limitations, are addressed in Chapter 3.

Given that most of the time the strongest acceleration experienced in a vehi-

cle comes from gravity, the vertical component of all accelerations detected by the


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sensors can be approximated with the Euclidean norm of the values in the three

axes (Jain et al., 2012), a simpler and faster calculation if we are only interested in

acceleration in the vertical axis:

z′ ≈√x2 + y2 + z2 (2.4)

2.4.2 Time Series Representations

Time series are collections of observations registered chronologically. They present

challenges for analysis because of their high dimensionality, the large size of the

volume of data that conforms it, the speed at which data collections are updated,

and the noise present in them. A fundamental problem in time series analysis is

how to represent them, finding approaches to project them into different domains,

frequently with lower dimensionality, that are more suitable for tasks such as clus-

tering, classification, and regression (Fu, 2011).

Filtering is a very common first step in time series feature extraction, although

not mandatory. Mathematical transformations are applied to remove unwanted

noise and isolating useful components in data sequences. Some of the most com-

monly used filters come from analog signal processing: low-pass, high-pass, band-

pass, Butterworth, Chebyshev, and Bessel filters (Schlichtharle, 2011, pp. 19-64),

with the first three being more commonly used for IMU data from smartphone sens-

ing in ITS applications. These filters remove low or high frequency components,

which are assumed to not provide useful information in other bands. Moving aver-

age and moving median filters, based on replacing each data point with the mean

or median of neighboring data points (Smith, 1999, pp. 277-282), are also commonly


After filtering comes the application of sliding windows, shown in Figure 2.2.

A window is defined as a subsequence of data points in a time series, and sliding


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refers to starting and terminating those subsequences at a regular number of indices

in the series. With sliding windows it is possible to discretize a long time series into

subsequences of fixed length, producing patterns that can be considered as derived

from sine curves (Fu, 2011). Window length depends on the specific sampling fre-

quency and task that is being performed, and in some cases windows overlap is

desired. Overlap occurs when two windows share a number of data points because

the interval at which sliding windows are extracted is less than the number of data

points in the window. This practice increases the number of windows to process,

but also increments the probabilities of not truncating the important patterns. If the

time series is not too long for the desired application, it can be considered in its en-

tirety as one window. Further processing for time series often occurs at the window


Figure 2.2: Examples of sliding windows with lengths of three elements, with and without overlap-ping.

Centering and scaling are preprocessing techniques used to regularize data sets

that contain time series (or windows) with different scales and ranges, with notice-

able outliers or presenting heteroscedasticity. A simple way to perform a correction

is by calculating the mean (x) and standard deviation (σ) of the elements in the time

series ({x0 . . . xn}), and then transforming all data points as xi = (xi − x)/σ. More

complex strategies exist in which least squares analysis is performed over the data

set, and each data point is then expressed in terms of the results. Among the benefits


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of centering and scaling are: reduced complexity of the models required to process

the time series, improved fit to the data, avoidance of numerical problems (Bro &

Smilde, 2003).

Different measures calculated over windows, both from the time and frequency

domains, can be used as features to represent them for further analysis. Among

the most frequently used we can find: mean, median, standard deviation, range,

maximum value, minimum value, root mean square, trapezoidal integral, zero-

crossings, signal magnitude area, signal vector magnitude, jerk profile, differen-

tial signal vector magnitude, DC component, spectral energy, information entropy,

dominant frequency (Figo et al., 2010).

The calculation of these features transforms a series of data points into single

numbers, summarizing some aspect of the whole window. More detailed analysis

can be performed on the output of the Fourier or short-time Fourier transforms, fo-

cusing on specific bands in the frequency domain. An alternative is provided by

wavelets, which project their input onto a set of basis functions that are not sinu-

soidals and allow analysis at different resolution levels but also preserving temporal

information (Barford et al., 1992). The spectral (or detail) coefficients are used indi-

vidually (at all or specific levels of analysis), or combined by addition or some other

operations (Figo et al., 2010), and multiple coefficients from analysis at different lev-

els can be combined to obtain features from signals (Diab et al., 2012).

Another approach to define features for time series is some form of comparison

in the time domain. This can be done, for example, with the Pearson correlation

coefficient or the cross-correlation of a time series with respect to another (Figo et

al., 2010). Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) is a shape similarity metric that allows

two time series of different length to be compared by using dynamic programming

to find the best possible alignment (Petitjean et al., 2011). Other metrics can also

be used, like the Mahalanobis distance (Prekopcsak & Lemire, 2012), to establish


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similarities among time series in a data set.

A simple approach for dimensionality reduction is Piecewise Aggregate Ap-

proximation (PAA), in which n neighboring data points in a window form a word

and are represented by their mean value, essentially producing an approximation of

the original series with a linear combination of box functions (Keogh et al., 2001). If

the number of possible box functions is restricted tom amplitude values (the alpha-

bet size), the output of PAA can be discretized to produce a piecewise representa-

tion of a time series that uses an alphabet of sizem; this approach is called Symbolic

Aggregate Approximation (SAX) (Lin et al., 2003; Senin & Malinchik, 2013). Once

a time series is converted to a string of symbols, it becomes possible to apply text

processing algorithms. Figure 2.3 shows a time series, along its PAA representation.

Figure 2.3: A plot for a time series, along its PAA representation using a word size of 10 and alphabetsize of 7.

This idea of finding discrete entities is extended by the concept of a shapelet,

a subsequence in a time series that is representative of the event of interest (Ye

& Keogh, 2009). This concept links a visual idea, a shape that can be seen when

plotting data, with a time series reflecting something that is not related to visual

information. A sequence of such discrete elements can be then treated like text, as a


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sequence of symbols.

A time series can be split in windows of size L and each window can be then

considered as a vector with L dimensions. By means of clustering, a set of K cen-

troids can be found, and a concatenation of those centroids (that can be considered

shapelets) approximates the original time series. The centroids found are expected

to be more representative of the data points they replace than their mean value,

used in representations such as SAX, or some other descriptor. This centroid-based

approach has been successfully combined in the bag of words methodology for time

series classification (J. Wang et al., 2013), by first learning regularized segments of

time series (fitting) and then allowing to represent new signals (encoding) using

only the learned elements. Figure 2.4 describes the bag of words model.

Given the high noise content frequently found in time series data (Lin et al.,

2012), random sampling has been applied to attempt to extract representative shapelets

with the Bag of Features approach (Baydogan et al., 2013), in which multiple sub-

sequences of random length are selected from random locations, and then regular-

ized with a Random Forest. Both the centroid-based based bag of words and the

bag of features methodologies transform a time series into a histogram representa-

tion that indicates the frequency of the learned shapelets in the time series being

transformed, a technique commonly used for natural language processing.

2.4.3 Machine Learning Tasks

Machine learning deals with the algorithms and statistical models that computers

can use to solve problems without being programmed to specifically run the solu-

tion. Among the most common tasks performed with these techniques are classi-

fication, regression, and ranking, under a supervised scheme (analyzing examples

for which the right result is known, and adjusting the model to produce the desired



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Figure 2.4: Application of the two stages of a Bag of Words model. In the first stage (fitting): A) acollection of time series is split in segments of length L. B) all segments are considered as points inan L-dimensional space, and a clustering algorithm is used to find K clusters. C) The centroids of theclusters are considered as codewords, collectively forming a codebook. In the second stage (encoding): D)each signal is split in segments of length L. E) each window is represented as a codeword by findingthe nearest previously determined centroid, converting the time series to a sequence of codewords.F) a histogram is calculated for this sequence of codewords, a vector of K dimensions containing thenumber of times each codeword is required to recreate the original time series.


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In the case of classification, a function φ is found from pairs of examples (xi, yi)

in which x are feature vectors in m dimensions and y are discrete values that repre-

sent the class of each example. The intention is to be able to predict the unknown

class to which new feature vectors are associated. The process for regression is sim-

ilar, except that the function’s output is not discrete, but continuous.

Ranking is a different task in which the input for the function is a list of feature

vectors, and the output is a permutation of the input vectors, now with a different

order. This function is found by analyzing list examples that present this order,

and can be done with a point-wise approach, by using the output of a regressor or

classifier for one sample as the ordinal score for the ranking. Another possibility, a

pair-wise approach, is done by training a classifier that takes as input two feature

vectors, and its two possible output labels indicate if the first or second element

in the pair has the higher ordinal score, or not. This classifier can be used as a

comparison function to be applied in a sorting algorithm, to produce a list with the

desired order (Rigutini et al., 2011).

2.4.4 Evaluation Metrics

An important part of the machine learning process is the evaluation of the proposed

model, in which the suitability of the learned function for the specific task is quan-

tified with metrics. Given that most of the time only a limited amount of data is

available for model development, a technique used to ensure that the model is gen-

eral enough to produce good results on an independent data set is the statistical

analysis of the metrics obtained with cross-validation.

Cross-validation consists on splitting data in two sets with no intersection: a

training set, used to train the model, and a testing set, used to evaluate its per-

formance. This process of splitting data is repeated several times, and statistical

analysis is performed on the metrics calculated with the testing samples. Multiple


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cross-validation techniques are found in the literature, such as shuffled splits and

k-fold, both in their regular and stratified variants (Arlot & Celisse, 2010).

Shuffled splits produce random permutations of the elements in the data set,

which are then split in sets assigned for training and testing, frequently leaving

20% or more of the elements in the last group. K-fold divides the data set in K

groups, performing training and testingK times, each time designating one of these

k groups for testing and using the rest of the data for training. In the stratified

versions the total percentage of samples in the data set for each class is preserved in

both the training and testing sets.

Different learning metrics exist for the most typical supervised learning tasks of

classification, regression, and ranking, allowing to quantify different characteristics

of the performance for the evaluated method. Descriptions for the metrics used in

the rest of the document are now presented.

For Classification

The metrics used for classification tasks are frequently discussed in terms of binary

classification, but can be extended to a multiclass scenario. Two outputs are possible

for binary classification of an item: positive, if the item belongs to the target class,

and negative if it doesn’t (which is the same as saying that it belongs to the other


Once a classification function has being established from training data, it is ap-

plied to a set of testing examples (for which the correct output is known, but of

which the classifier has no knowledge). A prediction is made for each element in

the testing set, and the output is compared to the known correct answer (ground

truth), with four possible outcomes. A binary prediction is considered a true posi-

tive (TP) if both the prediction and the real known class a sample indicate that the

sample belongs to the target set; a true negative (TN) is when both the prediction


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and ground truth indicate that the sample does not belong to the target set; when

the prediction is negative (the sample does not belong to the target set) but the cor-

rect answer is that the sample does belong to the target set, a false negative (FN)

occurs; the fourth possibility, false positive (FP), is that the sample does not belong

to the target set, but the prediction indicated that it does. Some common metrics

for the evaluation of binary classification, based on the balance of the four possible

outcomes, are now described:

• Accuracy: the proportion of correct results (both TP and TN) among the total

of examined cases.

Accuracy =TP + TN

TP + FN + FP + FN(2.5)

• Sensitivity: the proportion of TP that are correct; also known as true positive

rate, or recall.

Sensitivity =TP

TP + FN(2.6)

• Specificity: the proportion of actual negatives that are correctly identified.

Specificity =TN

TN + FP(2.7)

• Precision: the proportion of TP out of the total number of detections.

Precision =TP

TP + FP(2.8)

• F-measure: also known as F1-score, the harmonic mean of precision and sen-


F1 =2TP

2TP + FP + FN(2.9)


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• G-means: the root of the product of class-wise sensitivity. It is used when

there is imbalance in the number of examples for each class, and penalizes

results when the classifier is better at positive over negative examples, and

vice versa (Kubat & Matwin, 1997).

G =


(TP + FN)× TN

(TN + FP )(2.10)

• AUC: Area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. Reflects

the degree of separability between classes at all levels of the decision thresh-

olds, in terms of probability.

AUC =1



TP + FN+



), (2.11)

For Regression

Since regression output is continuous, the metrics used to evaluate it focus on quan-

tifying the difference between the predictions (y) and the expected values (y).

• Relative error: The average of errors as a ratio of the expected value.

RE =1


∣∣∣yi − yiyi

∣∣∣ (2.12)

• Root-mean-square error: The magnitude of the average error, in the same

units of the target value.




(yi − yi



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• Coefficient of determination: The extent to which the variance of the variable

of interest is predictable. For this metric a value between 0 and 1 indicates

the extent to which unknown examples will be correctly predicted; zero and

negative values indicate poor prediction.

R2(yi, yi) = 1−∑n

i=1 (yi − yi)2∑ni=1 (yi − y)2

, (2.14)

For Ranking

In the case of ranking, a possible way to quantify the quality of the output of a

ranking proposal is to measure the discrepancies between its output and the the

desired order.

• Kendall rank correlation coefficient (τ ): The proportion of different pairs be-

tween two ordered sets (Salkind, 2007). P is the number of concordant pairs,

Q is the number of discordant pairs, T is the number of ties only in the first

list, and U is the number of ties only in the second list (a tie is not counted if

it occurs in both lists)

τ =P −Q√

(P +Q+ T ) ∗ (P +Q+ U)(2.15)

2.5 Road Anomaly Detection and Classification

The usage of mobile sensing to indirectly estimate road roughness dates from at

least 2001, when attempts were made to correlate low speeds of timber hauling

trucks to poor road quality (Forslof & Jones, 2015). This initial analysis was fol-

lowed by the usage of embedded systems equipped with GPS, cellular network

communication, and high-resolution accelerometers placed at the rear axle of a ve-

hicle to analyze vibrations and determine the condition of roads. That system was


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70% correct when compared to the average results of subjective visual inspections

performed by experts, and was considered a cheaper alternative to other proce-

dures (Forslof & Jones, 2015). By 2002, proposals for the use of wireless networks

for vehicle telemetry start to appear, focusing on the detection of shocks (produced

by potholes or the unexpected release of load) in industrial and commercial trans-

port vehicles (Rouillard, 2002). In 2008, Fourier analysis was used to calculate the

power spectral density function of the surface of roads from fixed accelerometers

installed in a fleet of vehicles. This analysis allowed to classify the overall condition

of segments of roads as very good, good, or poor, with a more detailed investigation

(requiring specialized equipment and personnel) being necessary for roads found

to be in poor shape (Gonzalez et al., 2008).

The detection and classification of individual road anomalies was first addressed

by Eriksson et al. (2008). Their proposed system uses an embedded computer to

record GPS coordinates and the readings of vertical and lateral acceleration pro-

vided by accelerometers fixed inside the cabin. Data was analyzed by applying a

series of threshold filters to classify time series reflecting smooth road, potholes,

manhole covers, railroad crossings, and expansion joints.

Smartphone-based mobile sensing was first applied for individual road anomaly

detection by Mohan et al. (2008). Among a general evaluation of the capabilities of

smartphones for ITS applications, their work presents detection of potholes and

bumps by means of threshold discriminants. They only address the detection of

anomalies, without detailed classification.

After these seminal works, the literature on road anomaly detection can be navi-

gated by categorizing works in those that use threshold-based algorithms, and those

that employ Machine Learning techniques. In both cases, the objective of the au-

thors was to adjust the parameters of their algorithms and find a transformation for

their data in order to perform detection or classification over their own data sets.


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Threshold-based algorithms can be further subdivided in those that work with raw

data, and those that work with transformations (such as calculating the first or sec-

ond derivative of the data, or some statistical descriptor calculated from a sliding


Among the threshold-based works we find De Silva et al. (2009), who investi-

gated a statistically defined threshold of m times the standard deviation for vertical

acceleration processed with a low-pass filter for pothole detection. Sebestyen et

al. (2015) applied a simple moving average filter to tridimensional acceleration to

detect bumps and potholes. Orhan & Eren (2013) and Fazeen et al. (2012) work

with raw acceleration, but attempt to classify pothole and bumps from raw verti-

cal acceleration data. Yagi (2010) combined vertical and lateral information from

both accelerometers and gyroscopes to detect bumps with a threshold applied to

the standard deviation of windowed signals. Yi et al. (2015) also evaluated thresh-

olds over the standard deviation, but only considering vertical acceleration. Mednis

et al. (2011) investigated different threshold heuristics to detect potholes of differ-

ent sizes, pothole clusters, gaps, and drain pits, without being concerned of the

specific type of anomaly in the road, working on raw vertical acceleration, its first

derivative, and on the standard deviation of sliding windows. J. Wang et al. (2013)

evaluated similar approaches, but only for pothole detection.

Astarita et al. (2012) worked with a series of threshold filters over raw vertical

acceleration to detect multiple types of road anomaly, and later used a high-pass fil-

ter and a custom data-transformation based on the rage of windowed data (Astarita

et al., 2014). Another transformation was tested by Sinharay et al. (2013) for road

anomaly detection, followed by classification as potholes or bumps, using thresh-

olds over the second derivative and standard deviation for low frequency accelera-

tion readings on three axes. Kalra et al. (2014) evaluated the first derivative of low

frequency triaxial acceleration for anomaly detection. Harikrishnan & Gopi (2017)


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worked on detection and classification of bumps and potholes by considering the

maximum of absolute values in lateral and vertical acceleration. A summary of the

characteristics of the previous threshold-based methods is presented in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2: Summary of data characteristics for works employing threshold-based algorithms.

Work Sensors Axes Freq. (Hz) Filter Features

Eriksson et al. (2008) Acc Z, X 380 High-pass Acc.Mohan et al. (2008) Acc Z 310 Acc.De Silva et al. (2009) Acc Z 100 Butterworth Acc.Yagi (2010) Acc, Gyr Z, X 100 Stdev.Mednis et al. (2011) Acc Z, X, Y 26, 74, 52, 98 Acc., stdev, jerkAstarita et al. (2012) Acc Z 5, 100 Acc.Fazeen et al. (2012) Acc Z, X 25 High-pass Acc.Orhan & Eren (2013) Acc Z 40 Acc.Sinharay et al. (2013) Acc Z, X, Y 4-6 Mean, stdev.Astarita et al. (2014) Acc Z 5, 16, 50, 100 High-pass RangeKalra et al. (2014) Acc Z, X, Y 5 JerkSebestyen et al. (2015) Acc Z, X, Y 90 SMA Acc.H. Wang et al. (2015) Acc Z, X, Y 124 Acc., jerk, stdev.Yi et al. (2015) Acc Z 40, 80, 100 Stdev.Harikrishnan & Gopi (2017) Acc Z, X 50 Max-abs Acc.

Among the first applications of machine learning algorithms we find Tai et al.

(2010), applying a SVM over statistical features (mean, range, standard deviation,

maximum, minimum) of triaxial acceleration and speed split with sliding windows

in order to detect potholes, sunk-in manhole covers, and missing pavement. One

of the most robust feature vectors in the literature was presented in Perttunen et al.

(2011), where more than 95 features in the time and frequency domains were clas-

sified by a SVM to detect bumps, speed bumps, and large potholes from normal

road. Other works take similar approaches, producing feature vectors that sum-

marize sliding windows with statistical measures and feeding them into support

vector machines (Bhoraskar et al., 2012; Jain et al., 2012; Mohamed et al., 2015).

Statistical summarization and frequency analysis are the source of most features,

but wavelet-based transformations (common in digital signal processing applica-

tions) have been some times used (Cong et al., 2013; Perttunen et al., 2011; Seraj

et al., 2015). Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (common in speech analysis) also


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have been explored to enrich the calculated representations (Perttunen et al., 2011;

Tecimer et al., 2015). In terms of machine learning algorithms, SVM has been the

classifier of choice, but works using other alternatives exist (Aragon et al., 2016;

Brisimi et al., 2016; Martınez et al., 2014; Silva et al., 2017; Tecimer et al., 2015).

Different techniques have started to be explored in the last years. The bag of

words representation was first applied to road anomaly classification in Gonzalez

et al. (2017), presenting an alternative to the feature vectors described above that

is capable of surpassing their performance with less involvement of the researcher

in the feature engineering process. The fusion and direct comparison of threshold-

based heuristics and machine learning technique were addressed in Carlos et al.

(2018), where an ensemble of detectors is proposed to take advantage of the differ-

ent strengths of the most relevant strategies presented in the literature.

A summary of the algorithms and the most relevant components of the feature

vectors of the works that use machine learning to address the detection and classi-

fication of road anomalies is presented in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3: Summary of characteristics for works employing machine learning algorithms.

Work Sensors Axes Freq. (Hz) Algorithm Features

Tai et al. (2010) Acc Z, X, Y 25 SVM Mean, range, stdev, speed.Perttunen et al. (2011) Acc Z, X, Y 38 SVM 95+, time/freq. domains.Bhoraskar et al. (2012) Acc Z, X, Y 50 SVM Mean, stdev.Jain et al. (2012) Acc Z, X, Y SVM Stdev. mean cross, slope.Cong et al. (2013) Acc Z 38 SVM Wavelet packet decomposition.Seraj et al. (2015) Acc, Gyr Z, X, Y 47, 93 SVM Time/freq. domain, wavelets.Mohamed et al. (2015) Acc, Gyr Z, X SVM Mean, stdev., range.Tecimer et al. (2015) Acc, Gyr, Mag Z, X, Y 50 KNN, RBFN, NB, LMT, MLP, SVM Freq. domain, MFCC.Brisimi et al. (2016) Acc Z, X, Y 50 SVM, RF, LR, Adaboost Stats., freq. domain.Silva et al. (2017) Acc Z, X, Y 50 RF, GB, DT, NN, SVM Stats., integral.Singh et al. (2017) Acc Z 10 DTW Acc.Gonzalez et al. (2017) Acc Z 50 ANN, SVM, RF, KNN, DT, NB, KR Bag of wordsCarlos et al. (2018) Acc Z 50 SVM, Ensemble Mean, stdev, range, thresholds.

2.5.1 Influence of Speed

The effects of speed in the detection of road anomalies are frequently mentioned

in the literature. The simple cases are using the speed reported by GPS sensors to


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decide weather or not the vehicle is in movement, allowing to avoid false positives

caused by passengers getting inside the vehicle or slamming doors (Eriksson et al.,

2008), or assuming that vehicles slow down on roads in bad condition (Forslof &

Jones, 2015). However, more serious implications of vehicle speed have been re-

ported: anomalies can be missed at low speeds (Mednis et al., 2011) and small

anomalies can appear to be more significant than they really are at high speeds

because of high readings of vertical acceleration (Astarita et al., 2012; Eriksson et

al., 2008; Yi et al., 2015), leading to proposals that use different detection strategies

(Mohan et al., 2008) or take speed into account in the calculation or processing of

features (Fazeen et al., 2012; Harikrishnan & Gopi, 2017; Sinharay et al., 2013; Yagi,


Attempts have been made to indirectly address speed dependency, by apply-

ing measures that don’t directly modify the detection strategy. Seraj et al. (2015)

assumed the effect of speed is present in acceleration signals as amplitude modula-

tion, and presented a filter to remove it and improve anomaly detection. Perttunen

et al. (2011) modeled the relationship between speed and inertial data as a trend in

the value of calculated features and attempted to approximate that trend with linear

regression, and then subtracting that trend from the features employed for classi-

fication. Orhan & Eren (2013) used time windows of varying lengths to analyze

acceleration, with the length being reduced as the vehicles go faster.

2.6 Road anomaly profiling

Another possible path for the classification of road anomalies is classifying them

by their dimensions. For example, when describing a pothole, we can focus on

its depth, length, and width, and these more precise characteristics could allow us

to consider it of more or less relevance for drivers and authorities: drivers could


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receive advanced warnings while driving, while transportation agencies would get

more detailed information about road sections in need of repair. The same logic can

be applied for speed bumps, to analyze their height and determine if they are still

working as effective speed reducers, or if they need to be replaced or repaired. Few

examples of this task have been reported in the literature.

Fazeen et al. (2012) mention the estimation of bump height by using physics

equations dealing with displacement, acceleration, and time, reporting that differ-

ent estimates are made at different speeds. They applied a dynamic weight to im-

prove their results, reporting good estimates at 32 km/h. However, they also report

that their method becomes unreliable at low speeds, and that the way in which

the vehicle approaches a bump also affects their results. They hypothesized this

method can be used to estimate pothole depth. However, their characterization of

anomalies was only explored with one example.

A method for pothole depth estimation based on the double integration of ver-

tical acceleration is described in Harikrishnan & Gopi (2017). They consider the

five vertical acceleration samples neighboring the peak that is associated with an

anomaly. This method was evaluated on one pothole and one speed bump, and it

was found that speed had a great impact in their predictions: the best estimations

were made between 15 and 20 km/h, and lower or higher speeds quickly increased

the error.

In Xue et al. (2017), a one degree of freedom vibration model is used to predict

the vertical displacement of the wheel. They assume that the profile of a pothole

can be recovered by modeling the real vibrations of the wheel that falls into it from

acceleration data collected with a smartphone. To solve the equations, information

about the vehicle and the placement of the smartphone are required, along the cap-

tured data. The issue of GPS error and latency is addressed by calculating the time

between when the front and rear wheels pass over the anomaly. They evaluate their


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proposal over a data set collected from 23 different potholes (with 2,760 time series

in total), considering different vehicles, speeds, and sensor placements, achieving

a relative error of 15% for pothole depth, and by means of aggregation manage to

reduce it to 13%.

2.7 Detection of Aggressive Driving Maneuvers

Driver safety has been an important topic for ITS, in particular for insurance telem-

atics, because of the link between aggressive driving maneuvers and traffic acci-

dents (Klauer et al., 2009; Osafune et al., 2016). While speeding and harsh braking

are commonly considered as dangerous driving, frequent or abrupt lane changing

have been associated with aggressive driving, accounting for up to 10% of all vehi-

cle crashes (Lee et al., 2004).

Speeding, the most obvious form of aggressive driving, is easily detected from

the speed estimates reported by a GPS and will not be treated in this text. Other ag-

gressive driving actions have been mostly analyzed through acceleration readings

in the lateral and longitudinal axes of the vehicles, but magnetometers (Castignani

et al., 2015) and gyroscopes have also been considered (Johnson & Trivedi, 2011;

Seraj et al., 2015).

As with road anomaly detection, threshold detectors have been common for

the automatic detection of aggressive driving events (Dai et al., 2010; Eboli et al.,

2016, 2017; Eren et al., 2012; Fazeen et al., 2012). The procedures, some times called

end-point detection, are similar to those used to detect road roughness: a metric,

representative of high energy events, is calculated from acceleration and then a

comparison is made with respect to a threshold value to decide if the event can

be considered as aggressive. An advanced form of these methods is developed in

Vlahogianni & Barmpounakis (2017), by employing the MODLEM algorithm to find


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the minimal set of decision rules that maximizes the discriminative power to detect

harsh acceleration, braking, and cornering.

More refined analysis has been performed to identify the type of aggressive

event, and not just the general occurrence of aggressive driving, by comparing win-

dows of acceleration with previously known examples of maneuvers such as cor-

nering, swerving, braking, accelerating, etc. (Engelbrecht et al., 2015; Saiprasert et

al., 2015).

Machine learning algorithms have been applied for both the detection and clas-

sification of aggressive driving (Hong et al., 2014; Meseguer et al., 2013; Tecimer

et al., 2015; Van Ly et al., 2013), assembling their feature vectors with statistical

data extracted over sliding windows, as well as spectral information. Examples

of these are Zylius (2017), where a handcrafted feature vector containing histogram

features, correlation coefficients, data threshold validation, jerk profile, and spectral

information, to discriminate between safe and aggressive driving; Predic & Sto-

janovic (2015), where feature vectors containing statistical and signal processing

metrics were created to detect lane changes, obstacle avoidance, and harsh braking,

with decision trees. Bejani & Ghatee (2018) made an uncommon proposal, using an

ensemble integrated by a decision tree, a multilayer perceptron, a support vector

machine and a k-nearest neighbor classifier to detect dangerous and safe maneuver.

Once aggressive driving maneuvers are identified, it is possible to assign a score

to a driver to quantify the level of aggressiveness displayed when driving. Such

a task was addressed in Lopez et al. (2018) by applying genetic programming to

produce a scoring function, based on the frequency of different types of aggressive

maneuvers and the relevance of each type of event.


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2.8 Sensor Reorientation

Since smartphones are used as sensing devices for many ITS studies, the orientation

of sensor readings is a very important issue. The simplest approach to solve the dis-

orientation of sensor readings consists on fixing the smartphones to the vehicles in

some way, guaranteeing that the sensors’ axes will align to those of the vehicles and

that data will be referenced in a known convention, but also ensuring that alignment

will not change while data is being acquired. Examples of this are using a holster

(Fazeen et al., 2012), applying adhesive tape to the dashboard (Douangphachanh &

Oneyama, 2013), and fixing the device to the floor of the vehicle (Martınez et al.,


Given the intended purpose and normal usage patterns of mobile phones, it

is not possible to assume that smartphone sensors will be aligned to the vehicle,

or that their orientation will remain constant. It is also not reasonable to expect

that end-users of smartphone-based ITS applications will invariably take action to

ensure their devices are placed in a fixed and known orientation. The alternative is

assuming the orientation of the devices will have to be corrected, employing one of

the procedures described in Section 2.4.1.

The usage of the Euclidean norm of triaxial acceleration has been reported in

Jain et al. (2012), Tecimer et al. (2015), and Sebestyen et al. (2015). Partial reorien-

tation, extracting acceleration in the vertical axis, was used in Astarita et al. (2012),

Orhan & Eren (2013), Astarita et al. (2014), and Singh et al. (2017). This approach

is useful when detecting road anomalies, given that most of the information comes

from the vertical axis, but it is not useful for the detection of driving events that are

mostly reflected in the other axes. In such cases, triaxial reorientation is required.

The estimation of two angles for vertical reorientation can be made with trigono-

metric equations employing acceleration values. However, the third angle is more

complicated, and different approaches have been applied to estimate it.


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Mohan et al. (2008) tried solving an equation to find the direction in which force

is detected when the GPS reports the vehicle is drastically reducing its speed. Prom-

wongsa et al. (2014) and Vlahogianni & Barmpounakis (2017) estimated the missing

rotation angle as the difference between the direction of travel reported by the GPS

and the angle towards true north obtained from the magnetometer.

Bhoraskar et al. (2012) employed Android’s API to reorient smartphone data

first into geographic frame of reference (that is, as if the device’s Y axis pointed

to the geographic north and the X axis was aligned west to east, with the Z axis

pointing corresponding to the vertical), and then use the bearing provided by the

GPS to align the readings with the vehicle’s axes. A similar approach is proposed in

Alasaadi & Nadeem (2016), but using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to find

the angle that best separates longitudinal and lateral acceleration instead of finding

the third rotation angle by magnetic means.

In some works the reorientation procedure is described in terms of Euler angles,

but no mention is made about the estimation of the required angles (H. Wang et al.,



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Chapter 3

Virtual Reorientation of

Smartphone Sensors

3.1 Motivation

Most ITS works assume knowledge of the orientation of the sensors used to acquire

data, and this becomes problematic when smartphones are considered as the main

sensing platform, given that their location inside the vehicle is highly variable under

real-life conditions.

Since the axes of a smartphone used to perform opportunistic sensing usually

do not align with those of the vehicle in which it travels, it is necessary to correct

their orientation by means of a linear transformation. Most works just assume data

to be in a known orientation, and only a few deal with the specifics of how this

transformation is performed. Virtual reorientation refers to a method capable of

producing readings that reflect how a device would have experimented events if

its axes were properly aligned with those of the vehicle, independently of their real


Although different approaches have been proposed for the reorientation of sen-


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sor data obtained from smartphones, it is not clear from the literature if the problem

can be considered as solved, if all the proposals are equivalent, or what kind of error

is to be expected when performing these procedures. As mentioned before, noise,

sensor response, and an unpredictable environment are the norm for opportunistic


This section presents experimental work performed to investigate different re-

orientation strategies used in smartphone-based sensing for ITS applications, focus-

ing on accelerometer data but with results that apply to all on-board inertial sensors,

given that axes are shared among them. Four different proposals for the extraction

of vertical acceleration were evaluated, and the estimation of yaw (the angle of ro-

tation around the axis perpendicular to the floor) required for triaxial reorientation

was attempted with two different methodologies.

3.2 Aims and Objectives

The main objective of this chapter is the evaluation of the sensor reorientation strate-

gies described in the literature, in order to determine if they are a reliable alternative

when data is acquired by means of opportunistic sensing. Reorientation methods

are judged by the similarity between signals captured with sensors known to be

aligned with the vehicle, and reoriented signals that were obtained from unaligned


The secondary objectives are the comparison of the different reorientation strate-

gies, to determine if all are equally functional or if one should be chosen over the

rest, and an estimation of the error to be expected when these transformations are



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3.3 Methodology

3.3.1 Data

Up to six smartphones were placed inside a car to record accelerometer, magne-

tometer, and gyroscope readings with a sampling frequency of 50 Hz. Two devices

were oriented with respect to the car’s axes (reflecting ground truth), and fixed to

a dashboard holder and the console between the frontal seats. The other devices

were placed in the vehicle’s door, a dashboard compartment, and in pockets found

in the trousers and shirt of the driver, with each of these smartphones having at

least one axis with improper alignment with respect to the vehicle. Except for the

devices considered as ground truth, all smartphones were placed freely inside the

vehicle, without being fixed to any surface. The locations and freedom of movement

of the devices were chosen to try to replicate normal usage conditions for everyday


Multiple locations inside the vehicle were used because it was found in prelim-

inary observations that the frequency and influence of noise was dependant on the

placement of the smartphones. For example, high frequency noise is not found in

acceleration signals captured when the devices are placed in the driver’s pockets,

but is very noticeable when data was captured from the door compartments. Mag-

netometers are highly affected by the electrical systems of the cars, and the different

device placements might result in different levels of noise induction.

GPS data was captured at 1 Hz in all devices, including location, direction of

travel (bearing), and speed. The location of a device inside the vehicle could have

some effect on GPS reception, in addition to the known problems caused by the

topography and the buildings in the area.

Two groups of signals captured in the manner described above were used in our

experiments. The first consists of sixty short time series reflecting the acceleration


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data captured when the vehicle passed over asphalt speed bumps. The waveform

for these events is very distinctive, and simplifies evaluating the extraction of verti-

cal acceleration. Twelve time series were considered ground truth, with data prop-

erly oriented, and forty-eight were known to be disoriented. The average length for

the time series was 270 data points (about 5.4 s).

The second group of signals, used to evaluate azimuth estimation, consists of

twenty-five time series and reflects thirteen minutes of driving five times over a 4.8

km predefined route. One device was fixed to a holder in the dashboard, the other

smartphones were placed in the left door compartment, a dashboard compartment,

the driver’s trousers, and on the copilot’s seat. All devices were placed so that their

longitudinal axes (Y) were aligned with the vehicle’s.

A third data set was assembled to specifically address the problem of rotation

around the vertical axis when triaxial reorientation is performed. Four smartphones

were firmly fixed inside a car, two were attached to the dashboard and had their

longitudinal axes oriented with respect to the vehicle’s, and two more were attached

to surfaces in the console and the right door with a disorientation of -90º (cw) and

approximately 135º (cw) with respect to the vehicle’s direction of travel. Data was

collected simultaneously in all four devices (with the same sampling frequencies

as in the previous data sets) over an approximate distance of 2.79 km, at speeds

between zero and eighty km/h (38.7 km/h avg.). There was little to no GPS signal

obstruction or reflection during data collection. The circuit had a difference of about

33 m between the lowest and highest elevation points, and contained four tight

turns. The trajectory of the vehicle is shown in Figure 3.1.

3.3.2 Algorithms

The evaluation of the results of vertical and triaxial reorientation strategies was

done by calculating the Normalized Cross-Correlation (NCC) and the Dynamic


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Figure 3.1: Trajectory and speed of the vehicle for the third data set, in UTM coordinates.

Time Warping (DTW) distance between ground truth and the reoriented versions

of the acceleration signals that were captured in unknown orientations. The NCC

score goes from -1 to 1, with 1 being the best outcome for this test, 0 meaning signals

are not correlated, and a negative value indicating inverse correlation. Zero or low

DTW coefficients indicate a high similarity for the time series when compared with

ground truth.

All acceleration time series were filtered before performing the tests, in order

to remove obvious noise and extract the frequency components that are relevant

for road anomaly and aggressive driving detection. A simple moving average filter

(with a sliding window of ten elements) was used, and then a low-pass filter (α =

0.4) was applied. This filter removes individual random extreme values and most


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of the high frequency noise produced by the vibrations of the engine.

The acceleration signals were also centered to zero mean and scaled by standard

deviation, trying to standardize them and reduce variations caused by the uncali-

brated nature of the sensors. This process also mitigates the influence of the noise

experienced by the devices that were not firmly fixed.

Simultaneous acceleration signals were manually aligned to reduce the effect of

temporal shifting. Because of latencies from the local area network established with

the smartphones, the operating system, and the data capture application, simulta-

neous signals can be significantly shifted (from 20 milliseconds to about a second).

3.4 Experiments and Results

3.4.1 Vertical Reorientation

Four proposals for the extraction of vertical reorientation are considered: those by

Jain et al. (2012), Tundo et al. (2013), Astarita et al. (2012), and Promwongsa et al.

(2014). In the first, the Euclidean norm of triaxial readings is considered as an alter-

native to reorientation, given that it is very close to vertical acceleration. The other

three rely on finding two angles (roll and pitch) to perform rotations around the X

and Y axes of the smartphones sensors. Quaternions are used to obtain a rotation

matrix in (Tundo et al., 2013), while Euler angles are used in Astarita et al. (2012)

and Promwongsa et al. (2014).

The effectiveness of vertical reorientation (i.e. finding the roll and pitch angles to

rotate readings around the X and Y axes of the smartphone as to match the vehicle’s)

was tested by performing the four procedures previously described over data from

the first group of acceleration time series. After that, NCC and DTW were calculated

between pairs of simultaneous signals: a time series reflecting ground truth and the

output of the reorientation procedure. The results are plotted in Figure 3.2.


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Figure 3.2: NCC and DTW by method for vertical reorientation.

In general, the low DTW distances (less than 0.18) between reoriented signals

and ground truth suggests the procedures are effective and that vertical accelera-

tion signals captured with smartphones can be transformed to match those exper-

imented by the vehicle. It can also be seen that the different procedures produce

almost identical results over the same time series.

A one-way ANOVA test (α = 0.01) was applied to the NCC and DTW scores for

the four methods, resulting in no statistically significant differences among them.

Visual inspection of the results confirms all three reorientation alternatives and the

Euclidean norm produce results very similar to ground truth, even with all the noise

and uncertainty associated with the sensors and data employed. Figure 3.3 shows

the reoriented signals and ground truth for the two groups of time series with the


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biggest differences in terms of NCC and DTW. Even for these extreme cases it can

be seen that the reorientation is effective, and that all four alternatives produce very

similar results.

(a) (b)

Figure 3.3: A) Reorientation results with NCC ≈ -0.3 and DTW ≈ 0.042. B) Reorientation results withNCC ≈ 0.25 and DTW ≈ 0.16. Raw reoriented data for both examples.

It can be concluded from this analysis that the evaluated vertical reorientation

proposals, and the usage of the Euclidean norm as a substitute for vertical reorien-

tation, are suitable for ITS applications, and that their results can be considered as

equivalent when analyzing vertical acceleration.

3.4.2 Azimuth Estimation

Azimuth estimation consists on fusing data from magnetometer and accelerometer

to have a compass (Ozyagcilar, 2015) and obtain the angle between the smartphone

and the magnetic north (azimuth). This angle can then be compared with the direc-

tion of travel (bearing), obtained from GPS, to get information about the orientation

of the smartphone with respect to the vehicle in which it travels (Promwongsa et


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al., 2014).

The stability of azimuth estimation was evaluated before testing the reorienta-

tion approach that relies on it, because of the electromagnetic noise created by the

electrical systems of a car and the known sensibility of smartphone magnetometers

to environmental magnetic disturbances (Kang et al., 2012).

It has to be noted that the official Android API documentation states the follow-

ing about the estimation of rotation matrices with the getRotationMatrix method:

”If the device is accelerating, or placed into a strong magnetic field, the returned

matrices may be inaccurate” (Android API Reference, 2019). It is advisable to take

into account the magnetic declination for the zone, as it can be significant in some


The second group of signals described above was used for azimuth estimation.

The direction of travel reported by the GPS was considered as ground truth, given

that it is the most reliable estimate available for the angle of the device with respect

to true north with the available equipment. Because of the length of the time series,

DTW was not calculated and only NCC was used as a metric of similarity. Table 3.1

shows the NCC between bearing and azimuth for each device in each lap around

the circuit. Bearing and azimuth are expected to be very highly correlated, since the

longitudinal axis of each device is aligned with the vehicle’s.

Table 3.1: Normalized Cross-Correlation between azimuth and bearing at each smartphone location.

Lap Loc. 1 Loc. 2 Loc. 3 Loc. 4 Loc. 5

1 0.980 0.051 0.966 0.876 0.7372 0.965 0.206 0.766 0.627 0.7213 0.969 0.504 0.948 0.896 0.4534 0.965 0.206 0.972 0.889 0.8645 0.946 -0.619 0.460 0.795 0.846

NCC shows that both bearing and the estimated azimuth are very similar, except

for the smartphone placed in the left door. Hardware malfunction was assumed as


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the cause for the discrepancies; no further experimentation was done to explain

that anomaly. A one-way ANOVA test with α = 0.01 showed that there are no

statistically significant differences for NCC between locations 1,3,4, and 5.

Figure 3.4 shows an example of estimated azimuth and GPS reported bearing.

Both time series are heavily correlated, but there are sections with noticeable dis-


From these results it can be concluded that azimuth estimation produces accept-

able results, but there are frequent momentary discrepancies between azimuth and

bearing. This discrepancies can be problematic if reorientation is performed with

estimates performed over a short period of time.

Figure 3.4: Calculated azimuth and GPS reported bearing

3.4.3 Triaxial Reorientation

Two procedures for triaxial reorientation are now compared. These procedures

achieve vertical orientation, correcting both pitch and roll as in the previous sec-

tion, but also deal with yaw estimation to rotate signals around the Z axis. The first


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method, by Promwongsa et al. (2014), calculates yaw as bearing minus azimuth,

while the second solves a differential equation to find the correction that aligns the

three-dimensional acceleration vector with the rear of the car when the vehicle ex-

periences a sharp reduction in speed (i.e. braking).

For the evaluation of both approaches, a rotation angle was estimated two times

per second over a period of one minute, and the resulting angles were used to per-

form virtual reorientation of acceleration. Given the effects of noise previously ob-

served (see Figure 3.4), a histogram with 15º bins was calculated over the angle

determined, and the center of the bin with highest count was chosen as the esti-

mate. For the method described in Mohan et al. (2008), the rotation angles were

estimated from the acceleration values in periods of sharp deceleration, found by

visual inspection of plots for speed for the data collection session. The time series

reoriented using both methods were compared to ground truth using the metrics

of NCC and DTW. The results of the comparisons using all the yaw estimates are

shown in Figures 3.5 and 3.6.

In both plots the best possible score is a point in the upper left corner, and it

can be seen that the time series for acceleration in the vertical axis tend to be much

closer to that corner than those for the other two axes. This indicates low similarity

with respect to ground truth for longitudinal and lateral acceleration, due to incor-

rect yaw estimates. Dispersion indicates big variations in the estimated rotations,

and it can be seen that while vertical reorientation was consistently performed, the

reorientation results for the lateral and longitudinal were much less stable.

Knowing that there were errors in yaw estimation, an analysis was performed to

quantify the discrepancies. This was done by manually estimating the correct rota-

tion angle, by visual inspection of the signals and taking into account the placement

of the devices during data capture, managing to get signals to match ground truth.

The previous automatically calculated estimates were compared with the manually


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Figure 3.5: NCC and DTW by axis for compass-GPS based reorientation.

obtained yaw angles to quantify the expected error for the two evaluated methods

of reorientation.

It was found that many estimations have errors of more than 20º for both meth-

ods. This level of error is significant, because it was empirically observed that it

complicates the classification of driving maneuvers. The procedure based on az-

imuth estimation outperformed the second alternative, having between 20% and

40% of the predictions below the ± 20º threshold for all smartphones.

After these findings, further experimentation was performed to address the er-

ror in yaw estimation with bearing and azimuth. Yaw was calculated over the third

data set, considering longer series of readings. It was found that for short time se-

ries of bearing and azimuth, yaw estimation was again highly inconsistent and in


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Figure 3.6: NCC and DTW by axis for accelerometer-GPS based reorientation.

many cases with more than 20º of error; the same for the median values of those pre-

dictions. However, the median values of the estimations over the complete length

of the time series (about four minutes) were correct in all four devices. Table 3.2

presents a comparison of the known disorientation angles and the median of the


Table 3.2: Median yaw estimations over the 4.3 minute circuit.

Device Real angle Median of all estimations.

Device 1 0º 6.11ºDevice 2 0º 5.08ºDevice 3 ≈ 135º (cw) -145.71º (cw)Device 4 -90º (cw) -84.16º (cw)

The conclusion from this study is that triaxial reorientation of smartphone data


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should not be considered as trivial, and that precautions must be taken if these alter-

natives are employed. There is a high probability of significant error for estimations

based on data that only reflects brief periods of time. An aggregation of estimates

made over longer periods of time will provide more reliable results because of the

high levels of noise, low quality and lack of calibration of the sensors, and the un-

controlled nature of opportunistic sensing.

3.5 Contributions

The viability of different proposals in the literature for vertical and triaxial reorien-

tation of data captured from smartphones with opportunistic sensing was tested.

While mathematical principles that allow for this transformation have been firmly

established for centuries, the viability of their application for ITS applications within

the constraints imposed by the available hardware and the typical usage of mobile

devices had not been fully studied. These procedures have been treated as trivial in

the literature, focusing on the mathematical tools but disregarding the problems of

estimating the required angles to perform a correct rotation (Vlahogianni & Barm-

pounakis, 2017; H. Wang et al., 2015).

It was found that vertical reorientation can be considered as a solved problem,

and that all of the approaches considered in this study are equally effective. It was

observed that the usage of the Euclidean norm produces results almost identical to

the reorientation procedures, giving an simpler and computationally less expensive

alternative if only acceleration in the vertical axis is needed.

However, we conclude that that reorientation of longitudinal and lateral accel-

eration is not a trivial problem. The estimation of the angle required to extract

that information is prone to significant errors when it’s performed by using the ac-

celerometers, magnetometers, and GPS receiver of mobile devices. Further work is


arXiv:1908.10187v1 [cs.LG] 15 Aug 2019· universidad autonoma de´ chihuahua facultad de ingenier´ia secretar´ia de investigacion y´ posgrado a machine learning approach for smartphone-based - [PDF Document] (64)


required to refine the procedures to estimate this angle in order to increase the preci-

sion of the readings obtained from opportunistic mobile sensing with smartphones

over short time periods, and it should be assumed that even if the estimation of this

angle can some times produce accurate results, it can frequently have errors larger

than ± 20º. The usage of long periods of observed data is recommended to reduce

the error in the reorientation of longitudinal and lateral axes.

The results presented in this chapter were published in:

Carlos, M. R., Gonzalez, L. C., Martınez, F., & Cornejo, R. (2016). Evaluating reori-

entation strategies for accelerometer data from smartphones for ITS applications.

In Ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligence (pp. 407-418). Springer International

Publishing. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-48799-1 45


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Chapter 4

Road Anomaly Detection and


4.1 Motivation

As previously mentioned, a very significant part of the work on the detection and

classification of road anomalies during the last ten years has mainly depended

threshold-based methods. Those detection methods are simple, of low computa-

tional cost, and their decision logic is easily explainable. However, they have the

inherent problems of struggling to balance the number of false-positives and false-

negatives, and being used in vehicles with different characteristics without a big

impact in their performance.

The three most frequently cited articles on roughness detection, Eriksson et al.

(2008); Mednis et al. (2011); Mohan et al. (2008), have over 2,500 citations com-

bined as of July 2019, according to Google Scholar, and are still not just being cited

but influencing new works on ITS. They can be considered very representative of

threshold-based methodologies for road anomaly detection, and the general prob-

lems of the literature on that topic.


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Some road anomaly detection proposals have been based on Machine Learning

techniques: using statistical measures, signal processing techniques, and analysis in

both the time and frequency domains to form a feature vector that is classified, most

of the time, with a support vector machine. Representative works that use these

techniques are Perttunen et al. (2011) and Seraj et al. (2015), where many different

features are calculated from time windows.

Analyzing the literature on road anomaly detection with either approach is prob-

lematic because of the heterogeneity in the objectives, methodologies, and non-

standard data sets. It is difficult to compare if one way to set a threshold level is

more effective than others, or if some features used in one work have more discrim-

inant power than those proposed elsewhere. It is difficult to replicate the results

because of the lack of public data sets, and attempting to collect data sets that match

those described in the literature is extremely difficult.

This chapter presents a comprehensive comparison of the most representative

approaches for threshold-based road anomaly detection and a methodology based

on machine learning techniques that uses features commonly found in the litera-

ture. This comparison aims to put in perspective the previously reported results,

contextualizing the performance of the methodologies that are still influencing new


The fusion of detectors has not been reported in the literature. That is, detec-

tors are either based on a threshold or on machine learning techniques, but both

approaches have not been combined. Even if authors have extended detectors pre-

viously discussed, as in Mohan et al. (2008), their final pipeline consists of one de-

tector. Both of these ideas are addressed with two proposals: a binary classifier

that takes as input a feature vector of statistical descriptors and information from

threshold application, and an ensemble of detectors.


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4.2 Aims and Objectives

The work presented in this chapter has two objectives. The first is to address the

lack of clarity with respect to the effectiveness of the most common alternatives in

road anomaly detection based on vertical acceleration, establishing which of the

most representative and influential proposals in the literature produce the best re-

sults. This is done by applying the different methodologies to one robust data set,

addressing the same tasks, and evaluating the results under the same metrics.

The second objective is to study the techniques discussed above to create detec-

tors more effective than those that rely on just one principle. This is done in two

ways: with a binary classifier that combines statistical descriptors with information

obtained from thresholds to determine if a road anomaly is present in a vertical ac-

celeration time signal, and with an ensemble that decides with a majority vote if

the acceleration signal reflects road in normal condition of if an anomaly has been


4.3 Methodology

4.3.1 Data

Six different vehicles (including small, medium sized and large models of cars, and

pick ups spanning twenty years in their models) were used to collect data by plac-

ing smartphones in different locations inside them. Acceleration readings were cap-

tured at 50 Hz and minor orientation corrections were applied manually; GPS data

was reported at 1 Hz. In total, 237 samples in four categories (detailed in Table

4.1) were recorded, including normal road segments in good condition and three

commonly found types of anomalies, generally discussed as events of interest in

the literature: asphalt bumps, metal bumps, and potholes. Examples of acceleration

time series for these four types of events are shown in Figure 4.1.


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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 4.1: Examples of vertical acceleration signals: A) Speed bump, B) Metal speed bumps, C)Pothole, D) Normal road.

Table 4.1: Number of samples per category for the data set.

Category Samples

Asphalt Bump 81Pothole 56Metal bump 50Normal road 50

Total 237

Given that the threshold algorithms were proposed to work on long continuous

time series that reflected many minutes of driving, and not on short individual ones

presenting events lasting a few seconds, an application was created to randomly

concatenate a number of these signals, so that long time series with a number of


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anomalies could be created. Knowing with certainty the time, speed at impact, and

type of each anomaly in these synthetic long time series (virtual roads), the afore-

mentioned threshold-based detection strategies can be evaluated under controlled

conditions. Sixty time series reflecting ”virtual roads” were generated with this ap-

plication, thirty used for training and thirty more for testing (listed in Table 4.2). In

all cases the virtual roads used for training contained fewer anomalies than the ones

used for testing.

Table 4.2: Virtual roads with the type and number of anomalies present.

Road Training Testing

1 16 potholes 40 potholes2 20 potholes 50 potholes3 30 bumps 50 bumps4 20 bumps 50 bumps5 20 metal bumps 30 metal bumps6 10 metal bumps 40 metal bumps7 50 potholes and bumps 50 potholes and bumps8 20 potholes and bumps 80 potholes and bumps9 20 bumps and 20 metal bumps 50 bumps and metal bumps10 20 potholes, 20 bumps and 20 metal bumps 100 potholes, bumps and metal bumps11 5 bumps 10 bumps12 5 potholes 10 potholes13 5 metal bumps 10 metal bumps14 3 bumps, 3 potholes 5 bumps, 5 potholes15 3 bumps, 3 metal bumps 5 bumps, 5 metal bumps16 3 potholes, 3 metal bumps 5 potholes, 5 metal bumps17 3 bumps, 3 potholes, 3 metal bumps 5 bumps, 5 potholes, 5 metal bumps18 15 bumps 25 bumps19 15 potholes 25 potholes20 15 metal bumps 25 metal bumps21 8 bumps, 8 potholes 15 bumps, 15 potholes22 8 bumps, 8 metal bumps 15 bumps, 15 metal bumps23 8 potholes, 8 metal bumps 15 potholes, 15 metal bumps24 8 bumps, 8 potholes, 8 metal bumps 15 bumps, 15 potholes, 15 metal bumps25 30 bumps 40 bumps26 20 potholes 25 potholes27 25 metal bumps 25 metal bumps28 15 bumps, 15 potholes 20 bumps, 20 potholes29 15 bumps, 12 metal bumps 20 bumps, 20 metal bumps30 15 potholes, 15 metal bumps 20 potholes, 20 metal bumps

The acceleration signature for a typical road anomaly has a length of one to four


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seconds. At 50 Hz, that is from 50 to 200 individual acceleration readings. Since

detections can be triggered by one individual reading or a short sequence of them,

it is possible to have more than one detection within the duration of an event. In

order to avoid multiple detections per event, an anomaly is considered as detected

if one or more detections are reported within its duration.

4.3.2 Algorithms

The three threshold-based detectors studied tackle the same problem in similar

fashion, but there are notorious differences in their approaches. The one presented

in Eriksson et al. (2008) (PP) works with vertical and lateral acceleration, feeding

high-pass filtered readings to their threshold heuristic. Two different thresholds are

applied in Mohan et al. (2008) (NER), depending on the speed of the vehicle, to un-

filtered vertical acceleration. Mednis et al. (2011) presents four proposals, applying

thresholds to the raw signal (ZTH), its first derivative (ZDIF), and the standard de-

viation of sliding windows (STDEV), and looking for events for which acceleration

in all three axes approach zero (GZE). The three works focus on road anomalies

in general terms, having pothole detection as the specific common task, but also

addressing other different types of road roughness: Mednis et al. (2011) mentions

pothole clusters and drain pits, Eriksson et al. (2008) lists railroad crossings and

joints, and Mohan et al. (2008) adds speed bumps.

The previous detectors were implemented, and the thresholds reported by the

authors of the evaluated proposals were applied at first, but the algorithms’ param-

eters were fine tuned using the virtual roads assigned for training, looking to max-

imize the F1 scores. The differences between the original parameters and the ones

found in this process are attributable to significant differences between their data

and ours, caused by variations in road quality and the response of the suspension

systems in the vehicles; threshold heuristics are prone to this significant variability.


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A SVM was proposed to treat anomaly detection as a binary classification prob-

lem feeding it with twelve features calculated over sliding windows , taking as ref-

erence the work of Perttunen et al. (2011) (PERT). The feature vector included five

statistical measures (mean, standard deviation, variance, coefficient of variation,

and range). Four more values are included, consisting of the difference between

the value of the previously mentioned features and a reference threshold, inspired

by Mednis et al. (2011) both in intention and reference values, followed by the sum

of the differences with respect to these thresholds, and the difference with respect

to a threshold applied to the sum of confidence values. The number of threshold

values that were surpassed for the statistical features (akin to an aggregation of the

threshold detectors). The different values for thresholds, and the other parameters

evaluated for this detection approach are presented in Tables 4.3 and 4.4.

Table 4.3: Threshold values for features (g stands for gravity).

Values Threshold

Mean g*0.3Standard Deviation g*0.15

Coefficient of Variation g*0.015Difference (Max-Min) g*0.2

Sum of confidence score 3

Table 4.4: Parameters used in the Grid Search process for feature and model selection.

Parameters Possibilities

Confidence scores range (0.1, ..., 0.8, 0.9)C 1,10,15,20

Kernels Poly, lineal, sigmoid, and RBFWindow size 10, 20, 30, 50, 100

The combination of classifiers has been successfully used both in the pattern

recognition and machine learning communities, attempting to improve the results

obtained by individual classifiers (Zhou, 2012). It has been found that a group


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of weak learners, those that manage to produce results only slightly better than

chance, can be combined to collectively perform better than the best individual

member (Hansen & Salamon, 1990), transforming weak learners into strong ones

(Schapire, 1990). Because of this, a third approach is evaluated: an ensemble of the

threshold heuristics (”swarm”). The outcomes of the six threshold detectors were

aggregated into one result with a simple majority vote.

4.4 Experiments and Results

The different threshold heuristics, binary classifier, and ensemble of threshold heuris-

tics defined above were trained and evaluated on virtual roads that mix sections of

road in good condition with samples of anomalies of different types and severity,

spanning different temporal lengths, different speeds, and vehicles. Their perfor-

mance was measured in terms of sensitivity and precision, attempting to present

the ability to detect all the anomalies and being correct in detecting the real ones,

without triggering false alarms. Figure 4.2 shows the results of the evaluated de-

tectors in terms of precision and sensitivity, both individually for each road and

their average. From the average values it can be seen that the strongest detectors in

terms of both metrics are the SVM detector (SVM), the ensemble (SWARM), and the

standard deviation threshold (STDEV).

The results obtained by the best performer in each of the virtual roads are pre-

sented in Table 4.5. In 14 cases STDEV managed to get the best results, but in terms

of average F1 performance (shown in Table 4.6) SVM produces better results.

Rose plots are a variation of the common pie chart, that divide a circumference

in n equal sectors and present a magnitude as a percentage of the radius of the

circumference. These plots are useful when comparing an attribute in many cases

at the same time. In Figure 4.3, rose plots show the performance of all evaluated


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Table 4.5: Best results for every road in the data set.

Road Best Sensitivity Precision F1 Score

1 SVM 0.775 0.939 0.84932 SVM 0.82 0.891 0.85413 PER 0.9 0.95 0.92784 STDEV 0.9 0.9 0.97435 Z-DIFF 0.7 0.7777 0.73686 Z-DIFF 0.8 0.7619 0.78047 STDEV 1 0.8947 0.94448 STDEV 0.975 0.8478 0.90699 PER 0.86 0.716 0.781810 STDEV 0.86 0.8113 0.834911 STDEV 0.9 1 0.947312 SVM 1 1 113 SVM 0.5 1 0.666614 STDEV 1 0.7142 0.833315 SVM 0.6 1 0.7516 STDEV 1 0.9090 0.952317 SVM 0.8 0.923 0.8518 STDEV 1 0.8666 0.928519 SVM 0.8 0.952 0.869520 STDEV 0.76 0.76 0.7621 Swarm 0.6666 1 0.822 STDEV 0.8666 0.9285 0.896523 Swarm 0.7666 0.9583 0.851824 STDEV 0.9111 0.8913 0.901025 STDEV 0.975 0.8666 0.917626 STDEV 0.84 0.75 0.792427 SVM 0.84 0.807 0.823528 STDEV 0.975 0.7647 0.857129 PER 0.75 0.78 0.769230 SVM 0.575 0.884 0.6969

Table 4.6: Average F1 scores for all detectors.


.706 .528 .769 .676 .675 .45 .753 .785 .668


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(a) (b)

Figure 4.2: A) Sensitivity and precision of every approach for the 30 roads. B) Average performancefor all the approaches.

detectors for each virtual road in terms of F1. From these plots it can be seen that

the detectors behave very differently, with the best performers being consistently

good and the others showing greater variability. Larger colored areas indicate better

overall performance.

Statistical analysis was performed on these results with the methodology pro-

posed by Demsar (2006), by means of Friedman and Nemenyi non-parametric tests,

with a level of significance α = 0.01. The results are presented by using Critical

Difference diagrams (CD), where the best algorithm appears rightmost. If the dif-

ference between the rank average of the compared detectors is equal or less than the

critical difference found with Demsar’s methodology, then there is not enough evi-

dence that the methods are statistically different and the diagram joins the methods

through a thick line. Figure 4.4 presents this statistical analysis.


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100 50 0 50 100 0 20 40 60 80 100













15 1617


















100 50 0 50 100 0 20 40 60 80 100













15 1617


















100 50 0 50 100 0 20 40 60 80 100













15 1617


















100 50 0 50 100 0 20 40 60 80 100













15 1617


















100 50 0 50 100 0 20 40 60 80 100













15 1617


















100 50 0 50 100 0 20 40 60 80













15 1617


















100 50 0 50 100 0 20 40 60 80 100













15 1617


















-100 -50 0 50 100 0 50 100













15 1617


















100 50 0 50 100 0 20 40 60 80 100













1415 16















Figure 4.3: Rose plots of F1 for the 30 roads for a) G-ZERO, b) STDEV(Z), c) Z-DIFF, d) Z-THRESH, e)Nericell, f)Pothole Patrol, g) Swarm, h) SVM(Z) and i) PERT.

Figure 4.4: CD diagram with statistical comparison of F1 score for all the detectors.


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4.4.1 Threshold-based Algorithms

In terms of sensitivity and precision Pothole Patrol (PP), being the only project ap-

plied in real-life, surprisingly obtained very poor results. Nericell, which extends

the proposal found in Pothole Patrol, had slightly better results. Z-THRESH and

G-ZERO come in the middle of the ranking, and STDEV showed the best perfor-


STDEV was the winner in fourteen out of thirty roads, emerging as the clear

option among the threshold methods. It offers balanced precision and sensitivity, at

a lower computational cost than the proposed ensemble.

4.4.2 A Binary Classification Approach

SVM is close to STDEV in terms of sensitivity and precision. It clearly outperforms

PERT, the machine-learning-based detector based on Perttunen et al. (2011).

This binary classifier was the winner in nine out of the thirty virtual roads, while

PERT only wan in three. In terms of F1, this detector obtained the highest score of

all the evaluated proposals.

4.4.3 An Ensemble Approach

The ensemble proposal outperforms all individual threshold-based detectors in terms

of precision, with above-average sensitivity. In terms of F1 it was only below the

performance of STDEV and SVM.

This detector managed to win in only two virtual roads, being misled by the

frequent incorrect results of some of its members.


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4.5 Contributions

A comparison of the road anomaly detection strategies proposed in the most in-

fluential works on the subject was performed, using the same data and evaluation

criteria. This is the first direct evaluation in the literature.

It was found that the most effective individual detector is the proposal by Med-

nis et al. (2011) named STDEV, which consists on applying sliding windows to ver-

tical acceleration and calculating their standard deviation. This dispersion metric

is then compared with a threshold value, and a value higher than the threshold

indicates a road anomaly is present in that segment of the acceleration time series.

Two new proposals were made and evaluated: a majority vote ensemble of the

six detectors found in the most influential works, and a support vector machine for

binary classification of a feature vector obtained by applying some of the underly-

ing ideas of the threshold-based referred detectors. These two new proposals were

found to be very effective, with the SVM-based achieving the highest F1 scores in

several scenarios. It was observed that the ensemble didn’t manage to outperform

the standard deviation detector alone, suggesting the frequent incorrect results of

the other detection heuristics affected its performance.

The data employed for this comparison, made public for the research commu-

nity, is another contribution resulting from this study. Acceleration samples for

individual events were stitched together to create virtual roads with a specific num-

ber and type of anomalies. Pothole Lab, a web app created for this purpose, was

also made public.

The results presented in this chapter were published in:

Carlos, M. R., Aragon, M. E., Gonzalez, L. C. Escalante, H. J., & Martınez, F. (2018,

oct). Evaluation of detection approaches for road anomalies based on accelerome-

ter readings – addressing who’s who. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation


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Systems,19(10), 3334-3343. doi: 10.1109/tit*.2017.2773084


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Chapter 5

Road Anomaly Characterization –

A Fine-grained Approach

5.1 Motivation

Very few works have addressed the estimation of the dimensions of road anomalies

by processing acceleration readings. In the studies where this task is attempted,

models based on physics have been proposed to estimate the depth of potholes or

the height of speed bumps. The simplest models are based on the relationships

between time, vertical displacement, vertical acceleration, and longitudinal speed,

while the more complex try to model the response of the suspension systems of the

vehicle when an anomaly is encountered.

Different factors have been considered as relevant. In some cases, knowledge of

characteristics of the vehicle are required, in others careful identification of specific

moments in the signal have been necessary to perform the estimation of the variable

of interest. The authors of these proposals agree that the speed of the vehicle has a

significant impact in the results of their estimation, but disagree on how it influences

their results.


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Given the complications of the environment in which this kind of estimation is

done, it is surprising that no attempt had been reported to treat the road anomaly

characteristics of interest as hidden variables, approximated with statistical or ma-

chine learning techniques, instead of with direct physical models.

In this chapter such an approach is adopted, using Machine Learning techniques

to estimate physical characteristics of road anomalies by means of regression and

classification, taking as input a vector of features obtained from vertical accelera-

tion samples. The learning-to-rank paradigm of learning is also used, to produce a

model capable of taking vertical acceleration time series that reflect a vehicle pass-

ing a pothole, and producing a list in which the events appear in order, according

to the depth or the pothole.

5.2 Aims and Objectives

The objective of this study is the estimation of characteristics for road anomalies

by means of machine learning techniques. Specifically, the depth of potholes and

the condition of speed bumps (that is, if it is deemed as capable to force drivers to

reduce their speed) are addressed.

Secondary objectives are the comparison of results from classification and re-

gression methods for depth estimation, to determine if either or both approaches

are equally suitable, and the feasibility of a ranking approach to order a set of pot-

holes by depth.

In total, proposals for four tasks are described and evaluated:

1. Pothole depth regression, to estimate the distance between road surface and

the bottom of the pothole.

2. Pothole depth classification, to determine the depth of a pothole in terms of a

discrete scale such as shallow, medium, or deep.


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3. Speed bump condition classification, to determine if the condition of a speed

bump still allows it to work as a speed reducing obstacle.

4. Pothole depth ranking, to take a set of signals reflecting vehicles passing over

a pothole and establish an order over them, such that the more serious anoma-

lies appear first and the least detectable appear last.

5.3 Methodology

5.3.1 Data Set

A data set was constructed by driving on eight different cars and passing over pot-

holes and speed bumps at speeds between 20 km/h and 40 km/h. In some cases

the driver passed over the same anomaly several times, changing the speed and an-

gle the vehicle. Up to five smartphones were placed inside the vehicle in different

locations, sampling acceleration at 50 Hz. After reorientation, vertical acceleration

was extracted. Given that the duration of a typical event is between one and five

seconds, time series were of different length; no padding or cropping was applied.

The depth of potholes was considered as the distance between the road surface

and its bottom, and was measured in each case (in cm). The distribution of depths

for the potholes considered in this study is shown in Figure 5.1.

For speed bumps (both asphalt and metal), a qualitative label was registered

for each anomaly, describing if it actually acts as a speed reducing measure. This

label was determined by consensus for each example between the driver and the

copilot about their judgment of its condition and effectiveness, based on visual in-

spection of the width, height, and level of deterioration, and on their perception of

the accelerations experienced when the vehicle passed over the anomaly (bumps

in bad condition have very little effect on the vertical acceleration of the vehicle,

while effective speed reducers greatly affect motion in this axis). Table 5.1 shows


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Figure 5.1: Dimensions for all the potholes in the data set. The small insert shows the distribution ofdepths for all the individual events.

the number of samples for each type of anomaly in the data set.

Table 5.1: Overview of the data set for pothole and speed bump characterization.

Anomaly Events Total samples

Potholes 163 857Asphalt Speed Bumps 59 (Ok: 43, Not Ok: 16) 308Metal Speed Bumps 42 (Ok: 26, Not Ok: 16) 211

Total 264 1,376

5.3.2 Feature Extraction

Fifty-two features in total are used for the models employed in this study in two

stages. First, three additional time series were calculated, based on the original ver-

tical acceleration signal: its first derivative (vertical jerk), its first integral (vertical

speed) and its second integral (vertical displacement). The integrals were calculated

with omega arithmetic (Kupfer, 2018). After the four time signals are available, thir-

teen transformations are applied over each of these time series to obtained a total

of 52 features, described in Table 5.2. All of these features are commonly used for

signal analysis and summarize different aspects of the signal in one value. These

descriptors were chosen under the assumption that they would reflect the patterns

both in the time and frequency domains associated with high energy events.


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Table 5.2: Features considered to feed the algorithmic machinery. The ones marked with an asteriskare the 41 most relevant.

Descriptor 1st Deriv. Original 1st Int. 2nd Int.

Mean 0 (*) 13 26 (*) 39(*)Std. Dev. 1 14 (*) 27 (*) 40(*)Max. 2 (*) 15 (*) 28 (*) 41(*)Min. 3 (*) 16 (*) 29 (*) 42(*)Definite integral 4 17 (*) 30 (*) 43(*)25th percentile 5 (*) 18 31 (*) 44(*)50th percentile 6 19 (*) 32 (*) 45(*)75th percentile 7 (*) 20 (*) 33 (*) 46(*)Zero crossing rate 8 (*) 21 (*) 34 (*) 47(*)Spectral centroid 9 (*) 22 (*) 35 (*) 48(*)Spectral flatness 10 23 36 (*) 49(*)Spectral roll-off 11 24 37 (*) 50(*)Spectral bandwidth 12 25 (*) 38 51(*)

5.3.3 Algorithms

Three different types of machine learning models are used for the tasks stated in the

objectives for this study: classification (Class), regression (Regress), and learning-to-

rank (L2R). Classification consists of training a model capable of taking as input a

vector of features and produce as output a discrete value that identifies the class to

which the input belongs (e.g. ”big”, or ”small”). Regression is very similar, except

that its output is a real number.

L2R is slightly different and more challenging than the previous two paradigms,

since its input is a list of objects and its output an ordered permutation of such

objects. A model is expected to either produce an output that can be compared, or

be in itself a comparison function, so that previously unseen examples of objects

can be ordered (ranked) by some attribute (a hidden variable).

A ranking problem can be addressed by working with regression models, by

sorting a list based on the outputs of the regression, but a pairwise approach can also

be used. In that case, the model takes two feature vectors (separate, concatenated, or


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combined by means of some transformation) and produces an output that indicates

which of the two inputs ranks higher in the ordering scheme used.

In total, eight algorithms were used. Table 5.3 presents them, along with their

parameters, indicating for which task they were applied. The parameters were se-

lected from the best performing configurations in preliminary experiments.

Table 5.3: Algorithm-task pairings that were evaluated.

Algorithm Learning task

Random Forest (RF), 150 trees, Gini crit Regress, Class, L2RGradient Boosting (GB), 150 trees, 3 nod/tree Regress, Class, L2R

k Nearest Neighbor (kNN), K=5, Mink dist Regress, Class, L2RBayesian Ridge (BR), α1, α2, λ1, λ2 = 1e− 6 Regress, L2R

Decision Tree (DT), Gini crit RegressionMulti-Layer Perceptron (MLP), 26 units, Relu Class, L2RSupport Vector Machine (SVM), Linear, C=1 Classification

Naıve Bayes Classifier (NB) Classification

Three baselines were used for the regression of pothole depth: a Linear Regres-

sion model (LR), and two dummy functions MEAN (that always return the mean

of the data set) and RAND (which always returns a random number between the

minimum and maximum depth in the data set).

Another baseline algorithm is used for the evaluation of pair-wise ranking: FIRST.

As it name suggests, it always decides that the first signal in a pair reflects the deep-

est of the two inputs.

5.3.4 Cross-validation

A 10-fold cross validation scheme was used for result evaluation, with computa-

tions performed in thirty runs. For each run, data was split in ten folds and each

fold was considered as the testing set once, and nine times as part of the training

set. In total, the algorithms were run three-hundred times and each time the perfor-

mance was evaluated; the results reported are the average of those 300 executions.


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5.4 Experiments and Results

5.4.1 Pothole Depth Characterization by Regression

After analyzing the performance of the regression algorithms over the data set it

was found that the best result was a relative error of 22%, and that ensemble meth-

ods (RF and GB) manage to produce a better prediction. The Kruskal–Wallis H test

(with a significance level of 0.05) confirms the differences in the performance of the

algorithms, and post-hoc Mann-Whitney U tests validates that RF’s error is lower

than what the other regressors achieved. Table 5.4 presents the average results ob-

tained with all the algorithms.

Table 5.4: Average performance metrics for pothole depth regression.

Algorithm ε R2 RMSE

RF 0.22 0.45 1.95RF (41 Feat - F test) 0.22 0.45 1.95

GB 0.23 0.41 2.02RF* (5 Feat - Gini) 0.23 0.40 2.03BASELINE 1 (LR) 0.24 0.34 2.13

KNN 0.24 0.33 2.15BR 0.24 0.33 2.15DT 0.29 -0.1 2.78

BASELINE 2 (MEAN) 0.29 -0.02 2.8BASELINE 3 (RAND) 0.65 -2.76 5.14

As previously mentioned, Fazeen et al. (2012), Harikrishnan & Gopi (2017), and

Xue et al. (2017) found a correlation between vehicle speed and error in their pothole

depth estimation. This is not the case for the regression approach presented here:

even when the data set over which it was evaluated includes samples collected at up

to 45 km/h, with an average speed of 12.5 km/h, the Pearson correlation coefficient

between speed and error was found to be -0.0132. Speed is not the most relevant

factor in error distribution for this methodology.

The distribution of the regression error with respect to the actual depth of the


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potholes was also investigated. Figure 5.2 shows how the error varies for different

depths. We observe that there exists a depth range for which most of the regressors

report their minimum error, these samples correspond to medium-sized potholes

(5-8 cm deep) while large potholes present the largest error. A plausible explanation

of these differences comes from the distribution of pothole sizes across the data set,

since for some depths data includes few or no examples, in particular for very small

or very large potholes.

Figure 5.2: Average RMSE by real depth for the evaluated algorithms.

Feature importance analysis was performed to understand the influence of the

different features in the results. Two strategies were applied: first, the function for

the split criterion (mean squared error) was calculated in the RF model to rank the

features from the most to the least informative; second, dimensionality reduction

was attempted by using the results of F-tests, analyzing the correlation between the

usage of each feature and the expected target.

Figure 5.3 shows the relative importance for the 52 features, highlighting the

five most relevant: the definite integral of vertical acceleration, the maximum value

of vertical speed (the first integral of our original signal), the standard deviation of

vertical acceleration, the minimum value of vertical acceleration, and the maximum

value of the first derivative of the signal (jerk). If only these five features are used,


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RF predictions drop by 4.5% in terms of relative error. After performing feature

selection by means of F-tests, it was found that eleven features can be removed

without affecting the results for depth regression. The 41 features that can be kept

are marked with an asterisk in Table 5.2.

Figure 5.3: Importance for each feature. The features are represented by their ordinal position, shownin Table 5.2.

5.4.2 Pothole Depth Characterization by Classification

The characterization of potholes was treated as a classification problem, by defining

n classes that equally divide the range of depths in our data set, from 4 to 16 cm.

This scheme attempts to separate potholes in n classes such as ”small” (4-10 cm) and

”big” (10-16 cm) for n = 2; in ”small” (4-8 cm) ”medium” (8-12 cm) and ”large” (12-

16) when n = 3; and ”small” (4-7 cm), ”medium-small” (7-10 cm), ”medium-large”

(10-13 cm), and ”large” (13-16 cm) for n = 4.

The average performance metrics of AUC and G-means for this classification

problem are shown in Table 5.5. As it could be expected, the problem becomes more

complicated when the number of labels increases. As with the regression approach,

the ensemble methods produce the best results.

From this analysis it is concluded that pothole depth characterization by means


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Table 5.5: Average performance metrics for pothole categorical depth characterization.

n = 2 n = 3 n = 4Algorithm AUC G AUC G AUC G

GB 0.89 0.6 0.84 0.61 0.74 0.47RF 0.87 0.47 0.83 0.49 0.75 0.31

MLP 0.84 0.64 0.80 0.62 0.71 0.48KNN 0.78 0.52 0.76 0.54 0.69 0.46SVM 0.83 0.37 0.82 0.36 0.74 0.28NB 0.76 0.57 0.69 0.55 0.64 0.51

of classification should be performed with two or three categories at most, and used

as a rough guide about the severity of the anomalies. Regression is a better approach

if some higher level of granularity is required.

5.4.3 Pothole Depth Ranking

Two approaches were explored for the problem of ranking vertical acceleration sig-

nals by the depth of the potholes they represent: first, a point-wise approach, in

which the depth estimated by regression was used as the sorting criteria with the

Timsort sorting algorithm, derived from merge sort and insertion sort (Auger et al.,

2015); and second, a pair-wise approach, based on training a binary classifier with

the permutations of pairs of potholes with different depths, attempting to learn a

comparison function capable of deciding which of the two inputs reflects the deep-

est pothole, so that function can be used by a sorting algorithm to produce a ranked

list of potholes.

Tables 5.6 and 5.7 present the average results for point-wise and pair-wise rank-

ing, respectively. The results for the metrics calculated at the training stage are

also included. Point-wise ranking managed to outperform pair-wise ranking, but

for both strategies the compound error in the predictions results in low correlation

between ground truth and the rankings from the proposals.

For a perfect score with the metric used in this evaluation, a one in the Kendall


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Table 5.6: Average Kendall’s τ over the 10-fold cross-validation for the point-wise approach.

Algorithm τ training τ testing

RF 0.9 0.34GB 0.79 0.31

KNN 0.47 0.24LR 0.36 0.28BR 0.34 0.27

MEAN -0.08 -0.08RAND 0.0004 -0.02

Table 5.7: Average Kendall’s τ over the 10-fold cross-validation for the pair-wise approach.

Algorithm τ training τ testing

RF 0.95 0.29GB 0.52 0.29

MLP 0.71 0.22RAND -0.003 -0.002FIRST -0.08 -0.09

rank correlation coefficient, the proposed ranking must be perfect, and the position

in the order of elements wrongly ranked affects the impact of the errors; this is a

hard metric for which multiple errors result in heavy penalization.

It was observed that the best results tended to have the most errors for potholes

with depths in the middle of the 4-16 cm range, producing acceptable order for the

very shallow and very deep examples. Figure 5.4 shows a comparison of the best

order produced with RF in a point-wise approach with a correct order.

5.4.4 Speed Bump Functional Characterization

The condition of speed bumps, made of asphalt or metal, was also characterized.

This problem was addressed with binary classification, attempting to separate those

speed reducing measures that were found to work (”OK” condition) and those that

did not (”Not OK” condition).

This problem is different from the detection of a bump because the objective is


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Figure 5.4: Contrast between the ground truth ordering and the one produced by the point-wiseapproach.

not to separate signals reflecting normal road from those that have an anomaly, but

to make a sub-classification of the events, judging them by the level of the vibration

induced on the vehicle. This is a difficult problem because the shapes of the signals

for bumps will have some similarities, and the differences that allow for the desired

classification will be harder to exploit.

The examples in the data set were grouped in two different ways. First, the

conditions of all bumps were classified as OK or Not OK, regardless of the material

of which they are made. In the second grouping, asphalt and metal bumps were

separated, and the condition was determined taking into account the difference in

material. Table 5.8 summarizes the results for both groupings.

Table 5.8: Average performance metrics for binary speed bump condition classification.

Asphalt Metal CombinedAlgorithm AUC G AUC G AUC G

GB 0.75 0.57 0.72 0.61 0.69 0.52RF 0.76 0.54 0.71 0.55 0.70 0.48

MLP 0.75 0.57 0.66 0.53 0.62 0.49SVM 0.75 0.60 0.59 0.47 0.63 0.48KNN 0.67 0.48 0.60 0.38 0.59 0.45NB 0.69 0.61 0.62 0.48 0.59 0.41


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As can be seen, it is possible to differentiate between the two classes with the

proposed feature vector, in general, although with some uncertainty. It is observed

that the two types of speed bumps are better characterized when analyzed sepa-


It can be concluded that this method can be used as a way to get a general idea of

the condition of speed reducers, but that it requires further refinement to get more

actionable information.

5.5 Contributions

Machine learning based regression, classification, and ranking were explored for the

characterization of road anomalies from acceleration time series, a new approach for

a task that has been barely explored in the literature.

Pothole depth estimation was achieved with an average relative error of 22%

by performing regression with a random forest with 150 estimators over a feature

vector containing time and frequency domain descriptors. Even if the proposal did

not manage to outperform the previously most extensive study in the literature in

terms of relative error (Xue et al., 2017), it does not seem to be as strongly affected

by vehicle speed (with a Pearson correlation coefficient of -0.0132 between error and

speed), as all other proposals have reported.

Pothole depth characterization was also performed by classification, attempting

to use the same feature vector to determine the depth of road anomalies in discrete

levels. The best result was 0.89 AUC for a ”shallow” and ”deep” classification,

and it was observed that increasing the number of categories considered noticeably

increases the errors in classification.

A new approach for road anomaly characterization was proposed, based on

ranking potholes by their dimensions in order to prioritize action for the most se-


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vere. Two approaches were presented: point-wise ranking, by sorting the anomalies

with the value predicted by means of regression, and pair-wise ranking, by training

a classifier to determine which of two examples is more severe, effectively provid-

ing a comparison function for a sorting algorithm. The point-wise approach was

found to be more successful when using a random forest, with a Kendall tau coef-

ficient of 0.34. It was observed that shallow and deep potholes were better ranked

that anomalies that lie in the middle.

The results presented in this chapter were submitted to IEEE Transactions on

Mobile Computing, and are currently under review:

Carlos, M. R. Gonzalez, L. C., Wahlstrom, J. J., Cornejo, R. & Martınez, F. (2018).

Becoming smarter at characterizing potholes and speed bumps from smartphone data – in-

troducing a second-generation problem. (Manuscript under review in IEEE Transactions

on Mobile Computing)


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Chapter 6

Aggressive Driving Detection

6.1 Motivation

The automatic detection of aggressive driving and the detection of road anomalies

can be treated in similar ways, given that both can be observed by means of iner-

tial sensors. The main differences in data processing for these two problems are:

1) the axes that contain most of the relevant information, vertical for road anoma-

lies, and both longitudinal and lateral for aggressive driving; 2) the characteristics

of the patterns of interest, with road anomalies presenting many high-frequency

features (Carlos, 2015) and aggressive driving events having mostly low-frequency

components; and 3) the symmetry present in the direction in which aggressive driv-

ing events occur, e.g. left and right sudden lane changes, sudden acceleration and


As mentioned in Chapter 2, aggressive driving detection has been approached

with threshold heuristics similar to those addressed for the detection of road anoma-

lies in Chapter 4, and pattern matching, by choosing acceleration signals as ideal ex-

amples of aggressive maneuvers and comparing new examples against them. Ma-

chine learning alternatives have also been used, with hand-crafted feature vectors


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with which the distinguishing features of the events of interest are assumed to be


Automatic feature learning has been successfully applied in the past for road

anomaly detection (Gonzalez et al., 2017), and the usage of such techniques results

very appealing for aggressive driving detection problem because of the added com-

plications of having to work with two axes and the symmetry of event types.

The focus of this chapter is the study of automatic feature extraction as an alter-

native for the classification of aggressive maneuvers, removing the need for manual

design of feature vectors or selection of base patterns. Symbolic aggregate approx-

imation (SAX), Bag of Features (BoF), and the Bag of Words (BoW) representations

are used to determine shapelets, with the intention of producing a feature vector

useful in the identification of aggressive driving events.

6.2 Aims and Objectives

The objective of the study presented in this chapter is to find if automatic feature

extraction techniques are effective for the tasks of aggressive driving detection and

classification, as an alternative to the techniques conventionally used for this prob-


The secondary objectives are the evaluation of several alternatives, in order to

find the most effective, the determination of the range of parameters for these meth-

ods that are best suited for this problem, and an analysis of the performance of dif-

ferent machine learning algorithms to use along the automatically learned features.

6.3 Methodology

Two separate, but related, tasks are addressed in this chapter. The first is the de-

tection of aggressive driving from regular driving, without considering what type


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of maneuver is performed. For the second, it is assumed that aggressive driving

events are present in the data, and the problem consists on finding the specific kind

of event represented by longitudinal and lateral acceleration time series.

Three experiments are performed, using three different data sets: 1) the evalua-

tion of a hand-crafted feature vector and the usage of automatic feature extraction

with a bag of words methodology, using the data from Zylius (2017); 2) the compar-

ison of bag of words, bag of features, and SAX for automatic feature extraction to

classify aggressive maneuvers, using our own data set; 3) the evaluation of features

learned with the bag of words methodology, on data from Ferreira et al. (2017).

As a reference for the performance of the proposed alternatives the results ob-

tained with a robust hand-crafted feature vector, presented in Zylius (2017), are

considered for the task of aggressive driving detection, and a vector of features con-

taining the statistical summarization features of acceleration samples, described in

Ferreira et al. (2017), is used as baseline for the classification of aggressive driving


6.3.1 Data Sets

Three data sets were used in these experiments. Two originally consisting of long

time series, that for which the method of segmentation is described, and one con-

formed with individual events captured at different times.

In order to avoid introducing some bias because of the different lengths of the

short time series with the proposed feature extraction methodologies, the signals

were right-padded to an equal (200 acceleration samples, about four seconds) with

Gaussian noise, using the mean and standard deviation of the readings for each



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This data was presented in Zylius (2017) and kindly provided by the author in pri-

vate communications. It consists of ten long time series (TS) reflecting about 2.6

hours of triaxial accelerometer readings, sampled at 17 Hz, oriented with respect

to the vehicle’s axes. Six of these TS were captured while driving in an aggres-

sive manner, and the rest reflect normal (not explicitly aggressive) driving. There is

no information about the specific type of maneuvers, aggressive or not, performed

during data captured.

The time series in this data set were preprocessed in the same way described

in Zylius (2017), removing the redundant signal captured when the vehicle is not

in motion. This preprocessing was done as follows: windows of 1,000 acceleration

readings were extracted, and then feature vectors were created considering the three

axes. The transformations used to create the vector include the augmented Dickey-

Fuller statistic (Dickey & Fuller, 1979), Akaike information criterion (Arnold, 2010),

and average logarithm of lower bound power spectral density coefficients. Princi-

pal Component Analysis was used for dimensional reduction, to produce feature

vectors of three dimensions, which were clustered with Gaussian Mixture Models.

The cluster of interest was manually selected by visual inspection of the original

version of the grouped signals. Finally, a median-mean filter was applied to the se-

lected time series, to eliminate outliers in acceleration. At the end of this process 15

TS containing normal driving were obtained, along with 65 containing aggressive

driving events.

Ferreira et al.

Ferreira et al. (2017) collected accelerometer, linear acceleration, magnetometer, and

gyroscope readings with a sampling rate of 50 Hz. Two different drivers completed

four trips of approximately 13 minutes each, with a fixed smartphone aligned to the


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vehicle. The segments in which aggressive driving maneuvers were performed are

specified along the data, and the individual events were manually extracted.

In total, the data set formed includes 69 triaxial acceleration short time series,

reflecting driving maneuvers in seven different categories, considering symmetric

types of events. This data set is described in Table 6.1.

Table 6.1: Driving maneuvers included in the data set by Ferreira et al.

Category Examples

Aggressive braking 12Aggressive acceleration 12

Aggressive left turn 11Aggressive right turn 11

Aggressive left lane change 4Aggressive right lane change 5

Non-aggressive events 14


Our Data Set

Acceleration readings sampled at 50 Hz were collected for 450 individual events.

Four types of events were considered, and the distribution of the examples is as

follows: 75 examples for swerving left, 75 for swerving right, 150 for sudden brak-

ing, and 150 for sudden acceleration. Smartphone orientation was not known at

the time of data collection, and were semi-automatically reoriented by performing

vertical reorientation by using the methods described in Carlos et al. (2016), using

principal component analysis to separate acceleration in the X and Y axes, and then

manually inspecting and rotating these last two axes to match the expected behav-

ior for the type of event registered at the moment the acceleration was collected;

this method is similar to the one outlined in Larsdotter & Jaller (2014).


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6.3.2 Feature Extraction

The feature extraction methods used are now explained1, ordered from the most

simple to the most complex. Commentary on the intuition behind these methods,

their similarities and differences, is also presented.

Statistical Summarization

This conventional feature extraction method was presented in Ferreira et al. (2017).

It consists of concatenating statistical descriptors (mean, median, standard devia-

tion, and trend) calculated over frames, nested subsequences of different length. A

sliding window is applied over the time series to achieve regularization, dividing

the complete time series in nf segments. These segments are grouped so that the

statistical descriptors are calculated over shorter and shorter subsequences: first

over nf contiguous segments (the whole time series), then over nf - 1 contiguous

segments, nf -2 contiguous segments, and so on until they are calculated over just

one segment.

The main objectives of this technique are dimensional reduction and length reg-

ularization, like in most techniques for time series analysis. However, most tech-

niques are atemporal, presenting information for the whole time series at once, and

this scheme of overlapping subsequences (of different lengths) provides some tem-

poral information. This happens because the subsequences containing the anomaly

will most likely have different statistical measures when compared with the rest.

The use of the slope of a fitted line as an indicator for the trend of a specific subse-

quence is useful to recognize which of the possible symmetric events are detected

1It has to be taken into account that different alternatives exist when using these methods to workwith data from several simultaneous sensors or axes: a) the time series into one (with the Euclideannorm or some other transformation) before feature extraction; b) treating each individual time seriesseparately, using one model for each and concatenating all outputs; c) fitting one model for all ofthe signals, combining training data from all of the sources and then encoding each with this model,finally concatenating all the features produced.


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by the other statistics (e.g. sudden braking vs. sudden acceleration of the vehicle).


Symbolic aggregate approximation (SAX) (Lin et al., 2003) provides a way to trans-

form time series into a sequence of standard values obtained by piecewise aggregate

approximation. All time series are first standardized to zero mean and unit stan-

dard deviation, then reduced by grouping n consecutive readings and taking their

mean value to represent the group. The possible average values are regularized by

restricting them to m possible discrete values, which are commonly represented by

letters (a for the lowest, b for the second lowest, and so on).

Like the previous method, SAX regularizes by length (with the grouping of read-

ings), but also regularizes the amplitude of the signal by using only a few possible

discrete values. The regularized time series can be modeled as a string of symbols,

on which patterns could be easier to find from the frequency of specific n-grams.

Some degree of temporal information is preserved if the n-gram is of length greater

than one.

Bag of Words

This model attempts to find K standard subsequences of equal length, that can be

considered shapelets. These standard elements are supposed to be a generaliza-

tion of the subsequences most commonly present in the type of time series that are

being analyzed. A reconstruction of the original signal can be produced by concate-

nating these standard elements, however the goal is not necessarily to make this

approximation very close to the original, but to find elements that allow a good

enough reconstruction in which the distinctive features of the signals of interest can

be identified.

There are two stages for the bag of words model, as presented in (J. Wang et


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al., 2013). The first consists on the determination of the words to be used in the

model, while the second consists in the transformation of the original signals into

histograms of these words.

In order to find the words in the model the first step is the delimitation of sub-

sequences of equal length L, with the possibility of having overlap (which help in-

creasing the fidelity of the model by providing examples at different instants). Each

time series designated for training is segmented, and each segment is then consid-

ered as vectors of L dimensions; K centroids are found by applying a clustering

algorithm to the vectors, and these centroids are now considered as codewords,

collectively forming the codebook, i.e. the vocabulary with which signals are repre-


Once a codebook has been determined, the second stage begins by splitting each

signal in segments, and each one is then represented by the nearest centroid found

with the clustering algorithm. An approximation of the original signal can be pro-

duced by concatenating the codewords that correspond to the original segments,

and a histogram is created by counting how many times each one is used to recre-

ate the signal. Both stages of the creation of this feature extraction technique are

shown in Figure 2.4, and described as pseudocode in Algorithms 1 and 2.

Algorithm 1: Fitting stageInput: S: list of training signals of the same classes; K: number of codewords

to find; L: length of sliding window; O: number of readings thatoverlap between consecutive windows.

Result: K codewords to represent the class.W← {} // Segments from the original signals.foreach s in S do

W←W + SplitInWindows(s,L,O)endcodewords← K-Means(W,K)return K codewords


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Algorithm 2: Encoding stageInput: s: a signal accelerometer sample; L: length of sliding window; O:

number of readings that overlap between consecutive windows; B: thecodebook

Result: A feature vector of the signal s.F← initialize vector of size |B| // Output feature vectorW← {} // Segments extracted from sW← SplitInWindows(s,L,O)foreach w in W do

i← Index in B of codeword closest to wF[i]← F[i]++ //Increase count of codeword i

endreturn F

Bag of Features

The bag of features model (Baydogan et al., 2013) also transforms time series into

histograms of regularized features, but it fuses information obtained at different

levels of resolution.

Feature extraction starts with the selection of a few segments of the time series,

which can be of different lengths and can be taken from any part of the complete

time series (there is no need to include all of it when fitting the model). Each of these

segments is then split in small intervals of a few points, and these are summarized

with their mean, variance, and slope. The statistical descriptors, plus the mean

and variance of the whole segment, are concatenated to form a feature vector that

represents each segment. The newly calculated feature vectors are given the label

of their parent time series, and are considered a new data set for which a Random

Forest classifier is trained. This process is equivalent to the fitting stage of the above

mentioned bag of words model.

The time series used for training and testing are converted into histograms by

first being split in segments and obtaining the feature vector for them, and then

using the Random Forest classifier to give the class probabilities for each segment.

Those probabilities are then counted, and a histogram is formed.


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The main differences between this method and the bag of words are: a) for bag

of features, segments of different lengths are considered; b) bag of words considers

all segments of the time series while bag of of features can work with only some of

them; c) bag of words regularizes samples directly, while bag of features regularizes

based on the statistic information calculated from some subsequences of the time

series; d) bag of features attempts to mitigate the influence of noise by means of

random sampling, while bag of words relies on clustering.

6.4 Experiments and Results

6.4.1 Detection of Aggressive Driving

The bag of words model described above was used to learn a representation from

which aggressive driving maneuvers could be separated from normal driving. Zylius’

data set and results were considered as a benchmark.

Given that acceleration in the longitudinal and lateral axes were considered,

the bag of words model was applied to three different combinations of them: each

axis considered independently, the concatenation of signals in both axes, and the

Euclidean-norm of the two time series. Codebooks ranging from 2 to 250 words,

considering book lengths from 5 to 300 samples, were evaluated. The application

of 50% overlapping, and the usage of TF-IDF (a weighting factor that highlights the

most relevant codewords and penalizes the least relevant, regularizing the feature

vectors and simplifying the classification task) (Salton & McGill, 1983) were also

considered in the grid search for parameter optimization. Table 6.2 presents the

parameters that were evaluated, creating 5,184 different combinations.

In total, 554 (10.6%) out of the 5,184 total combinations of the parameters pro-

duced an accuracy of 95.5% or more, that is, as good as or better results than those

achieved in Zylius (2017). Median values suggest that, in general, the model can be


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Table 6.2: Parameters considered for the bag of words model.

Parameter Evaluated value

Accelerometer axes X, Y, ‖(X,Y )‖2, XYClassifiers MLP, RF, GNB, KNN

Codebook size K = {2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250}Event’s length (time stamps) L = {5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300}

Overlapping (50%) Yes/NoTF-IDF Yes/No

Figure 6.1: Box plots summarizing the distribution of classification results for the bag of words model.

tuned to produce very good results for aggressive driving detection. The box plot

in Figure 6.1 presents the distributions of the results for the binary classification of

normal and aggressive driving, in terms of accuracy, F-measure and G-means. It can

be seen that there is a wide range in terms of the G-means metric, this indicates that

many combinations of parameters managed to produce classification biased toward

aggressive or normal driving, without being capable of making correct predictions

for both classes in this unbalanced data set.

Statistical testing was performed with the methodology described in Demsar

(2006) (also used in the previous chapter). Figure 6.2 presents the critical difference

diagrams for the parametersK and L, showing that some values for the parameters

can be considered equal. From this analysis, the following generalizations were


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• The usage of the norm of the vectors for longitudinal and lateral acceleration

yields better results than the other evaluated axis combinations. This was

expected since both longitudinal and lateral accelerations tend to be used to

detect different types of driving events (braking/cornering, etc.), and is in

agreement with the results presented in Eboli et al. (2016). Using only the axis

associated to Lateral acceleration is the second best alternative.

• Larger codebooks (K > 50) tend to perform better than smaller ones.

• In general, smaller codeword lengths (L) achieve better results. This is related

to the duration of the events of interest, and the lengths of the characteristic

shapelets discovered.

• Overall, MLP was the best option to classify the feature vectors computed

with BoW, followed by a GNB, but there’s no significant difference between

both classifiers in terms of G-means. However, the GNB classifier had a much

lower correlation between F-measure and G-means than the MLP (0.76 and

0.96, respectively), therefore a MLP is preferred.

6.4.2 Classification of Aggressive Driving Events

The classification of individual aggressive driving events is now addressed, first

evaluating the suitability of the bag of words methodology, and then comparing its

results with other automatic feature learning methodologies.

Bag of Words

The bag of words feature extraction technique presented before was used to identify

the specific type of aggressive maneuver reflected in a short acceleration time series


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Figure 6.2: a) CDD for F-measure with respect to K. b) CDD for F-measure with respect to L.


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Figure 6.3: Box plots summarizing the distribution of the average results for individual maneuverclassification with all the parameters in the grid search for our data set.

Table 6.3: Best results for aggressive event classification over our data set.

Methodology Classifier nf K L Overlap TF-IDF F-measure G-means Acc.

Author’s GNB - 150 200 Yes No 0.9702 0.9758 0.9688Author’s MLP - 50 150 Yes No 0.9689 0.9807 0.9683Author’s MLP - 150 200 Yes Yes 0.9689 0.9828 0.9677Author’s MLP - 100 200 No Yes 0.9669 0.9679 0.9661Author’s MLP - 100 150 Yes Yes 0.9665 0.9776 0.9655

Ferreira et al. (2017) RF 4 - - - - 0.8738 0.9244 0.8725Ferreira et al. (2017) RF 3 - - - - 0.8370 0.8949 0.8351Ferreira et al. (2017) RF 2 - - - - 0.6560 0.7701 0.6586Ferreira et al. (2017) RF 1 - - - - 0.4662 0.6099 0.4781

in two axis (lateral and longitudinal) over our data set. The proposal of Ferreira et

al. (2017) was also applied to vertical acceleration as a benchmark.

Figure 6.3 presents the results in terms of accuracy, F-measure, and G-means, for

individual aggressive maneuver classification, showing high median values in all

three metrics. The best results, and the parameters that produced them are listed in

Table 6.3. Automatic feature learning outperformed the feature vector proposed in

Ferreira et al. (2017).

Both data representations were also tested in the data set released by Ferreira et

al. (2017). Table 6.4 presents the best performing combinations of parameters for the

bag of words model, along with the results with statistical summarization. Again,

the bag of words model has better results in terms of the three metrics.


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Table 6.4: Best results for aggressive event classification over the data set by Ferreira et al. (2017).

Methodology Classifier nf K L Overlapping TF-IDF F-measure G-means Acc.

Authors’ RF - 10 5 Yes No 0.8987 0.9184 0.8928Authors’ MLP - 5 100 Yes No 0.8806 0.8967 0.875Authors’ RF - 50 5 Yes Yes 0.8787 0.9148 0.8785Authors’ RF - 10 150 Yes Yes 0.8736 0.8960 0.8714Authors’ MLP - 50 10 Yes Yes 0.8601 0.9266 0.8607

Ferreira et al. (2017) RF 4 - - - - 0.6862 0.8344 0.7013Ferreira et al. (2017) RF 3 - - - - 0.6381 0.8044 0.6473Ferreira et al. (2017) RF 2 - - - - 0.4938 0.7181 0.5200Ferreira et al. (2017) RF 1 - - - - 0.4564 0.6056 0.4709

Table 6.5: Parameters considered for SAX-based classification.

Parameter Evaluated values

Classifiers MLP, RF, GNB, KNNWord length L = {25, 50, 100, 150, 200}

Alphabet length S = {5, 10, 15, 20}N-gram max. size N = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}


SAX and Bag of Features

Given the effectiveness of the bag of words model, two different automatic feature

extraction alternatives were evaluated: a SAX (Senin & Malinchik, 2013) represen-

tation with n-grams, and bag of features (Baydogan et al., 2013). Both techniques

were applied over our data set and the one by Ferreira et al. (2017), to compare

their suitability for the classification of aggressive driving events. The parameters

for the SAX and bag of features models are shown in Tables 6.5 and 6.6. The best

results obtained from the evaluation of the different combinations of parameters are

summarized in Table 6.7.

Although the three methodologies have different underlying principles, they all

allow for very good classification results. The bag of words model achieves the

highest scores, closely followed by bag of features. All three models have better

performance when longer sequences of samples are considered for feature extrac-

tion, this is probably related to the length of the events in question and their low-


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Table 6.6: Parameters considered for BoF-based classification.

Parameter Evaluated value

Classifiers MLP, RF, GNB, KNNSubsequence length factor z = {0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75}

Histogram bins B = {5, 10}Subsequence generation scheme Totally random


Table 6.7: Comparison of the best results achieved with each feature extraction methods for both datasets.

Author’s data set Ferreira et al.’s data set

F-measure G-means Accuracy F-measure G-means Accuracy

BoW 0.9689 0.9807 0.9683 0.8987 0.9184 0.8928BoF 0.9581 0.9780 0.9566 0.7928 0.7162 0.7857SAX 0.9217 0.9325 0.9205 0.7395 0.8567 0.7357

frequency components, for which longer shapelets are more representative.

6.5 Contributions

Two related driving style analysis problems were addressed by using automatic

feature extraction techniques: aggressive driving detection, and the classification of

common types of individual aggressive maneuvers.

For the first problem, a grid search of parameters was applied to a bag of words

model for time series. It was found that many configurations are capable of per-

forming as well or better than the state of the art proposal by Zylius (2017), based

on hand-crafted features, achieving accuracy scores equal or greater than 95.5%.

Automatic feature extraction also managed to outperform the state of the art

strategy by Ferreira et al. (2017), based on statistical summarization over sliding

windows. Feature vectors produced by the bag of words methodology outper-

formed the hand-crafted descriptors by over 5% in accuracy, F-measure, and G-


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means, on two different data sets.

In total, three different methods were evaluated for the automatic extraction of

features and classification of individual aggressive driving events: the bag of words

model, bag of features, and a SAX-based representation. These techniques had not

been used in the context of driving style analysis but, as it was shown, are useful

to produce highly classifiable representations without much direct human inter-

vention. After the bag of words model, bag of features showed to be the second

best alternative. The bag of features model requires the least adjustment in its pa-

rameters, and the default configuration in the original implementation manages to

achieve very good results.


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Chapter 7

In Conclusion: a General Pipeline

for Smartphone-based Sensing of

Roads and Driving Style

7.1 Motivation

This study has addressed road anomalies and aggressive driving, two important

problems in ITS which are very related because of their almost simultaneous occur-

rence in real life, the use of the same sensors for data collection, and the application

of very similar algorithms and techniques for their study and the creation of solu-

tions. Given these similarities, it is natural to think that both problems can, and

perhaps should, be treated simultaneously, or that at least they would be highly

intertwined in the literature. Surprisingly, that has not been the case.

Although researchers some times work on both problems, it is uncommon to

do so in the same article1, and even less common to find an experiment that simul-

1Mohan et al. (2008) is a very important seminal work because of the exploration of multiple prob-lems in ITS that have to be simultaneously addressed if robust systems are to be deployed in reallife.


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taneously treats road anomalies and aggressive driving2. This notorious division

should be ended, so that the developments and experiences in one topic can more

quickly benefit the work in the other.

In this final chapter, the proposals found in the rest of the document are com-

bined to create a pipeline for both road condition and driving style sensing and clas-

sification. This pipeline is based on machine learning techniques, does not assume

knowledge about the characteristics of the vehicle, and does not rely on threshold


7.2 Aims and Objectives

The objective of this study is to produce a pipeline that can perform road anomaly

detection, classification, and characterization, alongside aggressive driving detec-

tion and the classification of individual aggressive maneuvers, presenting a unified

framework for acceleration time series analysis for ITS applications.

As a secondary objective, a feature vector is proposed for the detection of events

of interest in both road and driving analysis, becoming the main routing element for

the proposed pipeline. This feature vector includes statistical descriptors calculated

over triaxial acceleration readings and the pitch and roll angles.

7.3 Our Proposal

A general overview of the pipeline is presented in Figure 7.1. It starts with the re-

orientation of the acceleration signals addressed in Chapter 3, if needed, which is

followed by the calculation of a feature vector and the classification of signals in

three classes: normal driving (for which no further action is needed), road anomaly,

2Tecimer et al. (2015) presented a classification model that simultaneously deals with road anoma-lies and aggressive driving events.


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and aggressive driving event. For the case of road anomalies, the procedure de-

scribed in Gonzalez et al. (2017) is followed, in order to determine the type or road

anomaly found. That process can be optionally followed by the estimation of depth,

for potholes, and functional status, for speed bumps, as described in Chapter 5. Ag-

gressive driving maneuvers are classified with the methods described in Chapter 6.

Both the road anomalies and the aggressive maneuver classifiers also manage the

normal driving category, as to be able to handle those samples erroneously sent by

the first classification.

Figure 7.1: Diagram of the proposed pipeline. It takes as input acceleration in three dimensions, whichmight need to be reoriented. Routing is the first step, in which a classifier decides if the accelerationreadings reflect normal driving (in which case no further action is required), a road anomaly, or anaggressive driving event. After this decision is made, the tasks of road anomaly classification, andcharacterization, or aggressive driving event classification are performed, accordingly.


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Table 7.1: Features used for the separation of normal driving, road anomaly, and aggressive driving.

Descriptor Time series Global value Max. from subsequences

Stdev A XStdev Z XStdev Z XStdev deriv(Z) XCrossing rate Z XMean H XMax deriv(H) XStdev H X

The new component presented in this chapter is the feature vector used in the

first classification, for the determination of which of the three main paths has to be

followed for a specific signal. It combines the insights gained from the analysis of

the literature and the experience acquired while modeling acceleration signals.

This feature vector can be calculated over time series of variable length (from

one to five seconds, the length of most of the events of interest addressed in this

dissertation). It uses some statistical features calculated over the complete time

series, but also divides it in subsequences with length of one second (with 50%

overlapping), and considers the maximum value calculated over each of these sub-

sequences. Features are calculated from three time series: vertical acceleration (Z),

the Euclidean norm of longitudinal and lateral acceleration (H), and the Euclidean

norm of pitch and roll angles, calculated with Equation 2.3 or an equivalent (A).

The first derivative (deriv) of vertical acceleration and the Euclidean norm of the

other two axes are also used to calculate features. The complete feature vector is

described in Table 7.1, indicating the descriptor, time series for which it is calcu-

lated, and if it the global value for the time series or the maximum value of all its


Using the maximum value of the one overlapping second long subsequences

attempts to focus on the most probable segment in which most of the energy of the


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Table 7.2: Number of examples for each category in the data set used to evaluate the proposed pipeline

Class Examples

Normal driving 462Aggressive acceleration 146Aggressive braking 133Aggressive swerving 286Potholes 150Speed bumps 150Metal bumps 150


event of interest is present. The descriptors obtained from the complete time series

attempt to provide a more ample context, giving the classifier a reference of the

general conditions of the road and the driving maneuvers.

7.4 Preliminary Results

The pipeline was evaluated over a data set with 1,477 time series representing

seven classes: normal driving, aggressive acceleration, aggressive braking, aggres-

sive swerving, potholes, speed bumps, and metal bumps. The distribution of the

time series for all events contained in the data set is detailed in Table 7.2.

A SVM machine with RBF kernel was used to classify the feature vector de-

scribed in this chapter. The evaluation for the complete pipeline, and the individual

classifiers, was performed using a stratified shuffle split cross-validation scheme

with a 80% of data for training and 20% for testing, repeated 30 times.

The average F-score for the routing classifier using the feature vector proposed

above was 0.94. The average F-score for all categories, after using the classifiers

for road anomalies and aggressive maneuvers, was 0.87, with most of the classes

having values over 0.9 but being lowered by the mistakes made in the classification

of road anomalies in some batches.


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7.5 A Take-home Message of this Dissertation

Several remarks can be made as general recommendations and conclusions from

the results presented in this dissertation, and the experience gained while working

on the experiments described above. These are meant to simplify the development

of new systems that apply this knowledge, and to save time to new researchers who

wish to work on the problems addressed in this text.

The first observation is that a few minutes of data should be considered for sen-

sor reorientation. There is a higher probability of having a smartphone changing its

orientation during longer periods of time, but if there is no indication of user inter-

action with the device, these longer periods will produce better results. The extrac-

tion of acceleration readings in the vertical axis is almost always possible, and the

separation of the two other axes is simple once vertical reorientation has been per-

formed. However, individually identifying lateral and longitudinal components is

more difficult, and the use of algorithms that rely on their Euclidean norm can both

simplify the process and improve the results obtained.

Although data collection is an expensive process for ITS research, it is very im-

portant to try to assemble a robust and diverse data set. Even if dedicated sensors

are installed in vehicles, there are many sources of noise and unforeseeable changes

that complicate the analysis of the signals. Data augmentation techniques should

be explored to address this situation. The use of semi-supervised learning can be

another worthy pursuit, to apply the available techniques and data to tag signals

obtained by means of crowdsourcing and thus increase the size of the data sets for

future research.

The reliance on threshold-based algorithms should be avoided, except when a

computationally inexpensive basic detector for a whole family of patterns is desired.

As it has been showed, machine learning detectors are capable of outperforming

them, and alternatives such as the first classifier presented in this chapter can be


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more versatile.

Hand-crafted feature vectors, based on time and frequency domain descriptors,

are useful for the identification of anomalies in time series, but they do not perform

as well for the classification of more specific patterns. The information required

for more fine-grained classification is easier to detect by means of the comparison

of sequences, for which some level of temporal information has to be preserved.

Most of the descriptors used in the feature vectors described in the literature dis-

card this temporal information and present an atemporal summary of a sequence

of readings. Techniques such as those presented in Chapter 6, or others capable of

grouping individual readings and treat them as basic elements (such as those rely-

ing on shapelets, or convolutional neural networks) should be tried for high level

pattern classification, to save time (since manual feature engineering is more time

consuming) and achieve better performance.

Smartphones are a simple, widely deployed, and inexpensive sensing platform

for ITS, both as an opportunistic sensing alternative for crowdsourcing campaigns

and as dedicated sensors for controlled experiments. Their ease of use and low

cost have truly removed many of the barriers to entry for many research topics

in ITS, smart cities, civionics, civil engineering, and related areas. The challenge

now resides in the software components of the computer systems, making sense

out of the great volumes of data that are starting to become available, to create

more advanced systems capable of dealing with higher-level problems, and having

them deployed at large scales.


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