Darth Maul: A New Dawn - Chapter 14 - SnapMite1998 - Star Wars (2024)

Chapter Text

(The Prism)

Darth Maul was no stranger to pain.

By all accounts, he was deeply intimate with pain. From the moment he was brought into the galaxy, he had known pain: receiving the tattoos of a Dathomirian Zabrak, being trained rigorously as well as brutally by Darth Sidious, being cut in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi, and suffering from twelve long, excruciating years of isolation, malnourishment, and insanity.

Now, as the Sith Lord was being interrogated by the Jedi warden, Zhao Wen, Darth Maul found that the torture he was going through was laughable. As he was kept in suspense thanks to the throne he was forced to be seated in, the Sith Lord would receive an electric shock if he failed to indulge the Jedi Master's curiosity.

"You will tell me of your plans, Sith." Activating the throne's shock feature, Darth Maul snarled as electricity coursed through him. Once the surge of pain stopped, the Zabrak panted before giving the Jedi warden a murderous glare, however, Master Wen was not afraid of the monster before him. "You will tell me of your military operations, the locations of your criminal syndicate leaders, and you will tell me of this... Blood Star superweapon. And you will tell me now."

Laughing dryly, the Sith Lord looked his foe in the eyes and bore his teeth in defiance. "You will learn nothing, Jedi filth," with a sinister grin, Darth Maul continued. "The Sith have been denied what is rightfully theirs for far too long. The Sith will have their revenge, and Crimson Dawn is the fire that will cleanse the galaxy of the corrupt Republic and accursed Jedi Order."

Once more, Master Wen activated the throne's shock feature, electrifying Darth Maul at a higher setting. As azure tendrils of electricity surged through the Sith Lord, he embraced the pain as he recalled being tormented by Darth Sidious and his Force lightning whenever he had failed him in years past. Not only does he recall such traumatic torment, but he recalls all the pain and suffering in his life before drawing strength from his boiling anger and fuming hatred. Unleashing an animalistic roar, Maul bore his fangs relished in the pain, and used the Force to choke the Jedi warden.

The Jedi guards in the Sith Lord's prison chamber quickly activated their yellow double-bladed lightsabers and rushed to Master Wen's aid as Maul continued to choke the Jedi. Before any of the Jedi guards could close in, Maul released Master Wen and savored the Jedi Master's attempts to regain his breath. Were it up to him, he would've crushed the man's windpipe without pity or mercy, but the Jedi guards would've cut him down in retaliation.

"Relishing in the torture of a prisoner? That is hardly the Jedi way, isn't it?" Chuckling darkly at the Jedi Master, Maul smirked. "Of course, you know that. So why do such a thing?" Narrowing his eyes at the man, the Sith Lord used the Force to probe his mind, and although the Jedi warden stood firm, his anger towards the Zabrak got the better of him, allowing the Sith Lord to reveal why the warden was so hostile towards him. As the Force intertwined their thoughts and emotions, the Jedi warden's facade of composure began to crack, revealing the deep-seated animosity he harbored towards the Zabrak Sith Lord.

"Ah, now I see. You are the brother of General Wen, the Jedi who led a siege of Mandalore some time ago," chuckling darkly as he managed to fetch the truth from the Jedi Master's mind, Darth Maul intended to use this knowledge as a weapon and make the warden unbalanced and expose the worst of the Jedi's attributes. "I sense your familial bond was strong, something that I respect. Unfortunately, when she and her student came to dethrone me, they were unprepared for the challenge we posed, and they died far too quickly."

The air in the chamber crackled with tension as Darth Maul's dark chuckle reverberated off the stone walls. The Sith Lord's gleaming eyes bore into the Jedi Master, a predatory smirk curling on his lips as he unraveled the secrets buried within the warden's mind.

Dread crept into the Jedi Master's heart as Maul spoke, revealing his knowledge of General Wen, the Jedi who had led a failed siege of Mandalore. The mention of his beloved sister triggered a tumult of emotions within the warden, threatening to disrupt his facade of stoicism.

Maul's malicious intent was clear as he sought to exploit the Jedi Master's vulnerabilities. The Zabrak intended to use the familial bond between the warden and General Wen as a weapon, wielding it to shatter the Jedi's resolve and expose the deepest recesses of his psyche.

As Darth Maul painted a grim picture of the Jedi's failure against the Sith's might, the warden's clenched fists betrayed his inner turmoil. The memory of his sister's demise at the hands of the Sith Lord and his allies weighed heavily upon him, a wound that festered with time.

With a voice laced with disdain, the Jedi Master spat out his retort, his words tinged with righteous anger. "You are Sith. You would have fought with dishonor and treachery," he seethed, his gaze unwavering in the face of Maul's oppressive presence. "Unlike you, my sister fought with honor. Had she prevailed against you and your barbaric brethren, I would not be burdened with keeping you contained like an animal."

The stark contrast between the Jedi's unwavering principles and the Sith Lord's ruthless methods cast a shadow over their confrontation. Their clash of ideologies, of honor versus deception, righteousness versus ambition, unfolded in a silent battle that mirrored the eternal struggle between light and dark.

Darth Maul's grin widened, a mocking glint in his eyes as he savored the Jedi Master's outburst. "Ah, the virtues of honor and integrity that the Jedi cling to so desperately," he sneered, reveling in the warden's visible agitation. "But know this, Master Wen, your sister's perceived 'honor' was her downfall. In the end, it is strength and power that will reign supreme, not misguided ideals."

The tension between the Jedi Master and the Sith Lord simmered, the weight of their newly formed animosity towards each other and conflicting beliefs hanging heavy in the air. In that moment of confrontation, the bond of kinship and the chasm of enmity intertwined, shaping the destiny of two souls forever entwined in a dance of loyalty and betrayal.

Turning to the Jedi guards, Master Wen spoke firmly. "No provisions for the Sith today," he then added. "Keep a watchful eye on him. I must leave, lest I give in to my anger and do something I truly regret."

"Yes, Master Wen."

As Master Wen exited the chamber, leaving Darth Maul to the watchful eyes of the Jedi guards, a storm of conflicting emotions raged within him. The Sith Lord's presence, with his cruel and calculating gaze, fueled the flames of fury within the Jedi Master, tempting him towards the edge of darkness.

With each step away from Maul's confinement, the weight of restraint pressed down upon Master Wen's shoulders. The desire for vengeance burned brightly within him, a righteous fire of justice colliding with the icy grip of his Jedi training. To lash out in anger and end the Sith's life in that moment would be a submission to the darkness he had sworn to oppose.

Drawing upon his inner strength, Master Wen steeled his resolve, resolute in his commitment to the Jedi way. Though the whisper of revenge lingered at the edges of his consciousness, he chose to turn away from the path of darkness and embrace the teachings of the light side.

The memory of his sister, General Wen, a beacon of courage and honor, guided his actions as he made his way through the corridors of the Jedi stronghold. Her unwavering dedication to the Jedi Order and her sacrifice in the face of the Sith's brutality served as a reminder of the path he must walk.

As he gazed upon the stars through the towering windows of the temple, Master Wen vowed to uphold his sister's legacy. The mantle of guardian and protector of the light side of the Force weighed heavily upon him, a duty that transcended personal desires and impulses.

In the silence of contemplation, the Jedi Master found solace in the knowledge that by resisting the urge for retribution, he was honoring not only his sister's memory but also the ideals of the Jedi Order. The determination to safeguard the galaxy from the encroaching darkness burned brightly within him, a commitment to preserve the light that flickered in the face of oppression.

With a final breath of resolve, Master Wen embraced his role as a guardian of peace, a sentinel against the tide of chaos and malevolence that threatened to engulf the galaxy. Though the specter of Darth Maul loomed in the shadows, his presence a constant reminder of the ongoing battle between light and dark, the Jedi Master stood resolute, a steadfast protector of the balance that must be upheld at all costs.

Darth Maul, a being consumed by the dark side of the Force, sat in solitude, his mind enveloped in a meditative trance. He had faced countless trials and tribulations throughout his life, and now, imprisoned within this chamber, he embraced the stillness, drawing upon his Sith training to strengthen his resolve.

As he closed his eyes, memories of his tumultuous journey flooded his mind. Betrayal, survival, vengeance— it had all shaped him into the force to be reckoned with that he had become.

They could pry, they could threaten, but Darth Maul would not waiver. The dark side had honed his resilience, teaching him to endure against all odds. He was determined to protect his secrets, to keep his enemies at bay.

With each passing moment, Maul's connection to the dark side deepened. His thoughts turned to his brothers, loyal disciples who carried out his will across the galaxy. He knew that they would come for him— the bond of their shared purpose would guide them to his side once more.

Maul visualized Jedi Master Wen, his present enemy, and the one who had dared to imprison him. The anticipation of their inevitable confrontation filled him with a twisted pleasure. He yearned for the day when he would face Wen when he could relish the taste of victory as he ended the Jedi Master's life.

For now, patience became Maul's closest ally. He knew the power of biding his time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. In the depths of his meditation, he embraced the darkness within him, drawing strength from its fiery depths.

As the minutes turned into hours, Darth Maul remained resolute. He would endure, he would survive, and he would emerge from this trial with his power and vengeance intact. His enemies may attempt to break him, but he would not break.

In the darkness of the prison chamber, surrounded by silence and anticipation, Darth Maul's determination burned brighter than ever. His survival instincts reigned supreme, and he knew that, before long, he would be free to unleash his wrath upon those who had dared to cross his path.

Through the eons, the galaxy had witnessed the relentless rise of Darth Maul, and now, trapped within the confines of his captivity, it would witness his triumphant return. Death and chaos awaited his enemies, as Darth Maul patiently awaited the arrival of his brothers, ready to reclaim his rightful place as the harbinger of fear and death in the galaxy.


Bo-Katan, who had been made Regent of Mandalore after the titanic battle that happened between the Separatists, Republic, and Crimson Dawn. With the Confederacy all but crippled, the Republic victorious, and Crimson Dawn in retreat, Bo was hellbent on maintaining an iron grip on Mandalore and making sure the remaining loyalists of Darth Maul were no longer planetside. They were lurking in the hidden deeps in the capital city or in the wastelands beyond to be a thorn in Mandalore's side.

After flushing a significant number of Maul's loyalists out of hiding that were still on Mandalore, Bo had them imprisoned. Some were Super Commandos, others were Dawn soldiers or criminal syndicate mercenaries, but the most prized prisoner was Prime Minister Almec. After capturing him, Bo interrogated him and demanded to know where if there were any other loyalists to Darth Maul on the planet that would sabotage her efforts to reform Mandalore and see it on the path of healing.

"You will learn nothing from me, my dear," Almec chuckled smugly. He then noted the Darksaber clipped to her waist and he snorted. "You may possess the Darksaber, but you did not earn it in ritualistic combat. The Jedi intervened in your duel with my Lord Maul before he could end your life—"

Landing a vicious right hook across the man's face, Bo exhaled sharply, blowing strands of her red hair out of her face as she then grabbed Almec by the front of his elegant jumpsuit. "Tell me what I want to know, Almec, or else I won't make life easy for you," she then raised her right arm activated the hidden blade in her gauntlet, and pressed the tip of the blade to Almec's throat. "I won't ask you again. Are there any other loyalists to Maul on the planet?"

Chuckling darkly, Almec shook his head. "If I were you, my girl, I would worry about the affairs of your alliance. After all, not all of them view your rule as legitimate," he then shrugged. "All I can tell you is that I hope I live long enough to see your allies kill you."

With a frustrated grunt, Bo released Almec from his cell, the weight of his words lingering in the air. As she stormed out of the cell, a tangle of conflicting emotions churned within her. The revelation from Almec had struck a chord of disquiet in her heart, stirring doubts and uncertainties that she had long fought to suppress.

Returning to the palace where her allies awaited, Bo's steps echoed with determination, her mind racing with the implications of Almec's revelations. The words of Rek Mast'ran and his house, weaving a narrative of dissent and discord, gnawed at the core of her leadership, casting shadows of doubt upon her claim to Mandalore's throne.

The Mandalorian people, a fierce and proud warrior culture, had always demanded a leader who embodied strength, honor, and unity. Bo's path to power had been arduous, marked by trials and tribulations that had tested her resolve at every turn. Yet, the whispers of dissent that now threatened to undermine her authority were like poison seeping into the heart of Mandalore.

As she entered the grand halls of the palace, the weight of responsibility bore down upon Bo's shoulders. The mantle of Mandalore, once a symbol of unity and strength, now felt heavy with the burden of doubt. Her allies, loyal and steadfast, awaited her guidance, their gazes seeking reassurance in the face of uncertainty.

Taking a moment to gather her thoughts, Bo looked to her trusted advisors, their faces etched with concern and determination. The shadows of dissent loomed large, but within her heart, a spark of defiance flickered. She would not allow doubt to erode the foundation of her rule, nor would she let the discord sown by her enemies tear apart the fabric of Mandalore.

With a resolve born from the fires of adversity, Bo addressed her allies, her voice ringing clear and unwavering. "We face a challenge unlike any we have known, but we will not falter. The loyalty of our people must be earned, not demanded. We will show our people the strength of our unity, the honor of our traditions, and the resilience of our spirit."

Her words, a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness, resonated with her allies, infusing them with renewed purpose and determination. Together, they forged a path forward, united in their resolve to combat the seeds of doubt and division that threatened to tear their beloved Mandalore apart.

As Bo stood at the precipice of uncertainty, her gaze fixed on the horizon, she knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges and trials. But with the support of her allies, the courage of her convictions, and the spirit of Mandalore burning brightly within her, she was ready to face whatever trials lay in store and emerge stronger, united, and undaunted in the face of adversity.

"I agree, Lady Kryze. Mandalore deserves a leader who has earned the loyalty of our people. Darth Maul has earned that right."

Rek Mast'ran, clad in resplendent Mandalorian armor that spoke of ancient lineage and warrior traditions, stood firm in his assertion that Darth Maul had earned the right to lead Mandalore. The legacy of his ancestors, the proud descendants of Mandalore the Lesser, fueled his conviction that a leader of strength and power was needed to restore the honor of their people.

The rift between Rek's steadfast allegiance to the warrior ways of Mandalore and Bo's vehement opposition to Darth Maul's claim to power widened, casting a shadow of doubt over their unity. The scars of past betrayals and missteps, the chaos wrought by Sith treachery and crime syndicates, remained fresh in the collective memory of Mandalore.

Bo's fiery defiance, a reflection of her fierce determination to uphold the legacy of her sister and defend the honor of Mandalore, resonated with her allies. The echoes of agreement that reverberated through the chamber bore testament to the unwavering loyalty and trust they placed in her leadership.

Her declaration, a resounding rejection of Darth Maul's tyranny, and the dark legacy he embodied cut through the tension like a blade of light in the darkness. The Darksaber, a symbol of strength and unity revered by Mandalorians, held a significance that transcended mere power; it was a beacon of hope and resilience that must never fall into the wrong hands.

The clash of wills between Bo and Rek Mast'ran mirrored the eternal struggle for the soul of Mandalore, a battle that tested the resolve and convictions of its people. The future of their homeworld teetered on a precipice, balanced between the shadows of the past and the promise of a new dawn.

As the standoff between them lingered, the fate of Mandalore hung in the balance, awaiting the pivotal moment when the scales would tip in favor of unity, honor, and the unwavering spirit of a people bound by their creed. In that crucible of conflict and determination, the true strength of Mandalore would be revealed, forged in the fires of adversity and tempered by the legacy of its warriors.

"Darth Maul is a disease that needed to be removed from our history," Bo stated, causing many of her allies to voice agreement with her. Her fierce gaze intensified as she glared at Rek. "I will not allow the Sith who murdered my sister to possess the Darksaber ever again."

"Agreed," Fenn Rau spoke as he added. "Maul used the Darksaber to conquer and divide our people, not unify us. Are you so blind to see that?"

"I believe he is, Rau," Ursa Wren snorted. "He's eager to split from our coalition and join that mad Zabrak and his conquest of vengeance that will ultimately destroy him and the fools who follow him."

The tension in the room reached a boiling point as Rek's defiance threatened to shatter the fragile alliance among Mandalore's leaders. Bo stood poised, her eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and sorrow at the betrayal she faced.

Fenn Rau and Ursa Wren's words echoed with truth, highlighting the destructive path Darth Maul had carved with the Darksaber in hand. The weapon, a symbol of unity, had been twisted into a tool of conquest under the Zabrak's tyrannical rule, driving a wedge through the heart of Mandalore.

Rek suddenly made a brazen declaration of intent to kill Bo and deliver her head and the Darksaber to Maul sent shockwaves through the gathered Mandalorians. Their blasters raised in unison, a silent threat of defiance against the betrayal that Rek sought to unleash upon their leader.

Bo's voice rang out with steely resolve, her hand raised in a plea for calm amid the rising storm of conflict. Her allies hesitated, torn between loyalty to their leader and the specter of bloodshed that loomed before them.

"You are a fool, Rek," Bo's words were sharp, laced with a mixture of disappointment and anger. The threat of civil war, the fracturing of their people's unity, loomed large in the wake of Rek's treachery. The future of Mandalore hung in the balance, teetering on the edge of destruction.

Rek's defiance hardened into resolve as he assumed a battle stance, his determination to see his vision through unyielding. The moment hung heavy with the weight of destiny, the clash between tradition and upheaval, loyalty and betrayal, poised to unfold in a storm of violence and reckoning.

Bo's gaze met Rek's with unflinching determination, her resolve unwavering in the face of his challenge. The echoes of a thousand battles, the ghosts of Mandalorian's past, swirled around them, bearing witness to a confrontation that would shape the course of their people's future.

With a single nod, Bo accepted Rek's challenge, her words a declaration of defiance against the shadow of betrayal that threatened to consume them. The clash of warriors, a dance of blades and wills, would determine the fate of Mandalore and the legacy they would leave behind.

As the tension reached its crescendo, the clash between Bo and Rek stood as a testament to the struggle for the soul of Mandalore. In that pivotal moment, the fate of their people would be decided, their destinies intertwined in a battle that would echo through the annals of Mandalorian history.

The clash between Bo-Katan Kryze and Rek Mast'ran was a display of unmatched skill and determination. The Mandalorians of Clan Kryze and those under Bo's coalition watched in silence as their leader faced off against the traitor who sought to ally himself with the dark side and Darth Maul.

Bo-Katan's blue armor gleamed in the light as she wielded the Darksaber with precision and grace, her movements fluid and calculated. Rek Mast'ran, his armor black and menacing, matched her blow for blow with his dual Beskar swords, his dark intentions clear in his eyes.

The two warriors circled each other, their weapons clashing with a resounding clang. Bo-Katan's determination to defend her people and uphold the honor of Mandalore clashed with Rek Mast'ran's thirst for power and conquest, creating a tension that crackled in the air.

As the fight raged on, the Mandalorians of Clan Kryze and the Mandalorian resistance watched with bated breath, their loyalty torn between their leader and the traitor in their midst. But as Bo-Katan's skill and determination began to overpower Rek Mast'ran, it became clear where their allegiance truly lay.

With a final, decisive strike, Bo-Katan disarmed Rek Mast'ran and stood victorious over him, the Darksaber pointed at his throat. The traitor, defeated and humiliated, looked up at her with a mix of defiance and resignation, knowing that his quest for power had led him down a dark path.

As the Mandalorians of Clan Kryze cheered for their victorious leader, Bo-Katan stood tall and proud, her resolve unshaken. The threat of Darth Maul and his influence had been thwarted, and Mandalore remained free from the grip of the dark side, thanks to the bravery and skill of Bo-Katan Kryze.

"You are beaten."

Looking up at Bo-Katan with disgust and resentment, Rek spat. "Never!" Refusing to accept defeat at the hands of Bo-Katan, the traitor raised his right arm and fired his whipcord to momentarily immobilize Lady Kryze. As she fell, he activated his jetpack and snatched the Darksaber that flew out of her grasp and blasted out of the throne room, evading the blaster fire from the other Mandalorians still loyal to Bo and her vision for a Mandalore free from Maul's tyranny and oppressive yoke.

Screaming in outrage as the traitor flew away with the Darksaber in hand, Lady Kryze then ordered his pursuit while she quickly cutting herself free from the whipcord wrapped around her body before she flew after him, intent on killing him and preventing him from delivering the Darksaber back to Darth Maul.

As Rek Mast'ran soared through the skies of Mandalore with the Darksaber clutched in his hand, Bo-Katan pursued him with fierce determination. The Mandalorians loyal to her cause followed close behind, their jetpacks roaring as they chased after the traitor who sought to deliver the symbol of power back to Darth Maul.

The wind whipped past Bo-Katan's helmeted face as she pushed her jetpack to its limits, her mind focused on one goal: to reclaim the Darksaber and prevent Maul from using it to further his dark ambitions. The fate of Mandalore hung in the balance, and she knew that she could not let Rek Mast'ran succeed in his treacherous mission.

As they flew through the city streets, blaster fire erupted around them as the loyal Mandalorians tried to bring down the traitor. But Rek Mast'ran was skilled in aerial combat, dodging and weaving through the chaos with expert precision, his determination matching Bo-Katan's own.

With a fierce battle cry, Bo-Katan closed in on Rek Mast'ran, her Beskar sword at the ready, it crackled with azure electricity and was ready to end the traitor's life. As she prepared to strike, however, Rek Mast'ran suddenly veered off course, heading towards the outskirts of the city and into the treacherous terrain beyond.

Bo-Katan gritted her teeth in frustration, knowing that the chase was far from over. But she was determined to reclaim the Darksaber and restore honor to Mandalore, no matter the cost. With a renewed sense of purpose, she continued her pursuit, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead in her quest to thwart Darth Maul's dark influence and reclaim her people's freedom.

A Kom'rk suddenly arrived bearing the marks of Rek's house, and Bo knew that if he escaped, Maul would return at some point to reclaim Mandalore, and she couldn't let that happen. As Rek Mast'ran boarded his Kom'rk transport and soared through the cloudy skies of Mandalore, the Darksaber clutched tightly in his hand, Bo-Katan Kryze refused to let him escape without a fight. With a fierce determination, she lashed out with her whipcord, managing to wrap it around Rek's waist and pull him away from the ship.

Caught off guard, Rek let out a cry of surprise as Bo-Katan delivered a ruthless punch to his helmeted face, the impact sending him reeling. The two Mandalorian warriors clashed in mid-air, their movements swift and precise as they fought for control of the Darksaber and the fate of Mandalore.

As Rek's ship circled back around for another pass, he unleashed a sonic blast from his gauntlet, the powerful shockwave sending Bo-Katan crashing down to the barren wasteland below. With a mixture of disbelief and fury, Bo-Katan watched as the traitor boarded his ship and blasted off into the distance, the Darksaber still in his possession.

As the dust settled and the echoes of the battle faded, Bo-Katan rose from the ground, her resolve unbroken. Though Rek Mast'ran had escaped with the Darksaber for now, she knew that their paths would cross again and that she would stop at nothing to reclaim the symbol of Mandalore's honor and defeat the dark forces that threatened her people. Ripping off her helmet with a steely determination in her eyes, Bo-Katan vowed to continue the fight, no matter the obstacles that stood in her way.

For Mandalore.

For Satine.


"Senator, we must leave, now!"

Senator Avi Singh of Raxus, who was watching on ensuing carnage with horror was, at that moment, frozen. Despite all the power and influence he possessed as a senator who served the citizens of Raxus, at this moment, he was utterly powerless to prevent what he was witnessing.

The once bustling capital city fell under the iron grip of Crimson Dawn, a faction determined to assert its dominance in a blaze of destruction. The citizens, innocent and unsuspecting, found themselves caught in a maelstrom of chaos and terror as the faction's fleets unleashed a devastating assault from above.

Explosions rent the air, pillars of smoke rise to darken the horizon, and the screams of the innocent mingled with the sounds of crumbling structures. The city's anti-air defenses, once a beacon of protection, crumbled under the relentless bombardment, leaving the inhabitants vulnerable and defenseless.

As the city's inhabitants cowered in fear and desperation, the ground forces of Crimson Dawn made their ruthless advance. Led by the fearsome Savage and Feral, their superiority on the battlefield was evident. The Raxus Guard, valiant in their defense, and the remnants of the droid armies were swiftly overwhelmed.

Crimson Dawn's soldiers, highly trained and merciless, scoured the city like a plague, leaving no resistance in their wake. Their Mandalorian Super Commandos, clad in armor that boasted of their formidable heritage, struck fear into the hearts of those who faced them.

But it was the presence of the Blood Guard, a cohort of Nightbrothers, that epitomized the brutality and power of Crimson Dawn. Their dark presence loomed over the streets, their weapons dripping with the blood of the fallen. Each strike landed with ruthless efficiency as if they were extensions of death itself.

Amidst the carnage, the leaders of Crimson Dawn navigated the chaos with calculated precision. Savage and Feral, Lords of the Sith, embodiments of untamed power, inspired their troops with their mere presence. Their vision for dominance and revenge fueled the relentless onslaught, as they closed in on their ultimate objective.

The city, once a symbol of order and life, now stood as a testament to the overwhelming might of Crimson Dawn. Amidst the bloodshed and destruction, the faction carved paths of devastation, securing their status as a force to be reckoned with.

In their wake, the survivors trembled, grappling with the shock of their city's ruin and the loss of loved ones. The streets lay strewn with wreckage and bodies, a haunting reminder of Crimson Dawn's ruthless pursuit of power.

As the dust settled and silence enveloped the shattered city, Crimson Dawn emerged victorious, their conquest etched in the annals of history. The faction's iron grip tightened, preying on the fear and vulnerability of the galaxy's inhabitants, reminding all that none were safe from their insatiable hunger for power.

"I... I can't leave my people to suffer and die," Senator Singh stammered out. Turning to his RA-7 protocol droid GS-8 with sadness, he shook his head. "I will not abandon my people!" He said firmly before stepping away from the balcony he was beholding the carnage from and making his way to the nearest hangar bay, finding scores of Separatist senators and citizens boarding transport ships to depart their sacked world.

"Senator Singh!"

Laying eyes on the Tawni Ames, Governor of Desix, the two humans exchanged quick pleasantries before she beckoned him to join her on one of the departing transport vessels. "We must leave, now. Before—"

"I have no intention of leaving, Governor Ames."

Giving the older man a shocked look, Ames gestured outside. "Surely, you don't intend on trying to reason with those animals, do you?" Seeing that this was no jest, Ames gave Singh a scoff in disbelief. "You are, aren't you?"

"Those who have fallen behind need a voice to advocate for their future. I intend to be that voice."

Sighing at her old friend and his intention to stay behind, Ames knew there would be no way she could sway his mind. Bidding each other farewell, Ames got the remainder of the people in the escape transport, leaving Senator Ames behind.

As Senator Singh stood surrounded by the Nightbrothers, their menacing presence casting a shadow over him, he steeled himself for the confrontation that lay ahead. The crimson glow of their lightsabers reflected in his eyes, a stark reminder of the danger that loomed before him.

As the two approaching Nightbrothers, unmistakably the leaders of the ruthless attack, drew near, Senator Singh straightened his posture, his voice steady despite the palpable tension in the air. With courage born of resolve, he spoke firmly and boldly, his words cutting through the silence like a blade.

"Enough blood has been spilled on Raxus' soil. I stand before you not as an enemy, but as a voice for peace and reason. There is more to be gained through unity and cooperation than through violence and destruction," Senator Singh's words rang out, echoing with a plea for understanding amidst the chaos that engulfed them.

The Nightbrothers regarded him with a mix of curiosity and suspicion, their crimson blades held at the ready, their intent clear in their unwavering gaze. The leaders exchanged a silent glance, a wordless communication passing between them as they deliberated their next course of action.

Senator Singh's boldness in the face of danger, and his unwavering commitment to diplomacy amid conflict, served as a beacon of hope amidst the shadow of violence that threatened to consume them all. His words carried the weight of conviction, a plea for reason and restraint in a world consumed by chaos and war.

As the standoff lingered, a fragile truce teetering on the edge of collapse, the true test of courage and resolve lay before them. In that moment of uncertainty and danger, Senator Singh stood as a symbol of defiance against the tide of darkness, a lone voice calling for peace in a sea of strife and discord.

"I am Senator Avi Singh of Raxus. What reason do you have to attack and slaughter my people?"

Bearing his teeth, Savage growled. "I need no reason to rid the galaxy of weaklings like you."

The Nightbrothers' crimson lightsabers hummed menacingly in the air as Senator Singh's gaze hardened, meeting Savage's ferocious stare. The weight of the senator's words echoed through the tense atmosphere as he confronted the leaders of this brutal assault.

Drawing upon his inner resolve and the responsibility entrusted to him, Senator Singh held his ground, refusing to falter in the face of such unrelenting darkness. His voice carried a mixture of defiance and determination as he spoke.

"Your bloodlust and thirst for power will not go unchallenged," Senator Singh declared, his voice resonating with a fierce resolve. "My people may be seen as 'weaklings' in your eyes, but we stand for justice, compassion, and the well-being of the innocent. What you sow today will reap consequences that will haunt you in the days to come."

As Singh's words hung in the air, a brief pause settled over the scene, tension radiating from every corner. The senator's unwavering bravery seemed to have struck a chord within the leaders of Crimson Dawn.

Savage tilted his head, a mix of annoyance and intrigue flickering in his eyes. "You speak of justice and compassion, yet you embrace the corrupt systems that plague the galaxy," he hissed, his voice dripping with venom. "Crimson Dawn is here to shatter those illusions and bring forth a new era. Our power will reshape the galaxy, with the weak falling to their knees and the strong rising to their rightful place."

The senator's resolve remained unshaken as he met Savage's gaze fearlessly. "Your hunger for power blinds you. True strength lies in protecting, uplifting, and guiding the vulnerable," he countered. "Crimson Dawn's reign will only be a reign of chaos and suffering. But mark my words, we, the weak, will stand united against your tyranny, and justice will prevail."

During their confrontation, the Nightbrothers surrounding Senator Singh exchanged uneasy glances, their loyalty to Crimson Dawn momentarily shaken by the senator's unwavering conviction. A flicker of doubt passed through their eyes as if questioning the path they had chosen.

Savage, a testament to pure rage and fierce determination, raised his lightsaber, ready to strike down the senator. But before he could deliver the fatal blow, Feral stepped forward, an unreadable expression gracing his face.

"Foolish senator," Feral said, his voice tinged with a sense of caution. "Your words may sow defiance, but know that Crimson Dawn's resolve is unyielding. Your people will bow before us or be crushed under our might. Your fate rests in your own hands."

As the Nightbrothers shifted uncomfortably, their crimson sabers still ignited, Senator Singh stood undeterred. He knew the odds were stacked against him, but his conviction burned bright. With a steely gaze, he boldly retorted, "You may claim victory today, but the spirit of resistance, justice, and compassion will never be extinguished. We will rise, unite, and reclaim the galaxy from the grasp of your darkness."

A tense silence engulfed the scene, the fates of those present suspended in uncertainty. The clash of ideologies hung heavy in the air, but as Senator Singh locked eyes with his adversaries, a flicker of hope glimmered within. No matter the outcome, he vowed to fight until his last breath, to preserve the values he held dear, and to inspire others to do the same.

"Unfortunately for you, you will not live to see such a day," Savage then brought his lightsaber down on Senator Singh, ending his life in one fell swoop. Turning to his fellow Nightbrothers, Savage gave them commands. "Kill any survivors, there will be no mercy." The Blood Guard departed as they enacted the command of the Sith Lord.

The air in the chamber crackled with anticipation as the Super Commandos leadership suddenly presented their reports to Savage and Feral, the Sith Lords exuding an aura of power and dominance that permeated the room. Each report of conquest and destruction added fuel to the fire of their ambition, setting the stage for darker deeds yet to come.

Bhai Suust's words painted a picture of ruthless efficiency, with the city under their control and those who dared to resist meeting a swift and brutal end. Cato Suust's grin spoke volumes of the satisfaction derived from the decimation of their enemies' droid armies and fleets, leaving nothing but shattered remnants in their wake.

Dagan Drist's report on the destruction of escape transports and the last vestiges of the Separatist movement hinted at the thoroughness of their conquest. Val Fost's assessment of the diminished threat posed by the now-eliminated Separatists reinforced the Super Commandos' iron grip on their conquered territory.

Rook Kast's mention of the looting of the Raxus treasury building and the forthcoming influx of wealth stoked the fires of their covetous desires, the promise of power and riches spurring their insatiable appetite for conquest. Her inquiry on the rescue of Lord Maul underscored their fervent loyalty to their imprisoned brother and their eagerness to reunite with him.

Feral's promise of Maul's imminent rescue and his growl of frustration at the delay revealed the Sith Lords' unyielding resolve to secure their brother's release and unleash his formidable power upon their enemies. The focus on the destruction of the Republic and Jedi marked a turning point in their dark crusade, signaling a shift towards even greater acts of war and chaos.

Savage's inquiry about the bounty hunters hunting Palpatine's loyalists spoke of intricate webs of intrigue and power plays, the pursuit of their enemies fueling their thirst for vengeance. The reminder of consequences for failure underscored the ruthless nature of their operations, a clear warning to any who dared to defy them.

As they departed, leaving Raxus in flames behind them, Savage and Feral stood united in their determination, their eyes fixed on a future shrouded in darkness and the inevitable clash of light and shadow that lay ahead. The liberation of their brother loomed on the horizon, a beacon of hope amid chaos and conquest, guiding their path toward an uncertain future fraught with peril and opportunity.


Two Venator-class Star Destroyers emerged out of hyperspace, and another vessel emerged out of hyperspace, a vessel that represented the future that Palpatine had envisioned for the galaxy. This vessel was an Imperial I-class Star Destroyer named Palpatine's Will. Onboard this vessel were Palpatine's political and military loyalists while the two Venators that had been stripped the Republic's colors housed their soldiers.

"Everything is proceeding as planned. With the clone army succumbing to their programming, public confidence in them has shattered."

Mas Amedda, who was accompanied by Sly Moore, Sate Pestsge, and countless others who were loyal to Palpatine were onboard the Imperial I vessel en route to Alderaan to secure a place of power for themselves within the political arena. Among these loyalists to Palpatine were Withuff Tarkin, Edmon Rampart, and Orson Krennic, who were giving their reports during the last six months of bloodshed and anarchy.

"And you have begun to enact Project War Mantle on Eriadu?"

"Indeed, I have. These months have given me time to conjure several battalions of loyal men and women who can help us seize power and if the need arises, to dethrone Chancellor Amidala from office."

"Excellent, Governor Tarkin," Sly Moore praised. "With these soldiers, we will be able to overthrow the false chancellor and all who support her and fulfill Palpatine's vision to create an empire from the ashes of the Republic."

"Even with the sizable force of TK troopers we've trained over the months, without Project Stardust, I fear we will not triumph over our enemies," Krennic's concern caused everyone to look to him.

"The loss of the ultimate weapon is a tragedy, however, we must focus on bolstering the TK trooper numbers if we are to have the numbers needed to overthrow Chancellor Amidala and the fools who follow her," Rampart stated. "House of Thul and its elegant lady, Govia Culdisan, should provide us with enough men and women to further aid our cause."

"Very well. We shall speak with Lady Culdisan and trust that she will aid our cause. After all, she not only has great influence in the Galactic Senate, but aside from House of Organa, her house has a sizable army and would have been more than willing to fight anyone who invaded Alderaan, whether it was droids or clones," Mas Amedda, who was lounged against a sofa stood up and continued. "Besides, the greatest threat is not the Republic and its Jedi protectors, but the man who not only killed Palpatine but Count Dooku and General Grievous."

Humming in agreement, Sly Moore took a sip of spiced wine before speaking up. "We have received word that Raxus has fallen to Crimson Dawn. By the way, they've been operating this past month, they seem to be eliminating loose ends," she then added in a grim tone. "That includes us."

"Luckily we have an army at our back to protect us from Crimson Dawn's agents," Tarkin said before adding. "We cannot allow this rabble to distract us from honoring Palpatine's will and establishing a Galactic Empire that will bring security and stability."

"Agreed," Mas Amedda then gestured for them to follow. "Let us see it done."

Mas Amedda's gesture was like a final pronouncement, sealing the fates of all present. His imposing presence added an air of urgency and gravity to their mission. Following his lead, the loyalists moved with precision, every step taken with the knowledge that failure was not an option.

The group swiftly boarded troop transports, the vehicles rumbling to life as they commenced their journey toward their designated shuttles. The ride was tense but coordinated, each member mentally preparing for the critical task ahead.

Upon arrival, the shuttles' sleek forms awaited, engines humming in readiness for immediate departure. Imperials clad in crisp uniforms moved with disciplined efficiency, performing final checks and securing their gear. The troop transports were loaded with a sense of urgent determination, every trooper knowing the importance of maintaining focus.

The shuttles launched from their secure location, their trajectories calculated to perfection. As they descended through Alderaan's atmosphere, the lush, verdant landscapes and pristine cities of the planet came into view— a stark contrast to the grim purpose of their visit.

Upon landing, the Imperials disembarked with the same precision they had shown from the start. House Thul guards, resplendent in their ceremonial armor yet exuding a readiness for battle, greeted them with a mix of formality and wariness. Their weapons, though not drawn, were clearly at the ready.

Mas Amedda led the procession, his stride authoritative as he acknowledged the presence of the Thul guards. "We are here under the directives issued," he stated firmly, his voice carrying the weight of official decree.

The captain of the House Thul guards, a tall figure with an air of command, stepped forward. "We have been expecting you," he replied, gesturing towards a convoy of armored vehicles. "Please, allow us to escort you to Lady Govia's estate."

The Imperials climbed into the vehicles, their presence marked by a sense of control and readiness. The convoy set off, traveling through the picturesque terrain that led towards the noble estate, the surroundings so serene that one almost could forget the violence that lay dormant beneath the surface.

As they approached Lady Govia's estate, the grandeur of the scene became apparent. The estate itself was an architectural marvel, blending seamlessly with the natural beauty of Alderaan. However, beyond its elegant facade, the estate was now a fortress, bristling with hidden defenses and guarded by well-armed soldiers.

Palpatine's loyalists were soon allowed in and had completely missed a vessel flying overhead belonging to a very dangerous and notorious bounty hunter.

Cad Bane, the infamous bounty hunter known for his cunning and ruthlessness, touched down his ship on a remote planet, following the coordinates that led him to the rendezvous point where the other bounty hunters hired by Crimson Dawn were assembled. After a long and arduous month of tracking down their elusive targets, the Imperials who had rebranded themselves, Bane was eager to bring this mission to a close and collect his well-earned reward.

Bane inhaled sharply as a blaster rifle pressed into the back of his head, and a voice muffled by a helmet spoke up. "State your business here, Duro," the figure added. "Unless you want to keep your head."

Standing up, Cad Bane turned around to lay eyes on three of the same black and gold armored enforcers that accompanied Durge on Nar Shaddaa. Undoubtedly, these were Crimson Dawn's foot soldiers. Slowly reaching for a holo puck, Cad Bane activated it, projecting a crimson hologram of the Dawn's emblem.

"I'm here to deal with the late Chancellor Palpatine's lapdogs."

Lowering their weapons, the enforcers then realized that this was the legendary bounty hunter and gunslinger, Cad Bane. Urging the Duros hunter to follow them, they soon reached an encampment where a legion of Dawn soldiers were arming themselves and preparing for what looked like a small-scale war. As the enforcers escorting Bane reached the center of the encampment, there were other hunters gathered that Cad Bane was familiar with. Among them was the young Boba Fett and his Kryat's Claw syndicate which included the following bounty hunters: Bossk, Latts Razzi, Aurra Sing, Dengar, Embo, and C-21 Highsinger. Along with this group was Fennec Shand, although she was still making a new for herself in the Bondsman Guild, she was an elite assassin and mercenary who could give any bounty hunter a difficult time, whether they were new to the game or legends.

"Well, look what the Womp rat dragged in."

Boba's words caused the other hunters to look in Cad Bane's direction. The Duros hunter tipped his hat in greetings before looking at the son of his late rival."Boba." He then grunted. "You and your posse were invited to this hunt too?"

Boba pulled out a holo projector which displayed a crimson hologram of Crimson Dawn's emblem. "We were." Once he pocketed the projector, he then placed his helmet over his head. "Now that we're all here, let's get this job done. Because this is a client that I don't want to disappoint."

"You and I both." Fennic agreed as she too put her helmet on and turned to the Duros hunter. "Coming?"

Bane grunted in acknowledgment and followed his fellow bounty hunters through the lush forests as they made their way to the estate of House Thul. They had all been informed that the late Chancellor Palpatine's loyalists would be seeking to establish a power base here on Alderaan to challenge Chancellor Amidala. On top of that, the hunters were informed that their prey was accompanied by a large force of recruited human men and women known as TK troopers, hence the reason for the legion of Dawn soldiers.

The tension rises as Bane and his fellow bounty hunters prepare to confront the looming threat of Chancellor Palpatine's loyalists and the TK troopers. The lush Alderaan forest setting adds a sense of mystery and danger to their mission, setting the stage for an intense and unpredictable encounter at the estate of House Thul. The presence of the legion of Dawn soldiers underscores the seriousness of the situation, hinting at the scale of the impending conflict. The outcome of this confrontation is uncertain, but it promises to be a thrilling and action-packed showdown.

As they approached Lady Govia's elegant estate, the tension among the group of bounty hunters was palpable. The lush surroundings of the Alderaan forest provided a picturesque yet foreboding backdrop to their mission, heightening the sense of anticipation and danger that hung in the air.

Cad Bane, Boba Fett, Fennec Shand, Aurra Sing, and the rest of the hunters moved with purpose, their steps measured and their weapons at the ready. The looming threat of Chancellor Palpatine's loyalists and the TK troopers lingered in the air, a reminder of the high stakes of their mission.

As they reached the estate, their senses heightened, the group bracing themselves for the imminent confrontation. Lady Govia's elegant facade belied the potential danger that lurked within, her allegiances unclear and her motives shrouded in mystery.

Bane's keen eyes scanned the surroundings, assessing the situation with a sharp focus that belied his casual demeanor. Boba Fett's helmeted visage bore a steely resolve, his every movement calculated and precise. Fennec Shand's cool composure masked a fierce determination, her skills as sharp as the blaster strapped to her side. And Aurra Sing's deadly presence sent a shiver down the spine of even the most seasoned warrior, her reputation preceding her as a formidable adversary.

The group awaited Lady Govia's signal, their weapons at the ready and their resolve unwavering. The hologram transmitter in their possession would be their key to unlocking the next phase of the mission, signaling the start of the impending showdown. As they poised themselves for the impending clash, the bounty hunters knew that their skills, cunning, and ruthless determination would be put to the test in the face of formidable opposition.

Then again, without a challenge, things weren't nearly as fun.

(Estate of Lady Govia)

Lady Govia of House Thul had been expecting the entourage of the late Chancellor Palpatine. And upon learning of their arrival, she granted them an audience. She had an inkling as to why they were here, but motives change, especially in the intricate corridors of galactic politics.

As the group was led into the grand, ornately decorated hall, Lady Govia elegantly rose from her seat. Draped in flowing robes of deep burgundy and adorned with intricate silver embroidery, she descended the steps of the throne-like dais to meet her guests.

The military leader of the entourage, an average tall man with piercing eyes and a stern demeanor, stepped forward. "Lady Govia, I am Governor Tarkin of Eriadu, and these are my associates from the Sheev Palpatine's inner circle," he introduced, gesturing to the figures beside him. Even though Tarkin stood at the head of the military in this group and wasn't a full-blooded politician, Mas Amedda allowed Tarkin to lead the negotiations. "We appreciate your time and hospitality during these turbulent times." He said with a smile.

"It is my duty and honor to receive representatives of the late Chancellor Palpatine," Lady Govia replied smoothly, her voice carrying both authority and grace. "Please, let us dispense with formalities. What brings you to House Thul today?"

Tarkin's gaze was unyielding as he replied, "We are here to discuss an important matter— one that concerns the future of the galaxy itself and, indeed, your house, my lady."

Lady Govia had anticipated this. With the vacuum left by Palpatine's demise, power plays and shifts were inevitable. "Please, elaborate," she said, motioning for them to join her at a long, polished table adorned with a holographic map of the galaxy.

Tarkin took a seat, his associates following suit. "The fall of Chancellor Palpatine has left a void. The galaxy seeks to consolidate its hold and eliminate any threats to our way of life. House Thul's strategic position and resources could play a crucial role in stabilizing and securing our control over this sector of the galaxy."

Lady Govia nodded, absorbing the gravity of his words. "And what would you and the rest of Palpatine's subordinates require from House Thul to achieve this goal?"

"Support, both politically and militarily," Tarkin answered succinctly. "In return, House Thul would be granted greater autonomy and recognition within new galactic regimes. Your house would be instrumental in shaping the new order."

A delicate smile played across Lady Govia's lips. "An intriguing proposition. However, I must consider the welfare of my people and the longstanding traditions of House Thul. Any alliance must benefit not only your faction but also our own."

Tarkin's expression remained rigid, though a hint of impatience flickered in his eyes. "Of course, Lady Govia. We value loyalty and foresight. However, we cannot overlook the pressing need for unity in these dire times of disorder and chaos."

Lady Govia leaned forward slightly. "Very well, Governor Tarkin. I shall consider your proposal and confer with my advisors. Rest assured, House Thul seeks stability as much as the Empire does. You will have our answer soon."

With that, the meeting concluded cordially, leaving Lady Govia to ponder the weighty decision before her. Alliances and loyalty were delicate matters in the galaxy, and one misstep could alter the fate of her house and her people. She would need to tread carefully, balancing the potentials and perils of an agreement with the Empire.

Despite the tempting proposal, Lady Govia had already met with representatives of another rising and powerful faction, one that sought to rid the galaxy of the rot of corruption and weakness. The representatives she had met with before Palpatine's stooges arrived had already captured the hearts of her and her advisors. These new allies promised a vision of a galaxy free from tyranny and oppression, one that resonated deeply within Lady Govia's values and aspirations for her people.

As she walked back to the grand hall where Tarkin and his entourage waited, Lady Govia's mind was made up. She knew the consequences of her decision were significant, but she was resolute. Entering the room, she maintained her regal composure, her countenance betraying none of the inner conflicts she had resolved.

Tarkin rose, sensing that the moment of decision had come. "Lady Govia," he began, "have you concluded our proposal?"

Standing tall and composed, Lady Govia addressed him with a steely resolve. "Moff Tarkin, your offer is indeed significant, and I appreciate the Empire's recognition of House Thul's importance. Nonetheless, after much deliberation, I must decline your proposal."

A murmur rippled through the Imperial entourage, but Tarkin's expression remained inscrutable. "May I inquire as to the reason for your decision, my lady?"

"House Thul has long stood for more than mere power," Lady Govia replied evenly. "We believe in a future where strength is not derived solely from fear and dominance but from unity, justice, and integrity. Another faction has presented a vision that aligns more closely with our values, one that aims to restore balance and rid the galaxy of corruption. We have chosen to lend our support to this cause."

Tarkin's eyes narrowed slightly, but he kept his composure. "I see. And may inquire who you have chosen to align yourself with?"

Pulling out a holoprojector, the image it projected caused Palpatine's loyalists to gasp in shock and disbelief.

"You serve... him?!" Tarkin managed to utter, his voice laced with a rare hint of incredulity.

"Darth Maul promised my people great influence and power if House Thul represented his interests in the political arena," Lady Govia answered calmly. "He can be very convincing."

With a fluid motion, she pocketed the holo projector and snapped her fingers. Immediately, her guards raised their blasters, and the doors to the throne room swung open, allowing a contingent of heavily armed Dawn soldiers to rush in and surround Palpatine's loyalists.

Tarkin assessed the situation quickly, his mind racing. He recognized the danger he and his entourage were in, but he maintained his outward calm. "A bold move, Lady Govia," he said evenly. "But one that could have severe repercussions."

"I am prepared for that," Lady Govia responded. "House Thul stands ready to defend its choices and its future. You are outnumbered and under our control. Lay down your weapons, and you will be escorted out peacefully. Resist, and you will be dealt with accordingly."

Tarkin had sent a signal to the TK troopers awaiting his orders to attack in case negotiations had turned sour. And in response to Lady Govia, Tarkin smirked.

"I will do no such thing, my dear."

The doors suddenly blew open, and TK troopers poured in, blasting at House Thul guards and Dawn soldiers. Tarkin too pulled out his blaster pistol and shot at Lady Govia, but she dove away from the onslaught of blaster fire.

Lady Govia rolled behind a large stone column for cover as blaster fire erupted around her. The room quickly became a chaotic battlefield, with red bolts of energy crisscrossing the grand hall. House Thul guards and Dawn soldiers scrambled to return fire, but the suddenness of the attack had caught them off guard.

Tarkin moved with precision, his blaster pistol dishing out precise shots that felled several Thul guards. He took cover behind an overturned table, his sharp eyes scanning the room for Lady Govia. He knew she was a formidable opponent and wouldn't stay hidden for long.

Amid the chaos, Lady Govia assessed her dwindling options. With a firm resolve, she peeked out from behind the column, squeezed off a few shots in Tarkin's direction to keep him pinned, and then made a mad dash for a side exit. Two of her loyal Dawn soldiers followed, covering her retreat.

Tarkin noticed her movement and barked an order into his comm device. "Cut her off! Do not let her escape!"

The TK troopers moved with disciplined efficiency, splitting into squads to intercept Lady Govia and her soldiers. Meanwhile, the remaining House Thul guards struggled to regroup and defend against the relentless assault.

Lady Govia reached the side exit, but just as she was about to burst through, a squad of TK troopers rounded the corner. She acted quickly, firing her blaster and taking out the lead trooper. Her Dawn soldiers engaged the rest, buying her precious moments.

In the grand hall, Tarkin advanced from his cover, confidence, and authority radiating from him. He knew the attack was turning in his favor. As he approached the fallen bodies of his enemies, he couldn't help but feel a cold satisfaction.

Lady Govia's heart pounded as she and her soldiers engaged in a fierce firefight with the TK troopers. The walls echoed with the sound of blasters and the air crackled with energy. She knew they were outnumbered and outgunned, but she wouldn't surrender. Not now, not ever.

The battle continued with intensity, leaving the fate of Lady Govia hanging in the balance.

Tarkin's eyes narrowed as he recognized the infamous bounty hunters filling the room with a new wave of chaos. The situation had quickly escalated from a controlled skirmish to a multi-faceted combat scenario— with the addition of Cad Bane, Boba Fett, and the Kryat's Claw syndicate, it was clear that not all players in this game were under his command.

Lady Govia, now aware of the additional threat, saw her chance. With the TK troopers momentarily distracted by the emerging bounty hunters, she motioned to her soldiers to create an opening. They laid down covering fire, allowing her to slip through a narrow corridor that led deeper into the complex.

Mas Amedda and Sly Moore visibly rattled, tried to make a run for the opposite exit, only to find Boba Fett blocking their path. Fett's WESTAR-34 blaster pistols spat a lethal hail of bolts, and the two advisors crumpled to the ground in a matter of moments. Boba Fett's cold efficiency added to the mounting tension in the room. As more of Palpatine's political allies tried to flee with their lives, Boba contacted the team snipers.

"Aurra, Fennec, keep those exits pinned down!"

From their sniper nests, Aurra Sing and Fennec Shand picked off any stragglers attempting to flee amidst the confusion, their shots unnervingly precise. The remaining House Thul guards and Dawn soldiers found themselves caught between the lethal firepower of Tarkin's TK troopers but it was clear that the TK trooper's training was not up to par with those loyal to Crimson Dawn.

Tarkin, recognizing the need for tactical advantage, activated his comm. "Commander, pull back and secure the perimeter. We need to control this situation."

"Yes, sir!"

Turning to his allies, Edmon Rampart and Orson Krennic, who too gunned down several Thul guards and Dawn soldiers turned to Tarkin, who was now the leader of Palpatine's loyalists. "Give the orders to the Imperial I. Destroy Lady Govia's escape transports."

As Krennic was giving the order to destroy any craft that Thul personnel could use to escape, Rampart watched as the last of their political allies were shot down by heavy sniper fire. "We cannot stay here, Tarkin! We're Womp rats in a barrel!"

"Agreed. Fall back!" Turning to the remaining TK troopers, Tarkin barked out. "Move!"

The remaining TK troopers snapped into action at Tarkin's command, their drilled discipline driving them to execute the order without hesitation. They began to fall back in a coordinated manner, leveraging cover and suppressing fire to retreat from the chaotic battleground.

Edmon Rampart and Orson Krennic swiftly moved to Tarkin's side, both of their expressions grim but determined. As Krennic relayed the order for the Imperial I Star Destroyer to target and eliminate Lady Govia's escape transports, they knew their window of opportunity was closing rapidly.

From his vantage point, Boba Fett observed their retreat, his helmeted gaze narrowing. He activated his jetpack, launching into the air to gain a better position. His HUD quickly identified and marked the retreating Imperials, and he opened a comm channel to Cad Bane.

"The Imperials are pulling back. Tarkin's leading them."

Cad Bane, deep in the twisting corridors pursuing the last of Palpatine's loyalists with influence, paused momentarily. "Keep an eye on them, Fett. We don't want them regrouping and turning the tables."

Tarkin, Rampart, and Krennic moved swiftly through the labyrinthine halls of the complex. Blaster fire echoed around them, but their focus was on regrouping and regaining control of the perimeter. The TK troopers covered their retreat, laying down suppressive fire to keep the bounty hunters and remaining Thul guards at bay.

As they neared a more fortified section of the complex, Tarkin activated his comm again. "Imperial I command, this is Tarkin. Are the transports neutralized?"

A crackling voice replied, "Yes, Governor. All identified escape transports have been eliminated."

"Excellent," Tarkin said, a hint of cold satisfaction in his voice. He knew that without escape, Lady Govia and any surviving loyalists were now trapped within the complex.

Krennic watched the deployment of the Star Destroyer's firepower with a cold, calculating expression. "Now, we just need to clean up what's left."

Rampart nodded, but his eyes were wary. "We may have dealt with her escape, but those bounty hunters are still a significant problem. We need to assume they won't just let us walk away."

As if on cue, an explosion rocked their path. Boba Fett had taken a position on a high balcony and fired a concussion missile into the corridor ahead of them, sealing their retreat with debris. Tarkin's eyes blazed with irritation. They were being squeezed from both sides.

"Prepare for a final stand," Tarkin ordered, motioning to his troops to take defensive positions in the newly enclosed corridor.

The clash in the enclosed corridor was a brutal and intense spectacle. Blaster bolts filled the air, illuminating the narrow space with brief, deadly flashes of light. The cacophony of battle echoed off the walls, creating a deafening roar as both sides fought with a singular determination to emerge victorious.

Tarkin, Rampart, and Krennic found themselves at the heart of the conflict, each man contributing with calculated precision to repel the relentless assault. However, the bounty hunters and Dawn soldiers were far more than they had anticipated.

Boba Fett moved with the fluidity and precision of an apex predator, his carbine discharging with lethal accuracy. TK troopers fell under his relentless onslaught. His jetpack allowed him to reposition quickly, creating chaos among Tarkin's ranks.

Dengar, known for his brute force, blasted his way through the front lines, his powerful blaster and quick reflexes making short work of any trooper who dared engage him. C-21 Highsinger, the droid bounty hunter, unleashed devastating firepower, mowing down rows of TK troopers with his rotating blaster arms.

Embo arrived with Marrok, his albino Anooba, who charged into the fray with terrifying speed and aggression. Marrok's powerful jaws clamped down on the limbs of the resisting officers, tearing through armor, flesh, and bone with ease. Embo used his signature bow caster and shield to deadly effect, skillfully blocking blaster bolts and counter-attacking with ruthless efficiency.

Despite their best efforts, the TK troopers were being cut down. Their defensive line was crumbling under the coordinated assault. Edmon Rampart, seeing the dire situation, yelled over the din. "We need to regroup, or we won't last another minute!"

Tarkin's icy exterior betrayed a rare hint of concern. Yet, he maintained his composure, his mind working through possible escape routes and tactical maneuvers. "Krennic, deploy the remaining explosives. If we're to fall back, we'll do so with the entire structure collapsing behind us."

Krennic nodded and swiftly began setting charges along the supporting pillars and walls. The sounds of beeping and clicking were barely audible over the roaring of blasters and the snarling of Marrok. "Charges set, Governor. We have about three minutes."

As the Imperials began to slowly pull back, detonations created controlled demolitions, collapsing sections of the corridor to buy them precious time. The bounty hunters and Dawn soldiers found their advance obstructed by the falling debris, slowing their lethal pursuit.

Tarkin activated his comm. "All remaining units, fall back to the secondary extraction point. We're not out of this yet."

As the remnants of Tarkin's forces continued their retreat, the battle-hardened Imperials coordinated their movements to cover each other. The defensive charges blew with precision, and the secondary pathways began to collapse behind them, creating a barrier of rubble.

Meanwhile, Cad Bane, having eliminated the prey he had been pursuing, saw the explosions and understood Tarkin's strategy. He cursed under his breath, realizing that time was slipping away to capture their high-value targets. Activating his comm system, he relayed orders to his fellow bounty hunters. "Cut them off! They can't get away!" Activating his rocket boots, the Duros hunter was able to cut off the military leadership. Before they could even raise their blasters, Bane, being the quickest gunslinger in the galaxy disarmed with precise shots, sending their smoking blaster pistols skidding on the pristine floor.

Tarkin's eyes flared with annoyance as the imposing figure of Cad Bane materialized before them, his dual LL-30 blaster pistols pointed unwaveringly at Tarkin, Rampart, and Krennic. The bounty hunter's menacing grin betrayed his satisfaction at having finally cornered his high-value targets.

"Seems your little retreat plan didn't pan out the way you wanted," Bane sneered, his voice dripping with condescension. "Now, gentlemen, I suggest you drop any remaining weapons."

Reluctantly, the three Imperial officers complied, realizing they were in no position to resist. The TK troopers around them remained at the ready, but with their leaders disarmed and at the center of Cad Bane's pistols, the situation looked grim.

Rampart glanced at Tarkin, his face flushed with frustration. "Are we going to let this bounty hunter dictate terms?"

Tarkin, ever the calculating strategist, kept his composure. "We are in no position to argue if we wish to survive this, Commander," he said icily.

Krennic, too, remained silent but seethed with anger as he saw their plans crumbling amidst the relentless pursuit. Meanwhile, Cad Bane's grin widened. "Smart move. Now, let's talk about how much your lives are worth."

Before the negotiations could proceed, Boba Fett, Dengar, and the other bounty hunters joined Cad Bane, forming an intimidating ring around the cornered men. "Looks like you caught the big fish," Fett commented, his voice modulated and cold behind his helmet.

"All in a day's work," Bane replied to the young Fett. "Now, Tarkin, Rampart, Krennic, how about you transfer funds to compensate us for our trouble? Let's say... a generous sum, given the circ*mstances."

Tarkin's eyes darted, calculating their dwindling options. "And if we refuse?"

Bane's grin faded, and his gaze turned icy. "That would be most unfortunate— for you."

Suddenly, from a nearby corridor, the sound of approaching troops intensified. Both Palpatine loyalists and bounty hunters tensed, ready for another engagement. But the figures that emerged weren't Dawn soldiers or Thul guard— they were reinforcements dispatched by the Imperial I, Tarkin's remaining loyal troops.

"Sir, we've got your position secured!" One of the reinforcement leaders barked out. They had already begun to flank the bounty hunters' position.

Cad Bane's eyes narrowed, assessing the new threat. "Looks like this standoff just got more interesting."

Before anyone could act, a sudden and powerful explosion rocked the structure. The walls shook violently, knocking everyone momentarily off balance. Dust and debris filled the air, creating a disorienting cloud.

In the chaos, Tarkin saw his fleeting opportunity. "Fall back, now!" He shouted to his troops. Tarkin's reinforcements launched suppressing fire, forcing the bounty hunters to take cover. In the confusion, Tarkin, Rampart, and Krennic dashed toward an emergency exit.

Cad Bane, recovering quickly, cursed, gunfire erupting anew as he and his entourage attempted to regain control. "Don't let them escape!" He barked, firing after the retreating loyalists.

As the corridor filled with blaster fire and explosions, Tarkin and his officers managed to cut through the labyrinthine hallways. The reinforced squad that had come to their aid held the line just long enough to ensure their escape.

Emerging from the chaos, battered but alive, Tarkin, Rampart, and Krennic regrouped at a secure extraction point. The Imperial I hovered above, its ominous presence dominating the skies as a shuttle descended to ferry them away.

Before the shuttle could pick them up, Tarkin watched in horror as it was blown out of the sky by House Thul anti-air cannons. Suddenly, several unknown vessels descended above the Imperial I and rained hellfire down on it.

"Imperial I, withdraw, now!"

Tarkin heard nothing but bloodcurdling cries over the coms and soon the very first and last Imperial I-Star Destroyer erupted in fire and explosions before plummeting into the Alderaan forests in a fiery blaze. The two Venators that had accompanied them were too descending in fire and explosions, having been destroyed by several Crimson Dawn destroyers.

"No," Krennic exhaled shakily.

Tarkin's composed demeanor cracked ever so slightly as the shuttle that was to be their salvation was reduced to flaming wreckage before their eyes. The air was filled with the acrid smell of smoke and the screams of dying men aboard the Imperial I as it plummeted, a blazing testament to the shattered remnants of their plan.

Krennic stared, aghast, his typically stern face a mask of horror. "We... We need to find another way out of here!" He stammered the realization of their immediate peril setting in.

Before they could react further, the heavy footsteps and ominous presence of Dawn soldiers led by the notorious bounty hunters Latts Razzi and Bossk broke through the haze of smoke. The two hunters moved with a predatory grace, their weapons trained with deadly precision on their vulnerable prey.

"Looks like we've hit the motherlode," Latts remarked, her voice laden with dark amusem*nt. "Three high-ranking Imperials, just waiting for us to collect."

Bossk's reptilian eyes gleamed with a twisted hunger, his tongue flicking out as he regarded Tarkin, Rampart, and Krennic. "I'll make it quick— after I enjoy the taste of fear," he hissed, his voice filled with cruel delight.

The glint of desperation shone in Rampart's eyes, while Krennic seemed frozen in a mixture of rage and terror. Tarkin, however, determined not to succumb to panic, met the bounty hunters with a steely glare. "If you think you'll get away with this without consequences, you're sorely mistaken," he declared.

"Big words for someone with no leverage," Latts responded, not missing a beat. She signaled for her troops to advance and secure the prisoners.

Tarkin's struggle against the Dawn soldiers was fierce, his sharp instincts and ruthlessness serving him well in the desperate brawl. He fought with a cold, methodical efficiency, landing blows and using every trick at his disposal to gain the upper hand. However, the overwhelming numbers and coordinated tactics of the Dawn soldiers made the fight arduous.

Meanwhile, Edmon Rampart's attempt at escape was cut brutally short. Latts Razzi's grappling boa snapped around his legs, sending him sprawling to the ground. Before he could recover, her blaster surged with deadly energy, perforating his armor and chest with precision. Rampart's twitching form lay motionless as Latts turned her attention elsewhere, her face set in grim determination.

Krennic's desperate run was equally futile. Bossk's electrified net ensnared him, sending excruciating volts through his body. His screams echoed through the forest, a sharp, haunting sound that spoke of utter helplessness. Bossk moved in with predatory excitement, his menacing grin highlighting his reptilian features.

"Time to die, Imperial scum," Bossk growled, drawing two blades and driving them into Krennic's back, killing him.

Amid this chaos, Tarkin saw his colleagues fall. With mounting desperation, he knew his options were rapidly diminishing.

The crackling hum of the energized electro swords held by the Dawn soldiers cast an ominous crimson light on Tarkin's stoic expression. He stood defiant, his mind racing through every possible avenue of escape, each more futile than the last. For someone as calculating and ruthless as Tarkin, the acknowledgment of an end was a bitter pill to swallow.

As Cad Bane, Boba Fett, and the other bounty hunters closed in, their presence created a suffocating tension in the air. The sound of blasters being holstered and unholstered, clicks and hums of various deadly devices, signaled that Tarkin's time was running out.

"You still want your credits?" Tarkin spat his frustration and bitterness clear even in his final moments. "I can give them to you." He paused, hoping to buy a fraction of mercy. "I do this, and all I ask in return is that you let me live—"

Before he could finish, Boba Fett raised his blaster and, without a moment's hesitation, shot Tarkin squarely in the face. The Imperial's eyes widened briefly with shock before his body crumpled to the ground, now lifeless.

Boba looked down at the fallen Grand Moff with a mix of disinterest and disdain. "Keep your filthy credits," he said calmly, but with a cold edge that sent shivers even through seasoned mercenaries. He turned to his fellow hunters, his voice clear and unwavering. "Crimson Dawn will pay us twice that, now that the job is finally done."

Cad Bane gave a sharp nod, a rare moment of approval passing between him and the younger bounty hunter. "Not bad, Fett," he conceded, holstering his blaster with a flick of his wrist. "Now, let's get off this rock and collect our prize."

As they began to move away from the site of their dark victory, Dawn soldiers and bounty hunters alike engaged in talks of upcoming payments and future missions. Latts Razzi and Bossk exchanged smirks, knowing their gruesome work was done for now.

A grim silence fell over the clearing where Tarkin's body lay, the once-formidable military leader now reduced to another casualty in the endless power struggle. The forest around them, still echoing with the distant sounds of skirmishes and burning wreckage, seemed almost indifferent to the shift in the balance of power.

The bounty hunters regrouped and made their way to their respective ships, each ready for the next contract, each richer and more dangerous than before.


As the Blood Star superweapon neared completion, the tension aboard the massive battle station was palpable. Countless slaves had been sacrificed to see this battle station come to life in the relentless pursuit of power, and the dark shadow of the Sith's grand plan loomed over all who served on the colossal vessel.

Among the sea of officers, engineers, pilots, and soldiers, a mysterious figure stood on the bridge, her crimson skin and intricate tattoos marking her as a Twi'lek of formidable presence, her name was Talon. Clad in black armor and robes that exuded an aura of dark power, she was a testament to the Sith's influence and reach, a symbol of the relentless pursuit of their goals.

Born into poverty and destitution, she had been plucked from the depths of despair by the Sith adepts who saw the untapped potential within her. Trained in the ways of the dark side and the Sith, she had risen through the ranks, earning influence and favor among her peers. Yet, she knew that her true ascension to power lay in the successful completion of the task that lay ahead.

As she gazed out across the bridge of the battle station, a sense of purpose and determination burned within her. The weight of her mission hung heavy in the air, a monumental challenge that would test her resolve and commitment to the dark path she had chosen.

But she was ready. Ready to embrace the darkness that coursed through her veins, ready to unleash the destructive power of the Blood Star super weapon in service of the Sith's grand design. With unwavering resolve and steely determination, she steeled herself for the challenges ahead, knowing that her actions would shape the course of galactic history and cement her place among the ranks of the Sith elite.

The air crackled with electric tension as the Blood Star, now completed, lifted off the crimson sands of Korriban. The sky above trembled in response, mirroring the collective awe and fear that gripped the hearts of the onlookers below.

Dawn soldiers, battle-hardened and resolute, stood tall with their weapons at the ready. Their eyes scanned the expansive horizon, their spirits unwavering in the face of impending destruction. Among them, individuals from various species and backgrounds came together, bound by a common purpose to defend against the looming threat.

The Zyggerian taskmasters, known for their ruthless cunning, observed the ascent of the Blood Star with a mixture of admiration and curiosity. Their sharp eyes studied its colossal form, recognizing the immense power it possessed. Whispers of speculation filled the air as they contemplated the possibilities it held for conquest and dominance.

And then, there were the Sith adepts, disciples of the dark side of the Force, whose black robes billowed in the wind. They stood in silent reverence, their eyes filled with a sinister gleam of anticipation. To them, the Blood Star was more than just a weapon; it represented the embodiment of their insatiable thirst for control and power.

As the monolithic pyramid battle station rose higher and higher, shadows cascaded over the assembled crowd, ominous and foreboding. The sheer magnitude of its presence instilled a sense of dread, yet unspoken admiration for its terrible grandeur.

The Blood Star's ascent seemed almost primal, like a ferocious beast awakening from a deep slumber, hungry to unleash its fury upon the galaxy. Every fiber of its being crackled with malevolence and unrestrained power. It served as a reminder of the potential devastation that awaited those who dared to challenge its might.

Those loyal to the Sith held their breath, their hearts pounding with a mix of awe, trepidation, and a twisted kind of excitement. For the slaves, however, dread and fear filled their hearts. The battle station hovered ominously, filling the air with an unbearable silence, before finally, a piercing screech echoed through the air, splitting the silence like a blade.

As the Blood Star hovered menacingly above the surface, Lady Talon, a fervent disciple of Darth Maul, stood at the command center, her eyes gleaming with an unholy fervor. The weight of her orders settled on her shoulders, and her loyalty to Crimson Dawn demanded unwavering obedience.

With a flick of her wrist, Lady Talon issued the fateful command that sealed the fate of the unsuspecting beings below. The sound of turbo lasers preparing to fire reverberated through the colossal battle station, ready to rain down hellfire upon all who were on the surface.

The crew, trained for utmost efficiency, swiftly maneuvered the turbo laser cannons into position. Each cannon hummed with deadly energy, its powerful beams primed to unleash devastation upon the hapless victims. Lady Talon watched with chilling satisfaction as the cannons aligned, locked their targets, and awaited the final command.

In that tense moment, a flicker of hesitation crossed Lady Talon's eyes. Deep down, a voice whispered dissent, questioning the morality of her actions. But her unwavering loyalty to Darth Maul and the necessity of preserving the secret of the Blood Star silenced those doubts. The survival of Crimson Dawn depended on this ruthless act, and she would fulfill her mission to the bitter end.

"Mistress. We're in position."

The bridge's deck officer announced. With hardened resolve, Lady Talon clenched her trembling fingers, her voice cold and resolute. "Very good," her piercing yellow eyes turned to the gunnery deck. "Fire."

A deafening roar tore through the battle station as the turbo laser cannons unleashed their unstoppable power. Brilliant beams of destruction hurtled toward the defenseless surface, cascading through the atmosphere like fiery meteors, obliterating anything in their devastating path.

Explosions erupted, disintegrating temples and statues, reducing the crimson sands to glass, and consuming the lives of slaves, Dawn soldiers, slavers, and Sith adepts in fire. The surface turned to death and ashes as screams of terror from the slaves were swallowed by the ferocious onslaught. Structures crumbled, torn apart by the merciless assault, leaving nothing but wreckage in its wake.

Lady Talon watched the destruction unfold, a mix of triumph and anguish consuming her heart. She knew that the lives of those slaves, innocent or not, were forever lost, their stories silenced forever. The secret of the Blood Star remained concealed but at a tremendous cost.

As the onslaught continued, and the surface was reduced to a desolate wasteland, Lady Talon's conflicted emotions threatened to consume her. She had carried out her orders, ensuring that no sentient being remained alive on the surface to contradict the existence of the monstrous battle station.

But deep within her soul, a glimmer of regret emerged. It whispered of the horrors committed in the name of power and secrecy. The weight of her actions settled upon her, a burden that would forever haunt her dreams.

Lady Talon, loyal to Darth Maul, had accomplished her mission, but her heart bore the scars of the lives she had extinguished. From that moment on, the Blood Star loomed not only as a symbol of power but as a reminder of the devastating consequences of blind allegiance and the toll of untold secrets.

Lady Talon stood defiantly before the holographic projection, her eyes reflecting a mixture of loyalty and determination. She had carried out the gruesome task entrusted to her, and now she stood ready to embark on the next phase of the Sith's grand plan.

As the holograms of Savage Opress and Feral loomed above her, their dark presence dominating the room, she couldn't help but feel a surge of trepidation. Yet, her unwavering loyalty to their cause compelled her to push her doubts aside.

Savage's piercing gaze bore into her soul, a testament to his raw power and undeniable brutality. "Tell me, Lady Talon," he growled in his deep, resonant voice, "Were the lives sacrificed worth the safeguarding of the Blood Star? Will it bring us closer to ultimate victory?"

Talon took a deep breath, her voice steady as she responded, "Yes, Lord Savage. The loss was tragic but necessary. With the secrets of the Blood Star protected, Crimson Dawn will rise unchallenged."

Feral's twisted smile filled the room, his eyes gleaming with sad*stic pleasure. "You have proven your commitment, Lady Talon. Prepare the Blood Star for the jump to hyperspace. We have little time to waste, for Lord Maul's liberation is imminent. Once he is free, our true campaign shall commence, carving a path of destruction through the galaxy, leaving nothing but darkness and despair in our wake."

Lady Talon bowed her head once more, her voice filled with unyielding resolve. "It will be done, Lord Feral. Dawnfall Base awaits our arrival, and the Dawn Fleet stands ready to execute your will."

With that, the holographic projection flickered, and Lady Talon was left alone in the quiet command center. Her heart weighed heavy with the atrocities committed, but she knew her duty. The path she walked was steeped in darkness, but it was necessary to secure the Sith's dominance and claim their rightful place as the masters of the galaxy.

Summoning her inner strength, Lady Talon turned to face the horizon of unknown possibilities. The Blood Star awaited its next journey, and she, as the loyal servant of Crimson Dawn, would ensure that their campaign of vengeance and conquest would be carried out to its bloody fruition.

With a surge of energy, the Blood Star propelled forward, streaks of vibrant crimson and violet trailing behind it. The anticipation reached a fever pitch as it vanished into hyperspace, leaving behind a wake of destruction and dark possibilities.

(Unknown location)

Onixa stood at the center of the eerie chamber, her eyes scanning the seemingly petrified creatures encased in stone. She could sense the dark energy pulsating within the room, echoing the twisted artistry of Darth Momin.

A malicious smirk played beneath her mask as Onixa turned to face her fellow knights. "Patience, my companions," she said, her voice dripping with confidence. "The Fermata Cage lies within the heart of this chamber, awaiting our discovery. Darth Momin's traps are not to be taken lightly, but we will tread carefully and claim what is rightfully ours."

The Dowutin warrior grunted, his grip tightening around his vibro-axe. "I'd rather deal with living opponents than these stone monstrosities," he growled, eyeing the petrified creatures warily.

Understanding his sentiment, Onixa nodded. "Fear not, my friend. Stay vigilant, and we shall navigate this treacherous landscape unscathed."

With purposeful steps, the masked Symeong knight strode toward the nearest stone monster, studying its intricate details. His eyes widened with a mix of curiosity and a tinge of dread.

"These creatures were once sentient beings, twisted and encased in stone," he murmured, his voice laced with a mixture of fascination and revulsion. "Their suffering, trapped in eternal stasis, serves as a testament to Darth Momin's macabre artistry and the power that lies within the Fermata Cage."

Onixa's gaze lingered on the petrified monstrosities, her mind racing with possibilities. She knew that unraveling this puzzle, and understanding the secrets held within these encased creatures, would lead them to the Fermata Cage.

"Listen closely," she commanded, her voice carrying authority. "We must search for clues, markings, symbols that will guide us. These stone beings are the guardians of the Fermata Cage, and they hold the key to our success. They may not awaken easily, but we must be prepared for any eventuality."

Together, the Knights of Ren moved fluidly, inspecting each stone creature with care. Their keen eyes scanned the stone surfaces, their gloved hands tracing cryptic symbols etched into the rock. The chamber echoed with their whispers, as they pieced together the enigmatic puzzle laid before them.

As the knights delved deeper into the chamber, deciphering the hidden codes and connecting the ethereal dots, whispers of excitement and anticipation filled the air. They knew that their discovery of the Fermata Cage would earn them the favor of Darth Maul and further elevate their standing within the ranks of Crimson Dawn.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Onixa Ren uncovered the final clue— a barely visible inscription etched into the base of a stone creature. The inscription pointed towards a concealed alcove, hidden within the chamber's wall.

"This is it," Onixa declared, her voice filled with a mix of triumph and reverence. "The Fermata Cage awaits us. Prepare yourselves, my fellow knights, for with this artifact, we shall unlock powers beyond comprehension and fulfill our destinies as the chosen few."

With a surge of anticipation, the Knights of Ren moved as one, their weapons at the ready, towards the concealed alcove housing the coveted Fermata Cage. The hellish landscape of the chamber seemed to come alive with anticipation, echoing their footsteps as they uncovered the dark secrets held within Darth Momin's masterpiece.

The journey had been treacherous, but their determination had paid off. As they approached the Fermata Cage, the air crackled with anticipation, and the Knights of Ren braced themselves for the power they were about to unleash. Crimson Dawn's ascent to ultimate supremacy drew closer, driven by their unwavering resolve and their insatiable hunger for dominance.

"To find and retrieve the Fermata Cage, we must activate the chamber before we can get to the lock the Screaming Key opens."

Rhiiza Galspa, a human female, and one who valued knowledge spoke after going over the accounts of this chamber.

"Really? You want to activate this chamber and wake up these things?" A Shistavanen growled, the wolf-like knight spoke in a tone of caution. "If there's one thing we've learned when in places like this if the dark side hellscape is asleep... we best not wake it up."

"We have no choice," Onixa hissed. The leader of the Knights of Ren continued in a stern tone. "Failure is not an option. If we return to Lord Maul empty-handed, I dare not think of what awaits us."

Many of the knights grunted in agreement with their leader, while others kept their opinions and fears to themselves.

"We've come too far to turn back now and we cannot fail. All we can do now is see this to completion." Onixa, who had the Screaming Key in hand turned to Rhiiza. "What do we do next?"

Quickly going over the accounts and records on her datapad, Rhiiza looked into Onixa's eyes. "You must touch the Screaming Key with the dark side," she then warned her fellow knights. "When that happens, we're going to have to run like hell, these guardians will wake up and will try to kill us."

"Wonderful," Onixa murmured. "Right, let's do this."

As the Knights of Ren prepared to activate the chamber, a mix of anticipation and trepidation filled the air. The weight of their mission and the potential consequences weighed heavily upon their shoulders. Onixa, holding the Screaming Key tightly, braced herself for the moment of truth.

Rhiiza, with her knowledge and expertise, guided her comrades through the process. "Focus your thoughts, Onixa," she advised, her voice laced with a sense of caution. "Tap into the dark side, and let its power flow through you as you touch the key. But be prepared, for once the guardians awaken, we must be swift and cunning to survive."

Onixa closed her eyes, centering herself amidst the darkness within. She could feel the tendrils of the Force intertwining with her, a surge of the dark side's energy coursing through her being. With a deep breath, she reached out her hand, meeting the cold metal of the Screaming Key with a decisive touch.

A shudder ran through her body as she became the conduit for the dark side's power. The key pulsed with an ominous glow, resonating with the ancient forces within the chamber. In that moment, the dormant guardians stirred, their petrified forms cracking and breaking as dark energy surged through their stone encasem*nts.

The Shistavanen knight's warning echoed in their ears as the chamber erupted into chaos. The awakened guardians unleashed their wrath upon the intruders, their once-imprisoned forms now alive with malevolence and bloodlust.

With Onixa taking charge and leading the way, the Knights of Ren rallied behind her, their lightsabers ignited and bodies ready for battle. The guardians, towering in size and shrouded in darkness, posed a formidable threat, but the knights refused to yield.

As the battle ensued, the chamber trembled with the clash of weapons and the ferocious roars of the ancient guardians. Onixa's lightsaber blazed through the air, its crimson blade a whirlwind of precision strikes against the monstrous foes. With each swing, she aimed to weaken and disable their defenses.

The other knights, too, fought valiantly, their weapons carving through the air with lethal accuracy. Blaster bolts and lightsaber deflections created a rhythmic symphony of violence and chaos within the chamber. They knew that their only chance of survival was to continue fighting, pushing forward toward the center of the chamber.

Rhiiza, her determination unyielding, joined the fray, her blaster recoiling against her palm as she fired at the guardians' vulnerable spots. Her sharpshooting skills were matched by her agility as she dodged the mighty swipes of their spiked appendages. She urged her fellow knights to keep their focus, never relenting in their relentless assault.

Despite the danger and the overwhelming odds, the Knights of Ren pressed forward, inching their way towards the center of the chamber. The lava beneath their feet hissed and crackled as the intense heat mingled with the chaos of battle. They could almost taste victory, their mission within reach, but the guardians still fought with immense strength and resilience.

Onixa, fueled by her inner darkness and the desire to claim the Fermata Cage, found a moment of opportunity. With a swift and precise strike, she severed one of the guardian's massive hands, causing it to stagger back, howling in pain. Her voice rang out with urgency, commanding her comrades to stay focused and keep moving.

The knights, emboldened by Onixa's success and unwavering leadership, redoubled their efforts, exploiting the weaknesses exposed by their leader's calculated strike. Blaster bolts and lightsabers aimed for vulnerable joints and exposed areas, chipping away at the guardians' formidable defenses.

Slowly but surely, the Knights of Ren advanced, their determination unyielding, their morale restored by the taste of victory in each hard-earned triumph. Step by step, stroke by stroke, they fought with unrelenting resolve against the guardians until, at last, they stood at the center of the chamber.

Their breaths labored, their bodies battered, and their spirits aflame, the Knights of Ren focused their attention on the lock awaiting the Screaming Key. Onixa, still carrying the key with a tight grip, locked eyes with her comrades, a silent affirmation passing between them.

With purposeful steps, Onixa approached the lock, her heart pounding with excitement and trepidation. The moment of truth had arrived, and the weight of their mission hung heavy in the air. She inserted the key into the lock, its jagged teeth finding their rightful place. A surge of energy surged through them, marking the beginning of a new chapter in their quest for power.

As the lock mechanism clicked and released, the center of the chamber trembled, and the doors slowly opened to reveal the coveted Fermata Cage. A sense of awe and anticipation blossomed within the knights, unyielding in their desire to claim the ancient artifact.

Through the perils faced, the guardians battled, and the unwavering will of the Knights of Ren, they emerged victorious. Their journey had brought them to this pivotal moment, and the power within their grasp promised an unprecedented opportunity for the Knights of Ren to ascend to new heights under the banner of Crimson Dawn.

Onixa's hands trembled with anticipation as she grasped the hourglass artifact, feeling its mysterious energy resonate with her through the Force. The leader of the Knights of Ren, adorned in dark robes and a mask that concealed her true identity, savored the taste of victory. The artifact Darth Maul coveted was finally within her grasp.

With a triumphant smile hidden behind her mask, Onixa turned to her fellow knights, their presence a formidable display of strength and loyalty. Their success in acquiring the artifact marked another step closer to their ultimate goal. With each successful mission, their power within the ranks of Crimson Dawn grew, promising them a seat beside the true masters of the galaxy.

As the Knights of Ren departed from the shadowy depths of the artifact's resting place, they walked with purpose, knowing that their success would bring them not only survival but the opportunity for prosperity. The wealth and power of Crimson Dawn beckoned, waiting to be claimed by those who proved themselves worthy.

Onixa's mind swirled with visions of what lay ahead. The missions undertaken by the Knights of Ren had pushed them to their limits, honing their skills in combat and manipulation. Now, their efforts would be rewarded, and Crimson Dawn would become a force to be reckoned with.

They had been entrusted with great responsibility, serving as the dark enforcers of Crimson Dawn's will. Their loyalty to Darth Maul and their unwavering determination to secure their place alongside the true masters of the galaxy fueled their every action. The Knights of Ren understood the price they had to pay, the sacrifices necessary to reap the rewards that awaited them.

As they journeyed on, shadows cast by starlight guiding their path, Onixa's voice resonated with conviction. "Our mission is nearing its end, my fellow knights. The artifact we possess will put us in a position of unparalleled power. Let the wealth of Crimson Dawn flow through our grasp, for we have carved our destinies with blood and darkness. The galaxy shall tremble beneath our might!"

Cheers and roars of approval erupted from the Knights of Ren, their voices thundering through the desolate landscape. They reveled in the knowledge that their success had paved the way for their ascension within Crimson Dawn. Each step brought them closer to ultimate supremacy, where the wealth, power, and the masterful grip of Crimson Dawn would be theirs to command.

With steadfast determination, the Knights of Ren marched onward, their souls consumed by the allure of wealth and power. The dark side of the Force coursed through their veins, driving them towards a future where they would reign as formidable leaders, bending the galaxy to their will. In that future, Crimson Dawn would rise as an unstoppable force, leaving a trail of chaos and dominance in its wake.

Darth Maul: A New Dawn - Chapter 14 - SnapMite1998 - Star Wars (2024)


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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.