Star Wars: Jedi Odyssey Rewrite Kesh Prologue - Chapter 6 - SWEULover2007 - Star Wars Legends (2024)

Chapter Text

Nelona 3rd, 58 ABY

Kesh, Continent of Kehstah

Tapani River, Along the Jungle Highlands

Jedi Forward Headquarters

“What do you mean, the reinforcements we were promised haven’t arrived yet?” Edaan exasperatingly asked his longtime friend. “Things are already difficult enough with Adari and holding Eshkrene as it is with our current numbers, but Vestara and her people will be here in two days to retake all their lost territory. We can’t stave off their assault for long unless we get plenty of help.”

Refraining from questioning Edaan’s prioritizing Adari’s well-being over the war effort, Allana, wiping the sweat off her brow from the intense humidity, apologetically elaborated “I’m afraid your battlefront isn’t the only one about to come under attack, Edaan, nor is Kesh the only world suffering from the Sith. It seems Vestara and her superiors have more proxies than we realized. They’re striking across seven sectors of the Outer Rim, and everyone’s being forced to redivert most of the original fleets meant for here to quell those fires.”

“As for right here, we’ve got word from the Neshtovar that Vestara has redeployed two fleets to help her retake the continents we’ve seized. We’re going to have to hold the line on our own until other forms of help can come to us.” Allana resolved. “It’s fortunate for us that we both helped the Jedi make so many friends across the galaxy over the years.”

Understanding crossing Edaan’s face, he instead asked, “How long until they arrive?”

“It’ll take two or three weeks, at the most.” Allana grimly answered. Changing topics, she candidly asked Edaan, “How is Adari faring these days?”

“She’s busying herself with getting her people ready for repelling the Sith and tending to the wounded among her people when she has the time.” Edaan wistfully answered. “I’ve been helping her when I can, but it isn’t easy ever since… she found out.” Seeing the expectant look in Allana eyes, he wearily sighed, “Honestly, I don’t know if Adari will ever trust me again. I certainly wouldn’t blame her if she did so.”

“Well, you managed to convince my cousin Ben to forgo his vendetta, and you’ve helped change many people’s lives for the better.” Allana patiently reminded Edaan. “All you need to do is live and lead by example and trust in the Force. And be sure to have faith that things will work out for the best.”

“That’s easier said than done for me, old friend, and that wasn’t the most Jedi-like saying you could’ve preached.” Edaan knowingly pointed out, earning an amused chuckle from his fellow Jedi Apprentice and Chume’da of Hapes.

Checking his timepiece, Edaan told Allana, “I need to go soon. We’ve got plenty more repairs to finish before the Sith start their attack, and we’re nowhere near ready.”

“I understand.” Allana agreed. “I’d tell you to stay safe, Edaan, but that won’t be possible for either of us in our line of work. Just stay try to alive and in one piece.”

“You too, Allana.” Edaan warmly smiled at Allana before she turned off the holocomm. Pocketing the device, she exited the ramshackle cabin that she was using as her temporary residence while the Jedi Coalition scouted out possible paths to the northernmost part of Keshtah Minor and the Sith facilities dotted across the region. Knowing that before they could strike at the Takara Mountains and the Sith temple at their peak, they had to deprive the Lost Tribe of as much support they could, and that meant liberating as much of the planet over the next few months.

Equally important was to show the populace how the Jedi were not seeking to conquer Kesh but help usher it into a new age of freedom and prosperity, which was why they needed to make local contacts and help turn the civilians against their Sith masters. For that task, Allana was assigned to work with the Neshtovar in rebuilding their broken network and resuming their original operations.

But while Allana’s new mission kept her quite occupied, it didn’t do much to keep her mind from worrying over her family and dear friends. Especially since Ben and Edaan were about to come face to face with Vestara and her hordes of evil followers, and she was powerless to help them halfway across the planet. With both her cousin and dear friend struggling with the issue of love in the middle of a war, it made her yearn to be with them, to help them in any way she conceivably could, no matter how much her heart ached at seeing the man she cared so much for fall in love with another woman.

Oh, Edaan could deny it all he wanted, but Allana recognized the signs of blooming love all too well. She could see the new joy in his eyes, how he lit up every time he talked about Adari, and how he worried if she would ever forgive the deception. And although a part of her, a small, childish, and jealous part, wished she could’ve been the one to steal her crush’s heart, the rest of her recognized that he had his own path to follow, and that they each had different journeys in life and through the Force.

Still, that didn’t mean Allana couldn’t worry over her longtime friend’s wellbeing and properly warn Adari of the consequences of what would occur if she broke Edaan’s noble and gentle heart when she next saw her. It was the least she could do for the man she loved as a brother.

Nelona 10th, 58 ABY

Continent of Eshkrene

City of the Doomed

It was good to be back on this continent, even though the frigid blizzards and battlefield wreckage strewn across the tundra forced Kitai to remain in the safety of the Doomed’s rebuilt sanctum. She long admired the simple but innovative beauty of the Lost Tribe’s most recent and southernmost temple, how it utilized the elements and the Force to stay undetected from any prying eyes while spying on the planet’s people.

And since Kitai took the reins of leadership as Grand Lady, she had reevaluated and rectified many glaring flaws in the Lost Tribe’s training of all its members. Recognizing the Jedi’s versatile and adaptable regimen helped them prepare for virtually any scenario, while the Sith of Kesh used old fighting styles and overcompensated for their unfamiliarity with new environments with the Force, she worked to prepare them for resuming their ancient goals. By recruiting hundreds of trainers from the One Sith’s many underworld contacts and several of their best combat instructors, she hoped that her people would be more prepared to face the Jedi and their many allies and triumph this time around.

So far, the results of their instruction had yielded many promising results, especially with the Grand Lady working alongside her subordinates and rivals to make their apprentices as prepared as possible for the war consuming Kesh. Seeing Kitai work alongside her people as equals, willing to toil in labor alongside them, it confused many and led them to assume her time with the Jedi left her tainted and unfit to lead, but invigorated far more and made them rally behind her strong reformist governance.

All these preparations meant that when the Jedi had finally located Kesh and assembled an invasion force to try and ‘liberate’ the Lost Tribe’s ancestral home, they were ready to defend it. And with the One Sith’s generous patronage, the ancient Sith Order had rebuilt their war fleet while employing the services of dozens of auxiliaries to improve and bolster their war capabilities.

Utilizing all they learnt and the many allies they had gained from the rest of the galaxy, the Sith had now drawn their enemies into a quagmire they couldn’t easily escape from, not without suffering severe humiliation and disgrace before both their supporters and detractors. Now that the Jedi had spread themselves across four of Kesh’s seven continents, the time had come for Kitai and her people to show their revitalized strength and renewed cunning to decimate the would-be occupiers.

Deploying fifty warships inspired from ancient Sith warship designs, the Lost Tribe’s new vanguard had launched their counteroffensive across the three contested island landforms, while Kitai took a force of twenty capital ships to retake Eshkrene and destroy two troublesome thorns in her side and capture another. Knowing from her spies that Edaan Palpatine and Adari Thayn had led the offensive to conquer the land of pilgrimage, she would relish the chance to eliminate them and whoever else she could find, save one. One she still cherished in the deepest and concealed corners of her heart, the man she yearned to one day have by her side, even as she knew Ben Skywalker would never join the Dark Side.

Banishing her reflections from her mind, knowing the war wouldn’t wait for Kitai to try and let go of old memories and passions. Heading back into the City of the Doomed, where the Lost Tribe had built their temple, she observed her people carrying out or overseeing dozens of operations within the sanctum, all while shedding most of her winter gear. Whether they were reactivating the facility’s full capabilities, kept concealed from the Jedi to prevent its razing, coordinating the reoccupation of the region, or working to move dozens of artifacts and Tyros, the Sith’s equivalent of the Jedi’s younglings, to safer havens, no one was being idle now.

Brusquely making her way towards the central command, built into the stone itself and buffered by modern technology to shield the temple from the Force, Kitai quickly made it to the top of the tower. But to her surprise, more than just her representatives from the Circle of Lords awaiting her arrival. Attending this briefing via hologram were Mirta Gev and Darth Invidious, and both of which were deeply troubled by whatever they were divulging to the Lost Tribe’s leadership.

Seeing Kitai arrive, Mirta politely put the discussion on hold by greeting her longtime friend, “I’m glad to see your fortress still stand as strong as you, Grand Lady Kitai. Lord Invidious and I were just being brought up to speed on your war’s progression. We’re quite impressed with the results, and relieved to see that all your endeavors to prepare for this day have paid off.”

Glancing at her retinue, how each of her five Lords or Sabers were wary of whatever news their offworld allies had provided them, Kitai respectfully recognized Mirta’s delaying tactic, “Good to know that you’re pleased with our efforts. But what exactly is the real purpose of this meeting? You wouldn’t be taking away time from your many campaigns unless something dire was in the works.”

Face growing somber, Mirta ruefully nodded, “We’ve received word from our mutual benefactors’ agents in the Jedi Order. Apparently, they’ve been calling in a lot of favors and friends to reinforce their invasion of your home. That’s what we were bringing your staff up to speed on.”

“Then give me the rundown.” Kitai stated, listening intently as both Mirta and Invidious briefed her on the many allies the Jedi had asked to aid their conquest. Hearing how their shared enemies brought up many favors they called upon, from friendly or rival galactic powers they had previously avoided using, to independent privateers and several outlying Force Orders, it impressed and galled her that so many would answer the call to war. Equally concerning was how she knew her people wouldn’t be able to fight the enemy on so many fronts, especially since Lord Krayt had ordered that the One Sith’s true potential be concealed a while longer.

If the One Sith agents’ reports were accurate, then the Lost Tribe had less than a week before Kesh would become a lot more crowded, and Kitai acknowledged that they couldn’t reconquer or hold their reclaimed territory long enough to make the most or best use of it.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Kitai knew the orders she had to give, even if they tore at her wounded heart. Grinding out through gritted teeth, she disgustingly ordered her staff, “It’s time we reevaluate our strategy, and prepare to adopt a more defensive war for now.”

Expecting a series of attacks from all sides, Kitai was relieved when none tried to countermand her decrees. Thankfully, they all saw things as clearly as she did, or were given enough evidence to break through any denials or delusions. She only hoped the rest of her fellow Sith and commanders were as perceptive and realistic as everyone in attendance here.

Nelona 13th, 58 ABY

Kesh Orbit

Aboard the Victory-class Star Destroyer Admiral Ackbar

Working overtime to maintain the Jedi Coalition’s weakened defenses of Kesh, Kara had been using her cybernetics to run through hundreds of scenarios in her mind in a matter of nanoseconds, allowing her to predict the enemy’s strategies and counter accordingly. For the last seven days, this strategy had bought the free powers crucial time in shoring up its overstretched lines and allowing their reinforcements that much more time to arrive. But now, the enemy was adapting too quickly for even the Aporthad to effectively anticipate.

Over the last eleven days since the Lost Tribe launched their counterattack, the carnage had spread across five of the planet’s seven continents, with Vestara Khai’s Sith faction showcasing all their offensive capabilities across all the battlefields. Aside from Kesh’s wicked overlords and their many partners having the planet’s terrain advantage, the Force Orders that had allied with them were being used to devastating effect against the Jedi’s alliance.

The Shapers of Kro Var especially, with their masterful command over the elements, were wreaking havoc on Kesh’s southernmost continents by creating blizzards to isolate their enemies and leave them cut off from virtually all reinforcements. The Mecrosa Order would then move in and recapture the bulk of the territory their patrons had lost since the ground war began. And the Sith fleets, now under Ship and Belot’s coordination, they were reestablishing their space superiority over virtually all their governed planet, with all but the fastest fighters unable to slip past the blockade. Any attempts to break the interdiction would be too costly an endeavor, especially since the planetary guardians had released over forty fresh warships and decloaked more than twenty defense platforms across their world.

For the first time since joining the Galactic Alliance, Kara was at a loss on how to turn this approaching defeat to her advantage. With the Sith countering all her strategies and cutting off their ground forces from virtually any relief, everything likely depended on the Jedi Coalition’s next move.

Receiving four transmissions originating outside the star system, Kara mentally began responding to it before she paused, almost startled by the message’s contents. Provided the sender and their dispatch was valid, then the Jedi Coalition’s options were about to greatly expand, possibly enough to turn the tide in this war.

Intruding on her musings, the holograms of her peers in this motley alliance rematerialized, and each appeared eager to retaliate against their mutual enemy collaboration. Sidon Ithano quickly broke the ice by stating, “It seems our reinforcements are set to arrive any minute, and right in the nick of time to make the most difference.”

The tactical monitor coming alight with four different fleet formations about to exit hyperspace, with the Sith deploying several warships and flights of fighters to each reversion point to hold their enemies back. Seeing their allies arrive, Kara was astounded with exactly who was coming to the Jedi’s aid.

The first fleet was composed of eight Bothan Assault Carriers and three Corellian Strident-class Star Defenders, both belonging to key members states of the young Confederation born from the Second Galactic Civil War. The arrival of the Galactic Alliance’s former secessionists and enemies would rile many servicemen and their veteran fleet commanders, but Kara knew they couldn’t afford to be picky in their allies right now. And the transponders of the Ralroost and Defender, the flagships of respected Admiral Traest Kre’fey and Corellian Prime Minster Denjax Teppler, both ardent friends of the Jedi and respected rivals of the GA, helped alleviate her concerns that the parliamentary government sought to resume hostilities.

But the second fleet was an even greater surprise for Kara, for she recognized the insignia of the Hutt Cartel among its five Chelandion warships, ten Tarrada frigates, and seven Batil corvettes. What in the blazes were those galactic slugs and crime lords doing out in this Sith hellhole?! Upon further examination of the Hutt ships’ markings, she recognized them from her time in the underworld as belonging to the Anjiliac clan, making her wonder what favors or promises the Jedi called in to get their traditionalist clan leader in Vedo Anjiliac Atirue to actively join this war effort.

The third fleet was an odd compilation of ships usually associated with slaver societies and or long-defunct organizations or guilds. At least three dozen Invincible-class Dreadnaughts, five Venator-class Star Destroyers, and four Lucrehulk-class battleships, all marked with the insignia of two hands bearing broken shackles and blood dripping down the arms. It seemed the Outer Rim Alliance had been called to help the Jedi liberate this den of Sith Lords, their cohorts, and their multitudes of slaves.

Finally, the fourth arriving force was composed of seven dozen corvettes and gunships, forty of which marked with the symbol of the Crimson Corsairs, each bristling with weapons illegal in most sectors. Remembering how Sidon Ithano had promised reinforcements to ensure the Lost Tribe’s stranglehold was shattered, Kara recognized how the Delphidian’s influence was far stronger and widespread than the Galactic Alliance’s intelligence communities realized or officially acknowledged.

Another twenty of the fourth fleet’s ships belonged to the Rodians, more specifically, their Grand Protector Janek the White, if the clan markings on the lead ship were correctly analyzed. What the planet’s leader was doing here, along with his personal fleet, that was a mystery that Kara would gladly leave unsolved if it helped the Jedi Coalition attain victory.

But the rest of the privateers’ ships, they were bearing insignias that Kara didn’t recognize before her cerebral implants received transmissions from five different frigates. Reading how the Jedi had called upon several allied Force Orders to counter the Sith’s own cohorts, she recognized how this war was about to cross the decisive turning point.

Silently responding to the messages, Kara addressed her peers, “It’s time to remind our enemies why they’ve been reduced to hiding in the shadows since their humiliating defeats by all of us.”

“Just make sure everyone sticks to the plan.” Jan lightly scolded the rear admiral. “We need to move quickly and strike even harder before our window of opportunity closes.”

Nelona 15th, 58 ABY

Eshkrene, Regional Base Hilts

Nearly falling to his knees from exhaustion, the two Jedi defenders were sure the end had come for them both after covering the withdrawal of their fellow defenders. Knowing that the Neshtovar and Jedi Coalition needed to live beyond any single fighter or leader, Ben and Edaan agreed to serve as a distraction to ensure the cause survived. With Vestara and the Lost Tribe dividing their forces to recapture their facilities and capture the leadership, the only way to ensure that some escaped this disaster was to create enough distractions to split their focus.

Full of regret for making Adari leave against her will by knocking her out cold with a well-placed Force-induced suggestion, he wished he had more time with her, and everyone else he forged strong bonds with. Allana, Akku, Robonino, Kix, everyone he made a lasting friendship with, no matter where they came from, he would have gone to the ends of the galaxy to help them in any possible way. And he was grateful to finally let go of his long-standing revilement of Ben and start to form a strong brotherly bond with him. He only hoped that whatever torture Vestara and her people would wreak on the two Jedi would give them both the opportunity to reach her before it was too late, if it wasn’t already.

But now, there was something unusual proceeding throughout this base. After striking over half the domed regional base, with their dozen commandos and six Jedi working with them being killed off or captured over the last twelve hours, Edaan and Ben were sure Vestara would have come to deal with her two adversaries in person. Instead, the Skywalker heir sensed the Sith retreating from the facility, a move that perplexed him deeply.

“She’s… leaving.” Ben confusingly told Edaan while the younger man used his lightsaber to seal the giant durasteel doors guarding the command center. Stopping his actions from fatigue, the young Palpatine nearly fainted from the sheer shock, hardly able to stand at all with his body bruised and battered, his armor dented all over, and his mind barely functional over the last three days of constant fighting. Repeating himself, if only to reassure himself, he told the Jedi Apprentice, “Vestara and her people are withdrawing.”

“Why?” Edaan rasped, taking the opportunity to guzzle down the last of his water canteen, his voice regaining some of his strength, “We… we’re beaten. We’re the last line of defense for this facility, and we’re all worn down from the carnage. Now is the perfect time to take us out.”

“Apparently, she doesn’t think so.” Ben disagreed before the command center’s main console chimed, indicating that someone was attempting contact. Hurriedly walking past the torn-up facility, with all but the most essential systems gutted to deny the enemy their prize, he and Edaan made it to the holotable before the caller’s hologram came into focus, stunning both into silence with who was addressing them.

Smirking in vindictive joy, Vestara greeted her old love, “Well, I see that you’re still down in the trenches, Ben. But the exhaustive carnage looks good on you, I must say.” Turning to Edaan, she venomously addressed, “And you, Edaan Palpatine, you’re… well, I was expecting so much more from a Jedi hero of such renown. But the HoloNet does tend to exaggerate on such minor details.”

“What do you want, Vestara?” Ben found his voice first, defiantly asking, “Why are you calling us now, when your people are in full retreat?”

“Is that what you believe?” Vestara amusingly chuckled. “Clearly, your vendetta against me has clouded your judgment even more than I believed possible.”

“No, I simply wanted to see you, one last time, before we meet on the battlefield again.” Vestara stated, her voice growing solemn as she continued, “You don’t know what you’re unleashing out here, Ben. The war you think you’re stopping, it won’t end here, even if you’re able to get me.”

“You mean the One Sith and their leader?” Edaan assumed, catching Vestara’s full attention. “Oh, yes. We know a great deal about your patrons and their operations, and we’ll be ready to stop them once we take you down, Vestara Khai. And I’m going to be in the front, helping to lead the charge against your Lost Tribe and your allies and benefactors.”

Stonily staring at Edaan, seeing the unbridled resolve in his eyes and face, Vestara answered, “Then I look forward to meeting you on the battlefield.” Almost as an afterthought, her brown eyes narrowed while turning a blazing yellow as she added, “One more thing. It’s not Vestara Khai any longer, but Darth Kitai.”

Not if we have anything to say about it.’ Edaan defiantly thought before Kitai concluded the call, and he felt his body give out from enervation. But before he lost consciousness, he made a brief prayer to the Celestials that his quest to redeem his target was not a lost cause now.

Nelona 30th, 58 ABY

Continent of Keshtah

Town of Eorm

It was astonishing for Adari to observe the bustling activity that was underway in this onetime dinky port town, even as she silently navigated her way through this Jedi outpost. Seeing all sorts of ships, both ocean-based and spaceworthy ones, permeate the area, it was an obvious sign of the changing times inbound for Kesh and its denizens, both terrifying and exciting her.

With the incredible influx of reinforcements working to regain the ground the Jedi Coalition lost over the last month, Eorm was barely able to accommodate all the newcomers while rebuilding from the Lost Tribe’s retaliation campaign. It was only through the construction crews in assisting the townsfolk in architectural work by remodeling dozens of the town’s modern structures the Lost Tribe recently created that there hadn’t been a housing crisis or local riots. And the work the Galactic Alliance’s civilian contractors had done in offering to modernize the town’s economy, ushering in hundreds of tons of much-needed supplies, and preparing to build several thousand temporary residences to house the wounded and refugees helped ease concerns of a resource crisis.

Never, in all her time of learning of the greater galaxy, Adari had realized how efficient and well-prepared the Neshtovar’s recent friends were for aiding the civilians and their struggling infrastructure. But while she quietly snuck past the bustling activity and tens of thousands of civilians, soldiers, and Force Users hurrying about, making her way to the docks over the course of thirty minutes, she wondered if this course of action was truly the best way to serve her people and not too great a risk.

After Vestara and her people were narrowly forced into a fighting retreat across the three contested continents, the Jedi Coalition had slowly retaken the territory they lost and resecured it before looking to make any further gains. By working to rebuild and establish new supply lines and safe houses, while preparing new raids and probes into Sith-held lands, the army of Light Siders would not make the mistake of overconfidence again in this war. Hopefully, the rest of the galaxy would also learn from this near debacle in their shadow war on the One Sith.

But that still left the problem of Kesh’s freedom up in the air. Which was why, while hundreds of starships worked to deliver crucial resources and fresh troops for the war effort, the Keshiri’s twenty-five wooden ships, each over 100-meters in diameter and capable of lasting six months in the ocean from provisions, were preparing for a duty equally as important to the Jedi and Neshtovar’s united cause.

Recognizing that Kesh’s freedom was all but guaranteed now, thanks to all the legions of allies its freedom fighters had gained so quickly, the most important factor now was to minimize collateral damage while swiftly dismantling the Lost Tribe and One Sith’s power base across the planet. And the best way to do that was to head right to the enemy’s pinnacle of power and make plenty of distractions they couldn’t afford to ignore, no matter the risks such a mission entailed.

Fortunately, the Jedi and their friends were more than willing to pull their weight in this mad infiltration task alongside the Neshtovar. By sending twenty-eight Jedi, a select group of one hundred commandos and freelancers, and thirty well-chosen spies to help reconnoiter the main continent, this off-the-books mission would hopefully lay the groundwork for breaking the Sith’s heart of power. Also accompanying them would be twenty members of the four Force Orders allied with the Jedi, composed of five Witches of Dathomir, eight Jensaarai, three Matukai, and Kashi Mer Guardians of the Breath, all specializing in covert operations and well-versed in healing and other crucial skills needed for this long-term mission.

Sensing her friends awaiting her arrival, Adari knew everything was squared away for their departure, and all that remained was to finish her trek and board the giant wooden boat. But there was another reason she was so keen to journey to Alanciar, where the Lost Tribe had rebuilt itself after Abeloth’s devastation on Keshtah Minor, a far more personal one that she would not reveal until everyone was underway. Right now, the more important task of weakening the defenses of the planet’s largest continent would be of more importance than looking for her last surviving relative.

Seeing the two burly Jedi overseeing the entrance to the docks, Adari made sure she was still carrying her marque of passage and showed it to the guards. Inspecting the document, one of the guards confirmed, “Everything’s in order. May the Force be with you on this journey.”

Nodding her thanks to the two Jedi, Adari hurried towards the ship bearing the name Sky Hunter across the bow. Walking aboard the vessel, she took stock of the surroundings, impressed with the modest but stylish interior. Reminiscent of a merchant fleet flagship with the economical accommodations, a dozen or so sea maps plastered across the walls, and many navigational instruments and financial records scattered through the main floor, she hoped their cover would hold up inspection when they arrived at the nearest Alanciar port.

“Everything’s already prepared.” A muffled and familiar voice playfully called out to Adari from underneath her. Turning her head to see Edaan, fully recovered from his woiuld-be last stand, emerge from an opening cargo compartment to her left, she smirked at their antics before the latter elaborated, “We’ve found a captain and her crew willing to smuggle us to Alanciar and the nearest Neshtovar outpost. It’ll take us about two or three weeks to sail to Port Melephas, but we’ll use the time to formulate our infiltration strategy for New Tahv.”

“That’s all on the hope that your contacts are still in place by the time we get there.” The Keshiri woman, approximately fifty years old and sporting several grisly scars, grimly pointed out. The middle-aged lady, accompanied by Ben, warned them, “The Grand Lady’s tightening up security and increasing inspections all over the planet, and we’ll need a lot of luck and good sailing to get us to Alanciar before the war resumes.”

“Which is why we’ve agreed to pay you five times your regular fees, Captain Saar, including all the rare goods you’ll need to slip past any Sith-backed inspectors.” Ben promised her. Sensing Adari’s anxiety, he suggested to Edaan, “Why don’t you show Adari her temporary quarters? I think she could use the opportunity to get accommodated to the rest of the ship, anyway.”

“Of course, Ben.” Edaan respectfully nodded, remembering not to use Jedi titles for this mission’s duration. Taking Adari’s two duffle bags of clothing and other items, he led her through a brief and small maze of galleys and hallways before stopping at a medium sized cabin. Ushering her in, he offered, “We set out in two hours. If you need anything before then, just let me know. I’m just around the corner.”

Preparing to leave, Edaan stopped when Adari gently held his hand and quietly asked, “Can we talk for a bit? I… have a few things I need to talk to you about.”

Seeing the nervous and fragile look in Adari’s eyes, Edaan recognized the importance of whatever she was about to say. Silently nodding while taking a seat by the desk across from the bed, he waited for her to start bearing her heart out.

Eventually, after several minutes of struggling to speak, Adari began, “I owe you an apology for my frosty behavior before, Edaan Palpatine. A greater one than I can give you. When I learned of your determination to save Vestara Khai, I couldn’t comprehend how any Jedi would ever consider such a mad proposal, even if it was born from an old childhood promise and an old act of kindness. In all honesty, I thought you lost your mind.”

“That’s fair.” Edaan nonchalantly acknowledged. “I’ve heard that one plenty of times while gathering my allies, so I’m used to it.”

“But there’s more.” Adari interrupted, defeatedly sighing, “After all that Vestara has done, I don’t hold much faith to her ever seek redemption, whether it’s accomplished by you or Master Skywalker.” Holding up a hand to forestall any arguments, she added, “But I believe in you so much more, and that’s why I’m willing to give you all a chance in proving me wrong.”

“When we were trapped on Eshkrene, I saw you care for the wounded to the point of pushing yourself to exhaustion, and risk your life, repeatedly, to try and hold back the Sith’s advance for even just a few more hours. You couldn’t have known that your friends would’ve arrived in time to save us, but you held onto that hope when most would’ve given up. Whether it was from your Jedi training, determination to do the right thing, or because you’re just krething crazy, it was enough to inspire the rest of us to keep fighting until we couldn’t resist anymore.”

“And… Force, I hate how seeing you gets me so confused and riled up!” Adari swore, regretting those words as soon as they came out. Seeing the confused and hurt glance in Edaan’s eyes, she quickly amended, “I didn’t mean it like that. I just…” Wearily sighing, she confessed, “I want to understand why I feel this way when I’m near you. I want to get to know… well, everything I can find out about you. And… seeing you help those who most I know wouldn’t dare look at, it gives me hope that I can change more than myself, but save my people and home from the dark fate it’s been forced onto for over five millennia.”

“Adari, what are you trying to say?” Edaan curiously asked, before determining the signs from his friend. Seeing the fear of rejection in her eyes, to the twitching in her hands, and the faint blush in her cheeks, he recognized the truth. Adari Thayn had a crush on him if she wasn’t already falling in love with him.

Normally, Edaan would kindly reject such advancements, having dealt with hundreds of swooning and infatuated young ladies over the course of his apprenticeship. He even had to let Allana down when she admitted her feelings for him, but out of that firm rejection was born a great friendship and occasional rivalry.

However, when it came to Adari, Edaan couldn’t help but acknowledge that something was different about how he felt about her. When he was with her, he felt his burdens lift a little, and he felt more at ease than he had with anyone else. Whether it was a simple crush, enjoying a friend’s company, or the start of something real and beautiful, he couldn’t determine right now. Unfortunately, since they were in the middle of a war, with Sith and their cohorts attacking them from all sides and the Jedi about to sail into the enemy’s domain, entering a relationship with an ally now would be a terrible idea.

But even crazier, Edaan, for any number of reasons he couldn’t identify, he was finally prepared to take a chance with love. Gently placing a hand on Adari’s, he placed a kiss on her lips, a sweet and gentle act that filled him with so much joy that he thought his heart might burst from joy. Even more exciting was when she returned the kiss, allowing tears of joy to start welling up before they poured down her face.

Eventually breaking the kiss to come up for air, Adari ruefully spoke, “I guess you figured out what I was trying to say, Edaan.”

“Yeah. And I feel the same way as you, Adari Thayn.” Edaan bashfully admitted with a chuckle. “I’m sure we’ll have to figure this out as we go. I’ve never had a girlfriend before.”

“Well, I’ve never had a boyfriend before either.” Adari acknowledged. Sighing, she suggested, “We’d better get back to the others before they start to get suspicious. We’ll have plenty of time to talk later, especially after I hear some severe warnings from your friend in Allana.”

Awkwardly laughing at the advice, Edaan agreed, “No argument there. The last thing we need is people, especially Allana, to be thinking of us like that for a long time.” For some reason, that thought brought him more comfort than he understood, and it deeply puzzled him. Still, he knew that would be a mystery for another day, especially with the long journey everyone onboard for this mission was about to undertake.

Nelona 35th, 58 ABY

Continent of Alanciar

City of New Tahv

Within Ship

Your apprentice performed well in the last battle, Lady Kitai.’ Ship commended his longtime friend and commander. ‘Her coordination of your fleets and tactical withdrawal inflicted many casualties on the enemy while saving many lives on your side. You should be proud of her.

I am indeed.’ Kitai conferred with Ship. ‘Belot has grown into a fine young woman and capable leader, and she will one day make a far greater Sith Lady when we rule over the galaxy. But now is not the time to discuss such mundane and long-term matters, not with the Jedi about to come right on Alanciar’s doorstep.

Thanks to Kitai and her seers, each of them trained by Krayt’s Inquisitors and Sorcerers to probe the Force for any discenrable glimpses of the future, she had the advance warning of the Jedi Coalition preparing a mission to infiltrate and enact a campaign of subversion on Alanciar alongside their Neshtovar associates. While the One Sith’s spies, as numerous and well-entrenched as they were, couldn’t find any official word of this operation, she was clever and perceptive enough to put the pieces together from a dozen pieces of small and otherwise unrelated information.

The Jedi, recognizing how a frontal assault on the Lost Tribe’s holdings would be too costly after their last major engagement, had pulled more than two dozen of their best members and far more allies to conduct a clandestine mission. Among the Jedi supposedly being redeployed to help pacify their temporary gains and seek out additional off-world help, they included Allana Djo Solo, Tesar Sebatyne, Tyria Sarkin-Tainer, Octa Ramis, Seha Dorvald, Edaan Palpatine, and Ben Skywalker. Along with over one hundred of their mercenary, military allies, and outlying Force Acolytes, the leader of the Neshtovar herself would be accompanying this ill-fated incursion on a small fleet of medium-build Keshiri boats.

Given the incredible amount of traffic occurring over the port of Eorm, it was easy to realize from the visions that the Jedi had bought passage on from a few sympathetic captains to smuggle them into Kesh’s largest landmass. A dangerous gamble, but since the skies were unavailable to them at the present, approaching from the seas was the Jedi Coalition’s only option. And, in all honesty, Kitai was impressed with the enemy’s boldness and ingenuity in creatively continuing their fight. Still, respect for her foes would do little to detail their infiltration. She needed to determine where on Alanciar they would make their arrival and prepare a suitable welcoming for them, and for that, she needed more than maps, loyal local guides, and strong and capable Sith.

Knowing what she had to do, Kitai ordered Ship, ‘Convene the Circle of Lords and our auxiliaries first thing tomorrow morning. We need to prepare a suitable reception for the Jedi when they arrive, and work to protect our remaining territories as long as possible.’ Pausing, she added, ‘And see if Invidious and Dician will be able to attend. I think their insight might be quite useful in delaying what we might have to do to protect and preserve our way of life.

As you command, my Lady.’ Ship obeyed, almost hesitating to try and say something encouraging to Kitai, but stopped itself, knowing how dire this war was about to become, and how she couldn’t afford doubts or distractions at this vital juncture. There would be time for counsel and sorrow later, after the Lost Tribe fought as long as it could before it fled its ancestral home with as many loyal citizens and resources that they could take with them when the exodus commenced.

Star Wars: Jedi Odyssey Rewrite Kesh Prologue - Chapter 6 - SWEULover2007 - Star Wars Legends (2024)


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