The clean nature of the North - Lapin tutkimusseura - [PDF Document] (2024)

The clean nature of the North - Lapin tutkimusseura - [PDF Document] (1)

Acta Lapponica Fenniae 24

The clean nature of the North

ToimittaneetRainer Peltola ja Pertti Sarala

The clean

nature of th

e North

The research

society of Laplan

d Edited byRainer Peltola and Pertti Sarala

Acta Lap


ica Fenn

iae 24

ISBN 978-951-9327-68-6 (bound)ISBN 978-951-9327-69-3 (PDF)ISSN 0457-1754

Lapland and its unique nature are widely known. The clean environment of Lapland – or its image – are used in many ways for the needs of diverse stakehold-ers, including economic life: tourism, agriculture and food industry. However, knowledge about the state of Lapland´s environment can be based on images rather than facts as the availability of research-based, popular information has been limited. From scientific point of view, the charm of Lapland´s nature is based on soil, water and air and their interactions with diverse biota, including humans. This publication is the result of co-operation between Research Soci-ety of Lapland, LAPPI LUO (“Lappi Creates”) – work-ing programme and several research scientists. The publication is for all who are interested in the state of Lapland´s environment.

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Edited byRainer Peltola and Pertti Sarala

The Research Society of LaplandActa Lapponica Fenniae

Rovaniemi 2014

The clean nature of the North - Lapin tutkimusseura - [PDF Document] (3)

Acta Lapponica FenniaeNo. 24, English version, 2014Original version published in Finnish, 2012.

Publisher The Research Society of Lapland (Lapin tutkimusseura r.y.) Regional Library of Lapland Jorma Eton tie 6 96100 Rovaniemi

In charge of publication Pertti Sarala

Editorial board Executive committee

Layout and design Pertti Sarala and Taittotalo PrintOne

Translation Robert Connal, Fasttranslator

Rovaniemi 2014

ISBN 978-951-9327-68-6Acta Lapponica Fenniae 24, English version (bound)ISBN 978-951-9327-69-3Acta Lapponica Fenniae 24, English version (PDF)ISSN 0457-1754

Place of printing Painatuskeskus Finland, Rovaniemi

Cover photo: Springtime fell landscape with Juutua River Photo Mauri NieminenCover page photo: A summer night on Lemmenjoki River. Photo Mauri Nieminen

The clean nature of the North - Lapin tutkimusseura - [PDF Document] (4)



To the reader ........................................................................................................................... 5

Lapland’s pure nature is a treasure ...................................................................................... 7

The air quality of Lapland in the early 2000s .................................................................... 9

The natural purity of the soil in Lapland and the factors affecting it ......................... 25

Environmental radioactivity surveillance in Lapland .....................................................42

Environmental pollution in Lapland on the basis of bioindicators .............................57

The purest reindeer, game, and fish from changing Lapland ........................................69

The clean nature of the North - Lapin tutkimusseura - [PDF Document] (5)


The clean nature of the North - Lapin tutkimusseura - [PDF Document] (6)

Lapland’s pure nature is a treasure 7


The Research Society of Lapland has promoted Lappish scientific and espe-cially interdisciplinary discussion and re-search for more than 50 years. Its activ-ities include organising topical lecture series and seminars, scientific publishing, and the society’s own meetings.

Acta Lapponica Fenniae is the soci-ety’s scientific publication series, pub-lished 1-2 times yearly. This 24th volume of Acta addresses the problem with the condition of the environment in Lap-land from the perspective of various sci-entific disciplines, both domestically and in comparison with Europe. It attempts to shed light on natural resources and land use opportunities in Lapland, as well as possible threats, through articles by experts from various fields. In prepar-ing the articles, as much use as possible has been made of popular sources that are readily available to the general pub-lic. A busy reader is likely to benefit most from acquaintance with the pictures and abstracts.

To the reader

We hope that the book will provide useful basic information and will en-courage the exploitation of knowledge in teaching, in developing the marketing and business life of Lapland, and in nur-turing its environment.

This publication is a result of cooper-ation between The Research Society of Lapland and the LAPPI LUO working programme of Natural Reseurces Insti-tute Finland. We warmly thank the writ-ers, pre-examiners, and commentators.

First version of the 24th Acta Lap-ponica Fenniae was published in Finnish in 2012. Translation in English was done by Robert Connal.

Rainer PeltolaNatural Resources Institute Finland

Pertti SaralaGeological Survey of Finland (GTK)

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The clean nature of the North - Lapin tutkimusseura - [PDF Document] (8)


In a globalising world, the condition of the environment has taken a prominent place both in everyday life and as a source of attraction in developing industrial and commercial activity. In recent years, re-search has shown that tighter require-ments on emissions in industry, housing, and traffic have improved soil and water conditions, as well as air quality. A good example is air transport, where emissions are declining by 30-40%. Technological advances allow for significant reductions in emissions.

Articles in this publication clearly show the improvement in Lapland over recent decades. The threats that were commonly discussed in the 1980s have thankfully not materialized; instead, the direction of change strongly favours the natural environment.

Lapland is a special province in many ways, both in Finland and international-ly. Nature and natural resources are ma-jor development factors in the province. Tourism in Lapland is based largely on its unique outdoors. Lapland is spacious. Tourists expect their destination to pro-vide a good environment and cleanliness. Lapland is now ready to respond to the challenge. Developments in living envi-ronments and livelihoods must ensure the continuation of this situation into the future. A unique outdoors comes with re-sponsibility for maintaining its quality.

The world is constantly changing. Lapland is also changing and adapting to changes. An unusual number of inter-ests are associated with land use in the Lapland region. We must therefore un-derstand the broad and sometimes quite critical or even disruptive debate on these matters. However, a sense of pro-portion is needed and an inclination to find workable compromises without be-ing driven to solutions that are irreversi-ble from an environmental viewpoint.

Lapland is rich in natural resources, which are of national and global inter-est as well as influencing the local econ-omy. Thus, it is clear that natural re-sources should be used according to the principles of sustainability. These prin-ciples include ecological, but also eco-nomic, social, and cultural dimensions. Lapland already successfully combines e.g. nature conservation, forestry, rein-deer husbandry, tourism, mining, and Sá-mi cultural needs. The large province of-fers space and a place for everyone, while taking into account those special areas where compromise is not possible.

Research has shown that natural prod-ucts from Lapland are better flavoured and more health-promoting than prod-ucts from farther south. Product devel-opment and the creation of collection systems have been a major challenge in the field. Lapland is themain production

Lapland’s pure nature is a treasureEsko LotvonenRegional Mayor

The clean nature of the North - Lapin tutkimusseura - [PDF Document] (9)


Esko Lotvonen

area for wild berries in Finland. Volumes of other raw materials are small, but im-portant, for example, in local food pro-duction. The role of local food is defi-nitely on the rise, which is something the tourism industry should take into ac-count. Lapland has seen great advanc-es in small-scale reindeer meat process-ing. Rising prices have also improved the economic position of reindeer herders.

In terms of future development pros-pects, Lapland is a province full of po-tential. The North and the Arctic are of increasing interest. Lapland is a treasure trove for Finland, but with a vulnerable natural environment. We have responsi-bility to take advantage of our ability to contribute to the well-being of citizens. However, this must be done while se-curing the endurance of nature and the good condition of the environment.

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The current condition and development of air quality in Lapland were studied us-ing long-term air quality monitoring re-sults. Corresponding measurements from Finland and Europe were used as reference material. In Lapland, pollution levels are typically less than half of the background concentrations in the south, which are already very low on a Euro-pean scale. However, emissions from the Kola Peninsula result in an east-west gra-dient of sulphur dioxide, copper, and nickel. Since the prevailing wind direc-tion is south-south-westerly, however, most pollutants from the Kola Peninsula are carried away from Finnish Lapland. Thus, even in the worst affected eastern border, the sulphur dioxide concentra-tions reach only about the background concentrations found in southern Fin-land. Concentrations of nitrogen com-pounds from transport are very low in Lapland. The concentration of ozone is at an elevated level in Lapland, as else-where at high latitudes, but the unhealthy ozone episodes typical of the south do not occur in Lapland. In Lapland, con-centrations of polycyclic aromatic hy-drocarbons (PAH) from transport and small-scale combustion are only a frac-tion of those in southern Finland. Con-centrations of other persistent organic

pollutants (POP) are generally lower in Lapland than in the south. However, it is also evident that some POPs accumulate in Arctic ecosystems and, through evap-oration, also cause elevated concentra-tions in the air in Lapland.

The trend in air quality in Finnish Lapland over the last 15 years has been quite favourable. Out of sixty pollut-ants studied, a statistically significant downward trend was seen in almost half. Downward trends were noted not only in sulphur dioxide and many heavy met-al concentrations, but also in concentra-tions of some PAH compounds. Like-wise, long-range transported sulphate and POPs were mostly decreasing in the air of Lapland. However, the situation with traffic-induced pollutants (nitrogen compounds, volatile hydrocarbons, and ozone), has remained largely unchanged over the past 15 years.

As a result of climate change, the Arctic Ocean ice cap could disappear en-tirely during summer in coming decades. In this case, increased shipping might increase the pollution load in the Lap-land region. Current restrictions on sul-phur emissions from shipping are like-ly to prevent growth in sulphur load, but at worst nitrogen oxide and particu-late matter concentrations might double from the current level.

The air quality of Lapland in the early 2000sPia AnttilaFinnish Meteorological InstituteErik Palménin aukio 1, 00560 [emailprotected]

The clean nature of the North - Lapin tutkimusseura - [PDF Document] (11)

Pia Anttila


Lapland’s air quality in a nutshell

• Lapland is home to two very well-equipped air quality monitor-ing stations, at Pallas, and Raja-Jooseppi

• Concentrations of pollutants in the air in Lapland are typically about half compared to southern Finland

• Trends in air quality in Lapland have been favourable over the last 15 years. About half of the studied air quality indicators have shown a downward trend, while the situation with other indicators has remained unchanged

• The concentration of heavy in-dustry in the Kola Peninsula clear-ly has an effect on north-east-ern Lapland. Thanks to prevailing south-west winds, however, con-centrations are lower on average than in southern Finland

• Potential increases in shipping in the Arctic Ocean may increase the amount of traffic-induced pollu-tion in Finnish Lapland.


Air quality, air pollution, POPs, PAHs, heavy metals, trends, Kola Peninsula


Winds can carry air pollution hundreds or even thousands of kilometres from emission sources. Some pollutants, in turn, will remain in the atmosphere

sometimes for years, during which time they will spread in all parts of the atmos-phere. Some air pollution, having left the atmosphere for soil or water systems, re-turns to the atmosphere through evapo-ration and thus continues to spread. So even sparsely populated Lapland is not safe from air pollution.

The concept of Lapland’s purity fal-tered in the late 1980s, when Finns be-came aware of severe environmen-tal damage from air pollution occurring in the cities of Nikel, Zapolyarny, and Monchegorsk, in the Kola Peninsula. Of course, air quality in Lapland had been monitored from the 1970’s onwards. Monthly averages for sulphur dioxide and sulphate, as well as wet deposition, were measured at Kevo (Utsjoki) and Sodankylä using available methods (Lau-rila et al. 1991). The results quite clearly showed that concentrations and deposi-tions in Lapland were the lowest in Fin-land. Measurement of short-term sul-phur dioxide concentrations (i.e. hourly average) in Lapland began in 1990 on the east side of Lake Inari, in Soviet Raya-koski. The following year, correspond-ing measurements began at Raja-Joosep-pi, Sammaltunturi, and Lake Sevettijärvi. These measurements quickly showed that high concentrations of sulphur di-oxide sometimes spread in Finnish Lap-land from the Kola Peninsula. These ep-isodes, however, turned out to be so rare and of such short duration that the long-term average values remained low.

Today, there are numerically fewer air quality measurement stations in Lapland, but the numbers of measured variables, frequency of measurements, and sensi-tivity of the measuring equipment have

The clean nature of the North - Lapin tutkimusseura - [PDF Document] (12)

The air quality of Lapland in the early 2000s


undergone tremendous development. Also, research priorities have changed: in the 1980s and 1990s the incentive for research lay in monitoring the ecological impact of pollutants, today increasing at-tention is paid to the effects of pollut-ants on human health. In addition, com-prehensive measurements seek better to understand the fundamental chemical-physical processes in the atmosphere, for instance for climate change studies.

This article will build on these very wide-ranging atmospheric measure-ments and research results. The perspec-tive here is primarily to assess trends in air quality in the Lapland region over the last 10-20 years, and additionally to make comparisons with the rest of Fin-land and Europe, and with limit and tar-get values for air quality.

Data and research methods

The Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) is responsible for monitoring the air quality in the so-called background ar-eas in Finland, located far from emission sources, by maintaining a dozen meas-urement stations in different parts of the Finnish countryside. The most versatile and best equipped FMI atmospheric re-search station cluster is in Muonio, in western Lapland. It was founded in 1994 as part of the World Meteorological Or-ganization (WMO) Global Atmosphere Watch network to provide information on global atmospheric conditions and changes. The focus is now in greenhouse gases and particulate matter, but the sta-tion continues also to produce other val-uable information related to air quality. Air quality measurements are made at

Sammaltunturi and Matorova, which are referred to here by their common name of Pallas. Lapland’s second long-serv-ing air quality station is located in Raja-Jooseppi, Inari, near the eastern border, where it monitors the impact of emis-sions from the Kola Peninsula.

In addition to FMI, the monitoring of air quality in Finland is handled by cities, often in collaboration with indus-try. There are about a hundred of these so-called city stations in Finland. Data from all of Finland’s air quality monitor-ing stations will be used here as reference material for the Lapland data, in addition to corresponding air quality monitoring results from elsewhere in Europe.

Much of the basic material for this summary (air quality monitoring results) is derived from open national and inter-national air quality monitoring databases. Data on Finnish air quality monitoring results was downloaded from the FMI air quality portal ( ) or obtained from ILSE, the FMI air quality moni-toring data management system (heavy metals and PAH compounds). The mon-itoring results for persistent organic pol-lutants (POPs), were downloaded from the database of the Swedish Environ-mental Research Institute (IVL) ($.startup). IVL and FMI are jointly re-sponsible for POP measurements at Pal-las: FMI handles maintenance and sam-ple collection at the station, while IVL performs the chemical analyses. The oth-er European monitoring results are de-rived from the Airbase database of the European Environment Agency (EEA) (

The clean nature of the North - Lapin tutkimusseura - [PDF Document] (13)

Pia Anttila



Development trends in the air quality of Lapland are researched using time se-ries analysis. The statistical analysis meth-od used was General Linear Regression, in which the autocorrelation of time se-ries was eliminated by classical decom-position and autoregressive–moving-av-erage (ARMA) error terms (Anttila & Tuovinen 2010). The method was applied to monthly average air concentrations cal-culated from hourly or weekly concentra-tions. The results charts show measured monthly average time series, the season-al variations calculated from these using classical decomposition combined with a GLR-ARMA-trend, and as the trend alone. The results charts also show the statistical significance of the calculated trend, using * symbols as follows:

***: P <0.001, the trend is statistically very significant; **: p<0.01, the trend is statistically sig-nificant; *: p<0.05, the trend is almost statisti-cally significant.


Kola Peninsula pollution The metal industry on the Kola Penin-sula is still a major source of the emis-sions of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and heavy metals, especially copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni). Figure 1 shows measured SO2 con-centrations in Europe in 2010. The high-est annual means for SO2 occur in South-East Europe while other areas have only “hot spots” caused by individual point sources of emissions. One of these is still the town of Nikel on the Kola Pen-

Fig. 1. Annual means of SO2 concentrations in European air, 2010.

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The air quality of Lapland in the early 2000s


insula, with its nickel-copper smelters. In Figure 1, a red dot in Norwegian Finn-mark shows the concentration level of SO2 at Karpdalen. The annual mean for SO2 at Karpdalen was 20 micrograms per cubic meter of air (µg/m3) in 2010. The station is situated about twenty kilo-metres to the north of the Nikel smelter. At the Svanvik station (9 kilometres west of the smelter), the monitoring result is much lower (8 µg/m3).

On the Finnish side of the border at Raja-Jooseppi (120 kilometres southwest of Nikel) concentrations are lower still at 1.5 µg/m3 while concentrations at Pal-las are below 1 µg/m3. Levels therefore decrease sharply with increasing distance from the emission source.

In the northernmost Lapland the short-term concentrations of SO2 do not come anywhere near the EU lim-it values for the protection of human health (an hourly value of 350 µg/m3 may be exceeded 24 times a year). Else-where in Finland, such high concentra-

tions of SO2 occur only in individual cas-es (Figure 2). The limits are not exceeded to such an extent at any station in Fin-land, nor were they exceeded at the Nor-wegian station at Svanvik in 2007-2010. However, the 2010 statistics for Karp-dalen show the limit value being exceed-ed there.

From the viewpoint of Finnish Lap-land, it is fortunate that the prevailing wind direction is from the south, which means that polluted air masses are most-ly carried north (Figure 3) (Anttila et al. 2011). South winds occur about 37% of the time (10% +13% +14% = 37%, Fig-ure 3). Northeast and east winds, which bring pollution from the Kola Peninsula to Finnish Lapland, are clearly less com-mon (5% +4% +4% = 13%, Figure 3).

Changes in concentrations of SO2 in the air have also been favourable (Figure 4). SO2 concentrations at both stations in Finnish Lapland have been declin-ing over the past fifteen years, Pallas by about 4 per cent yearly, and Raja-Joosep-

Fig. 2. The high-est hourly mean of SO2 for 2007-2009, detected at 23 measurement stations in Finland and in Svanvik, Norway. The EU limit value for the protection of hu-man health is also shown.








SO2the highest concentration of a year


Limit value for the protection of human health(may be exceeded for 24 hours per year)


















































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Pia Anttila


background area. SO2 concentrations are at their highest during the winter season, when transformation to sulphate parti-cles is the slowest. The annual cycle of SO2 concentrations at Raja-Jooseppi is more irregular owing to the impact of industrial emissions from Nikel.

There is also a primarily downward trend in the airborne concentrations of heavy metals at Pallas (Figure 5). Con-centrations of copper and arsenic in the air have fallen by four per cent yearly. There has also been a downward trend in cadmium content, but this is not statis-tically significant. The nickel concentra-tion in the air has remained at late 1990s levels. On the whole, heavy metal con-centrations in Lapland are far below the

Fig. 3. The frequencies of different wind di-rections at Sodankylä, 1998-2009 (Anttila et al. 2011).

Fig. 4. Trend of SO2 concen-tration in the air at Pallas and Raja-Jooseppi.

pi by 5 per cent. The series of SO2 meas-urements at Pallas shows very regular seasonal variations, which is typical for a

5 SO2 (measured)

4/m3 SO2 (modelled)

SO2 trend (–4 %/yr**)




n of

S Pallas




01996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010C



1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010C

910 SO2 (measured)



SO2 (modelled)SO2 trend (–5 %/yr***)






n of






1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010Con


1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010C

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The air quality of Lapland in the early 2000s


Fig. 5. Trends of Cu, Ni, As and Cd con-centrations in the air at Pal-las, 1996-2010.

3 Cu (measured)


Cu (modelled)Cu(-4 %/yr**)




1on o

f C




01996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010C


1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010C

1,6 As (measured)



As (modelled)As (-4 %/yr**)

0 81,01,2

As n



on o

f A

0 20,4




1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010Con


1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010

Ni (measured)3


Ni (modelled)Ni (-0.4 %/yr )

2Ni n


on o

f N




01996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010C


1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010

Cd (measured)0,16


Cd (modelled)Cd (-2 %/yr)





on o

f C




0,001996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010C


1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010C

The clean nature of the North - Lapin tutkimusseura - [PDF Document] (17)

Pia Anttila


target values for the protection of hu-man health set by the European Union (Figure 6).

Nitrogen compounds, volatile hydrocarbons, and ozoneNitrogen oxides (NO and NO2) and volatile hydrocarbons (Volatile organic compounds, VOC) enter the air in large amounts from traffic exhaust fumes. In

the atmosphere, these compounds react with each other to form gaseous ozone (O3). Finally, the nitrogen oxides are converted into water-soluble nitric ac-id and removed from the air as depos-its. In Lapland, emissions from transport are limited and the concentration of ni-trogen compounds and VOCs in the air are very low. Long-range transboundary air pollution from the densely populat-

Fig. 6. Annual means of ar-senic, cadmium and nickel concentrations in the air at some Finnish measurement stations, 2007-2010.

Pallas Ähtäri Virolahti Helsinki KallioRaahe Downtown Raahe Varikko Harjavalta PirkkalaHarjavalta KalevaTornio keskustaTornio Näätsaari 2007 0,11 0,24 0,32 0,39 0,53 4,23 7,82

As 2008 0,14 0,16 0,32 0,33 0,68 6,09 16,092009 0,11 0,14 0,31 0,39 0,41 0,69 2,71 8,122010 0,12 0,22 0,36 0,36 3,51 14,26 0,36 0,48

Helsinki Raahe Harjavalta Cd Pallas Ähtäri Virolahti Kallio Downtown Varikko Pirkkala Kaleva

2007 0,027 0,063 0,105 0,099 0,171 1,945 2,4082008 0,028 0,046 0,109 0,11 0,274 3,234 5,752009 0,026 0,04 0,1 0,085 0,131 0,341 0,711 2,2612010 0,027 0,066 0,136 0,112 1,332 6,601

Ni Helsinki Raahe Harjavalta Pallas Ähtäri Virolahti Kallio Downtown Varikko Pirkkala Kaleva

2007 0,33 0,39 1,17 3,04 5,6 15,052008 0,54 0,58 0,98 1,12 4,47 5,57 162009 0,39 0,32 1,16 2,6 1,15 3,53 8,08 11,382010 0,4 0,37 1,07 2,16 5,71 18,33 3 2














i K






















Arsenic As Annual mean

2007 2008 2009 2010

Target value for the protection of human health in EU

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7










i K






















Cadmium Cd Annual mean

2007 2008 2009 2010

Target value for the protection of human health in EU














i K






















Nickel Ni Annual mean





Target value for the protection of human health in EU

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The air quality of Lapland in the early 2000s


ed areas of Europe rarely reaches as far as Lapland.

However, the elevated concentration of O3 is a global air pollution problem. In the past hundred years, the mean con-centration of ozone in the atmosphere has approximately tripled in the whole northern hemisphere, concerning also Lapland. Despite the elevated baseline, Lapland does not have the unhealthy high ozone episodes that are common in densely populated areas of central and southern Europe, where emission levels of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons are much higher.

Transport emissions have been lim-ited in Finland and in Europe for dec-ades, but reduction of air concentrations has proven to be very difficult. Concen-trations of nitrogen compounds, volatile hydrocarbons and ozone have remained unchanged at Pallas since the mid-1990s (Anttila et al. 2010).

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) POP (Persistent Organic Pollutant) compounds are very persistent tox-ic compounds that can spread globally once emitted into the atmosphere. Some

POPs are deliberately produced for a particular purpose, most commonly as pesticides (e.g. DDT), or as industrial chemicals such as PCBs. The remainder are impurities formed by chemical reac-tions or combustion processes (e.g. di-oxins and PAH compounds). Today, the use and production of many commercial POPs is completely forbidden in many countries, but emissions from existing products still continue (SYKE 2006). In ecosystems, these fat-soluble materi-als accumulate in food chain organisms. Arctic areas are considered particular-ly vulnerable to these toxic compounds, because the northern soil has a little hu-mus to retain organic compounds, while low temperatures mean that materials are broken down more slowly than in warm-er regions.

In the north, agriculture and forest-ry use very little pesticide as compared to many other European countries (Figure 7). Nonetheless, POPs can be found in the air in Lapland, although there are no significant sources of emissions there. Once deposited on the ground, POPs may evaporate again into the air in more favourable, warmer conditions, and be

Fig. 7. Use of pesticides in some European countries at the end of the 1990’s (Pesticide Action Network Germany, 2003).
















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Pia Anttila


transported by air currents into northern latitudes.

Trends in the concentrations of two POPs at Pallas are considered here. Pol-ychlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs are very stable and heat-resistant, and they have been used mainly in capacitors and trans-formers. The manufacture, import, sale, or transfer of PCBs and products con-taining them was banned in Finland early in 1990. Today, the largest single source of emissions to the air comes from waste incineration. PCB compounds can enter the environment through old discarded electrical equipment and through trans-port emissions.

Gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (γ-HCH) or lindane was a common-ly used insecticide from the 1950s until the 1990s, but its global use is now slight. In Finland, it went out of use in the late 1990s. The use of other pesticides has also decreased in Finland since the peak years of the 80’s (Figure 8).

The global decrease in the produc-tion and use of these compounds is al-so clearly visible from long-term meas-

urements made at Pallas (Figure 9). The amounts of PCBs in the air have been re-duced by 1-3 per cent yearly. Particular-ly evident is the decrease in the concen-trations of lindane in the 2000s (Figure 9). The concentrations of compounds in the air are at their highest in the summer, due to their volatility characteristics.

Concentrations of other POPs have also declined at Pallas since 1996. Of 18 POP time series examined, 13 com-pound concentrations showed a statis-tically significantly decrease (five PCB compounds, α-and γ-HCH, α- and γ-chlordane, trans-nonachlor and three PBDE compounds), concentrations of four compounds had remained at the same level (two PCB compounds plus pp-DDT and pp-DDE) and the con-centration of one compound had in-creased (pp-DDD) (Anttila et al. 2010). As a whole, therefore, global restrictions on the production and use of these tox-ic compounds have resulted in decreased background air concentrations in the northern hemisphere. However, a wor-rying aspect was that concentrations of

Fig. 8. Sales of agricul-tural pesticides in Fin-land, 1953-2010 (Tukes 2010).


e com


d, tn




























Growth regulators1500




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The air quality of Lapland in the early 2000s


Fig. 9. Trends of some PCB’s and lindane in the air at Pallas, 1996-2009. Source: IVL, Sweden

910 PCB52 (measured)

PCB52 ( d ll d)



3 PCB52 (modelled)PCB52 trend (–1 %/yr)



B52 Pallas



of P





1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010


1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010




of P


8 pg

/m3 Pallas

PCB28 (measured)PCB28 (modelled)PCB28 trend (–3 %/yr)


1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010




5 PCB101 (measured)

4 pg/


PallasPCB101 (modelled)PCB101 trend (–3 %/yr*)






of P




01996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010


1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010

40 γ-HCH (measured)γ HCH (modelled)




γ-HCH (modelled)γ-HCH trends (–4 %/yr* and –12 %/yr***)



H p



on o

f g-






1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010



1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010

The clean nature of the North - Lapin tutkimusseura - [PDF Document] (21)

Pia Anttila


DDT and its decay products DDE and DDD were not decreasing (Anttila et al. 2010).

Finnish reference material is not avail-able, but Figure 10 shows a comparison of POP concentrations at Pallas with

concentrations at Råö and Aspvreten in Sweden. The latter are Swedish back-ground stations, Råö on the south-west coast and Aspvreten in Central Sweden, 80 kilometres south of Stockholm. POP concentrations at Pallas are mostly much

Fig. 10. Mean con-centrations of POP compounds in the air at Pallas, Råö (Swe-den) and Aspvreten (Sweden), 2008-2010. Source: IVL, Sweden, 2012

Fig. 11. Trend of B(a)P in air at Pallas, 1996–2009 (a) and annual means of B(a)P in air at Finnish measurement stations in 2009 and 2010 (b).

Concentrations of POP compounds 2008-2010

4 pg/m3




3 Råö (South Sweden)

Aspvreten (South Sweden)





































PC α - γ- pp
















0,20 B(a)P (measured)B(a)P (modelled)



B(a)P (modelled)B(a)P trend (–1%/yr) a

0 10



ng Pallas


n of





0,001996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010C


1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010C

1 01,0



B(a)PTarget value for the protection of human health in EU


n B(a)PAnnual mean



as älä hti


o ki ylä

e wn


















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smaller than in the Swedish reference material. However, a notable exception is α-HCH, a by-product of lindane pro-duction, concentrations of which at Pal-las are higher than in the southern and central Swedish reference material (Fig-ure 10). α-HCH is known to accumulate in particular, in Arctic seas, from which it may partially evaporate back into the at-mosphere. Elevated α-HCH concentra-tions in the air at Pallas indicate how this compound travels with prevailing sea and air currents towards northern lati-tudes and accumulates in Arctic regions.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH compounds) are also organic compounds, but not as persistent in the atmosphere as other POPs. They are released into the air especially by poor combustion pro-cesses. Small-scale wood combustion and traffic are the most significant sources of emissions in Finland. Globally, open fires

(forest fires, controlled burning, and de-bris burning) are also important sources of emissions. PAHs are very harmful to humans, since they are often carcinogen-ic and mutagenic. Benzo(a)pyrene, B(a)P, has been selected to represent all PAH compounds and in the EU a target value has been set for its permitted concentra-tion in the air.

Figure 11a shows the trend of B(a)P concentrations in the air at Pallas, 1996-2009. The concentration has remained at around the same level throughout the period. Concentrations are at their high-est during the winter, partly due to higher emissions, but above all to slower trans-formation. Summer heat causes this sub-stance to transform quickly in the air into other harmless compounds. Concentra-tions at Pallas are only a fraction of what they are in southern Finland (Figure 11b) and in comparison with the rest of Eu-rope concentrations in southern Finland are also very low (Figure 12).

Fig. 12. Annual means of B(a)P in air in Europe in 2009.Source: Based on EEA, Air-base, 2012

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Particulate matter, PM10

With the exception of gaseous sulphur dioxide, the pollutants described above typically occur in the air attached to tiny particles. The particles, which have a di-ameter of 10 μm or less, enter the human body with breathed air and are called res-pirable suspended particles (Particu-late Matter PM10). Hundreds of differ-ent toxic and allergenic hydrocarbons, heavy metals, and other inorganic par-ticles can adhere to these particles. It is seldom economically feasible to get de-tailed chemical analyses of the compo-sition of particulate matter, so air qual-ity monitoring generally measures the total content by the mass of PM10 parti-cles (and PM2.5 particles with a diameter of less than 2.5 µm) in the air as an indi-cator of the concentration of hazardous substances in the air. At Pallas and Ra-ja-Jooseppi the annual averages of PM10 particles are in the order of 3-5 µg/m3, which is an extremely low concentration level (Figure 13).

Reflections and conclusions

The Pallas research station has now yielded information on the state of the atmosphere for fifteen years, and this in-formation has also been widely used in international research projects. Almost without exception, dozens of air quali-ty projects have found that pollution lev-els at Pallas are the lowest in the research data, and in this sense, the phrase “the cleanest in Europe” is quite legitimate.

On the other hand, we know that there are major sources of sulphur diox-ide emissions three hundred kilometres to the east of the Pallas station, associat-ed with increased concentrations in the air on the Finnish side. Bioindicators still show elevated nickel and copper concen-trations in the parts of Finland closest to these emissions (Poikolainen & Rau-tio 2012, this publication). Emissions of sulphur dioxide and heavy metals from the Kola Peninsula can certainly be de-tected from the east-west concentration

Fig. 13. Annual means of PM10 in air in Europe in 2010. Source: Based on EEA, Air-base, 2012

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gradient in the northernmost Lapland. However, even in the most severely af-fected area, close to the eastern border, sulphur dioxide concentrations are very low, at the same level as other Finnish background areas. On a European scale, these are very low concentration levels.

Sulphur dioxide concentrations have been declining for fifteen years in Lap-land, which indicates that the Kola Pen-insula emissions have been declining. On the other hand, potential increases of emissions in the Kola Peninsula in the future will be reflected in Finnish Lap-land, too.

All in all, the trends of concentra-tions of nearly sixty different air pol-lutants from 1996 to 2009 at the Pallas measuring station were studied. Most of the studied concentrations remained un-changed in the long run, while the con-centrations of nearly half of the pollut-ants declined. In addition to the sulphur dioxide and heavy metal concentrations from the Kola Peninsula, concentrations of a number of polycyclic aromatic hy-drocarbons also declined. Likewise, long-range transported sulphates and persis-tent organic compounds also decreased in the air at Pallas. However, the situation with traffic-induced pollutants (nitrogen compounds, volatile hydrocarbons, and ozone) remained largely unchanged.

Climate change can cause the condi-tions for pollutant migration to change. Climate models predict that as the cli-mate warms south-western and western winds will become more common while eastern winds decrease. In this case, few-er and fewer eastern pollutants will be transported to Lapland. However, the future changes in wind conditions pre-

dicted by climate models are so small that changes in concentrations in Lap-land will amount at most to one or two percent by the year 2100.

Climate change might cause the pol-lution load in the Lapland region to in-crease, owing to greater emissions from shipping. By 2050, the ice cap could dis-appear entirely from the Arctic Ocean during summer. Increasing shipping in the area could also lead to rising con-centrations of pollutants in the Lapland region. Current restrictions on sulphur emissions from shipping will prevent growth in sulphur load, but in the worst case, concentrations of nitrogen ox-ide and particulate matter might double from the current level (Anttila ym. 2011).


Anttila, P. & Tuovinen, J.-P. 2010. Trends of primary and secondary pollutant con-centrations in Finland in 1994–2007. At-mospheric Environment, 44(1):38–49. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2009.09.041

Anttila, P., Hakola H., Vesteni-us, M., Ryyppö, T., Hellén, H., Leppä-nen, S. 2010. Sources and trends of air pollutants at Pallas. VACCIA Action 13 project report. Electronic publica-tion. Source: (Ac-cessed 5.5.2012)

Anttila, P., Virkkula, A., Ruosteen-oja, K., Hakola, H., Vestenius, M., Ryyp-pö, T., Hellén, H., Leppänen, S. 2011. Assessment of the impacts of climate change on pollution transport to the Arctic region, VACCIA- 13, Final re-port 30.6.2011. Electronic publication. Source:

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fault.asp?node=24118&lan=fi (Accessed 5.5.2012)

EEA, Airbase, 2012 Airbase - The European air quality database. European Environment Agency. (Accessed 4.5.2012)

IVL, Sweden, 2012. Data base of POPs in air, Swedish ($.startup) (Ac-cessed 4.5.2012)

Laurila, T., Tuovinen, JP., Lättilä, H. 1991. Lapin ilmasaasteet [Air pollution in Lapland], Ilmatieteen laitos. (Published with the aid of civil revenue collection organised by Lapin luonnonsuojelupii-ri ry)

Pesticide Action Network Germany, 2003. Pesticide Use Reporting: Options and Possibilities for Europe. Electronic publication. Source: http://www.pan- (Accessed 26.4.2012)

SYKE 2006. Suomi-POP, Taustaselv-itys pysyvien orgaanisten yhdisteiden kansainvälisten rajoitusten täytäntöön-panosta [Finnish POP, a preparatory study on implementation of internation-al restrictions on persistent organic com-pounds]. Electronic publication. Source: (Ac-cessed 5.5.2012)

Turvallisuus- ja kemikaalivirasto, 2010. Maataloudessa käytettävien kasvin-suojeluaineiden myynti Suomessa 1953 – 2010 [Sales of agricultural pesticides in Finland, 1953-2010]. Electronic publi-cation. Source: (Accessed 26.4.2012)

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Geology and geological processes deter-mine the physical and chemical composi-tion of the soil. These factors are also the basis for the concentration levels of nat-ural elements, which can vary widely in different regions and viewed on different scales. This is also the case in Lapland, where the composition of the mainly Archaean and Proterozoic bedrock var-ies greatly from granite and gneiss are-as to schist belts formed from volcanites and sediments. As a result of weathering and the erosion, transport, and stratifica-tion of several glacial episodes, the bed-rock is almost entirely covered by glacial tills and other ice age sediments.

Geochemical analysis of the soil shows that element concentration levels in Lap-land are low in comparison with Europe and Scandinavia. A closer look, however, shows that regional differences are large and, for example, concentration levels can be significantly higher than background values in a number of critical ore areas. However, the concentrations of potential-ly harmful elements, such as heavy metals or radioactive elements, rarely reach lev-els harmful to humans and other organ-isms. Although the soil in Lapland can be considered naturally clean, human activity can disturb the natural balance and cause

concentration levels to become harm-ful. These activities may include exten-sive earthmoving or mining for ores and rock materials. In these cases, the effect is usually local and temporary and has no significant impact, for example, on natural berries or mushrooms.

The purity of Lapland soil in a nutshell• The Geological Survey of Fin-

land (GTK) has been conducting geochemical surveys of the soil in Lapland since the 1970’s.

• Repeated ice ages have been the greatest factor modifying the soil in Lapland over the last 2.5 mil-lion years.

• In the most common soil type, glacial till, concentrations of heavy metals rarely exceed levels harmful to humans or other or-ganisms. Surface and ground wa-ters are also very pure in Lapland.

• Extensive earthmoving can mo-bilize harmful elements, but these changes are generally local and temporary.


Geology, soil, geochemistry, metals, min-erals

The natural purity of the soil in Lapland and the factors affecting it

Pertti SaralaGeological Survey of Finland, PL 77, 96101 [emailprotected]

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Pertti Sarala



Soil purity can be understood in two dif-ferent ways: as natural purity and anthro-pogenic purity. The first of these is com-pletely independent of humanity and the natural ranges caused by the geological development cycle in the Earth’s crust and soil can be large. The physical and chemical processes affecting bedrock and soil can both enrich and dilute the amounts of elements or minerals and thereby cause concentration levels or ar-eas of accumulation in the soil that are harmful to humans and organisms. In many cases, surface erosion, transporta-tion, and stratification dilute the concen-tration levels and facilitate or improve the possibilities for life. In addition, dif-ferent soil processes act as buffers, for instance, against stress from harmful substances coming from air or water.

The contamination caused or puri-ty achieved as a result of human activ-ity often differs from the natural purity generally produced by geological factors. This is an important issue, for instance in the design of urban areas or in oth-er land use planning. High natural back-ground values may, for example, exceed the permitted levels defined by the gov-ernment many times over (Hatakka et al. 2010). For plants and wildlife, the situa-tion is not quite so simple, because the characteristics of plant physiology vary considerably, and the amount and qual-ity of nutrient that plants take from the soil are not necessarily directly correlat-ed with concentrations measured from the soil.

The chemical composition of Finn-ish soil is most affected by the rock types

forming the local bedrock along with the concentration of minerals and met-als (mineralization). As bedrock com-position and properties vary greatly, it is natural that the geochemistry of the soil should display large regional variations. The bedrock of Finland is part of the old Fennoscandian shield, which appears through the bedrock of the Cambrian and later (less than 550 million years old) periods (Lehtinen et al. 1998). Eastern Finland, from North Karelia to Lapland, forms a centre around which the shield’s continental area has gradually been built up. These rocks are among the oldest in Europe, dating back to the Archaean eon and thus more than 2.5 billion years old (Figure 1).

The bedrock of the shield was formed mainly from the melting of rocks from the mantle and crust, the gravity-based enrichment of light rocks in the crust, tectonic plate movement, and sedimenta-ry processes (Koljonen 1992). The Lado-ga-Bothnian Bay zone divides the Finn-ish bedrock into northern and southern blocks, of which the northern consists mainly of Archaean granites, shales, and greenstones, while the southern consists of younger, Proterozoic (1.7-2.0 billion years old) bedrock. Proterozoic rocks ap-pear also in south-western and western Lapland, mainly in the form of green-stone/schist belts consisting of volcanic and sedimentary rocks significantly dif-ferent from the older granites and gneiss-es. These zones are characterized by vol-canic and calcareous rocks, as well as the occurrence of various types of fine-grained shale, which makes the bedrock and soil nutrient rich. The bedrock of Finland contains only a few geologically

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Fig. 1 a) Location of Finland in one of the Archeaen cra-tons (age over 2.5 bilion years, marked as red) and b) the occurrence of the oldest bedrock areas in Finland. Source: Luukkonen & Sor-jonen-Ward (1998).

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“young” formations, such as the rough-ly 350-360 million-year-old Sokli carbon-atites and Iivaara alkali rocks (Vartiainen 1980). The Central Lapland region is also characterized by the presence of weath-ered bedrock (Hirvas 1991, Sarala & Ojala 2008). Rocks formed from differ-ent developmental stages differ in com-position and form geochemically differ-ent source regions for soil processes.

The soil of Finland and Lapland, the regolith overlying the bedrock, consists mainly of soils deposited by continental glaciers during the successive cold peri-ods of the Quaternary, or the last 2.5 mil-lion years (Johansson & Kujansuu 2005, Johansson et al. 2011). Large areas of the northern hemisphere have been covered many times by continental glaciers. Lap-land was repeatedly located in the central area of the glaciers, where glacial erosion was often weak. This is evident, for ex-ample, from the appearance of pregla-cial weathered bedrock preceding the Quaternary, especially in Central Lap-land, and also from the generally higher and more varied topography throughout Lapland. Glaciers and melt waters have eroded the bedrock and transported and deposited the detached material to create soils typical of Finland, consisting of till and stratified sand and gravel, with fine sediments in places. Large areas are also covered by peat layers of varying thick-ness. Bedrock areas make up only about three per cent of the surface in Finland and about five per cent in Lapland.

Following soil stratification, the sur-face has been and remains subject to various physical and chemical process-es. Frost damage and decomposition of organic surface matter, the migration of

dissolved substances and their precipita-tion in illuvial layers, and air-borne depo-sition all alter the chemical and mineral-ogical composition of the topsoil. In the damp, cool climate zone to which Fin-land belongs, podzol develops, which is common in forested lands. The creation of podzol is a slow process affected par-ticularly by organic acids and carbon di-oxide from humus.

Data and research methods

Geochemical research is one of the fun-damental geological techniques, which involves studying the chemical composi-tion of rocks, minerals, soil, surface and ground waters, and a variety of miner-al and organic sediments. It is based on analysis of samples collected from geo-logical strata, from which the appropriate parts are either sieved and dissolved in a variety of acids prior to chemical analy-sis, or from which elemental concentra-tions are measured directly, for example by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). The con-centrations obtained reflect the compo-sition of the bedrock either directly or indirectly through secondary dispersion. In Finland the soil, and usually till, is a commonly used ingredient in geochemi-cal research, owing to its process of cre-ation and the broad picture it affords of the bedrock over which glaciers have passed. This feature is used, for exam-ple, in prospecting for ores. The chemi-cal composition of glacial till and soil in turn directly reflects its nutrient value.

Systematic geochemical mapping of Lapland/northern Finland has been con-ducted since the early 1970s. The work began in Central Lapland, using so-called

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line-sampling of the glacial till (Salmin-en, 1995). Regional, nationwide sampling was extended to a ¼ km2 sampling fre-quency in the 1980s. In addition, the Ge-ological Survey of Finland (GTK) has conducted a second national geochemi-cal survey, a large-area survey with a sam-pling frequency of 1 sample/300 km2 (Koljonen 1992). Nationwide geochem-ical soil surveys have used a till as the sample material. Both surveys collected soil samples only from the unchanged till material under the pedological soil, ana-lysing a <0.06 mm grain size. The extrac-tion process used in analysis was aqua re-gia. Besides soil, nationwide surveys have included stream waters and sediments (Lahermo et al. 1996), groundwater (La-hermo et al. 1990, Lahermo et al. 2002) and rock samples (Rasilainen et al. 2008). These surveys produced data from sev-eral thousand samples.

In the 1980’s and 1990’s, GTK partic-ipated in the joint surveys of the Nordic countries and Barents region, which in-cluded northern Finland. The collabora-tive projects involved were the Scandina-vian Shield project (Bølviken et al. 1986) and the Kola Peninsula ecogeochemistry project (Reimann et al. 1998). In addi-tion, the Barents ecogeochemistry map-ping project covered almost the entire country (Salminen et al. 2004). There are also analysis results for the whole of Fin-land in the Europe-wide FOREGS geo-chemical survey publication (Salminen et al. 2005).

In 1996-1997, the international Baltic Soil Survey collected samples of about 130 soil profiles from agricultural lands. In addition to till, the sampling includ-ed fine soil types (clay, silt), rough sort-

ed soils, and organic soils. The Baltic Soil Survey also differed from geochemical till surveys by taking the samples from topsoil as well as subsoil. Preliminary re-sults for Finland, based on aqua regia ex-traction, were published in 1999 (Tar-vainen & Kuusisto 1999). According to these results, the concentrations of many trace elements are higher on average in clay soils than in other soil types. In northern Finland, clay soils appear main-ly in south-western Lapland, where they can increase the nutrient value of soils in some places.

The method of extraction by aqua re-gia is commonly used in analyses of soil samples for geochemical mapping pro-jects and contaminated land assessments. Extraction by aqua regia describes the greatest concentration of elements that can dissolve from soil in the most ex-treme acidic conditions found in nature (Salminen et al. 2007). In other surveys, the methods used are various weak forms of extraction, such as ammonium acetate EDTA extraction (Tarvainen and Kallio 2002). The total concentrations of ele-ments and the concentrations soluble in aqua regia or nitric acid, are much great-er in natural soils than the metal concen-trations available to plants or that easi-ly migrate into groundwater. The metal concentrations available to plants may be judged using weaker extraction methods, such as for example, acidic ammonium acetate-EDTA extraction (Hatakka et al. 2010). The true total concentrations of elements can be determined, for exam-ple, by XRF.

The Government Decree on the As-sessment of Soil Contamination and Re-mediation Needs (214/2007) defines

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more than 50 threshold and guideline values for potentially harmful substanc-es. Background concentration refers to both natural and man-made elevat-ed concentrations that occur in topsoil over a wide area. Information on back-ground concentrations in soil is needed, among other things, in the assessment of soil contamination. If the concentration of any contaminant in the soil exceeds the threshold defined in the annex to the decree, the level of soil contamination and the need for cleaning will have to be assessed. GTK and the Finnish En-vironment Institute (SYKE) have com-piled data on background concentrations in soil for a national geochemical base-lines register (TAPIR 2012). The regis-ter collects data from various sources on concentrations of harmful substanc-es such as arsenic and other metals, as well as PAH and PCB compounds. On the basis of background concentrations, regional baselines have been calculat-ed for various substances, according to soil type, and these baselines are available from a web service. The national register is currently based on a sample of about 90,000 data points. National background concentration provinces have also been defined for various elements (Eklund 2008), where the background concen-trations of these elements is higher than in surrounding background areas, and where exceeding the threshold values is more likely than elsewhere in the coun-try. Results from GTK national geo-chemical surveys were used to demarcate the provinces (Koljonen 1992, Salminen 1995). For example, three arsenic prov-inces have been identified, of which the southern Finland Province (South and

South-East Finland, and a large part of East Bothnia) is the largest and the Il-omantsi arsenic province on the eastern border and the Kittilä arsenic province in Lapland smaller.


From a European viewpoint, the Ar-chaean and Proterozoic rocks of Finland are reflected in the soil mainly as the low concentrations of elements. The con-centrations of heavy metals such as arse-nic, cadmium, and mercury are very low (Figure 2a; FOREGS Atlas 2012). Sim-ilarly, the concentrations of radioactive elements are low (Figure 2b) although the Finnish bedrock includes granites and granite gneisses, which in some plac-es are known to contain high concentra-tions of radionuclides from the decay se-ries of uranium and thorium. Instead, Proterozoic sedimentary and volcan-ic rocks lead, for example, to elevat-ed concentration levels of magnesium, iron, and many base metals especially in northern Finland (Figure 3). These con-centrations are not sufficient to be harm-ful, but they demonstrate the great ore potential of the north-western corner of Europe, not only for those metals, but al-so for many other elements.

Examination of a geochemical map of Finland shows significantly more re-gional differences than in the earlier small-scale view. Till geochemistry al-lows large bedrock areas to be clearly displayed. For example, the highest mag-nesium concentrations clearly reflect the occurrence of volcanic and sedimentary rock types (Figure 4a), and also the more nutrient-rich areas. These areas also hold

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The natural purity of the soil in Lapland and the factors affecting it


Fig. 2. Distribution of a) arsenic and b) cadmium in soil in Europe. Source: FOREGS Atlas (2012).

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Fig. 3. Distribution of radioactive elements (3a: U and 3b: Th) in soil in Europe. Source: FOREGS Atlas (2012).

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the highest concentrations of many met-als. Granite and gneiss areas generally stand out as background concentration areas for most metals and only a few ar-eas besides southern Finland show clear-ly elevated levels of radioactive elements, though not enough to be harmful to hu-mans or other organisms (Figure 4b).

Locally, the different types of rock units and/or the elevated concentra-tions of elements from related miner-alisations may also be reflected in clear-ly anomalous, elevated concentrations in the soil. For example, the rapidly varying rock units of the Peräpohja schist belt in south-western Lapland, and the related variations in nickel concentrations, are very closely reflected in the till (Figure 5). For this reason, the concentrations of different elements including harm-ful heavy metals can vary considerably in

soil, and this may have a local effect on wild berries and mushrooms, as well as on the concentrations of contaminants in water. However, the phenomenon is natural and rarely causes significant dam-age to plants or organisms.

Hydrological conditions can be con-sidered quite uniform at the catchment area level, but they can vary significantly even within a small area, owing to the to-pography, underlying bedrock structures, and characteristics of the soil. These fac-tors directly affect the quality of surface

Fig. 4 a) Magnesium content of till in Finland after Salminen (1995), and b) uranium content of till after Koljonen (1992).

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water and groundwater, but the composi-tion of the water also reflects large-scale structures in the bedrock, which can be clearly seen, for example, in the magnesi-um content of groundwater (Figure 6a). It should be noted, however, that even if the concentrations are elevated in a re-gion, the buffering and cleansing effect of the soil will dilute the concentrations, for which reason elemental concentra-tions are uniformly very low in Lapland. For example, at their highest nickel con-centrations are only around 10-20 mg/l (Figure 6b). Long-term reviews of water quality have shown that it remains good (cf. Tenhola & Tarvainen 2008).


From the viewpoint of nutrients and trace elements taken up by plants, the surface layer of mineral soil is signifi-

cant. In reviewing data, it is essential to take into account the fact that the nation-al till sample material was collected from unchanged till (average depth one or two meters from the surface), that is, from the C-horizon podzol. Thus, it does not directly describe the initial concentration of elements in the soil surface, where plant roots are mainly found. Howev-er, these data provide a good overview of the soil chemistry. In contrast, the amount of organic matter in the soil af-fects the soil’s ability to bind multiple el-ements to itself. When the proportion of organic matter in the soil increases, amounts of most elements will increase, particularly in the topsoil for all soil types (Tarvainen 2006).

The behaviour of elements varies ac-cording to soil types, soil processes, and rocks. For major elements, the differenc-es between soil types are significantly less

Fig. 5. Distribution of nickel (circles on the map) in the till of south-western Lapland. For exam-ple, the southwest - northeast oriented zone of layered intrusions in the bedrock is seen on the map as a clear nickel anomaly. Source: GTK Active Map Explorer web service (

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and the concentration level is determined by the principal mineral composition of the soil type, which is influenced main-ly by the relationship between feldspars and dark minerals (Salminen et al. 2007). These in turn are determined by the ge-ology of the area. Trace elements occur mainly adsorbed on the surfaces of min-eral grains (mainly mica) or in precip-itates. In sand, gravel, and other rough grain sizes, suitable adsorption sites are scarce, whereas in clays, for example, the

element concentrations may be up to ten times greater than in sands. This is an es-sential factor for example in Central Lap-land, where one of the starting materi-als in the till is highly weathered bedrock, rich in fine material.

The heavy mineral concentrations in the soil are an essential factor in the puri-ty of plants and berries. The humus lay-er on the surface collects heavy metals from the underlying soil and their con-centrations may be significantly higher in

Fig. 6 a) Magnesium and b) nickel content of ground water in Finland. Source: Lahermo et al. (1990).

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the humus than in mineral soil. A signif-icant portion of the heavy metals will al-so come from the air through rain and bind to the humus (Mannio et al. 2002), but in Lapland, this effect is non-exist-ent, except on the border of Northeast Lapland, in the vicinity of the Pechen-ga smelters. The prevailing south-wester-ly winds also keep North-East Lapland mainly free from atmospheric deposi-tion.

Arsenic concentrations in Cen-tral Lapland are remarkably high in un-changed till samples (Loukola-Rus-keeniemi & Lahermo 2004). However, this is not necessarily a cause for con-cern, for example, for plant species, since Backman et al. (2007) found e.g. arsenic concentrations to be significantly lower in topsoil. Arsenical minerals on the sur-face disintegrate and are then dissolved and washed away into the deeper soil lay-ers. They also estimate that of the arsenic on or near the surface 25.7-66.8 per cent was in a biologically available form. With increasing depth, the amount of more easily soluble arsenic decreased to under 3.77-21.0 per cent of the total amount of arsenic. The reduction in concentra-tion of the most easily soluble arsenic with depth suggests that arsenic in deep-er, oxygen-poor soil layers adheres to sulphide minerals which are only slight-ly weathered. On the other hand, digging and turning land alters its natural stra-tigraphy and creates a new geochemical situation that allows many harmful ele-ments, such as arsenic, to change, in aer-obic conditions, into a more easily sol-uble form and mobilise e.g. as surface runoff (Hatakka et al. 2010). Equilibri-um is eventually reached, but for arsenic

and other harmful substances this may take a long time.

Lapland and northern Finland are currently subject to very intensive ore prospecting owing to the great miner-al potential of the area and international interest. Ore exploration cannot be con-sidered having a significant impact on natural purity, because the effects of ge-ological examination, sampling, and drill-ing are restricted to very small areas for limited periods. More extensive targeted studies, involving, for instance, the evalu-ation of mineral deposits or test quarry-ing, may have a local effect. More signif-icant and lasting impact arises only when mining begins. The nature and amount of the effect will depend on the scope of infrastructure building and the actual form of mining, as well as its extent. For example, open-cast mining for ores has a much greater environmental impact than underground mining operations. In any case, the most important threats to the environment around a mining ar-ea are dust, surface and groundwater runoff, and emissions from the enrich-ment process. However, these threats are mainly local and the effects will decrease rapidly outside the actual operating en-vironment. The resulting risks can be minimized by careful planning and mon-itoring, which is required by the Finnish legislation.


Lapland is located in the oldest bedrock area in Europe, which is very hetero-geneous in terms of its rock types and chemical characteristics. This has also led to large fluctuations in concentrations in

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The natural purity of the soil in Lapland and the factors affecting it


the glacial soil of the area. Although Lap-land has great potential as an ore pros-pecting area owing to its numerous vari-eties of ore, concentrations in the most common (till) soil types seldom reach levels harmful to humans or organisms. Similarly, the surface and ground wa-ters in Lapland are very pure. Occasional high concentrations are natural and hu-man-generated factors are minimal. Pos-sible risk factors include aerial deposi-tion, mobilization of elements through earthmoving and processing, and the en-vironmental impact caused by mining ac-tivities.


Backman, B., Eklund, M., Luoma, S., Pullinen, A. & Karttunen, V. 2007. Luontaisia ja ihmisen aiheuttamia arsee-nipitoisuuksia Pirkanmaan alueella. Ar-seenipitoisuustietoa maaperän eri ker-roksista, kaivoksen rikastehiekasta ja sen pölystä, vedestä louhoksilla, kyllästä-möalueilla ja kaatopaikkojen lähellä se-kä marjoista, sienistä ja koivunmahlasta [Natural and artificial arsenic concentra-tions in the Pirkanmaa region. Arsenic levels in different soil layers, mine tailings and dust, water from quarries, wood im-pregnation plants, and near landfills, as well as in berries, mushrooms, and birch sap]. Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Erikois-julkaisut 72, 33 pages.

Bølviken, B., Bergström, J., Björklund, A., Kontio, M., Lehmuspelto, P., Lind-holm, T., Magnusson, J., Ottesen, R. T., Steenfelt, A. & Volden, T. 1986. Geo-chemical Atlas of Northern Fennoscan-dia.

Scale 1:4,000,000. Mapped by the Ge-ological Surveys of Finland, Norway and Sweden in co-operation with the Swed-ish Geological Co. and the Geological Survey of Greenland. Uppsala – Espoo – Trondheim. Korsnäs Offset Kb. 19 pages, 155 maps.

Eklund, M. 2008. Valtakunnalliset taustapitoisuusprovinssit maaperän pi-laantuneisuuden arvioinnissa [National background concentration provinces for soil contamination assessment]. Master’s thesis, University of Helsinki, Depart-ment of Geology. 60 pages.

FOREGS Atlas 2012. Geochem-ical Atlas of Europe (FOREGS) 2005. Electronic source. Source: (Accessed 5.5.2012)

Hatakka, T. (toim.), Tarvainen, T., Jar-va, J., Backman, B., Eklund, M., Huhta, P., Kärkkäinen, N. & Luoma, S. 2010. Pirkanmaan maaperän geokemialliset taustapitoisuudet. Summary: Geoche-mical baselines in the Pirkanmaa region. Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Tutkimusra-portti 182, 104 pages.

Hirvas, H., 1991. Pleistocene stratigra-phy of Finnish Lapland. Geological Sur-vey of Canada, Bulletin 354, 123 pages

Johansson, P. & Kujansuu, R. (toim.) 2005. Pohjois-Suomen maaperä [Soils of Northern Finland]. Geologian tutkimus-keskus, Espoo, 236 pages.

Johansson, P, Lunkka, J.P. & Sarala, P. 2011. The Glaciation of Finland. In: Ehlers, J., Gibbard, P.L. & Hughes, P.D. (toim.), Quaternary Glaciations - Extent and Chronology – A closer look, Devel-opments in Quaternary Sciences, vol 15, chapter 9, 105-116. Elsevier B.V.

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Koljonen, T. (toim.) 1992. Suomen geokemian Atlas, osa 2: moreeni – The Geochemical Atlas of Finland, Part 2: Till. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Espoo. 218 pages.

Lahermo, P., Ilmasti, M., Juntunen, R. & Taka, M. 1990. Suomen geokemi-an atlas, osa 1: Suomen pohjavesien hyd-rogeokemiallinen kartoitus. The Geo-chemical Atlas of Finland, part 1: The hydrogeochemical mapping of Finnish groundwater. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Espoo. 66 pages.

Lahermo, P., Väänänen, P., Tarvainen, T. & Salminen, R. 1996. Suomen geoke-mian atlas, osa 3: Ympäristögeokemia – purovedet ja sedimentit. Geochemical Atlas of Finland, part 3: Environmen-tal geochemistry - stream water and sed-iments. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Es-poo. 147 pages.

Lahermo, P., Tarvainen, T., Hatakka, T., Backman, B., Juntunen, R., Kortelai-nen, N., Lakomaa, T., Nikkarinen, M., Vesterbacka, P., Väisänen, U. & Suomela, P. 2002. Tuhat kaivoa – Suomen kaivo-vesien fysikaalis-kemiallinen laatu vuon-na 1999. Summary: One thousand wells - the physical-chemical quality of Finnish well waters in 1999. Geologian tutkimus-keskus, Tutkimusraportti 155, 92 pages.

Lehtinen, M., Nurmi, P. & Rämö, T. (toim.) 1998. Suomen kallioperä 3000 vuosimiljoonaa [Finnish bedrock for 3,000 million years]. Suomen geologinen seura. Helsinki. 375 pages.

Loukola-Ruskeeniemi, K. & Laher-mo, P. 2004. Arseeni Suomen luonnossa – ympäristövaikutukset ja riskit [Arsenic in Finland - environmental impacts and risks]. Geologian tutkimuskeskus. Es-poo. 173 pages.

Luukkonen, E. & Sorjonen-Ward, P. 1998. Arkeeinen kallioperä - ikkuna 3 miljardin vuoden taakse [Archaean bed-rock - a window to 3 billion years ago]. In: Lehtinen, M., Nurmi, P. & Rämö, T. (toim.). Suomen kallioperä 3000 vuo-similjoonaa [Finnish bedrock for 3,000 million years]. 105-139. Suomen geologi-nen seura. Helsinki.

Mannio, J., Salminen, R., Leppänen, S., Väisänen, U., Räinä, P., Poikolainen, J., Kubin, E., Piispanen, J. & Verta, M. 2002. Raskasmetallit [Heavy metals]. In: AMAP II - Lapin ympäristön tila ja ihmi-sen terveys. [The condition of the envi-ronment in Lapland and human health.] Suomen ympäristö 581, 29-49. Lapin ympäristökeskus. Rovaniemi.

Rasilainen, K., Lahtinen, R. & Born-horst, T.J. 2008. Chemical characteristics of Finnish bedrock – 1:1 000 000 scale bedrock map units (Electronic resource). Research Report 171 Geological Survey of Finland. 94 pages. Electronic publi-cation. Source: (Accessed 1.5.2012).

Reimann, C., Äyräs, M., Chekushin, V. A., Bogatyrev, I. V., Boyd, R., de Caritat, P., Dutter, R., Finne, T. E., Halleraker, J. H., Jæger, Ø., Kashulina, G., Lehto, O., Niskavaara, H., Pavlov, V. A., Räisänen, M. L., Strand, T. & Volden, T. 1998. En-vironmental geochemical atlas of the central Barents region. Geological Sur-vey of Norway. Trondheim. 745 pages.

Salminen, R. (ed.) 1995. Alueellinen geokemiallinen kartoitus Suomessa vuo-sina 1982–1994. English Summary: Re-gional geochemical mapping in Finland in 1982-1994. Geologian tutkimus-keskus, Tutkimusraportti 130, 47 pages.

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Salminen, R. (toim.), Batista, M. J., Bidovec, M., Demetriades, A., De Vi-vo, B., De Vos, W., Duris, M., Gilucis, A., Gregorauskiene, V., Halamic, J., Heitz-mann, P., Lima, A., Jordan, G., Klaver, G., Klein, P., Lis, J., Locutura, J., Marsina, K., Mazreku, A., O’Connor, P. J., Olsson, S. Å., Ottesen, R.-T., Petersell, V., Plant, J. A., Reeder, S., Salpeteur, I., Sandström, H., Siewers, U., Steenfelt, A. & Tarvain-en, T. 2005. Geochemical atlas of Eu-rope. Part 1: Background information, methodology and maps. Geological Sur-vey of Finland. Espoo. 525 pages.

Salminen, R., Chekushin, V., Tenhola, M., Bogatyrev, I., Glavatskikh, S. P., Fed-otova, E., Gregorauskiene, V., Kashuli-na, G., Niskavaara, H., Polischuok, A., Rissanen, K., Selenok, L., Tomilina, O. & Zhdanova, L. 2004. Geochemical Atlas of the Eastern Barents Region. Elsevier. Amsterdam. 548 pages.

Salminen, R., Tarvainen, T. & Moisio T. 2007. Alkuaineiden taustapitoisuudet Suomen harjujen ja reunamuodostumien karkealajitteisissa mineraalimaalajeissa. Summary: Background concentrations of elements in coarse-grained sorted sediments from Finnish eskers and ice-marginal formations. Geologian tutki-muskeskus, Tutkimusraportti 167, 33 pages.

Sarala, P. & Ojala, V.J. 2008. Impli-cations of complex glacial deposits for till geochemical exploration: Exam-ples from the central Fennoscandian ice sheet. In: Stefánsson, Ó. (toim.), Geo-chemistry Research Advances, Chapter 1, 1-29. Nova Publishers. New York.

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ochemical baselines registry]. Electronic publication. Source: (Accessed 1.5.2012)

Tarvainen, T. (toim.), Eklund, M., Haavisto-Hyvärinen, M., Hatakka, T., Jarva, J., Karttunen, V., Kuusisto, E., Ojalainen, J. & Teräsvuori, E. 2006. Al-kuaineiden taustapitoisuudet pääkau-punkiseudun kehyskuntien maaperäs-sä. Summary: Geochemical baselines around the Helsinki metropolitan area. Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Tutkimusra-portti 163, 40 pages.

Tarvainen, T. & Kuusisto, E. 1999. Baltic Soil Survey: Finnish Results. In: Autio, S. (ed.) Geological Survey of Fin-land, Current research 1997–1998, 69–77. Geologian tutkimuskeskus, Special Paper 27.

Tarvainen, T. & Kallio, E. 2002. Base-lines of certain bioavailable and total heavy metal concentrations in Finland. In: Fuge, R. (ed.). Environmental geo-chemistry: selected papers from the 5th International Symposium, Cape Town, South Africa, 24-29 April 2000. Applied Geochemistry 17 (8), 975-980.

Tenhola, M. & Tarvainen T. 2008. Pu-rovesien ja orgaanisten purosediment-tien alkuainepitoisuudet Suomessa vuo-sina 1990, 1995, 2000 ja 2006. Summary: Element concentrations in stream wa-ter and organic stream sediment in Fin-land in 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2006. Geo-logian tutkimuskeskus, Tutkimusraportti 172, 60 pages.

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The regional laboratory of the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in north-ern Finland carried out environmental radiation surveillance between 1971 and 2012 by collecting and analysing samples from Lapland and Oulu. The collected samples represent the flora and fauna of different northern ecosystems over a long period. Analysis of the samples makes it possible to evaluate changes in radioactivity from man-made radioactive substances. Special features of north-ern conditions cause radioactive materi-als to migrate and accumulate differently in ecosystems, so changes in the north-ern environment can be verified only by making a sufficient number of repeated measurements using appropriate meth-ods.

The analysis method used accredited gamma spectrometry to distinguish be-tween the very low levels of radioactivity in the sites studied. The analysed results are shown graphically as time series for various classification criteria. The time series allow for the examination of tem-poral changes in the monitoring results over a period extending from the base-line to the present.

The results show that concentrations of 137Cs, the most important man-made

isotope of a radioactive element, from a radiation protection viewpoint, have decreased significantly during the pe-riod. Concentration levels are well be-low the export limit of 600 Bq/kg fresh weight set by the European Commission for natural products. In fact, the results show the gradual elimination of man-made radioactive substances from the natural cycle.

Monitoring Lapland’s radioactivity in a nutshell• The Northern Finnish laborato-

ry of the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority has monitored radioactivity in the environment of Lapland since 1971.

• The most significant cause of in-creased radioactivity in the Lap-land region was atmospheric nu-clear weapons testing.

• The Chernobyl power plant acci-dent affected the level of radia-tion in the environment for a few years. The reduction of radioac-tivity levels in reindeer meat af-ter the accident ranged from one reindeer herding cooperative to another, but in general radioac-tivity in reindeer meat decreased to pre-accident levels in about ten

Environmental radioactivity surveillance in LaplandJarkko YlipietiRadiation and Nuclear Safety AuthorityNorthern Finland regional laboratoryLähteentie 2, FI-96400 Rovaniemi, [emailprotected]


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Environmental radioactivity surveillance in Lapland


years. Radioactivity in reindeer meat is now lower than before the accident.

• Levels of radioactivity in natural products (berries, mushrooms) are well below the recommenda-tions for use.


Radioactivity, radiation surveillance, ra-diation protection, natural food, food chain


Environmental radioactivity was mon-itored in Lapland from the 1960s until 1970 by the Helsinki University Depart-ment of Radiochemistry, since when the principal responsibility for research and environmental monitoring has lain with the Northern Finland regional laborato-ry of the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority. Over the years, tens of thou-sands of environmental samples from the Provinces of Lapland and Oulu have accumulated, with the highest numbers of samples coming from reindeer, li-chen, a variety of plants, soil, air and wa-ter. In terms of quality, the samples rep-resent almost all the flora and fauna of the northern environment that relates in any way to food chains, such as lichen - reindeer - human, water - fish - preda-tory fish - human, or feed - cow - milk - human (Salomaa 2011). The primary purpose of this work has been to protect people from the harmful effects of ra-diation. The emphasis in monitoring of northern radioactivity during the 1970s

and 1980s was on man-made radioactive materials, the majority of which derived from the atmospheric nuclear weapon tests of the 1950s and 1960s. Study and environmental monitoring of the radio-active materials released into the atmos-phere by the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident in spring 1986 continues in Lapland to the present day. In terms of radiation protection, the most signif-icant man-made radioactive material is caesium, of which the longest-lived iso-tope has a half-life of 30 years. Figure 1 shows the concentration of the radi-oactive caesium isotope 137Cs in several Chernobyl fallout zones in the Provinces of Lapland and Oulu in 1986.

In southern Finland, the effects of the Chernobyl accident were significant-ly greater than in Lapland, with the worst

Fig. 1. Chernobyl fallout in the reindeer herd-ing area in 1986 (Ylipieti & Solatie 2007).

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fallout levels more than ten times high-er than corresponding levels in north-ern Finland (Arvela et al. 1990, Ylipieti et al. 2008a). Lapland received more fall-out during the 1950s and 1960s due to atmospheric nuclear weapons tests, but a decrease in radioactive caesium in the environment through leaching, dilution and radioactive decay, means that levels have fallen in all natural products. This paper aims to review radioactivity stud-ies from Lapland by category and to pre-sent the results of these studies in terms of long-term monitoring.

Radiation in the environment

Man-made radioactive substances are a by-product of energy production in nu-clear reactors. The release of these sub-stances into the environment is prevented by all practical means available. Facili-ties that handle radioactive substances in production (nuclear power plants, repro-

cessing plants and manufacturing facili-ties for radio-isotopes) cannot in practice operate with fully closed processes; small quantities of material must be released, in a controlled manner, into the environ-ment. Emissions from Finnish nuclear power plants have been significantly be-low emission limits (Alm-Lytz 2004). Ra-dioactive substances can be carried by air currents or water far from the emission site, and cause exposure only when ra-diation occurs in the body or in its im-mediate vicinity (Figure 2). From a radia-tion exposure viewpoint, it is particularly important to know where the radioac-tive materials in our environment orig-inate from and where they accumulate (Pöllänen 2003).

Man-made radioactivity in northern Finland

Atmospheric nuclear weapons tests re-leased large quantities of radioactive ma-

Transportation of radioactive substances in the air

Man-made and naturalradioactive substances

Transportation in the biosphere

Transfer of radionuclides in soil and bedrock, and freshwater and marine ecosystems

Fig. 2. Radiation and radioactive materials are a natural part of our environment (Pöllänen 2003).

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terial into the environment in the 1950s and 1960s. In terms of global exposure to radiation, the amount of radioactive materials released in nuclear weapons testing is much more significant than the emissions from all nuclear reactor acci-dents to date. Only in exceptional cas-es, such as the Chernobyl or f*ckushima accidents, the quantities of radioactive material released to the environment in nuclear accidents become significant in terms of global exposure. In the long term, the important nuclides in relation to radiation exposure are, for instance, strontium-90 (90Sr), caesium-137 (137Cs), caesium-134 (134Cs), and the transuranic element plutonium-239 (239Pu) (Pöllänen 2003).

The former provinces of Lapland and Oulu represent almost half the ar-ea of Finland. The region can be di-vided into several vegetation and cli-mate zones, but generally speaking, as one moves north from the more fertile southern areas, the vegetation becomes poorer due to the low level of nutrients in the soil and the shortening of the an-nual growing season. On the other hand, the short season is somewhat balanced by the summer “midnight sun” period during which the north catches up with the plant growth that began earlier in the spring in the south. The length of the growing season matters from the radio-activity perspective, but plants’ supply of nutrients from the ground is more im-portant. It is most important to know the characteristics of the soil, the con-ditions the plants live in, and how they get their nutrients. In the north, the pov-erty of nutrients in the soil relates pri-marily to a lack of potassium. Potassi-

um is a radioactive element that occurs naturally in the soil. For plants, it is vi-tal as a water regulator and as an enabler of photosynthesis. In terms of chemical properties, however, potassium is close to man-made radioactive Cs, so when plants need to correct a lack of potassi-um, they will increase their Cs uptake ei-ther from the soil through their roots or from the air if there is no root system in the soil. In northern regions, long-term study of radioactivity focuses precisely on monitoring the concentration of Cs in plants. A special feature in the north is the lichen - reindeer-man food chain, in-to which Cs is efficiently transferred.

Monitoring radiation in Lapland

Radiation monitoring can be divided in-to three parts, depending on where the sample is taken. First, dust samples com-prising a filter and the particles attached to it can be taken from the air. This kind of monitoring is now performed regu-larly in Lapland at three collection cen-tres. In addition, fallout sampling can be conducted using rainwater collect-ed from the same localities. The real-time radiation situation for external dose rates can be found on the STUK website ( Ra-dioactive particles entering soil and wa-ter from the air are monitored at regu-lar intervals using samples taken from the soil and its different layers, as well as from lake and river waters. The radioac-tivity determined for these samples can be used in the assessment of local radia-tion levels, and combining local informa-tion provides data on the wider region-al radiation situation. Monitoring results

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Jarkko Ylipieti


can be used to calculate radiation expo-sure for terrestrial and aquatic plants and organisms, and thus indirectly determine the migration of man-made radioactivi-ty in food chains, such as lichen - rein-deer - human or water - fish - predatory fish - human. Direct measurements from organisms and plants provide informa-tion that complements and corrects dif-ferences in indirect calculation models. Differences are often due to the diversi-ty of local habitats and, for example, in-itial discrepancies in the global or local fallout situation. Monitoring of human radiation exposure focuses on control of natural foodstuffs consumed by hu-mans. Monitoring of radiation levels in these situations is controlled by nation-al and international laws, and is reported annually, for instance, in a publication on environmental radiation surveillance by STUK. In addition, various regulations restrict the sale and export of natural

products, to the extent that man-made radioactivity is detectable from them.


The results are presented either as time series, with time of measurement on the horizontal axis and concentrations, for example, as annual averages, on the verti-cal axis, or as thematic maps in which the concentration in analysed samples from a single sampling point is represented by a symbol that varies in size and colour according to the classification scale. An-other presentation mode used is classifi-cation by area, in which the concentra-tion value for an area is the average of all values within the area. The unit used in results is the Becquerel (Bq) measure of activity. One Becquerel means that one instance of nuclear decay (triggering of an excited state in the core) occurs in the radioactive material each second. A nu-


































Fig. 3. 137Cs concentration in outdoor air at seven sites, 1960-2010.

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clide is a type of atom, such as caesium, while a gamma nuclide is a type of atom that emits gamma radiation, in this case, 134Cs and 137Cs.

FalloutEnvironmental radioactivity is moni-tored in Lapland using continuously op-erating Geiger detectors and regularly changed particle filters for air collectors. The resolution of the particle filter is as good as one microBq/m3 of air. Fig-ure 3 shows the concentration of 137Cs radioactivity in the air on a logarithmic scale for seven different localities: Ivalo, Nurmijärvi, Rovaniemi, Seutula, Kevo, Karhutunturi and Sodankylä. Monitor-ing results for Ivalo, Rovaniemi, Karhu-

tunturi and Sodankylä are produced by STUK, the others by the Finnish Mete-orological Institute.

The time series clearly shows the ef-fect of nuclear weapons tests and the in-creased concentration of 137Cs caused by the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident. The concentration of 137Cs in outdoor air is now about 1 µBq.

Soil A survey of the gamma nuclide concen-trations of humus layer samples from Finland, Northwest Russia, and the Bal-tic countries was conducted as part of the Barents Ecogeochemistry project which was designed to provide informa-tion on the state of the environment in

Cs-134 Bq/kg(2000)

36 - 78

18 - 3612 - 188 - 125 - 83 - 51 - 3

__0,2 - 1n.d.

STUK- Regional laboratory in Northern Finland-Jarkko Ylipieti

Fig. 4. 134Cs concentrations (Bq/kg DW) in the 0-3 cm part of the humus layer in 2000 (Ylipieti et al. 2008).

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Northwest Russia (Salomaa 2004). The collection of humus layer samples (0-3 cm) from 1,550 locations, conducted in 2000-2001 by the Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) with Russian coopera-tion, covered north-western Russia as far as the Urals, as well as Finland and the Baltic countries. The physical half-life of the short-lived 134Cs isotope from Chernobyl is two years while that of the longer-lived 137Cs isotope is thirty years. Concentrations of 134Cs and 137 Cs in the humus layer, for the year 2000, are shown in Figures 4 and 5. Besides the regional situation for the year 2000, these figures show the path of radioactive fallout dur-ing the Chernobyl nuclear accident. 137Cs concentration also includes earlier mate-rial from the 1950s and 1960s.

Plants and AnimalsSTUK has monitored 137Cs concentrations in plants, including lichen, wild berries and mushrooms. In animal world, there has been extensive monitoring of rein-deer meat, cow’s milk, and fish. In addi-tion, so-called whole-body measurements have been used for continuous monitor-ing of humans. Among northern inhabit-ants, the group under investigation has es-pecially involved Saami reindeer herders.

Wild berriesFigures 6-8 show concentrations of cae-sium isotope 137Cs [Bq/kg fresh weight] in wild berries (bilberry, cowberry, also known as lingonberry, and cloudberry), as a function of time since 1980. The highest concentrations have been meas-

Cs-137 Bq/kg

5 000 - 11 500

3 000 - 5 0001 000 - 3 000

300 - 1 000200 - 300150 - 200100 - 15050 - 1002 - 50

STUK- Regional laboratory in Northern Finland-Jarkko Ylipieti

Fig. 5. 137Cs concentrations (Bq/kg DW) in the 0-3 cm part of the humus layer in 2000 (Ylipieti et al. 2008).

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Fig. 6. 137Cs concentrations in bilberry (Ylipieti & Solatie 2007).

Fig. 7. 137Cs concentrations in cowberry (Ylipieti & Solatie 2007).

Fig. 8. 137Cs concentrations in cloudberry (Ylipieti & Solatie 2007).

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ured in the swamp-growing cloudberry. The results are classified below (Figures 6-8) using the fallout zones from Figure 1. In 2006, the caesium-137 concentra-tions of all wild berries were below 50 Becquerels per kilogram of fresh weight. The lowest concentrations were meas-ured in cowberry and bilberry.

Wild mushroomsRadioactivity levels in wild mushrooms have been studied both before and af-ter the Chernobyl accident. A total of 669 mushroom samples were ana-lysed for northern Finland in the pe-riod 1981-2008. Mushrooms are sort-ed by genus, and by collection place

Fig. 9. 137Cs concentrations in Suillus variegatus (Ylipieti & Solatie 2007).

Fig. 10. 137Cs Concentrations in Lactarius rufus (Ylipieti & Solatie 2007).

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into samples from Kivalo or elsewhere (Kostianen & Ylipieti 2010). Figures 9-12 show 137Cs concentration in Bq/kg dry weight of velvet bolete (Suillus variegatus), rufous milkcap (Lactarius ru-fus), crab brittlegill (Russula xerampelina), and red-banded cortinarius (Cortinarius armillatus), at the Forest Research Insti-

tute plot at Kivalo, 1981 - 2011 (Ylipi-eti & Rissanen 2012).

137Cs concentrations are given for dry weights (DW), which means that the fig-ures are approximately ten times higher than corresponding fresh weight results. Thus, in 2010-2011, the results for velvet bolete, rufous milk cap, and crab brittlegill

Fig. 11. 137Cs Concentrations in Russula xerampelina (Ylipieti & Solatie 2007).

Fig. 12. 137Cs Concentrations in Cortinarius armillatus (Ylipieti & Solatie 2007).

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are under 100 and for red-banded corti-narius less than 200 Bq/kg fresh weight.

Reindeer meat and lichensReindeer meat has been one of the most closely monitored natural product since the Chernobyl nuclear accident. The av-erage concentration of 137Cs in reindeer meat was highest in 1965 and 1966, i.e. 2,500 - 3,000 Bq/kg fresh weight (FW). However, the concentrations decreased over time, so that in the year preced-ing the Chernobyl nuclear accident the average was less than 500 Bq/kg. After Chernobyl, the concentration in reindeer meat in certain places was more than a thousand Bq/kg FW. Figure 13 shows the 137Cs concentration in reindeer meat for three different reindeer herding co-operatives, for summer and winter, 1986-2011. 137Cs concentrations fell sharply in the ten years following the accident, after which the rate of decline slowed, the concentration being about 100 Bq/kg fresh weight in 2011. Differences be-

tween summer and winter reindeer are due to the reindeer diet. In winter, the reindeer eat more lichen, while in sum-mer there are a lot of alternative foods available, such as the leaves of deciduous trees, vascular plants, and fungi.

Concentrations of 137Cs in summer reindeer food crops have been studied in the Finnish reindeer herding area e.g. by Anttila et al. (2011). Reindeer make use of more than 300 plants for summer food. However, lichen is the main food source in most northern reindeer herding cooperatives during the winter. Concen-trations of 137Cs in lichen have been fol-lowed at Kaamanen, in the municipality of Inari, both before and after the Cher-nobyl accident. In 1965 and 1966, when the highest concentrations were meas-ured in reindeer meat, the concentration of 137Cs in lichen was under 2,500 Bq/kg DW, while immediately after the Cherno-byl accident in 1987, it was just over 1,500 Bq/kg DW. However, Chernobyl fallout in the reindeer herding area was very un-

Fig. 13. 137Cs concentrations in reindeer meat (Leppänen et al. 2011).

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even (Figure 1), so there are considera-ble regional variations for caesium con-centrations in lichen. In addition, in the 1950s and 1960s the fallout in northern Finland from nuclear weapons tests must be taken into account in assessing the or-igin of 137Cs concentrations.

Reindeer herdersConcentrations of 137Cs in reindeer herders from the northernmost munic-ipalities have been measured since 1962. Measurements were made every year until 1977, with the following meas-urements being made, by chance, three weeks prior to the Chernobyl nuclear ac-cident. The average whole body concen-tration of 137Cs was 4,500 Bq/kg before the accident and slightly over 10,000 Bq/kg in the years following the accident. In 2005, the level was slightly less than 2,000 Bq/kg (Leppänen et al. 2011).

Freshwater fishResearch conducted in 2008 examined Cs concentrations in two different types of

northern lake, Lake Inari, and Lake Apuk-ka, Rovaniemi (Ylipieti & Solatie 2008). Finland’s third-largest lake, Lake Inari is not only a major site for fish production and recreational fishing; it is deep, and has both a low level of nutrients and many different species of fish. Lake Apukka is small, shallow, and rich in nutrients. Cae-sium concentrations in fish from Lake In-ari were compared with corresponding concentrations in fish from Lake Apukka in the years 1985-2008. In both lakes, the highest concentrations were found in the predatory fish, pike and perch. Caesium was found least in whitefish, vendace and roach. Caesium levels in predatory fish in the 1960s and immediately after the Cher-nobyl accident ranged from 150 to 350 Becquerels per kilogram. In other fish, concentrations remained below 100 Bec-querels per kilogram at respective times. The most recent results are from spring 2008, when the caesium concentration in Lake Inari pike and perch was 20 Becque-rels per kilogram. The caesium concentra-tions in both lakes were monitored for the

Fig. 14. 137Cs concentrations in fish from Lake Inari and Lake Apukka, 1960 -2009 (Tuovinen et al. 2010, Ylipieti & Solatie 2007).

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period following the Chernobyl accident (Figure 14).

Cow’s milkThe soil - grass - milk food chain is an important route via which people can be exposed to radiation. Milk samples have been collected from dairies and farms in northern Finland since 1963; samples were collected from Kursu from 1963 to 1987 and from Rovaniemi from 1966 to 1975 and again from 1986 onwards. Farm-specific milk samples come from Apukka and Vikajärvi in the Rovaniemi area. The 137Cs concentrations in milk are shown in Figure 15 by place of collec-tion. 137Cs concentrations in milk were highest in the early 1960s; the Chernobyl effects were smaller.


The environmental effects of atmospher-ic nuclear weapons testing in the 1950s

and 1960s were greater than those from any later accidents or events related to ra-diation use. As a single accident, Cherno-byl had a temporary effect that elevated the level of radiation in the environment only for the first few years afterwards. However, of the long-lived radionuclides, 137Cs is still measurable with sensitive measuring equipment. Although Lapland has only small amounts of man-made ra-dioactive materials, long-term monitoring shows that their removal from the natu-ral cycle takes time. The longest ecological half-lives can be close to 20 years.

Owing to its growth site, the com-mon cloudberry from the marshes of northern Finland is more sensitive to ra-dioactive fallout than other berries. Re-sults also show that caesium concen-trations may vary significantly within a fallout area, depending on local grow-ing conditions. In mushrooms, concen-trations vary even within a small area and there may be year to year differences in

Fig. 15. 137Cs concentrations in cow’s milk (Solatie et al. 2008).

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moisture conditions and growth areas, since growth areas vary with moisture. In drier autumns with low precipitation, mushrooms grow on the edge of marsh-es in spruce forests, or on shady north-ern slopes rather than in dry peaty for-ests. These different growth conditions cause annual variations in mushroom 137Cs concentrations.

Average 137Cs concentrations in rein-deer meat have decreased steadily in cer-tain reindeer herding cooperatives while in others the decrease in concentrations was very fast at first and slowed down at a later stage. The most likely cause of disparities in 137Cs concentrations is the intake of lichen which varies from one reindeer herding cooperative to another due to the differences in pasture utiliza-tion. Cs concentrations in reindeer herd-ers are currently low due in part to the fact that increasing numbers of young reindeer are slaughtered before they use lichen for food. However, reindeer herd-ers are still the Finnish group that re-ceives, on average, most radiation from food during the year.

Examination of lake fish showed lit-tle variation in the reduction of caesium concentrations, according to lake type or fish species, in the first years following the accident. Instead, there was a signif-icant difference in predatory fish eight years after the accident. The Cs concen-tration in the meat of pike from Lake Inari decreased more than fifty percent faster than for Lake Apukka pike. One explanatory factor is thought to be the lake water that has been studied in par-allel with the Cs concentration of fish meat. In Lake Inari, the concentration has fallen together with that of fish

meat, faster than the equivalent concen-tration in comparable water from Lake Apukka. Lake-specific differences in the elimination of Cs-concentrations from fish meat may be considerable because of the ecology of the lakes and the sur-rounding countryside.

The European Union’s recommend-ed limit for radioactivity in traded natu-ral products is 600 Bq/kg fresh weight (2003/120/EC). The reported results for natural products such as wild berries and fish are generally very low, and well be-low the EU recommendation. Looking forward, it will be essential in future to monitor naturally occurring radioactivi-ty in case of fresh nuclear accidents, but also increasingly the migration of natu-ral radioactive substances, for example as a result of mining activities. Monitoring environmental radioactivity in northern Finland will therefore focus on the su-pervision of two different industries: en-ergy and mining. On the other hand, the construction of additional nuclear pow-er plants at Pyhäjoki will require invest-ment in environmental monitoring of man-made radioactive materials as well as assessment of the environmental im-pact of new mining projects, and moni-toring of their impact on radioactive ma-terials in nature.


Alm-Lytz Kirsi, Riihiluoma Veli, Vilka-mo Olli. 2004. Ydinturvallisuus [Nuclear Safety], toim. Jorma Sanberg, Säteilytur-vakeskus, Helsinki.

Anttila, A., Leppänen, A-P., Rissa-nen, K., Ylipieti J. 2011. Concentrations of 137Cs in summer pasture plants that

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reindeer feed on in the reindeer man-agement area of Finland. Journal of En-vironmental Radioactivity, volume 102 issue 7 July 2011. DOI: 10.1016/j.jen-vrad.2011.03.009. p. 659-666.

Arvela, H., Markkanen, M. & Lem-melä, H. 1990. Mobile survey of envi-ronment gamma radiation and fallout levels in Finland after the Chernobyl ac-cident. Radiation Protection Dosimetry 32: 177-184.

Kostiainen E, Ylipieti J. 2010. Radio-aktiivinen caesium Suomen ruokasienis-sä. [Radioactive caesium in Finnish food mushrooms]. STUK-A240, Säteilytur-vakeskus, Helsinki.

Leppänen, A-P., Muikku, M., Jaakko-la, T., Lehto, J., Rahola, T., Rissanen, K., Tillander, M. 2011. Effective half-lives of 134Cs and 137Cs in reindeer meat and in reindeer herders in Finland after the Chernobyl accident and the ensu-ing effective radiation doses to humans. Health Physics Society 100, 5, 468-481.

Pöllänen, R.. 2003. Säteily ympäris-tössä [Environmental radiation] (16), ed. Roy Pöllänen, Säteilyturvakeskus, Hel-sinki.

Salomaa, S., Sulonen N. (toim.). 2011. Säteilyturvakeskuksen tutkimustoiminta [Research by the Radiation and Nucle-ar Safety Authority] 2005-2010. STUK-A248, Säteilyturvakeskus, Helsinki, 70.

Salomaa, S. (ed.). 2004. Research pro-jects of STUK 2003-2005. STUK-A202, Säteilyturvakeskus, Helsinki, 50.

Solatie, D., Leppänen, A-P., Niskala, P., Ylipieti, J. 2008. 90Sr and 137Cs in dep-osition, grass and milk in Northern Fin-land. In: Strand P, Brown J, Jølle T (eds). Proceedings: Posters - Part 2 Internation-al Conference on Radioecology & Envi-

ronmental Radioactivity. 2008 June 15-20, Bergen, Norway. Æsterås: Norwegian Ra-diation Protection Authority, 296-299.

Tuovinen, S., Chutarat, S., Ylipieti, J., Solatie, D., Juutilainen, J. 2012. Transfer of 137Cs from water to fish is not linear in two northern lakes. The Journal Hyd-robiologia, Submitted.

Ylipieti J. Rissanen, K., 2012. Radi-ocesium in mycorrizhal macro fungi in Finnish Lapland during 1981-2011. 13th International Congress of the Interna-tional Radiation Protection Association. Submitted poster.

Ylipieti, J., Rissanen, K., Kostiainen, E., Salminen, R., Tomilina, O., Täht, K., Gilucis, A., Gregorauskiene, V. 2008. Chernobyl fallout in the uppermost (0-3cm) humus layer of forest soil in Fin-land, North East Russia and Baltic coun-tries in 2000-2003. In: Science of the Total Environment, Science of the Total Environment 407, 315-323.

Ylipieti, J., Solatie, D. 2008. Changes in 137Cs activity concentrations with time in various fish species and water in lakes of Finnish Lapland. In: Nordic Society for Radiation Protection - NSFS. Pro-ceedings of the NSFS XV conference in Ålesund Norway, 26-30 of May 2008. StrålevernRapport 2008 13. Østerås: Norwegian Radiation Protection Au-thority, 141-145.

Ylipieti, J., Solatie, D. 2007. Radiocae-sium in wild berries and natural herbs in Northern Finland. International Con-ference on Environmental Radioactivity. Vienna, Austria. (Accessed 4.7.2012)

2003/120/EC, European Commis-sion Directive 2003

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Heavy metal deposition have now been monitored in Finland every five years for 25 years, using moss samples. Based on the concentrations in moss samples, dep-osition of all monitored heavy metals other than nickel, copper, and chromium (i.e. cadmium, iron, mercury, lead, zinc, vanadium and arsenic) in Lapland is so low that their deposition does not gener-ally pose a significant risk to the environ-ment or human health. Emissions from the mining industry in the Kola Peninsu-la significantly raise the concentrations of nickel and copper in depositions in the eastern parts of Inari. However, the con-centrations of nickel and copper decrease rapidly west of the border. Close to the border, indications have been found of the environmental impacts of heavy met-als and sulphur. Nevertheless, heavy met-al emissions from the Kola Peninsula do not affect concentrations in berries and mushrooms in eastern Lapland; rather, concentrations reflect those in local soils. Chromium emissions from the Tornio steelworks are mirrored in concentrations in moss samples collected in the Tornio region. However, these levels are quite low and the chromium appears mainly in

the form of nontoxic chromium (III) ox-ide, so the deposition does not pose a sig-nificant risk to human health. Chromium deposition is low elsewhere in Lapland.

Results from bioindicators in a nutshell• Mosses efficiently collect atmos-

pheric pollutants, so they are well suited for air quality monitoring

• Heavy metal concentrations in mosses are widely monitored in Europe; in Finland, the Finn-ish Forest Research Institute has monitored heavy metal concen-trations in mosses for 25 years

• Heavy metal depositions are low in Lapland, and generally decreasing

• In the easternmost parts of In-ari in consequence of emissions from Kola Peninsula and near the Tornio steelwork, heavy metal concentrations in mosses are rela-tively high. The above-mentioned facilities have no apparent effect on concentrations of heavy met-als in mushrooms and berries

• The mining industry, and an in-crease in traffic, may result in in-creased heavy metal emissions in Lapland

Environmental pollution in Lapland on the basis of bioindicators

Jarmo Poikolainen1 and Pasi Rautio2

1 Natural Resources Institute Finland PL 413 (Paavo Havaksen tie 3), 90014 University of [emailprotected] 2 Natural Resources Institute FinlandEteläranta 55, 96300 [emailprotected]

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Heavy metals, monitoring, mosses, ber-ries, mushrooms


Lapland has traditionally been consid-ered a clean area in relation to atmos-pheric pollutants. Lapland’s own emis-sions are negligible and only the forestry and steel industry emissions from around the Bay of Bothnia have had any signif-icant harmful effects. However, Lapland receives long-range depositions of sul-phur and heavy metals from outside Fin-land, from the production facilities of the mining industry in the Kola Penin-sula and from elsewhere in Europe. The following uses bioindicators to examine air-borne heavy metal deposition in Lap-land and its importance to the environ-ment and human health.

Heavy metals are ubiquitous in na-ture: in soil and bedrock, air, water, and living organisms. Emissions of heavy metals spread to the environment from natural sources (such as volcanoes and forest fires) and human activities (such as oil, coal, and waste burning, metal pro-duction, and transport). Heavy metals are environmental toxins. Their toxicity and effects depend, among other things, upon their amount, form, and exposure time. Heavy metals are not merely det-rimental to the environment; many of them, such as copper, zinc and iron, are essential trace elements for humans and other organisms. Others, such as mer-cury, lead, and cadmium, are toxic even in small quantities. The harmfulness of heavy metals is increased by their per-

sistent nature and their accumulation in food chains. Harsh conditions in north-ern regions may make their harmful ef-fects greater than in southern latitudes.

These metals pass from the air into soil, water, and vegetation, and for in-stance in food to animals and humans. When the deposition is large enough, heavy metals in the soil displace impor-tant plant nutrients, tree growth weak-ens, the most sensitive plant species dis-appear, and the fauna changes. At worst, heavy metal emissions lead to the cre-ation of so-called “industrial deserts” around emission sources. At this point, if not earlier, heavy metals become seri-ously harmful to human health.

The deposition of heavy metals can be mapped using concentrations in mosses

Concentrations of airborne heavy metals reaching the ground can be measured di-rectly as wet and dry deposition. In wet deposition, substances reach the ground in rain, while in dry deposition they ar-rive with dust or in gaseous form. Di-rect measurements, however, are expen-sive and measurement stations are few and far between. Therefore, efforts have been made to find cheaper ways of mon-itoring deposition. Measuring concen-trations from mosses has proven to be a good monitoring method (Rühling & Ty-ler 1968, Poikolainen 2004). Mosses take nutrients primarily through the air from rain water and particulate matter, so that they accumulate airborne pollutants at the same time. However, heavy metals do not accumulate in mosses in the same proportion as they exist in deposition,

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since the efficiency of absorption de-pends e.g. on the structure of the moss and the nature of the deposition (Zech-meister et al. 2003). Concentrations give a relative picture of deposition.

The Finnish Forest Research Institute has monitored heavy metal deposition in Finland by means of mosses every five years since 1985 (Metla, MetINFO 2012). Today, they are part of a monitoring sys-tem that covers almost the whole of Eu-rope (Harmens et al. 2008, 2013). In Fin-land, mosses were collected until 2005 from the permanent plots of the 8th Na-tional Forest Inventory (NFI 8). In 2010, samples were collected from the same plots in Lapland, but elsewhere in south-ern and central Finland, from the plots of the 11th National Forest Inventory (NFI 11). In Satakunta, samples were collected from both the plots of NFI 8 and NFI 11. Owing to the reduced set of sample plots (NFI 11) the effects of small emis-sion sources on concentrations in moss-es did not stand out in the 2010 survey in southern and central Finland as well as in previous survey years. Samples were col-lected from either stair-step moss (Hylo-comium splendens) or red-stemmed feather moss (Pleurozium schreberi). Moss analy-ses have included cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, nickel, lead, vanadium, and zinc concentrations from the beginning, and arsenic and mercury concentrations since 1995. Arsenic is a metalloid, but it has been included in surveys owing to its toxicity. Samples have not been collected in the close vicinity of emission sources. The goal is to get an overview of heavy metal deposition and its temporal chang-es.

In order to assess the impact of heavy metal deposition on concentrations in picking products, in 2005, besides moss samples, berries (cowberry, bilberry, and crowberry) and mushrooms (bole-tus, milk cap and russula) were collected from Central and Eastern Lapland. Ber-ry samples were also collected from the Russian side.

Long-range transport has a major impact on heavy metal deposition in Lapland

Heavy metal emissions from the Kola Peninsula have not decreased as expectedLong-range transport from outside Fin-land, especially from the mining indus-try of the Kola Peninsula, has a great-er impact on heavy metal deposition in Lapland than Lapland’s own emissions. Heavy metal emissions from the pro-duction facilities of the Pechenga nickel mine near the Finnish border have fluc-tuated depending on production vol-umes. The concentration plant and roast-ing plant at Zapolyarny and the smelter at Nikel mostly emit nickel and copper into the air. The nickel emissions of the factories decreased in the 1980s by over 500 tonnes to 300 tonnes and the cop-per emissions by about 300 tonnes to 200 tonnes, since when no significant de-crease has occurred in emissions (Paats-joki programme 2008). Most of the met-als reach the ground within 10 kilometres from the smelters. Deposition decreas-es rapidly with distance. Emissions from the smelters are transported mainly to the north and north-east, but east winds also spread heavy metals all the way to Lapland.

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Nickel emissions from the Kola Penin-sula can be seen in moss samples as higher than background concentrations roughly on a line between Salla and Angeli (Met-la, MetINFO 2012). Relatively high con-centrations of nickel have been observed only in the easternmost parts of Inari. In 2005 and 2010, concentrations increased near the border to higher levels than in previous years (Figure 1). This indicates a rise in emissions, which is also confirmed from periodical measurements of high concentrations of nickel in wet deposi-tion at Svanvik, Norway in 2005 - 2010 (Grenseområdene Norge-Russland TA 2838/2011). In 2010, the highest nick-el concentrations in mosses were about 40-90 mg/kg close to the border, about 10 mg 20 - 30 kilometres from the bor-der, and only about 5 mg/kg around the Inari urban district (Figure 1). In western Lapland, they were at the same level (1-2 mg/kg) as in most of Finland. In Sweden,

Estonia, and Scotland, concentrations in 2005 were generally less than 1 mg/kg (Harmens et al. 2008, 2013). Elsewhere in Europe, the concentration ranged from less than 1 mg to more than 15 mg per kg. In areas with concentrations of less than 2 mg/kg, nickel deposition belongs in the clean background class and is not really harmful to the environment. In contrast, the highest concentrations (> 15 mg/kg) in the region are usually within the vicinity of a large source of emissions, near which nickel deposition rises so high that it al-ready has harmful effects.

On the basis of concentrations in mosses, copper deposition from the smelters on the Kola Peninsula has not changed a great deal over the years. The area affected by copper emissions, in which the concentration is greater than 5 mg/kg, has been reduced during the monitoring period, but in the eastern parts of Inari concentrations have in-

Fig. 1. Nickel concentrations in mosses in Finland, 1985-2010. Maps Jouni Karhu.

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creased in the most recent surveys. In 2010, the highest concentrations were about 30-50 mg/kg on the border. In southern and western Lapland, they were less than 5 mg/kg, i.e. at the same level as the rest of Finland with the exception of the Harjavalta region in south-west part of Finland. In these areas, the cop-per concentrations in 2005 were as low as, for example, in Sweden and Norway (Harmens et al. 2008, 2013).

Deposition of the most harmful heavy metals in Lapland is among the lowest in EuropeHeavy metals are transported to Lapland from the Kola Peninsula, but also from elsewhere in Europe and even from Asia. The ones that spread most easily are lead, cadmium, and mercury. However the ef-fect of long-range transport and local emissions on their deposition in Lapland is at the present minimal. In particular, lead and cadmium emissions have been

considerably reduced throughout Europe in the last 20 years, as cleaning technolo-gies in emission sources have improved.

Lead is the best example of the im-pact of cleaning on emissions. The sale of leaded petrol ended in Finland and most other European countries in the early 1990s, and industrial lead emissions also decreased. As a result, the lead con-centration in mosses decreased rapid-ly in the 1990s in almost all of Europe. The lead concentration in Lapland varied from about 2 mg to over 14 mg per kilo in 1985, but in 2010 the concentrations in Lapland were generally less than 2 mg/kg (Figure 2). Lapland, together with the northern parts of Sweden and Nor-way, is one of the cleanest areas in Eu-rope in terms of lead deposition (Har-mens et al. 2008, 2013). In most parts of western Europe lead concentrations in mosses in 2005 were less than 10 mg/kg, but in eastern and south-eastern Europe

Fig. 2. Lead concentrations in mosses in Finland, 1985-2010. Maps Jouni Karhu.

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they rose in places to more than 30 mg/kg. In those areas, the deposition of lead, especially in urban areas, is so high that it may have effects on human health.

Efforts to reduce emissions of cadmi-um from industry and to ban the use of cadmium e.g. in dyes and coatings have also reduced cadmium depositions. Cad-mium concentrations in mosses in Fin-land fell throughout the 1990s, but since then there have been no major chang-es (Metla, MetINFO 2012). In 2010, in Lapland, concentrations generally re-mained below 0.10 mg/kg and even the highest concentrations were under 0.20 mg/kg (Figure 3). These are the lowest concentrations to be measured in Eu-rope, but the difference compared with western European countries is not very large (Harmens et al. 2008, 2013).

Mercury is an unusual heavy met-al that occurs as a liquid at room tem-perature, but mainly in gaseous form

in the atmosphere. Thus it is carried by air currents for thousands of kilome-tres from emission sources. Some of the mercury in the atmosphere reaches the ground, from which it evaporates again when the temperature rises. However, moss concentrations in Lapland suggest that no significant accumulation of mer-cury occurs. Concentrations through-out the monitoring period have gener-ally been below 0.05 mg/kg in Lapland and about 0.05-0.15 mg/kg in southern Finland (Metla, MetINFO 2012). In the 2005 survey, mercury concentrations in other parts of Europe ranged from un-der 0.03 mg to over 0.20 mg per kg (Har-mens et al. 2008, 2013).

Lapland’s own heavy metal emissions are minor

Lapland has few major sources of heavy metal emissions that might have signif-

Fig. 3. Cadmium concentrations in mosses in Lapland, 1985-2010. Maps Jouni Karhu.

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icant effects on the state of the envi-ronment or on human health. The only sources of emissions worth mentioning are in the Kemi - Tornio region, where the greater part of Lapland’s industrial production is concentrated. Of the in-dustrial plants in this area, Outokumpu’s Tornio steelworks has long been Fin-land’s largest source of chromium emis-sions. However, chromium emissions to the air from the steelworks have de-creased in the last 30 years from about 30 tonnes to less than 10 tonnes per year, despite increased production. In 2002, however, emissions of chromium increased for some reason to more than 20 tonnes. The factories also emit some other heavy metals, such as nickel, zinc, and mercury.

The chromium emissions from the steelworks have appeared in moss-es throughout the monitoring period as moderate to high levels in the Tornio re-

gion (more than 10 mg/kg) and as less-er increases in concentrations as far as Central Lapland (2-6 mg/kg) (Figure 4). Concentrations have decreased during the monitoring period in Lapland, ex-cept in 2005. Above-average chromium emission in 2002 contributed to a signifi-cantly higher average in 2005, since con-centrations in mosses are always analysed from the three years of growth preced-ing the year of collection. In 2010, the chromium concentration for almost the whole of Lapland was less than 1 mg/kg, but in the Tornio region the highest con-centrations were still about 10 mg/kg. Chromium concentrations in other parts of Lapland resembles those in most of Sweden, Norway, and the Baltic coun-tries, where the concentrations in 2005 were among the lowest in Europe (Har-mens et al. 2008, 2013).

Concentrations of other heavy metals analysed in moss (iron, zinc, vanadium

Fig. 4. Chromium concentra-tions in mosses in Lapland, 1985-2010. Maps Jouni Karhu.

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and arsenic) are low in Lapland and have fallen to varying extents in the past 25 years (Table 1). Their deposition is main-ly due to Lapland’s own emission sources.

The effects of heavy metal deposi-tion on the state of the environment and human health in Lapland

Concentrations measured in mosses do not directly reflect the harmfulness of deposition. However, on the basis of moss concentrations, heavy metal depo-sition in Lapland, with the exception of the eastern parts of Inari and the bottom of the Bay of Bothnia, is among the low-est in Europe. This is also shown by dep-osition measurements from EMEP sta-tions in northern Finland (Aas & Breivik 2011). Deposition in background areas has no significant harmful effect on the environment or on human health. Local-ly, concentrations may rise significant-ly above background levels, however, in the vicinity of industrial plants, heating plants, and landfills.

The forest damage project of the ear-ly 1990s in eastern Lapland found that in the eastern part of Inari, sulphur and heavy metal emissions from the Kola Peninsula smelters had caused, inter alia, damage to needles and epiphytic lichens, as well as changes in the soil. No obvious harmful effects on human health from heavy metals have been reported even from the Norwegian side of the Paatsjo-ki river valley, an area more densely pop-ulated than eastern Lapland with higher levels of heavy metal deposition. Heavy metals arrive from the Kola Peninsula only occasionally, which reduces heavy metal exposure.

Chromium emissions from the Tornio steelworks have also sometimes raised concerns for human health. Sev-eral chromium compounds, in particular, hexavalent chromium, are carcinogen-ic. However, chromium occurs natural-ly mainly as the trivalent oxide, which is not dangerous to humans and animals. In 2010, a study carried out in Tornio and Haparanda for the city of Tornio,

Table 1. Average concentrations of heavy metals in mosses in Lapland and whole Finland in 1985 – 2010

As Cd Cr Cu Fe Hg Ni Pb V Znmg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg

1985 Lapland - 0.19 1.86 5.10 219 - 2.58 9.04 2.25 30.7Finland - 0.37 1.49 5.99 379 - 2.24 15.50 4.76 38.1

1990 Lapland - 0.16 1.64 5.16 234 - 2.58 6.70 2.54 31.3Finland - 0.28 1.59 5.98 405 - 1.97 10.20 3.48 36.5

1995 Lapland 0.14 1.74 4.92 185 0.037 2.79 4.19 1.47 33.6Finland 0.26 0.18 1.54 5.28 331 0.053 1.94 6.22 2.39 38.4

2000 Lapland 0.10 1.29 3.81 124 0.033 2.62 2.30 0.81 24.3Finland 0.19 0.12 1.25 3.96 259 0.048 1.83 3.37 1.45 28.8

2005 Lapland 0.11 1.91 4.29 129 0.025 3.73 1.97 0.80 27.9Finland 0.12 0.15 1.13 4.11 236 0.044 1.87 2.96 1.43 32.9

2010 Lapland 0.072 0.08 0.97 5.10 130 0.039 4.00 1.44 0.73 28.2Finland 0.103 0.11 0.94 4.70 235 0.043 2.32 2.01 1.10 30.7

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Environmental radioactivity surveillance in Lapland


showed that cowberries collected in the Tornio and Haparanda areas may be eat-en without risk of poisoning (Virtanen 2011). However, picking cowberries from the immediate vicinity of Outo-kumpu’s Tornio steelworks is not rec-ommended, although the concentrations even there (about 10 mg/kg), do not ex-ceed the limit values for chromium con-centrations in natural products.

Emissions from the Kola Peninsula do not affect heavy metal concentra-tions in Lapland berries and mush-rooms

Although concentrations in mosses re-flect heavy metal deposition, similar cor-relation is not necessarily visible in oth-er plants and fungi in the same location. For example, copper and nickel concen-

trations in cowberry (Figure 5) clearly show that the concentrations observed are not related to the distance from the Kola Peninsula smelters at which the samples were collected. Small and large concentrations may be found from both the Finnish and the Russian sides.

Nor do copper and nickel concentra-tions measured from mushrooms show a clear correlation with Kola Peninsula emissions (Figure 6); rather, the concen-trations are most likely indicative of local soil chemical composition.

The copper and nickel concentrations found in mushrooms and berries are generally very small. In terms of fresh weight, even in the sample plots where the heaviest concentrations were meas-ured it would be necessary to eat sever-al kilos of picked mushrooms or berries every day before the accepted safe limits

Fig. 5. Copper and nickel concentrations in cowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea, mg/kg dry weight) in eastern Lapland and the western Kola Peninsula (Paatero et al. 2008).

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for copper and nickel would be exceed-ed.

No serious threats apparent in the near future

There is no evident prospect of new threats in the near future that could have wide-ranging effects on heavy metal dep-osition in Lapland. Certainly, heavy met-al emissions from the mining indus-try of the Kola Peninsula will continue to have adverse effects on the environ-ment in the eastern parts of Inari, un-less the production facilities can be re-newed. Heavy metals have accumulated in the soil throughout the operation of production facility and it will be a long time before concentrations decrease, even if emissions from these facilities are reduced. Plans to modernize the pro-

duction facilities at the Pechenga nickel mine have been around for a long time, but the improvements have been delayed from year to year even though, for exam-ple, Norway has offered to provide fund-ing for modernization.

Heavy metal emissions to the air from the mining industry are likely to increase in northern Finland. There are current-ly several new mining projects in Lap-land as well as planned extensions to ex-isting mines (Riihimäki 2011) which will affect future heavy metal deposition in the region. Dust emissions from mines have mainly local effects on heavy metal deposition. The greatest environmental damage is caused by mine drainage wa-ter entering the waterways.

Tourism and new mines will cause increasing traffic on the roads of Lap-land. Dust spreading from roads con-

Fig. 6. Copper and nickel concentrations in mushrooms (left: boletus, right: russula, mg/kg dry weight) in eastern Lapland. Maps Kari Mikkola.

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Environmental radioactivity surveillance in Lapland


tains a wide variety of compounds emit-ted from cars and the road surface. Car exhausts, tires, and wear and tear on met-al components will spread heavy metals along the roadsides, including zinc, cad-mium, copper, nickel, chromium, and lead, as well as the so-called platinoids, used in catalytic converters to control emissions. The amount of heavy metals on roadsides is directly proportional to the volume of traffic. Concentrations are highest on the verge, but fall away rapid-ly within a few tens of meters from the road. Vehicular emissions mainly cause restrictions on picking berries and mush-rooms in the vicinity of roads. In picking wild berries, it is recommended that the distance from main roads should be at least 100 meters, from dusty village roads and forest roads at least 50 meters, and from other roads 10 - 50 meters depend-ing upon traffic density, quantity of dust, and possible protection from trees.


A 25-year time series based on moss samples shows that as a rule, heavy met-al deposition in Lapland is at a low level, and that concentrations of most metals in mosses have fallen over the years. The decrease in lead concentration in moss-es has been particularly strong, owing to the ending of leaded petrol sales in the early 1990s.

Emissions from the Kola Peninsula mining industry raise nickel and copper concentrations in mosses to moderate-ly high levels in the eastern parts of In-ari, but the concentrations fall away rap-idly towards the west. There has been no decline in concentrations over the years;

they have even risen in recent years in the vicinity of the border. Emissions from the Kola Peninsula do not appear to af-fect heavy metal concentrations in the edible berries and mushrooms of East-ern Lapland. Their concentrations re-flect rather local soil and bedrock prop-erties.

The Tornio steelworks has long been Finland’s largest source of chromium emissions. Judging from concentrations in mosses, chromium deposition has de-creased in Lapland, so that relatively high concentrations of chromium are now found only in the Tornio region. Chro-mium from steelworks emissions occurs in nature mainly in the form of a triva-lent compound which is not a health risk to humans.

There is no evident prospect of fac-tors that might significantly increase heavy metal deposition in Lapland in the near future. New mines will increase the heavy metal load from local dust emis-sions into the air. The greatest harm to the environment is caused by mine drain-age water entering the waterways. Tour-ism and new mines will cause increasing traffic on the roads of Lapland, increas-ing the amount of heavy metals on road-sides.


Aas, W. & Breivik, K. 2011. Heavy metals and POP measurements, 2009. EMEP/CCC-Report 3/2011. Electronic publi-cation. Source: (Ac-cessed 30.5.2012).

Grenseområdene Norge Russlanad. Luft- og nedbørkvalitet, april 2010-mars

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2011. TA 2838/2011. Statlig program for forurensningvervåkning. Rapportnr. 1106/2011. NILU.

Harmens, H, Norris, D. and the par-ticipants of the moss survey. 2008. Spa-tial and temporal trends in heavy metal accumulation in mosses in Europe (1990-2005). Electronic publication. Source: (Accessed 30.5.2012).

Harmens, H., Norris, D., Mills, G. and participants of the moss survey. 2013. Heavy metals and nitrogen in mosses: spatial patterns in 2010/2011 and long-term temporal trends in Europe. Cen-tre for Ecology & Hydrology, United Kingdom. 64 p. Elektronic publication. Source:

Metla 2012. MetInfo, Metsien terveys, Raskasmetallilaskeuma [For-est health, Heavy metal deposition]. Electronic publication. Source: (Accessed 30.5.2012).

Paatero, J., Dauvalter, V., Derome, J., Lehto, J., Pasanen, J. Vesala, T., Mietti-nen, J., Makkonen, U., Kyrö, E-M., Jern-ström, J, Isaeva, L & Derome. K. 2008. Effects of Kola air pollution on the envi-ronment in the western part of the Ko-la Peninsula and Finnish Lapland - Final report. FMI reports 2008: 6.

Paatsjoki-ohjelma. Yhteistyöraportti 2008 [Pasvik Programme: Summary Re-port 2008]. Ympäristön tila Norjan, Suo-men ja Venäjän raja-alueella

[State of the Environment in Norway, Finland and the Russian border area]. Office of the Finnmark County Gov-ernor (Norway), Lapland Regional En-vironment Centre (Finland),Murmansk Department for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring (Rus-sia). Electronic publication. Lähde: PasvikProgrammeSummaryReportNet.pdf (Accessed 30.5.2012).

Poikolainen, J., 2004. Mosses, epi-phytic lichens and tree bark biomonitors for air pollutants specifically for heavy metals in regional surveys. Acta Univer-sitatis Ouluensis, Scientiae Rerum Natu-ralium A 421. 69 pages. + 5 previously published articles. Electronic publica-tion. Source: http:/

Riihimäki, T. 2011. Kaivostoiminta Lapissa [Mining in Lapland]. Bachelor’s thesis. Process and Environmental En-gineering. University of Oulu. 39 pages.

Rühling, Å. & Tyler, G. 1968. An eco-logical approach to the lead problem. Bot. Notiser 121: 321-342.

Virtanen, K. 2011. Puolukoiden me-tallipitoisuuksia Torniossa ja Haaparan-nalla vuonna 2010 [Metal concentrations in cowberries in Tornio and Haparanda, 2010]. City of Tornio. City of Haparan-da. 32 pages.

Zechmeister, H.G., Grodzinska, K. & Scarek-Lukaszewska, G. 2003. Bryo-phytes. In: Markert, B.A., Breure, A.M. & Zechmeister, H.G. (eds.). Trace metals and other contaminants in the environ-ment 6: Bioindicators & Biomonitors. Principles, Concepts and Applications. Elsevier.

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Lapland’s scenery and environment are fragile and threatened by pollution. As a result of reindeer grazing, fell ar-eas, large national parks and nature re-serves, and wilderness areas are very worn, sometimes more than areas out-side them. Grazing has been the biggest factor in changing vegetation and has caused erosion in some areas. The condi-tion of winter pastures and their contin-ual change for the worse show that main-taining the current number of reindeer is no longer possible with natural winter food. Reindeer and moose meat are not organic products, and reindeer husband-ry based on feeding and heavy technolo-gy now has a large environmental impact and carbon footprint. Meat produced on natural pastures is rich in protein, min-erals, and vitamins, with low fat content and an excellent fatty acid composition.

In Lapland, the concentrations of heavy metals have been greatly reduced. Cadmium levels in reindeer, moose, and mountain hare meat are low and close to the limit of quantification (0.001 mg/kg fresh weight). The cadmium concentra-tion in reindeer liver has fallen further and is now below the recommended lim-it (0.5 mg/kg). However, cadmium con-centrations in adult moose liver and kid-

neys exceed the recommended limits. Cadmium levels in the liver and kidneys of mountain hare, and farther south also brown hare, are too high. The lead con-centration of reindeer meat is low and that of reindeer and moose liver and kid-neys has decreased and is below 0.05 mg/kg. Reindeer meat has high selenium concentrations, especially in the north-ern part of the reindeer herding area.

In Lapland, mercury concentrations in pike are lower than in Finnish Lake-land. In lakes and also in the Tornio Riv-er, it is less than 0.5 mg/kg fresh weight. Mercury levels in whitefish and Arctic char are also low, and the concentration in vendace from Lake Inari is on aver-age only 0.16 mg/kg. Vendace from Inari and Arctic char from Lapland also con-tain some dioxins and furans, while di-oxin concentrations in Tenojoki River salmon are significantly lower than those in Baltic salmon. The meat of adult rein-deer and moose contains small amounts of dioxin and PCBs; in reindeer calves the toxic equivalent (TEQ) averages 3.2 pg/g fat. The concentration of caesi-um-137 in moose and reindeer meat is under 100 Bq/kg fresh weight. On bet-ter lichen pasture in Kuhmo, the concen-tration in wild forest reindeer has been 1,000 Bq/kg, and in Suomenselkä up to 3,000 Bq/kg. Salmon from the Tenojo-

The purest reindeer, game, and fish from changing Lapland

Mauri NieminenFinnish Game and Fisheries Research InstituteToivoniementie 246, 99910 [emailprotected]


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ki River, and from the Tulomajoki Riv-er of the Kola Peninsula, have the caesi-um-137 concentrations of less than 0.3 Bq/kg. The concentration in salmon ris-ing from the Baltic Sea to the Kemijoki, Simojoki, and Tornionjoki rivers is 30 to 60 Bq/kg.

The purity of Lappish reindeer, game, and fish in a nutshell• Several research groups and au-

thorities follow concentrations of pollutants in reindeer and game meat, natural grazing, and wild fish.

• Concentrations of heavy metals in the meat of a number of game animals have decreased signifi-cantly, close to the limit of quanti-fication. However, concentrations in the viscera of some game an-imals are above the recommend-ed values.

• Concentrations of heavy metals in wild fish are lower in Lapland than in southern Finland.

• In Lapland, radioactivity in moose and reindeer meat is well below the recommendations for use.

• The growth of reindeer husband-ry has led to excessive erosion of natural pastures in some areas.


Lapland environment, reindeer herding and conservation areas, reindeer, game and fish, heavy metals, environmental toxins and caesium-137


In speaking of the northernmost regions of the Earth we usually mean the Arctic area, defined, for example, in terms of temperature (June +10oC isotherm), per-mafrost, sea ice, the tree line, the Arc-tic Circle, or even the homelands of in-digenous peoples (AMAP 1997). Finland does not contain any specifically Arctic areas, and permafrost is found only in a few palsa mires in Lapland. Political-ly, the Arctic region is defined as lying north of the Arctic Circle (66o 32’N), al-though an important part of Finland be-longs in scientific terms to the subarc-tic climate zone. In the north, the tree line often shows a clear transitional zone from southern forest to treeless tundra. The tree line follows the climate zone in which cold Arctic and warm south-ern air masses meet. In Lapland, the tree line is formed from pine while elsewhere spruce generally grows farther north than pine. The mountain birch zone lies to the north of the coniferous forest, be-fore the treeless tundra. In winter, the forest area provides important shelter and food for many animals, such as rein-deer and moose.

The environment of the Arctic re-gion, and of Lapland, is fragile and threatened by pollution. Key problems include increased traffic and the environ-mental impact of increasing resource ex-ploitation, erosion of reindeer pasture, decreasing biodiversity, long-range dep-osition of heavy metals and environ-mental toxins, nuclear safety, and cli-mate change, with its many potential effects (Lappi Ympäristön Tila [State of the environment in Lapland] 2008).

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The sensitive vulnerability of the north-ern environment is related to the specif-ic conditions in which plants and animals must survive. The number of species ca-pable of surviving in the region is limit-ed by cold, drought, quantity and quality of light, strong seasonal variations, and the short growing season. The transport of environmental pollution is influenced by the global climate system, in which air and sea water warmed in southern regions cool when they reach the Arc-tic and Lapland. Moisture content falls to earth as rain or snow, carrying with it the impurities carried in the air. Pollut-ants are carried by melt water to plants and further into food chains. In Lapland, food chains are fairly simple, the best known being the lichen-reindeer-human food chain. In order to survive the cold, dark winters, animals gather and store energy in fats. Many environmental tox-ins are fat-soluble and easily accumulate in food chains. An example is provided by the effect of PCB on birds of prey and the breeding problems of the Baltic Sea seals in the 1970’s and 80’s.

Lapland has a tradition of fishing in lakes and rivers, reindeer herding, and commercial hunting of grouse in the north. Today, more than 130,000 local people and 260,000 guests practice rec-reational fishing. The yearly fish catch is about 3.5 million kg, with a value of more than 5 million euro. For example, there are still 15-20 commercial fisher-men on Lake Inari. The importance of hunting in Lapland is nowadays more so-cial and cultural. There are about 31,000 hunters, and thousands of guests also hunt in the region. The most important game animals are moose, mountain hare,

grouse, bean goose, and water fowl. The total value of the annual catch is 3-8 mil-lion euro, mainly depending upon the varying number of moose killed. Of Lapland’s close to 10 million hectares of forest, about half is also suitable for for-estry, and the average amount harvested each year is approximately 4 million m3. Wild berries, mainly cowberries, bilber-ries and cloudberries, as well as mush-rooms, are collected in large quantities for personal use and for sale. About a third of Finnish wild berries are collect-ed in Lapland. Nowadays, Lapland has a lot of tourism companies and ski resorts, which operate almost all year round. The mining industry has also grown in recent years. Reindeer herding is still an impor-tant business that supports many jobs in Lapland and northern Finland.

In this paper, I deal with the natural conditions and the state of the environ-ment in northern Finland and Lapland. Attention is drawn to the condition of reindeer grazing in the reindeer herd-ing area and also of many conservation and wilderness areas, as well as changes in livelihood. Particular attention is paid to the sensitive and vulnerable environ-ment of the north and the potential ef-fects of pollution and climate change. I present earlier results on concentrations of heavy metals, organic environmental toxins, and radioactive caesium-137 in reindeer, game and fish. The results are compared with corresponding concen-trations in other parts of Finland and the Nordic countries.

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Nature, reindeer herding, and protected areas in Lapland

Lapland is the northernmost part of Fennoscandia. Here, Finnish Lapland is usually meant although in wider terms Lapland also includes the northern parts of Sweden, Norway and the Russian Ko-la Peninsula. Lapland is the largest prov-ince in Finland, comprising about 29% of the country’s surface. It can be di-vided into southern, central and north-ern Lapland. The boundary between the middle and northern boreal climate zones runs through southern Lapland, with the south-western corner of the province belonging to the middle bore-al zone. The northern boreal zone covers the rest of the province of Lapland. The north-west of Enontekiö, or the fells of Käsivarsi (north-western Lapland, be-tween Sweden and Norway), are with-in the dwarf plant area of the hemiarc-tic zone.

Lapland’s most favourable climate is in southern Lapland, on the coast of the Bay of Bothnia and near Sea Lapland. The fell area of Salla is already conti-nental and the most inhospitable region of southern Lapland. Central Lapland is the most continental part of Finland, be-ing located far away from both the Gulf of Bothnia and the Arctic Ocean. Typi-cal of the region are extensive aapa mires and large river valleys. These cover up to 60% of the area. There are a few natural lakes in Central Lapland, but the north-ern parts of the area contain the large reservoirs of Lokka and Porttipahta. The largest fells are Ylläs and Pallas in the west and Sokosti in the northeast, to the south of Saariselkä. Northern Lap-

land is dominated by extensive fells, of which the most rugged are the high fells of Enontekiö. The large Lake Inari and its surrounding shallow shore areas make up their own special area. Northern Lap-land also has major valleys, carrying riv-ers such as Ivalojoki, Inarijoki-Tenojoki, Utsjoki, and Könkämäeno-Muonionjo-ki. In the vicinity of the Arctic Ocean, in the north-western part of Enontekiö and around Utsjoki, the climate already has marine features.

The zero boundary for average an-nual temperature runs across southern Lapland. In Central Lapland, the aver-age temperature drops almost two de-grees when approaching Kittilä and the northern part of Sodankylä. In north-ern Lapland, in the environment around Lake Inari and in the northern part of Utsjoki it is a little milder, with an av-erage temperature of around -1 °C. The coldest place is usually Enontekiö, where the average temperature is often as low as -3 °C. Yearly precipitation in southern Lapland is 500-600 mm, with the lowest figure on the Bay of Bothnia coast and in the Torniojoki and Tenniö-joki river valleys, and the highest among the tree-covered hills of Ranua and Poi-so and the fells of Salla. Central Lapland often receives 450-550 mm of precipita-tion, and the southern edge of Saariselkä about 600 mm per year. The driest areas are the large river valleys of Ounasjoki and Kitinen while the highest precipita-tion is found among the fells. Northern Lapland usually receives 400-550 mm of rain, but the fells of Käsivarsi 600-700 mm yearly.

The reindeer herding area comprises the province of Lapland and part of the

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former county of Oulu, and has a sur-face area of about 122,890 km2 of which 115,500 km2 is land. The area is about 36% of Finland’s surface area. There are 56 reindeer herding cooperatives, and fewer than 4,600 reindeer owners. There are about 550 households in full-time reindeer husbandry and 250 part-time. The maximum permitted number of liv-ing reindeer is 203,700, and the amount of reindeer meat produced annually is 2-2.5 million kg. The reindeer herding ar-ea is located quite far north, between 65 and 70 degrees north latitude. In north-ern Siberia, northern Canada and Alas-ka, conditions at the corresponding lat-itudes are already very arctic. The warm Gulf Stream makes the climate milder throughout north-western Europe and in northern Finland it is calculated to raise the annual average temperature as much as 11 oC. The prevailing winds are favourable, blowing predominantly from the southwest, while the Köli Mountains provide shelter from winds blowing from the Arctic Ocean. The slopes in Lap-land also often face in a favourable di-rection, from the viewpoint of growing conditions. Reindeer have free grazing rights over the whole reindeer herding area regardless of land ownership or ten-ure (Act on Reindeer Husbandry, 1990), and reindeer herding is also allowed in conservation areas with the exception of Malla nature reserve in Käsivarsi.

The annual average temperature over the extensive reindeer herding area is about 0 oC. However, there is considera-ble seasonal variation, and the climate be-comes increasingly extreme towards the north. In July, the maximum temperature averages 12-16 oC while January averag-

es an equal amount of frost. The Finnish cold record, -51.5 oC, was measured on 28 January 1999 at Pokka, in Kittilä. The effective temperature sum (more than +5 oC) used to describe growth condi-tions is about 1,000 d.d. (degree days) in the southern parts of the reindeer herd-ing area, and in northern Lapland only 400-700 d.d. In the higher regions at the bottom of Käsivarsi, daily heat seldom reaches this limit. The thermal growing season (average daily temperature greater than +5 oC) is 100-145 days in the rein-deer herding area.

The annual precipitation in the rein-deer herding area is 300-550 mm, and 40-60% of precipitation falls as snow. The climate is humid, and the low tem-perature means that evaporation even in summer is usually less than the amount of precipitation. As a result, there are many swamps in the reindeer herding ar-ea, covering well over one-third (34.5%) of the land area (Nieminen 2008). Per-manent snow cover in the reindeer herd-ing area usually lasts 5-7 months, and longer in the fell areas. Maximum snow depth is nearly a meter, and even more in the forested eastern hills. Snow is a good thermal insulator, under which, for example, lichen does not freeze even in the coldest weather. Under the snow, the temperature rarely falls below -2 oC. As is common in extreme areas, the tempera-ture and the depth and duration of snow cover vary considerably from one year to another. Winds in Lapland are about 40% from the south and south-west in winter and 10% in summer.

The reindeer herding area alone has 620 protected areas (total area 31,830 km2) under the control of Metsähalli-

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tus (Finnish Forest and Park Service). There are a few private protected are-as. The protected area covers about 28% of the reindeer herding area and 30% of the surface area of Lapland. For ex-ample, conservation areas cover about 14% of the total. Although the number of protected areas declines from south to north, their surface areas increase. Eighty percent of Fell Lapland are al-ready protected to some degree. In In-ari, 53% of forest land is protected. Sev-en national parks in the reindeer herding area cover 81% of the combined surface area of Finland’s 35 national parks. Fin-land’s largest national parks, Lemmenjo-ki (2,856 km2), Urho Kekkonen (2,541 km2) and Pallas-Yllästunturi (1,020 km2), are located in an area set aside especial-ly for reindeer herding. In northern Fin-land, only the Bay of Bothnia National Park, covering the outer archipelago of Tornio and Kemi, lies outside the rein-deer herding area, and of its surface area of 157 km2 only 2.5 km2 is land. National parks elsewhere in the reindeer herding area are Pyhä-Luosto and Oulanka (both 142 km2), Riisitunturi (77 km2) and Syöte (294 km2) (Nieminen 2010).

There are 10 nature reserves in the reindeer herding area (total surface ar-ea 1,426 km2), covering about 93% of all Finland’s 19 nature reserves. Paljakka (30 km2) extends only partly into the rein-deer herding area on the southernmost Halla reindeer herding cooperative. Na-ture reserves are more strictly protect-ed, and recreation and free movement are not allowed elsewhere than in Kevo, Malla, Sompio and Paljakka nature re-serves. These reserves have public trails, from which visitors cannot turn off, as

in national parks. Founded in 1938, Mal-la (30.5 km2) is one of Finland’s oldest nature reserves and is now also the only conservation area that is closed to rein-deer husbandry. The fencing of Malla, and its protection from reindeer, is cur-rently being planned. In nature reserves, all construction without a permit, and all activity that might damage or disturb the environment, is prohibited.

In 1991, 12 natural wilderness areas were set up specifically for reindeer herd-ing in order to protect traditional sourc-es of livelihood. In order to preserve the character of the wilderness, road con-struction in these areas is prohibited, but natural forest management, or thinning, is allowed. Nowadays, there is no com-mercial forestry in wilderness areas.

Data and research methods

Since the 1970s, the Finnish Forest Re-search Institute (Metla) has systemati-cally studied the condition of heathland pasture in the whole reindeer herding ar-ea in connection with the National For-est Inventory (NFI), (Mattila 1981 2006a and b, Mattila & Mikkola 2008). Since 1995, the Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute (FGFRI) has inven-toried the condition of lichen pastures, mainly in the northern part of the rein-deer herding area, and has also examined summer pastures using satellite image in-terpretation (Kumpula et al. 1997, 1999, 2009). Research has also been conducted in the condition of conservation and wil-derness areas, as well as changes in rein-deer husbandry and the development of supplementary feeding (Nieminen 2006, 2010).

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The heavy metal content of lichens has been clarified in several investiga-tions for FGFRI (Nieminen & Heiska-ri 1989 Lodenius & Nieminen 2000), and concentrations in moss in Metla moni-toring studies (Kubin et al. 2000). Con-centrations of heavy metals and organic environmental toxins in reindeer, game (mainly moose and hare) and fish have been measured by the Finnish Food Safe-ty Authority (Evira) (Venäläinen 2007, Suutari et al. 2012) and FGFRI (Niemin-en 1989, Nieminen et al. 1989, Vuorinen et al. 1997). The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) has monitored radioactivity levels in food since the 1960s (Saxén et al. 2003). Since 1993, the Finnish Environment Institute has mon-itored the concentration of man-made pollutants in the Arctic region and in Finnish Lapland (AMAP 1997, AMAP II 2002).

Changes in pastures and reindeer herding

Reindeer use up to 350 different food plants, favouring fresh plant foods in summer pastures, which offer the best levels of nutrients (Nieminen & Heiskari 1989). Nutrition affects reindeer growth and the good composition of reindeer meat. Daily grazing time increases from ten hours in late spring to nearly twen-ty hours in summer. In summer, rein-deer eat a lot of leaves from mountain birch and dwarf birch as well as willow. One reindeer is estimated to eat about 25 kilos (dry weight) of birch leaves dur-ing the summer. Prolonged and intensive summer grazing greatly reduces the leaf biomass of birches, willows, and bog bil-

berry, and the result in the fell area is often an “apple-tree” birch forest with birch leaves growing only above 120-150 cm. Loss of shoots also occurs in bog bilberry, dwarf birch, and willow owing to continuous leaf-eating (Kumpula et al. 2004a). Birch shoots growing from tree stumps provide a popular food for rein-deer. Intensive long-term summer graz-ing, especially in fell areas, has an impact on the structure and renewal of moun-tain birch forests. In Norway, it has also been found to affect grouse populations. In areas with strong and continuous rein-deer grazing, birch forests do not regen-erate. However, bilberry, wavy hair-grass, and herbaceous plants can proliferate de-spite intensive summer grazing.

Also, in some places in the fell are-as, the caterpillars of the autumnal moth (Epirrita autumnata) and winter moth (Op-erophtera brumata) have destroyed birch forests in recent years. A lot of birch for-est was destroyed by the autumnal moth as early as 1965-66 at Utsjoki (about 600 km2), and in 2003-05 in the Kilpis-järvi area (34 km2). During the period 2006-07, the winter moth caused exten-sive damage at Utsjoki, in the Nuorgam and Polmak areas. Altogether geometric moth caterpillars have destroyed nearly 2,500 km2 of the birch forest around Kä-sivarsi and Utsjoki. This destruction in turn negatively affects reindeer herding since recovery is slow. For example, of the beech areas destroyed earlier at Uts-joki, half have not yet recovered; these areas remain treeless and bare. Changing climate may cause fresh and widespread birch destruction to occur in future.

In places, marshlands provide impor-tant reindeer grazing areas throughout

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the year; they provide especially impor-tant pasture for both moose and rein-deer during the summer. There are about 4 million hectares of swamp in the rein-deer herding area, or 35% of the land ar-ea (Nieminen 2008). For example, in the fell areas and Inari basin, around Lake Kemijärvi, and in western Lapland, there are areas where the marshes make up only 10-20% of the land area. The most important summer pastures for reindeer are the marshes, alluvial meadows, and mountain birch forests of the northern boreal zone. However, more than 20% of swamps in Lapland have already been drained. The best areas for drainage are often also the best for reindeer grazing. After drainage, important food plants for moose and reindeer, such as marsh trefoil, marsh cinquefoil, water horse-tail and sedges have either decreased or disappeared completely. These chang-es have led to a vegetation cover chief-ly of bilberry and cowberry, in which the share of sedges and grasses has declined sharply. The significance of clear-cut logging areas as both summer and win-ter pasture has increased in recent dec-ades. In the central and southern parts of the reindeer herding area, clear-cut logging areas are among the most im-portant summer pastures for reindeer. In ploughed areas, the principal plant spe-cies are more often dwarf plants than in clear-cut logging areas.

Mushrooms provide rehabilitation and fattening feed for reindeer, and part-ly for moose, in late summer and au-tumn. Mushrooms are rich in easily digestible proteins, sugars and other car-bohydrates, as well as minerals and vi-tamins. Particularly pleasing to reindeer

are very high protein and easily digesti-ble boletus (Boletus sp.), but reindeer also eat a lot of milk caps and Russula. Red fly agaric mushrooms also appeal to rein-deer (Norberg et al. 1995).

In winter, reindeer graze mostly on moorland, of which there are nearly 7 million hectares in the reindeer herd-ing area. The quantity of moorland in-creases towards the north, and for exam-ple, at Utsjoki it forms as much as 85% of forest, scrub, and waste land. In the late 1990’s we still had about 1.8 million hectares of actual lichen grazing in the whole reindeer herding area (15% of the land area). Lichens (Cladonia, Cladina sp.) are everywhere an important source of energy for reindeer in winter. Reindeer prefer to eat the Cladonia rangiferina and Cladonia stellaris lichens, which are com-mon throughout the reindeer herding ar-ea (Danell & Nieminen 1997). In some circ*mstances, reindeer also eat Stere-ocaulaceae and Cetraria nivalis. On good pasture, the reindeer rumen contains as much as 85% easily digested lichen in winter and 5-20% even in summer. On worn lichen pastures, the share of lichen falls below 15%.

The tree-growing beard lichens (Alec-toria and Bryoria sp.) provide emergency food for reindeer in the coniferous for-est area, especially in late winter, when drifting snow prevents them digging for other lichens. The reindeer eat black and grey beard lichen from spruce and pine trees, Wila from the best lit pine stands, and witch’s hair (Alectoria sarmentosa) from old spruce copses. On the snow-free ridges of the fells, reindeer also eat ground-growing Alectoria nigricans and various forms of lichen from the trunks

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of mountain birches. The most impor-tant beard lichens are Usnea dasypoga and Usnea hirta. In the central and southern parts of the reindeer herding area, rein-deer also dig in felling sites for wavy hair-grass (Deschampsia flexuosa) in the winter.

Especially in the northern parts of the reindeer herding area, intensive rein-deer grazing has led in many places to the almost complete disappearance of lichen cover. Grazing has reduced the amount of circulating nutrients in the organic layer by 30-60%, and only sub-stantial supplementary feeding with hay adds nutrients to the soil (Väre et al. 1996). Grazing and trampling have also changed the landscape and caused ero-sion in some areas (den Herder et al. 2003). Lichen pastures had most lichen in the late 1990s in the reindeer herding cooperatives of northern Lapland and in Halla, Kainuu (Kumpula et al. 1999). Li-chen was easily found only at Inari, from the lichen pastures of Paatsjoki, Vätsäri, and Muddusjärvi. However, a new inven-tory in 1999-2003 showed a decrease in the amount of lichen at all Inari reindeer herding cooperatives with the exception of Näätämö, and also at Paistunturi, Uts-joki. In reindeer herding cooperatives of the central area, the condition of lichen pastures was still poor (Kumpula et al. 2004b).

During the period 2005-07, invento-ries showed the continued degradation of lichen pastures in lichen-bearing pod-sol in almost all the northern and cen-tral reindeer herding cooperatives. The quantity of lichen had decreased great-ly in the northern part of the reindeer herding area (Kumpula 2009). Invento-ry data from Metla showed that the con-

dition of lichen pastures had collapsed in dry peaty forests over the whole rein-deer herding area. Over the past 25 years, old-growth forests had been reduced by 28%. There had also been strong regen-eration in heaths, which was especially evident in the young forests in the cen-tre of the reindeer herding area. In the central and southern parts, the quantity of lichen had fallen by 80-90% due to reindeer grazing. Even the highest aver-age biomass for lichen on moorland was less than 50 kg dry weight/ha on the for-est soil of the reindeer marking district of Sodankylä (Mattila 2006a). At Kain-uu, the maximum biomass of reindeer lichen was below 400 kg/ha, and there was on average seven times less lichen than outside the reindeer herding ar-ea (Mattila 2004). Outside, there was al-so more Cladonia stellaris lichen, which is less able to sustain grazing. For exam-ple, fenced enclosures at Inari still had

Fig. 1. In the reindeer husbandry area and also in national parks, strict nature reserves, and wil-derness areas, the lichen pastures are generally strongly or very strongly worn (lichen biomass < 100-300 kg dry weight/ha). Lichen is abun-dant only in small enclosed areas unaffected by grazing reindeer, as in the picture from the Muotkatunturi reindeer-herding cooperative (lichen biomass > 8,000 kg/ha). Photo Mauri Nieminen.

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more than 8,000 kg and the Kola Penin-sula more than 10,000 kg dry weight/ha of lichen (Figure 1).

The current condition of winter pas-tures and the continual change for the worse in the central and southern parts of the reindeer herding area show that maintaining the current number of rein-deer is no longer possible with natu-ral winter food (Mattila 2006a). Rein-deer grazing has caused severe wearing on fells, and to conservation and wilder-ness areas (Nieminen 2010). One sign of worn winter pasture is considered to be spreading moss, which only the Svalbard reindeer is able to make use of even when starving. In northern parts, reindeer feed more on poorly digestible mosses and dwarf shrubs. The coarser food weak-ens the condition and dentition of rein-deer (Kojola et al. 1993). Calf yields and carcass weights can be maintained in the north with supplementary feeding. A worn lichen pasture grows only 1-2 mm per year, and overgrazed lichen pastures need at least 7-15 years of recovery time before they can even withstand grazing. Without reindeer grazing, the drier for-ests on lichen-bearing podsols and the bare heights of fells above the tree line would be covered within 30 years in an almost uniform bed of lichen more than 10 cm deep. Such lichen pasture would grow at approximately 6 mm per year (Kärenlampi & Kytöviita 1988). Even if grazing were completely stopped, the re-covery of our existing lichen pastures to a more productive condition would take more than 20 years.

At the end of the 1990’s beard li-chen and beard lichen grazing were most common in the central and southern

spruce stands of the reindeer herding ar-ea. There was about 9.6 million kg dry weight of beard lichen in the reindeer herding area. In the Inari area, the availa-bility of beard lichen that reindeer could reach (at heights of under 2 metres) av-eraged only 1.3 kg/ha in dry and barren pine forests, 1.7 kg/ha in fresh and semi dry pine forests, and 5 kg/ha in spruce stands. In 1999-2003 beard lichen graz-ing areas had decreased most in those reindeer herding cooperatives that had the strongest forestry industry, and rein-deer had limited access to beard lichen in all the herding cooperatives of Inari. In the reindeer herding cooperatives of Kaldoaivi, Vätsäri, and Lappi, there was very little beard lichen in the tree stands and available to reindeer (Kumpula et al. 2004b). In 2007, there was still very lit-tle beard lichen in the lichen-rich sample areas of the Inari reindeer herding co-operatives. In Fell Lapland, at Paistuntu-ri and Kaldoaivi, beard lichen did not oc-cur at all in the sample areas (Kumpula et al. 2009). At Lemmenjoki National Park, only 1-2 kg of beard lichen was with-in reach for reindeer in different heaths, with 5-18 kg at heights of 2-4 metres and 23-120 kg/ha for entire trees. At Pallas-Ounastunturi the amount of beard li-chen within reach of reindeer was 3-4 kg/ha. At Oulanka National Park only 1-7 kg/ha of beard lichen was available to reindeer in different types of forest (Jaakkola et al. 2006). The annual har-vest of beard lichen was earlier estimated as 15 kg/ha (Kuusinen & Jukola-Sulonen 1987), but only a part of this provides nutrition for reindeer. Even in the fine old beard lichen spruce stands and pine forests of Inari (320-420 kg dry weight/

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ha of beard lichen for whole trees) on-ly a little lichen fell to reindeer in winter. A female reindeer could live for just one day solely on the beard lichen from one hectare (1.4 -1.6 kg dry weight) (Niemin-en 2007a).

As a result of reindeer grazing, moun-tain areas, large protected areas, nation-al parks, nature reserves, and wilderness areas are heavily worn, in some places even more than outside areas (Niemin-en 2010). Reindeer grazing has been the biggest factor in changing vegetation and causing erosion in nature reserves (Heikkinen & Kalliola 1989). Heikkinen (1997) believes that the wear on pastures at Kevo is particularly evident in vege-tation on eskers, where the land is worn almost bare in some places. In the fell area too, the summer pastures are part-ly overgrazed and there are not enough suitable wetlands available to provide summer grazing (Colpaert et al. 2003). Nature conservation has had a little im-pact on the preservation of the natural environment even in nature reserves, the most strictly protected zones. As a result of overgrazing, the nature conservation values at Lemmenjoki National Park seem to be in danger, and protection has not been sufficiently effective especially on the side facing the Sallivaara reindeer herding cooperative (Nieminen 2010). Elsewhere in the reindeer herding area, at Oulanka National Park, the condition of lichen pasture is poor; in drier heaths there is less than 260 kg dry weight/ha of lichen. In recent years, the condition of lichen pastures has improved slight-ly, since 90% of the Alakitka reindeer are now kept in winter corrals. Earlier, an in-ternational panel of experts drew atten-

tion to wear and tear in conservation ar-eas, stating that overgrazing by reindeer was the most serious threat. The experts’ group recommended reducing the ef-fects of overgrazing and encouraging sustainable use also in protected areas.

Climate warming is expected to be strongest in northern regions. The tem-perature will rise, especially in win-ter, and vegetation zones will gradually shift northwards. Precipitation will al-so increase, and in northern regions the amount of winter snow will evidently in-crease. The increase in temperature, and in particular the changing weather condi-tions in early winter, might also increase freezing of worn reindeer pastures. Rein-deer food intake may thus in some plac-es become even more difficult in winter due to increased snow cover and layers of ice. However, in the spring, snow will melt earlier than at present and condi-tions for reindeer will become more fa-vourable.

Higher temperatures in spring and summer will extend the growing season, and evidently forest growth will acceler-ate. The amount of summer food availa-ble to reindeer will also increase, but the quality will deteriorate. Reindeer herding problems caused by insects will increase. In fell areas, birch damage caused by var-ious geometrid moth caterpillars may be-come more common and even expand. Places in the fell area where snow contin-ues to lie after winter, and which are im-portant to reindeer, will lessen and dis-appear. There will also be a reduction in the lush summer food crops that grow around their edges, and reindeer will suf-fer increasingly from insect nuisance. The hot mid-summer and bloodsucking

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insects at worst may cause greater calf mortality and reduce the autumnal car-cass weight (Weladji et al. 2002). Evident-ly also new parasites, such as the deer fly (Lipoptena cervi) will spread north, causing harm to reindeer and reindeer herding. Warm and rainy autumns may impair the reindeer rut and diminish reproduction. Climate change will also encourage other industries, such as tourism, forestry, and agriculture in northern areas. Other land use may increase, and reindeer grazing areas will contract even further. Climate change may thus have both negative and positive effects although there are as yet no obvious results of climate change in reindeer herding.

Wear and loss of grazing land has meant that supplementary feeding of reindeer has increased in the entire rein-deer herding area, with the exception of North Salla, and it has become a major cost factor especially in southern and central areas. With supplementary feed-ing, reindeer can be kept in winter on old forest lichen pastures, or else they are tended in corrals. We use more than 40 million kg of reindeer feed, measured in dry hay. On this amount of feed, all liv-ing reindeer would survive for three win-ter months (Nieminen 2006). Feed costs alone amount to about 28% of the val-ue of slaughtered reindeer (a total of about 15 million euros). Feeding has not been able to save winter pastures, and the profitability of reindeer husbandry is still poor.

Semi-domesticated reindeer are clas-sified in the EU as game animals. Feed-ing has already changed the reindeer and reindeer herding, by reducing the de-pendency of the industry on winter pas-

tures and natural conditions. It has also undermined free grazing rights. Feeding and taming nowadays bring reindeer in-creasingly close to built-up areas, roads, and courtyards, adding greatly to acci-dents and to some extent also to predator damage. Each year an average of 4,000 reindeer are lost in traffic alone and the compensation paid is greater than the to-tal annual return from slaughter for all reindeer husbandry (Nieminen 2012). Neither reindeer nor moose meat can be considered an organic product (Figure 2). Feeding is not generally used for calfs intended for slaughter, but adult rein-deer (almost 1/3 of those slaughtered) have already been in frequent feeding. In terms of environmental impact, reindeer husbandry based on feeding and heavy technology now leaves a large ecologi-cal footprint on worn-out pastures, while its carbon footprint is increased by fer-tilizers, feed production, and purchased feed, as well as various vehicles and oth-er machinery.

Game meat is as ecological as mush-rooms and forest berries and its carbon footprint can be calculated by multiply-ing kilometres driven per kilogram of game by a factor of 0.17. For example, if you are traveling from the south to Lap-land for bird hunting, the carbon foot-print for one kilogram of black grouse is easily more than for a kilogram of beef (15-20 kg of harmful emissions/kg). Catching wild fish reduces nutrients and eutrophication. Their carbon foot-print is lower than that of farmed fish, although in Finland the carbon footprint for rainbow trout is only 1/6 of the car-bon footprint for beef. In winter, a rein-deer on easily digestible lichen feed (rich

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in lichenins) would be almost one-bellied (like a pig), and would not require the ru-mination that produces so much meth-ane gas (CH4). Methane is a 25 times worse greenhouse gas than carbon di-oxide (CO2). Without expensive supple-mentary feeding, reindeer husbandry and its meat production would be more eco-logical and ethical than at present. The carbon footprint of reindeer would then be similar to that of hunted deer, and significantly lower than that of other ru-minants. This would have great value for the image of all Finnish reindeer hus-bandry. Traditional methods and an EU designation of origin for Lapland rein-deer meat would also be useful. Reindeer meat would then be better than organic, as “natural meat”. Reindeer meat pro-duced on natural pastures is high in pro-tein, mineral, and vitamin content, with low fat content and an excellent fatty ac-id composition (Nieminen 1994 2007b)

Long-range deposition and heavy metals

Increasing human activities also increase the risk of environmental contamination in Lapland. Often, the widely differing circ*mstances of northern ecosystems make them very sensitive. If damage oc-curs in the wild, recovery is usually slow, or does not happen at all. The environ-ment of Lapland also suffers at times from long-range transported heavy met-als and organic environmental toxins. These are hardly produced in the area; they are mainly transported by air cur-rents to Lapland, where they accumulate in northern food chains and finally reach humans through natural foods. Heavy metals and environmental toxins are al-ready a health risk in some places, espe-cially for people using a traditional diet. Preventing the movement of environ-mental toxins, and reducing their con-

Fig 2. About two million kilos of reindeer and moose meat are produced every year in Lapland. The chemical composition of meat from pure natural pastures is excellent. The concentrations of heavy metals, environmental toxins, and caesium 137 in meat are very low. Photo Mauri Nieminen.

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centrations in northern ecosystems, will increasingly require international action.

In addition to long-range deposi-tion, Lapland is also somewhat affect-ed by emissions from within the region or from emission sources in its imme-diate vicinity. The growing use of natu-ral resources, and related industries and traffic, increases overall environmental stress. The greatest source of stress is from the north, and especially the min-ing and metal industries of the Kola Pen-insula. The risk of environmental con-tamination can best be reduced by using technologies and practices well suited to local circ*mstances. This has already been done in the Kola Peninsula region.

Lichens that grow on the ground or on trees differ from plants because they are formed from symbiosis between green algae and fungi. Lichen is now re-garded as being more like a sponge than a plant. Lichens take water and nutrients directly from the air and grow from the tip. They grow very slowly, often only 2-3 mm per year. They are also sensitive to air pollution, and react to impurities e.g. in appearance, concentration, exter-nal damage, and biochemical or physical changes. In their growth spots, lichens collect from the air even substances that appear in small concentrations, such as heavy metals (including selenium). Like mosses, they can be used in measuring pollution and as so-called bioindicators in animals eating a natural diet (Tikkanen 1995). Mosses can also accumulate heavy metals, and as lichen eating decreases their incidence in the reindeer diet in-creases.

Heavy metals are metals with a den-sity greater than 5 g/cm3. They are el-

ements that do not disappear from the natural cycle but may change their form. They occur naturally in rocks and soils, plants, and animals as minerals, ions dis-solved in water, salts, or gases. They can bind to organic or inorganic molecules or adhere to particles floating in the air. Organic heavy metal compounds are fat-soluble and can accumulate in the fat-ty tissue of animals. From an environ-mental viewpoint, the most troublesome are cadmium, lead, and mercury. Copper, zinc, and iron are required as trace ele-ments in living organisms. They can act as catalysts, enzymes, and building ma-terials, and participate in photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation. However, exces-sive amounts of copper, nickel, and arse-nic are poisonous.

Heavy metals are released into the at-mosphere and water as a result of human activities, mainly fossil-fuel combustion, non-ferrous metal production, and waste incineration. To some extent, they are al-so released in volcanic eruptions. Heavy metal concentrations in the atmosphere are affected, among other things, by the season, distance from the source of emissions, wind direction, and local to-pography. In urban settings, heavy met-als usually come from nearby areas. Con-centrations in rural areas are smaller and often come from a distance, sometimes from the area’s factories and mines. With increasing wind speeds, concentrations decrease but the materials spread faster and farther. Heavy metals are removed from the air through wet deposition, in snow and rain, or through dry deposi-tion. Large amounts of heavy metals are also released through weathering. Heavy metals attached to soil particles or bot-

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tom sediment can return to circulation when conditions change. Acidification and peat land drainage also increase the release and circulation of heavy metals. In Finland, the total emissions of heavy metals decreased greatly in the 1990s. Emissions of lead and zinc decreased by about 90%, and chromium and va-nadium by half. By 2002, lead emissions had decreased about 8-fold, and cadmi-um emissions more than 4-fold, but mer-cury emissions remained at almost the same level. The concentration of cadmi-um and other harmful metals in lake sed-iment decreased at the turn of the centu-ry by 20-40% (Mannio 2001).

Cadmium (Cd) is the most mobile heavy metal, and it accumulates more on land than in water courses. Soil contam-ination is often a serious risk in indus-trial areas. Cadmium is still used, for in-stance, in nickel-cadmium batteries, for the surface treatment of steel, in colour pigments, and in PVC plastics. As late as 1995, 50,000 kilograms of cadmium were used in batteries, the highest amount in the Nordic countries. In Finland, cadmi-um still enters the environment primarily from batteries and car wrecks. It also es-capes from metal mining and manufac-ture, and phosphate fertilizers. In gener-al, acidification increases the release of cadmium. From a food production view-point, it is significant if cadmium enters the fields directly with livestock manure, synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, and other organic waste. The cadmium lev-els in Finnish phosphorus fertilizers are the lowest in the world, since the raw materials are quite clean. Cadmium mov-ing from fields to crops, animals, and hu-mans creates only a small risk in north-

ern Finland. In southern Finland, there is almost twice as much cadmium in the fields.

Although cadmium emissions have declined slightly in recent years, con-centrations in organisms have increased. Cadmium and mercury also have a high tendency to accumulate in flue gases. This and their toxicity make them the most important heavy metal problems in waste incineration. Cadmium remains in the atmosphere for about seven days. A significant part of the cadmium deposi-tion in Lapland comes from Central Eu-rope. Cadmium generally accumulates in the kidneys of animals, and it has a long half-life in the body of 19-38 years. Cad-mium also interferes with the body’s en-zyme activity and is toxic.

As early as the 1990s, we began to see a decrease in cadmium emissions, espe-cially in Lapland (Melanen et al. 1999). For example, the amount in mosses de-creased by 35% (Rühling et al. 1996). By that time there was already some cadmi-um in wild berries, with an average of 0.010 mg/kg dry weight in cowberries and 0.024 mg in bilberries. There was rather more cadmium in mushrooms (Laine et al. 1993, Lodenius 1993). In 1992 there was an average of 0.08 mg/kg of cadmium in reindeer lichen in the reindeer herding area and also in the forest reindeer area of Salamajärvi Na-tional Park. In the western part of the Kola Peninsula there was already an av-erage of 2.2 mg/kg dry weight of cad-mium and in the eastern part, 3.6 mg/kg (Nieminen & Lodenius 2000).

Even in the late 1970s the concentra-tion of cadmium in reindeer meat was 0.01 mg/kg fresh weight, but that was

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only 10% of the concentration in horse meat (Salmi & Hirn 1981). Ten years lat-er, the cadmium concentration in rein-deer lichen in Lapland averaged only 0.18 mg/kg dry weight. Cadmium lev-els in reindeer calf and adult doe roasts were very low around the reindeer herd-ing area. Liver and kidney cadmium con-centrations were significantly higher and a little higher still in the southern than in the northern parts of the reindeer herd-ing area (Nieminen et al. 1988, Niemin-en, 1989). During the period 1990-99, cadmium levels in the meat of reindeer, moose, and mountain hare were low, close to the limit of quantification (0.001 mg/kg) and did not exceed the recom-mended limit (0.1 mg/kg fresh weight) (Niemi et al. 1993, Rintala et al. 1995, Venäläinen et al. 1996, Venäläinen 2007).

In the late 1970’s, the cadmium con-centration in reindeer liver averaged 0.19 mg/kg and in kidneys 0.88 mg/kg fresh weight (Salmi & Hirn 1981). For exam-ple, for seven Norwegian regions the cad-mium concentration in reindeer liver was 0.26-1.32 mg/kg, and for eight different regions the concentration in moose liver was 0.11-0.73 mg/kg fresh weight. Dur-ing the period 1980-99, the liver and kid-neys of many woody plant eating moose in Finland showed significantly increased cadmium levels that already exceeded the recommended levels (0.2 and 0.5 mg/kg fresh weight). The liver and kidneys of moose more than one year old are no longer recommended for human con-sumption. In Sweden in 1980, for exam-ple, the cadmium concentration in adult moose liver averaged 0.58 mg/kg, and in kidneys 3.5 mg/kg fresh weight. Also in southern Norway in the 1980’s, cadmi-

um levels in the liver of wild deer aver-aged 0.6 and in kidneys 3.3 mg/kg fresh weight (Frøslie et al. 1986). The cadmi-um concentration in Finnish reindeer liver has fallen further and is now below the recommended limit in Scandinavia (0.5 mg/kg fresh weight). Cadmium lev-els in the liver and kidneys of mountain hare and further south also brown hare, with their arboreal diets, are too high for food use (Venäläinen 2007).

Lead (Pb) occurs in more than 200 minerals, but its biological function is not yet known. Emissions to air are for the most part from industry (not the fer-rous metal industry), and transport. In Finland, lead emissions from transport ended in 1993. However, lead reaches Finland from Russia, where leaded pet-rol is still used. Lead can be transport-ed over long distances in the air. A sig-nificant portion of lead comes from Europe. Lead remains in the atmosphere for 7-30 days before deposition. Lead al-so enters the environment from lead acid batteries, paints, and lead shot. Birds can even become paralyzed from eating lead shot. In Finland, the use of lead shot for waterfowl hunting is now prohibit-ed. Lead adheres effectively to humus and is not mobile in soil. Lead concen-trations in humus soil remain over long periods, although the burden of lead is now declining. The low solubility of lead compounds reduces lead movement and concentrations in aquatic environments. Lead accumulates in bodies of water via river silts, but it quickly settles, for exam-ple as lead carbonate (PbCO3). In fish, lead and cadmium levels in muscle are generally very low, since these and other heavy metals accumulate only in the liver

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and kidneys (cadmium), gills (aluminium and iron), and bone (lead).

Lead can cause both acute poison-ing and neurological symptoms. Cadmi-um and mercury are less toxic, but their high concentrations can cause problems. Lead accumulates in animal liver, kid-neys, bones and teeth. Its biological half-life is long, 5-20 years. Inorganic lead re-mains in the body for life. In Finland, extensive use of fish increases lead, since about 20% of daily lead intake comes from fish.

In 1983, lichen samples from var-ious parts of the reindeer herding area showed average lead content of 13 mg/kg dry weight. Lead concentrations in reindeer meat were low in the late 1980s, especially in the northern part of the reindeer herding area. The lead concen-tration in adult does was slightly higher than in calves. The lead concentration in reindeer liver was significantly higher than in flesh, with the highest concen-trations measured in the southern part of the reindeer herding area (Nieminen et al. 1988, Nieminen 1989). For exam-ple, in seven regions of Norway in the late 1970s, the lead concentration in rein-deer liver averaged 0.19-1.08 mg/kg and in moose liver just 0.05-0.21 mg/kg fresh weight. In Sweden in 1980, the lead con-centration in adult moose liver averaged 0.08 mg/kg, and in kidneys 0.09 mg/kg fresh weight.

In 1992, the lead concentration in reindeer lichen in the reindeer herding area averaged 2.8 mg/kg, and in the for-est reindeer area of Salamajärvi Nation-al Park 3 mg/kg dry weight. In the west-ern part of the Kola Peninsula, the lead concentration in reindeer lichen was 2.2,

but in the eastern part 3.6 mg/kg fresh weight (Nieminen & Lodenius 2000). Moss research also showed that by 1995 long-range deposition of lead emissions had decreased in Finland by about 40% (Rühling & Steinnes 1998), and that con-centrations decreased towards the north. The lead content of reindeer and moose meat, as well as concentrations of chro-mium, nickel, and copper, were then at a low level (Rintala et al. 1995). Emissions of pollutants from the Kola Peninsula spread with the winds mainly to the east and to the north-eastern parts of the re-gion.

As early as the late 1990s, the lead concentration in Finnish reindeer was low, close to the limit of quantification (0.01 mg/kg fresh weight) (Venäläinen et al. 1999). The lead concentration in rein-deer and moose liver and kidneys has al-so now fallen below 0.05 mg/kg fresh weight. Lead concentrations, however, are higher in reindeer than in domesti-cated animals (Hirvi & Venäläinen 2000, Venäläinen 2007).

Mercury (Hg) is the only liquid metal found under normal conditions. From an environmental viewpoint, it is very prob-lematic because it easily forms a variety of compounds and moves from one ele-ment to another. It also readily vaporiz-es and can thus drift for long distances in the air. Natural emissions of mercury can be large. Man-made mercury prob-lems are particularly harmful because they are often concentrated in populat-ed areas. Mercury escapes into the envi-ronment mostly from industry, and from wood and chlorine factories. Mercury has been used as a slimicide in timber-processing and as a grain seed dressing

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(banned in Finland in 1992). Other emis-sion sources include fossil fuels, especial-ly coal and waste combustion, emissions from dental clinics, household batteries, and thermometers. In developing coun-tries, mercury is still used in the separa-tion of gold.

Finland’s biggest mercury emissions are from zinc plants and energy pro-duction. In Finland, industrial mercury emissions to the air are about five times greater than the amount of mercury evaporating naturally from soil and bod-ies of water. In the early 1990s, it was es-timated that mercury deposition to Fin-land from the atmosphere nearly equals Finnish emissions. Today, East German emissions have almost ended, and Fin-land’s emissions are low.

Mercury is highly toxic as a liquid and mercury fumes are hazardous when in-haled. In nature, mostly as a result of mi-crobial action, mercury also forms toxic organic methyl mercury (CH3Hg), which is persistent and accumulates especial-ly in the food chains of aquatic ecosys-tems. Mercury is released from the soil into food chains, for example during the construction of reservoirs and in ditch-ing. The bottom-dwelling animals, wa-ter plants, and fish in acidic lakes tend to contain more heavy metals because acid-ity prevents the metals from dissolving. In such waters, the lead concentration in fish bones has been measured as up to one hundred times that found in natu-ral lakes. The biological function of mer-cury is largely unknown, but in plants it can disturb root growth and photosyn-thesis. Fat-soluble methyl mercury readi-ly crosses the placenta in animals, and in humans it accumulates easily in hair. The

half-life of mercury gas is 40-70 days, and of methyl mercury 70 days.

In Finland, on average about 60% of mercury comes from fish and fish prod-ucts. Slow-growing predatory fish, such as pike, perch, pike perch, and burbot, tend to ingest heavy concentrations of mercury. Pike is at the end of the aquatic food chain, and large amounts of mercu-ry accumulate in its system. The level of mercury pollution in fish is often meas-ured from kilo-sized pike. In the 1970’s, mercury led to restrictions on the use of fish from reservoirs in Lapland. In the early 1980s, mercury concentrations in burbot and pike from the Lokka reser-voir were 0.5-0.7 mg/kg fresh weight (Lodenius et al. 1983). In 1981, the Na-tional Board of Health decided that if the mercury concentration in pike was 0.5-1 mg/kg, a limit of half a kilo should be placed on weekly consumption. In 2001, 7.5% of pike fell into this range. In 2000-01, the mercury concentration in pike in the lakes of Lapland and in the Tornion-joki River was 0.19-0.45 mg/kg (Mannio et al. 2002). At that time there was most mercury in the pike of Lake Kemijärvi and least in those of Lake Inari. Mercury concentrations in Lapland pike, however, were lower than those in Finnish Lake-land, with an average mercury content of 0.52 mg/kg (Verta et al. 2002). Mercu-ry concentrations in whitefish and Arc-tic char were also low in Lapland, at just 0.06-0.1 mg/kg. Inari vendace had an average mercury concentration of 0.16 mg/kg fresh weight (Mannio et al. 2002). Mercury concentrations in sea fish have been generally low.

In southern and central Finland, the concentration of mercury in pike is now

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2-3 times higher than the assumed nat-ural level. Deposition from the air has increased the mercury concentration in fish in completely unspoiled lakes. In Finland, the maximum allowable mercu-ry concentration in fish offered for sale is now 1 mg, and in many other countries only 0.5 mg/kg fresh weight. The Finn-ish Food Safety Authority recommends that, outside Lapland, pike should be eat-en only once or twice monthly. The mer-cury concentration in reindeer meat has also been low in Lapland, at only 13 µg/kg fresh weight. For example, in seven different regions of Norway, the mercu-ry concentration in reindeer in the 1970s averaged 16-192 ppb.

Nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), cobalt (Co) and arsenic (As) continue to spread to Lapland, mainly through emissions from metal smelters and arsenical coal-fired power stations in the Kola Peninsu-la. Nickel can cause lung and nasal can-cer, and high doses of arsenic can also lead to lung cancer, skin and mucosal le-sions, and neurological symptoms. In Finland, almost 50% of arsenic comes from fish products. Copper is an essen-tial trace element, but in high concentra-tions it is highly toxic, for example to the juvenile stages of shellfish. Heavy metal emissions in the Inari-Paatsjoki river area come mainly from the Petšenganikel pro-duction units at Nikel and Zapolyarny on the Kola Peninsula. Production there re-leases mainly nickel and copper into the environment, but also cobalt and arse-nic. These heavy metals settle into lakes and streams, and onto trees, other veg-etation, and the ground surface around the smelters. Some metals are transport-ed in the atmosphere farther away from

the emission areas. Prevailing wind con-ditions mean that areas to the north and northeast of the factories suffer most from emissions. Heavy metals have ac-cumulated there for more than 70 years in vegetation and sediments.

The damage to terrestrial ecosystems in the vicinity of the smelters is very se-rious, but the effect weakens gradual-ly with distance. The amount of emis-sions can be seen clearly from nickel and copper concentrations in bilberry, birch leaves, and pine needles, and even more strongly in mosses and lichens. Emis-sions are most harmful to the environ-ment in the spring and summer. In-creased levels of nickel and copper are detrimental because they can easily accu-mulate in food chains. Long-lived moss-es and lichens take most of their nutri-ents from rain and melt water, so heavy metals accumulate in them very effec-tively. They move from vegetation first to herbivores and then to predators. In the end, the entire food chain may be contaminated with toxic metals. In some areas, high concentrations of heavy met-als have been measured in fish and birds.

In old spruce forests, the amount of beard lichen decreased by 50-76%, pos-sibly from the impact of pollutants, in 1976-88 at Pomokaira (Sodankylä) and Taivalkoski. However, reindeer also played a part. In the 1990s, heavy metals from the Kola Peninsula had a particu-lar impact on reindeer pastures in east-ern Inari and near the eastern border in North Salla. There were elevated levels of nickel and copper in the area’s pine needles and mosses (Tikkanen, 1995). However, in 1992 heavy metal concen-trations in reindeer lichen were low in

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the Finnish reindeer herding area. Rein-deer lichen had higher concentrations of magnesium, iron, and aluminium in the western part of the Kola Peninsu-la, and very high concentrations in the eastern part of the peninsula (Niemin-en & Lodenius 2000). Even then, the winds in the Kola Peninsula blew main-ly towards the northeast and east. Rein-deer had also eaten the covering of li-chen that protected the land in eastern Lapland, and the microbiological activi-ty in the soil was impaired. This affect-ed the area’s nutrient conditions the frost resistance of tree roots, and forest death. Emissions from the Kola Peninsula have halved in 30 years. Further from Nikel, lichen have already recovered. Over the last ten years, lichens and mosses have al-so increased in the western part of the Kola Peninsula. Heavy metal concentra-tions in mosses have generally fallen, al-though in recent years they have slight-ly risen along with growth in production from the factories. However, pollutants have not had a clear effect on reindeer li-chen in Finland or on beard lichen with-in reach of reindeer. The reindeer have been eating lichens.

In Norwegian Finnmark, lichen pas-tures have decreased by as much as 70-80% in the last 30-40 years. This has been caused by the excessive number of rein-deer, rather than pollutants (Johansen & Karlsen 2002). In recent years, the con-dition of lichen pasture has improved in some areas. Lichen coverage has im-proved in recent years on the Kola Pen-insula and on the Finnish border in east-ern Lapland. The effects of pollutants are only visible closer to the Nikel facto-ries (Myking et al. 2009). The Tornio fac-

tories have been the largest single source of chromium emissions in Finland. The most significant emissions have come from the steel foundry and chrome iron factory. Nowadays even these chromium emissions are only one-tenth of emis-sions in the 1980’s (AMAP II 2002).

Selenium (Se) is a sulphur-like sil-ver-grey element, which is rare in the soil of Finland. A deficiency of seleni-um in animals can lead to muscular dys-trophy and heart muscle deterioration. Selenium enters the atmosphere main-ly from volcanic eruptions. Burning coal and oil also increase the amount of se-lenium in the atmosphere. Selenium ac-cumulates efficiently in lichens and also in reindeer through rain and long-range deposition. Selenium is an essential part of the glutathione peroxidase enzyme, which is highly active in reindeer in the autumn (Nieminen & Szilagyi 1988). The most important task of this enzyme is to break down fatty acid peroxides in the body. Selenium protects the body from so-called free radical and peroxide dam-age, together with vitamin E.

In Lapland, reindeer lichen is rich in selenium, at 0.1-0.5 mg/kg dry weight. There is also selenium in mushrooms (Nieminen 1989 Heiskari & Niemin-en 1989). In Finland, reindeer meat has high concentrations of selenium, espe-cially in the northern part of the rein-deer herding area. They are 5-10 times higher than in the meat of domesticated animals. In reindeer, selenium concen-trations are slightly higher in adult does than in calves. Selenium concentrations in reindeer liver and kidneys are very high (Nieminen 1994).

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Organic environmental toxins

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) re-main in the environment for a long time without breaking down. They appear in various foods as polychlorinated diben-zo paradioxines (75 compounds), diben-zofurans (PCDD/F) and polychlorin-ated biphenyls (PCBs) (135 compounds altogether). PCBs have been widely used as flame retardants and transformer oils, and in the plastics industry. The most toxic are the so-called dioxin-like PCB compounds (17 compounds). Spreading mainly as long-range transboundary air pollution, PCBs now occur everywhere. They easily accumulate through fish to birds and mammals, including humans, at the top of the food chain. Dioxins and furans are not produced in industry, but in Finland they are produced from the chlorophenoles used in sawmills. Large amounts are also produced from the in-cineration of waste, and they are then carried around the world by air currents. They break down slowly in natural condi-tions and accumulate easily in body fats, which are especially needed for surviv-al in cold environments. Large amounts are found in Baltic fatty fish, such as her-ring and salmon, less in freshwater fish. In Finland, 60-80% of dioxin is found in fish. Most dioxin is in older fish, and di-oxin levels in the Baltic Sea have barely fallen. It is best to avoid heavy and one-sided consumption of Baltic herring, and fatty Atlantic salmon and sea trout. Some of the dioxins and PCBs that accumulate in sea food can only be removed by skin-ning fish before use.

In the 1990’s the amount of DDT in salmon in the Tenojoki River was only

1/7, and of PCB 1/5 of those in Baltic salmon (AMAP 1997). Measured concen-trations of DDT and PCB in pike from Lake Kemijärvi and Lake Inari (0.5-2.5 µg/kg fresh weight) were at the same lev-el as inland lakes farther south (Nakari et al. 2002). Concentrations in Baltic white-fish from the Tornionjoki River were sig-nificantly higher owing to the effect of the Baltic Sea (5-20 µg/kg, Korhonen 2000). Concentrations in Baltic herring and salmon from the Baltic averaged 5-8 ng/kg (Kiviranta et al. 2000). Some di-oxins and furans (PCDD/F) have been found in vendace from Lake Inari and in Arctic char from Lapland, but only 0.05-0.1 ng/kg fresh weight (Vartiainen et al. 1996). Also, Tenojoki River salmon have clearly lower levels of dioxin than Baltic salmon (Figure 3).

In Lapland in the early 1990s DDT and PCB concentrations in reindeer kid-neys were low, at about the same level as was normal in cattle. The total concen-tration of PCBs in fat content was 75 µg and of hexachlorobenzene (HCB) 6-84

Fig. 3. In Lapland, there are more than 130,000 local recreational fishermen and 260,000 from outside, and the annual fish catch is about 3.5 million kg. Mercury, dioxin, and caesium 137 concentrations are very low in fish. Photo Mauri Nieminen.

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µg/kg fresh weight (Berg, 1994). In 2000, the concentration of HCB in reindeer was 5-22 µg/kg. In recent years, slight-ly elevated concentrations of dioxins and PCBs have been found in reindeer calves (Ruokojärvi et al. 2007). The toxic equiv-alent (TEQ) of dioxin and PCBs in rein-deer calf meat has averaged 3.2 pg/g of fat, which is more than in moose calfs (1.9 pg/g). Reindeer calfs are exposed to dioxins in their mother’s milk. Con-centrations in reindeer does and moose cows were nonetheless at the same level (2.3 pg/g) (Shoemaker et al. 2009). The total concentration of dioxins and PCBs in moose meat averages 2 pg TEQ/g of fat. Dioxins are quite similar in rein-deer and moose meat and in reindeer liv-er and milk (Suutari et al. 2012). The EU has not set a limit on dioxin or PCB lev-els in reindeer or moose. In Finland, for example, the use of seal fat in food is not allowed, and about 100g of seal meat can be eaten only once or twice a month.

Radioactivity in lichen, reindeer, moose, and fish

Radioactivity in food in Lapland derives mainly from natural radionuclides, espe-cially potassium 40. Radioactive materi-als also remain in the environment from nuclear tests conducted in the 1950s and 60s, from the Chernobyl incident in 1986, and from the Japanese nuclear accident at f*ckushima in March 2011. Small amounts of these have also con-taminated foodstuffs. Of deposited radi-oactive substances, the most important are short-lived iodine-131, and long-lived strontium-90 and caesium-137 (half-lives of 28-30 years). In Finland, concentra-

tions of radioactive materials in food must not exceed 600 Bq/kg fresh weight.

The transition of caesium-137 from the soils to mushrooms and forest ber-ries, and through food plants to game has been almost constant in Finland and Lapland since 1986. Its concen-tration falls by 2.3% per year, mainly through radioactive decay. The concen-tration of caesium-137 had decreased by over 30% by the turn of the centu-ry (Saxén et al. 2003). The intake of ra-dionuclides by deer and other game de-pends mainly on food and varies greatly from season to season. For example, in the autumn mushrooms can increase the concentration of caesium-137 in rein-deer and moose meat. The concentra-tion in the meat of moose calfs has been 1.2-1.5-fold compared to that of mature animals. However, in 2000 the activity concentration of caesium-137 in moose meat was less than in reindeer, under 100 Bq/kg fresh weight.

The reduction of caesium-137 in mushrooms has been slow; in Lapland, for example, the effective half-life in bo-letus and milk cap was 8-10 years, and in Russula decolorans up to 18 years (Saxén et al. 2003). In the early 1990s caesium-137 concentrations in the most common mushrooms still averaged 90-230 Bq/kg fresh weight. In Lapland in 2000, the cae-sium-137 concentration in boletus was 15-150, in Russula 50-90, and in milk cap only about 100 Bq/kg. In Norway and Sweden, in a good mushroom autumn, caesium-137 concentrations rise in the meat of moose, wild deer, reindeer, and sheep. In Finland, the concentration in the meat of mountain hare can be up to three times higher than in moose from

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the same area. Concentrations of caesi-um-137 are significantly lower in water-fowl, phasianidae, and brown hare.

In the reindeer herding area, caesi-um-137 can be very harmful owing to the lichen-reindeer-herder food chain, which is characteristic of the area and effectively concentrates radiocaesium. Lapland also includes a number of fac-tors that have much greater and longer-term effects than in the south owing to the influence of radioactive fallout. The subarctic northern environment is rug-ged and oligotrophic. This contributes to the movement of radioactive substances into terrestrial and aquatic food chains. In dry peaty forests and lichen pastures, the organic humus layer is thin, often on-ly 1-2 cm. There are also many low-po-tassium swamps, sometimes covering more than 60% of the area (Nieminen 2008). When organisms have too little of the potassium they need, they easi-ly take persistent and radioactive caesi-um instead.

The concentration of caesium-137 in reindeer meat in the winter of 1965 was almost 3,000 Bq/kg fresh weight. In southern Finland the concentration in bovine meat was only 50 Bq/kg. The dif-ference was mainly due to the reindeer’s winter diet of lichen, including beard li-chen. Summer food also had an effect. In summer, the concentration of caesi-um-137 in reindeer food is only about 1/5 of what it is in winter. The concen-tration of caesium-137 in the reindeer herders of Inari in the mid 1960’s also averaged as much as 45,000 Bq/man. Just before the Chernobyl accident, con-centrations had decreased to less than 5,000 Bq/man. After the accident, they

averaged 10,000, but in the late 1990s only about 3,000 Bq/man. In the rein-deer herding area, the concentration of caesium-137 decreased with an effective half-life of around six years (Saxén et al. 2003).

In the spring of 1986, before the nu-clear accident at Chernobyl, the caesi-um-137 from nuclear tests remaining in reindeer meat amounted to only 300 Bq/kg fresh weight, or one tenth of the highest concentrations in the 1960s. In winter 1986 the average activity concen-tration of caesium-137 in reindeer meat was about 700 Bq/kg (Nieminen 1987). In the early 2000s, however, the concen-tration had fallen to less than 200, and has now dropped to less than 100 Bq/kg. The radioactive fallout from Chernobyl was much smaller than from nuclear tests, and in Finland it was directly proportion-al to the condition of lichen pastures and the lichen eaten by reindeer. After the ac-cident, for example, reindeer in the rein-deer herding cooperatives of Paistunturi and Kemi-Sompio showed caesium-137 concentrations averaging about 1,100 Bq/kg, while the figure in Ivalo was on-ly 600 Bq/kg. The concentration at Ke-mi-Sompio was only about 300 Bq/kg in the early 2000s, but with worn lichen pastures and feeding, reindeer at Ivalo and Paistunturi showed concentrations of only about 150 Bq/kg (Saxén et al. 2003). In the winter of 2001, forest rein-deer at Kuhmo still had a caesium-137 concentration of 1,000 Bq/kg and the figure at Suomenselkä was 3,000 Bq/kg. This was due to much better lichen pastures than in the reindeer herding ar-ea. In the autumn of 2011, caesium-134 and caesium-137 from f*ckushima ac-

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counted for less than 1 Bq/kg in Finn-ish mushrooms as well as reindeer and moose meat. The same mushroom sam-ples showed 25-3,000 Bq/kg from Cher-nobyl caesium-137 while reindeer and moose meat contained only 17-95 Bq/kg fresh weight (STUK 2012).

Compared to the terrestrial environ-ment, caesium-137 leaves water quick-ly; it binds to solids and settles into bot-tom sediments. From there, it continues to move into bottom fauna and aquatic plants. Caesium-137 passes into the ed-ible parts of fish, but strontium-90 on-ly into the bones. In oligotrophic lakes, more caesium-137 tends to move in-to fish. In the multi-stage food chain of predatory fish, such as pike, burbot, pikeperch, and perch, caesium-137 con-centrations were at their peak a couple of years after the Chernobyl accident. For example, the caesium-137 content of Finnish pike in 1988 was almost 4,000 Bq/kg fresh weight. In the worst affect-ed areas of Central Finland, the reduc-tion of caesium-137 levels in fish to pre-accident levels might take more than 20 years.

In many parts of northern and east-ern Finland, caesium-137 concentra-tions in fish declined in ten years to pre-Chernobyl levels of 10-80 Bq/kg. Elsewhere in Finland, concentrations of caesium-137 in the early 2000s were still at 100-700 Bq/kg, but on average only about 100 Bq/kg for inland fish. Salm-on in the Tenojoki River, and in the Tu-lomajoki River of the Kola Peninsula, had a caesium-137 content of less than 0.3 Bq/kg. The concentration of caesi-um-137 in salmon rising from the Bal-tic Sea to the Kemijoki, Simojoki, and

Tornionjoki rivers has been 30 to 60 Bq/kg. The highest caesium-137 concentra-tions from salmon in the Baltic Sea were still around 300 Bq/kg in 1990 but had fallen to 70 Bq/kg fresh weight in 2000 (Saxén et al. 2003). In Finland, concen-trations of radioactive substances in food are currently low, and there are no usage restrictions.


The Arctic region and Lapland have been and remain mainly among the Earth’s cleanest and most unspoiled areas. How-ever, significant changes affecting these areas, such as increased human activi-ty, reindeer overgrazing, and long-range transported pollutants, make it neces-sary to pay more attention to environ-mental protection and also to the living conditions of residents and the survival of indigenous peoples. Lapland interacts in many ways with other regions of the Earth and its protection benefits others, at least indirectly, especially in southern areas. Finland should better follow the principle of sustainable development in Lapland and in the reindeer herding area.

As a result of reindeer grazing, moun-tain areas, large protected areas, national parks, nature reserves, and wilderness ar-eas are badly worn, in some places even more than in outside areas. Reindeer grazing has been the biggest factor in changing vegetation and has caused ero-sion in some areas. The current condi-tion of winter pastures and the continual change for the worse show that main-taining the current number of reindeer is no longer possible with natural win-ter food. As a result of climate change,

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increased snow and ice cover will make the food intake of reindeer on worn pas-tures increasingly difficult. Reindeer and moose meat are not organic products. Reindeer husbandry based on feeding and heavy technology now has a heavy environmental impact and carbon foot-print. The carbon footprint is greatly in-creased by fertilizers, feed production and purchased feed, as well as many ve-hicles and much other machinery.

In addition to long-range deposi-tion, Lapland is still somewhat affected by emissions from within the region or from emission sources in its immediate vicinity. The growing use of natural re-sources and related industries and traf-fic, increase overall environmental im-pact. The simple lichen-reindeer-man food chain is very sensitive to pollutants and environmental toxins. Multi-tiered aquatic ecosystems can be a problem for fish. Especially in Lapland, the concen-trations of heavy metals (cadmium, lead, and mercury) have been greatly reduced. Cadmium levels in reindeer, moose, and mountain hare meat are low and close to the limit of quantification (0.001 mg/kg fresh weight). They do not exceed the recommended limit (0.1 mg / kg). The cadmium concentration in reindeer liv-er has also fallen further and is now be-low the recommended limit (0.5 mg/kg). Cadmium concentrations in the liver and kidneys of adult moose, which eat lots of woody plants, have risen significant-ly and exceed the recommended maxi-mum limits. Cadmium levels in the liver and kidneys of mountain hare, and far-ther south brown hare, are also too high for food use. The lead concentration in reindeer meat is low, and the lead con-

centration in reindeer and moose liver and kidneys has decreased and is below 0.05 mg/kg fresh weight. In Lapland, reindeer lichens and mushrooms are rich in selenium. Selenium concentrations are also high in reindeer meat, especially in the northern part of the reindeer herd-ing area, and they are 5-10 times higher than is normal in domesticated animals.

Slow-growing predatory fish, such as pike, perch, pike perch, and burbot, tend to ingest large amounts of mercury. The mercury concentration in pike from the lakes of Lapland and the Tornionjoki River is less than 0.5 mg/kg fresh weight. Mercury appears most in pike from Lake Kemijärvi, and least from Lake Inari. In Lapland, mercury concentrations in pike are lower than in Finnish Lakeland. Mer-cury levels in whitefish and Arctic char are also low, and the concentration in vendace from Lake Inari has averaged only 0.16 mg/kg. In the 1990’s, the DDT concentration of salmon in the Tenojo-ki River was 1/7, and the PCB concen-tration 1/5 of those in Baltic salmon. Concentrations in the Baltic whitefish of the Tornionjoki River were higher owing to the effect of the Baltic Sea. Organ-ic environmental toxins, such as dioxins and furans, are very common in oily Bal-tic herring and salmon, but appear less in freshwater fish. Concentrations are al-so limited in the vendace of Lake Inari and the Arctic char of Lapland. Tenojo-ki River salmon have clearly lower lev-els of dioxin than Baltic salmon. The use of seal fat in food is not recommend-ed in Finland, and about 100g of seal meat may be eaten only once or twice a month. Dioxin and PCB concentrations are low in reindeer and moose meat, with

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an average toxic equivalent (TEQ) of 2 pg/g fat.

By the early 2000s, the caesium-137 content of reindeer meat in Lapland was less than 200 and is now less than 100 Bq/kg fresh weight. On better lichen pasture in Kuhmo, the concentration of caesium-137 in forest reindeer was still 1,000 Bq/kg, and in Suomenselkä up to 3,000 Bq/kg. The concentration of cae-sium-137 in moose meat is now lower than in reindeer. Salmon in the Tenojoki River, and in the Tulomajoki River of the Kola Peninsula, has a caesium-137 con-centration of less than 0.3 Bq/kg. The concentration of caesium-137 in salmon rising from the Baltic Sea to the Kemijo-ki, Simojoki, and Tornionjoki rivers has been 30 to 60 Bq/kg. The largest cae-sium-137 concentrations in Baltic Sea salmon (about 300 Bq/kg) was measured in 1990. Ten years later, the concentra-tion was only 70 Bq/kg fresh weight. In general, the purest reindeer, game, and fish are found in Lapland today.


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Acta Lapponica Fenniae 24

The clean nature of the North

ToimittaneetRainer Peltola ja Pertti Sarala

The clean

nature of th

e North

The research

society of Laplan

d Edited byRainer Peltola and Pertti Sarala

Acta Lap


ica Fenn

iae 24

ISBN 978-951-9327-68-6 (bound)ISBN 978-951-9327-69-3 (PDF)ISSN 0457-1754

Lapland and its unique nature are widely known. The clean environment of Lapland – or its image – are used in many ways for the needs of diverse stakehold-ers, including economic life: tourism, agriculture and food industry. However, knowledge about the state of Lapland´s environment can be based on images rather than facts as the availability of research-based, popular information has been limited. From scientific point of view, the charm of Lapland´s nature is based on soil, water and air and their interactions with diverse biota, including humans. This publication is the result of co-operation between Research Soci-ety of Lapland, LAPPI LUO (“Lappi Creates”) – work-ing programme and several research scientists. The publication is for all who are interested in the state of Lapland´s environment.

The clean nature of the North - Lapin tutkimusseura - [PDF Document] (2024)


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